TRAVIS_OS_NAME=linux <<<<<< ENV benchmarks/ndslice/binarization.d benchmarks/ndslice/convolution.d benchmarks/ndslice/dot_product.d benchmarks/ndslice/euclidean_distance.d dub.json examples/data/stop_words examples/data/trndocs.dat examples/data/words examples/lda_hoffman_sparse.d examples/means_of_columns.d examples/median_filter.d index.d source/mir/glas/l1.d source/mir/glas/l2.d source/mir/glas/package.d source/mir/model/lda/hoffman.d source/mir/sparse/blas/axpy.d source/mir/sparse/blas/dot.d source/mir/sparse/blas/gemm.d source/mir/sparse/blas/gemv.d source/mir/sparse/blas/package.d source/mir/sparse/package.d subprojects/mir-algorithm.wrap subprojects/mir-core.wrap subprojects/mir-linux-kernel.wrap subprojects/mir-random.wrap <<<<<< network # path=./source-mir-sparse-blas-axpy.lst |/** |License: $(LINK2, Boost License 1.0). | |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko |*/ |module mir.sparse.blas.axpy; | |import std.traits; |import mir.ndslice.slice; |import mir.sparse; |import mir.series; | |/++ |Constant times a vector plus a vector. | |Params: | x = sparse vector | y = dense vector | alpha = scalar |Returns: | `y = alpha * x + y` |+/ |void axpy( | CR, | V1 : Series!(I1, T1), | I1, T1, V2) |(in CR alpha, V1 x, V2 y) | if (isDynamicArray!V2 || isSlice!V2) |in |{ 28| if (x.index.length) 27| assert(x.index[$-1] < y.length); |} |body |{ | import mir.internal.utility; | 321| foreach (size_t i; 0 .. x.index.length) | { 79| auto j = x.index[i]; 79| y[j] = alpha * x.value[i] + y[j]; | } |} | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.series; 1| auto x = series([0, 3, 5, 9, 10], [1.0, 3, 4, 9, 13]); 1| auto y = [0.0, 1.0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]; 1| axpy(2.0, x, y); 1| assert(y == [2.0, 1.0, 2, 9, 4, 13, 6, 7, 8, 27, 36, 11, 12]); |} | |unittest |{ | import mir.series; 1| auto x = series([0, 3, 5, 9, 10], [1.0, 3, 4, 9, 13]); 1| auto y = [0.0, 1.0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]; 1| axpy(2.0, x, y.sliced); 1| assert(y == [2.0, 1.0, 2, 9, 4, 13, 6, 7, 8, 27, 36, 11, 12]); |} | |unittest |{ 1| auto x = series([0, 3, 5, 9, 10], [1.0, 3, 4, 9, 13]); 1| auto y = [0.0, 1.0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]; 1| axpy(2.0, x, y.slicedField); 1| assert(y == [2.0, 1.0, 2, 9, 4, 13, 6, 7, 8, 27, 36, 11, 12]); |} source/mir/sparse/blas/axpy.d is 100% covered <<<<<< EOF # path=./..-..-..-.dub-packages-mir-core-1.1.69-mir-core-source-mir-primitives.lst |/++ |Templates used to check primitives and |range primitives for arrays with multi-dimensional like API support. | |Note: |UTF strings behaves like common arrays in Mir. |`std.uni.byCodePoint` can be used to create a range of characters. | |License: $(HTTP, Apache-2.0) |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko |+/ |module mir.primitives; | |import mir.internal.utility; |import mir.math.common: optmath; |import std.traits; | |@optmath: | |/++ |Returns: `true` if `R` has a `length` member that returns an |integral type implicitly convertible to `size_t`. | |`R` does not have to be a range. |+/ |enum bool hasLength(R) = is(typeof( |(const R r, inout int = 0) |{ | size_t l = r.length; |})); | |/// |@safe version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static assert(hasLength!(char[])); | static assert(hasLength!(int[])); | static assert(hasLength!(inout(int)[])); | | struct B { size_t length() const { return 0; } } | struct C { @property size_t length() const { return 0; } } | static assert(hasLength!(B)); | static assert(hasLength!(C)); |} | |/++ |Returns: `true` if `R` has a `shape` member that returns an static array type of size_t[N]. |+/ |enum bool hasShape(R) = is(typeof( |(const R r, inout int = 0) |{ | auto l = r.shape; | alias F = typeof(l); | import std.traits; | static assert(isStaticArray!F); | static assert(is(ForeachType!F == size_t)); |})); | |/// |@safe version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static assert(hasShape!(char[])); | static assert(hasShape!(int[])); | static assert(hasShape!(inout(int)[])); | | struct B { size_t length() const { return 0; } } | struct C { @property size_t length() const { return 0; } } | static assert(hasShape!(B)); | static assert(hasShape!(C)); |} | |/// |auto shape(Range)(scope const auto ref Range range) @property | if (hasLength!Range || hasShape!Range) |{ | static if (__traits(hasMember, Range, "shape")) | { | return range.shape; | } | else | { | size_t[1] ret; | ret[0] = range.length; | return ret; | } |} | |/// |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static assert([2, 2, 2].shape == [3]); |} | |/// |template DimensionCount(T) |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: Slice, SliceKind; | /// Extracts dimension count from a $(LREF Slice). Alias for $(LREF isSlice). | static if(is(T : Slice!(Iterator, N, kind), Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)) | enum size_t DimensionCount = N; | else | static if (hasShape!T) | enum size_t DimensionCount = typeof(T.init.shape).length; | else | enum size_t DimensionCount = 1; |} | |package(mir) bool anyEmptyShape(size_t N)(scope const auto ref size_t[N] shape) @property |{ | foreach (i; Iota!N) | if (shape[i] == 0) | return true; | return false; |} | |/// |bool anyEmpty(Range)(scope const auto ref Range range) @property | if (hasShape!Range || __traits(hasMember, Range, "anyEmpty")) |{ | static if (__traits(hasMember, Range, "anyEmpty")) | { | return range.anyEmpty; | } | else | static if (__traits(hasMember, Range, "shape")) | { | return anyEmptyShape(range.shape); | } | else | { | return range.empty; | } |} | |/// |size_t elementCount(Range)(scope const auto ref Range range) @property | if (hasShape!Range || __traits(hasMember, Range, "elementCount")) |{ | static if (__traits(hasMember, Range, "elementCount")) | { | return range.elementCount; | } | else | { | auto sh = range.shape; | size_t ret = sh[0]; | foreach(i; Iota!(1, sh.length)) | { | ret *= sh[i]; | } | return ret; | } |} | |deprecated("use elementCount instead") |alias elementsCount = elementCount; | | |/++ |Returns the element type of a struct with `.DeepElement` inner alias or a type of common array. |Returns `ForeachType` if struct does not have `.DeepElement` member. |+/ |template DeepElementType(S) | if (is(S == struct) || is(S == class) || is(S == interface)) |{ | static if (__traits(hasMember, S, "DeepElement")) | alias DeepElementType = S.DeepElement; | else | alias DeepElementType = ForeachType!S; |} | |/// ditto |alias DeepElementType(S : T[], T) = T; | |/+ ARRAY PRIMITIVES +/ |pragma(inline, true): | |/// |bool empty(size_t dim = 0, T)(scope const T[] ar) | if (!dim) |{ | return !ar.length; |} | |/// |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | assert((int[]).init.empty); | assert(![1].empty!0); // Slice-like API |} | |/// |ref inout(T) front(size_t dim = 0, T)(scope return inout(T)[] ar) | if (!dim && !is(Unqual!T[] == void[])) |{ | assert(ar.length, "Accessing front of an empty array."); | return ar[0]; |} | |/// |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | assert(*&[3, 4].front == 3); // access be ref | assert([3, 4].front!0 == 3); // Slice-like API |} | | |/// |ref inout(T) back(size_t dim = 0, T)(scope return inout(T)[] ar) | if (!dim && !is(Unqual!T[] == void[])) |{ | assert(ar.length, "Accessing back of an empty array."); | return ar[$ - 1]; |} | |/// |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | assert(*&[3, 4].back == 4); // access be ref | assert([3, 4].back!0 == 4); // Slice-like API |} | |/// |void popFront(size_t dim = 0, T)(scope ref inout(T)[] ar) | if (!dim && !is(Unqual!T[] == void[])) |{ | assert(ar.length, "Evaluating popFront() on an empty array."); | ar = ar[1 .. $]; |} | |/// |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | auto ar = [3, 4]; | ar.popFront; | assert(ar == [4]); | ar.popFront!0; // Slice-like API | assert(ar == []); |} | |/// |void popBack(size_t dim = 0, T)(scope ref inout(T)[] ar) | if (!dim && !is(Unqual!T[] == void[])) |{ | assert(ar.length, "Evaluating popBack() on an empty array."); | ar = ar[0 .. $ - 1]; |} | |/// |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | auto ar = [3, 4]; | ar.popBack; | assert(ar == [3]); | ar.popBack!0; // Slice-like API | assert(ar == []); |} | |/// |size_t popFrontN(size_t dim = 0, T)(scope ref inout(T)[] ar, size_t n) | if (!dim && !is(Unqual!T[] == void[])) |{ | n = ar.length < n ? ar.length : n; | ar = ar[n .. $]; | return n; |} | |/// |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | auto ar = [3, 4]; | ar.popFrontN(1); | assert(ar == [4]); | ar.popFrontN!0(10); // Slice-like API | assert(ar == []); |} | |/// |size_t popBackN(size_t dim = 0, T)(scope ref inout(T)[] ar, size_t n) | if (!dim && !is(Unqual!T[] == void[])) |{ | n = ar.length < n ? ar.length : n; | ar = ar[0 .. $ - n]; | return n; |} | |/// |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | auto ar = [3, 4]; | ar.popBackN(1); | assert(ar == [3]); | ar.popBackN!0(10); // Slice-like API | assert(ar == []); |} | |/// |void popFrontExactly(size_t dim = 0, T)(scope ref inout(T)[] ar, size_t n) | if (!dim && !is(Unqual!T[] == void[])) |{ | assert(ar.length >= n, "Evaluating *.popFrontExactly(n) on an array with length less then n."); | ar = ar[n .. $]; |} | |/// |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | auto ar = [3, 4, 5]; | ar.popFrontExactly(2); | assert(ar == [5]); | ar.popFrontExactly!0(1); // Slice-like API | assert(ar == []); |} | |/// |void popBackExactly(size_t dim = 0, T)(scope ref inout(T)[] ar, size_t n) | if (!dim && !is(Unqual!T[] == void[])) |{ | assert(ar.length >= n, "Evaluating *.popBackExactly(n) on an array with length less then n."); | ar = ar[0 .. $ - n]; |} | |/// |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | auto ar = [3, 4, 5]; | ar.popBackExactly(2); | assert(ar == [3]); | ar.popBackExactly!0(1); // Slice-like API | assert(ar == []); |} | |/// |size_t length(size_t d : 0, T)(in T[] array) | if (d == 0) |{ | return array.length; |} | |/// |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | assert([1, 2].length!0 == 2); | assert([1, 2].elementCount == 2); |} | |/// |inout(T)[] save(T)(scope return inout(T)[] array) |{ | return array; |} | |/// |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | auto a = [1, 2]; | assert(a is; |} ../../../.dub/packages/mir-core-1.1.69/mir-core/source/mir/primitives.d has no code <<<<<< EOF # path=./..-..-..-.dub-packages-mir-algorithm-3.10.60-mir-algorithm-source-mir-ndslice-field.lst |/++ |This is a submodule of $(MREF mir,ndslice). | |Field is a type with `opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index)` primitive. |An iterator can be created on top of a field using $(SUBREF iterator, FieldIterator). |An ndslice can be created on top of a field using $(SUBREF slice, slicedField). | |$(BOOKTABLE $(H2 Fields), |$(TR $(TH Field Name) $(TH Used By)) |$(T2 BitField, $(SUBREF topology, bitwise)) |$(T2 BitpackField, $(SUBREF topology, bitpack)) |$(T2 CycleField, $(SUBREF topology, cycle) (2 kinds)) |$(T2 LinspaceField, $(SUBREF topology, linspace)) |$(T2 MagicField, $(SUBREF topology, magic)) |$(T2 MapField, $(SUBREF topology, map) and $(SUBREF topology, mapField)) |$(T2 ndIotaField, $(SUBREF topology, ndiota)) |$(T2 OrthogonalReduceField, $(SUBREF topology, orthogonalReduceField)) |$(T2 RepeatField, $(SUBREF topology, repeat)) |$(T2 SparseField, Used for mutable DOK sparse matrixes ) |) | | | |License: $(HTTP, Apache-2.0) |Copyright: 2020 Ilya Yaroshenko, Kaleidic Associates Advisory Limited, Symmetry Investments |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko | |Macros: |SUBREF = $(REF_ALTTEXT $(TT $2), $2, mir, ndslice, $1)$(NBSP) |T2=$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1)) $(TD $+)) |+/ |module mir.ndslice.field; | |import mir.internal.utility: Iota; |import mir.math.common: optmath; |import mir.ndslice.internal; |import mir.qualifier; | |@optmath: | |package template ZeroShiftField(T) |{ | static if (hasZeroShiftFieldMember!T) | alias ZeroShiftField = typeof(T.init.assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift()); | else | alias ZeroShiftField = T; |} | |package enum hasZeroShiftFieldMember(T) = __traits(hasMember, T, "assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift"); | |package auto applyAssumeZeroShift(Types...)() |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology; | string str; | foreach(i, T; Types) | static if (hasZeroShiftFieldMember!T) | str ~= "_fields[" ~ i.stringof ~ "].assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift, "; | else | str ~= "_fields[" ~ i.stringof ~ "], "; | return str; |} | |auto MapField__map(Field, alias fun, alias fun1)(ref MapField!(Field, fun) f) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | import mir.functional: pipe; | return MapField!(Field, pipe!(fun, fun1))(move(f._field)); |} | | |/++ |`MapField` is used by $(SUBREF topology, map). |+/ |struct MapField(Field, alias _fun) |{ |@optmath: | /// | Field _field; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return MapField!(LightConstOf!Field, _fun)(.lightConst(_field)); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return MapField!(LightImmutableOf!Field, _fun)(.lightImmutable(_field)); | } | | /++ | User defined constructor used by $(LREF mapField). | +/ | static alias __map(alias fun1) = MapField__map!(Field, _fun, fun1); | | auto ref opIndex(T...)(auto ref T index) | { | import mir.functional: RefTuple, unref; | static if (is(typeof(_field[index]) : RefTuple!K, K...)) | { | auto t = _field[index]; | return mixin("_fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(K.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ ")"); | } | else | return _fun(_field[index]); | } | | static if (__traits(hasMember, Field, "length")) | auto length() const @property | { | return _field.length; | } | | static if (__traits(hasMember, Field, "shape")) | auto shape() const @property | { | return _field.shape; | } | | static if (__traits(hasMember, Field, "elementCount")) | auto elementCount() const @property | { | return _field.elementCount; | } | | static if (hasZeroShiftFieldMember!Field) | /// Defined if `Field` has member `assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift`. | auto assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift() @property | { | return _mapField!_fun(_field.assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift); | } |} | |/++ |`VmapField` is used by $(SUBREF topology, map). |+/ |struct VmapField(Field, Fun) |{ |@optmath: | /// | Field _field; | /// | Fun _fun; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return VmapField!(LightConstOf!Field, _fun)(.lightConst(_field)); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return VmapField!(LightImmutableOf!Field, _fun)(.lightImmutable(_field)); | } | | auto ref opIndex(T...)(auto ref T index) | { | import mir.functional: RefTuple, unref; | static if (is(typeof(_field[index]) : RefTuple!K, K...)) | { | auto t = _field[index]; | return mixin("_fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(K.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ ")"); | } | else | return _fun(_field[index]); | } | | static if (__traits(hasMember, Field, "length")) | auto length() const @property | { | return _field.length; | } | | static if (__traits(hasMember, Field, "shape")) | auto shape() const @property | { | return _field.shape; | } | | static if (__traits(hasMember, Field, "elementCount")) | auto elementCount()const @property | { | return _field.elementCount; | } | | static if (hasZeroShiftFieldMember!Field) | /// Defined if `Field` has member `assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift`. | auto assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift() @property | { | return _vmapField(_field.assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift, _fun); | } |} | |/+ |Creates a mapped field. Uses `__map` if possible. |+/ |auto _mapField(alias fun, Field)(Field field) |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (( | __traits(isSame, fun, naryFun!"a|b") || | __traits(isSame, fun, naryFun!"a^b") || | __traits(isSame, fun, naryFun!"a&b") || | __traits(isSame, fun, naryFun!"a | b") || | __traits(isSame, fun, naryFun!"a ^ b") || | __traits(isSame, fun, naryFun!"a & b")) && | is(Field : ZipField!(BitField!(LeftField, I), BitField!(RightField, I)), LeftField, RightField, I)) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: bitwiseField; | auto f = ZipField!(LeftField, RightField)(field._fields[0]._field, field._fields[1]._field)._mapField!fun; | return f.bitwiseField!(typeof(f), I); | } | else | static if (__traits(hasMember, Field, "__map")) | return Field.__map!fun(field); | else | return MapField!(Field, fun)(field); |} | |/+ |Creates a mapped field. Uses `__vmap` if possible. |+/ |auto _vmapField(Field, Fun)(Field field, Fun fun) |{ | static if (__traits(hasMember, Field, "__vmap")) | return Field.__vmap(field, fun); | else | return VmapField!(Field, Fun)(field, fun); |} | |/++ |Iterates multiple fields in lockstep. | |`ZipField` is used by $(SUBREF topology, zipFields). |+/ |struct ZipField(Fields...) | if (Fields.length > 1) |{ |@optmath: | import mir.functional: RefTuple, Ref, _ref; | import std.meta: anySatisfy; | | /// | Fields _fields; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | import std.format; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | import std.meta: staticMap; | return mixin("ZipField!(staticMap!(LightConstOf, Fields))(%(_fields[%s].lightConst,%)].lightConst)".format(_fields.length.iota)); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | import std.format; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | import std.meta: staticMap; | return mixin("ZipField!(staticMap!(LightImmutableOf, Fields))(%(_fields[%s].lightImmutable,%)].lightImmutable)".format(_fields.length.iota)); | } | | auto opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index) | { | alias Iterators = Fields; | alias _iterators = _fields; | import mir.ndslice.iterator: _zip_types, _zip_index; | return mixin("RefTuple!(_zip_types!Fields)(" ~ _zip_index!Fields ~ ")"); | } | | auto opIndexAssign(Types...)(RefTuple!(Types) value, ptrdiff_t index) | if (Types.length == Fields.length) | { | foreach(i, ref val; value.expand) | { | _fields[i][index] = val; | } | return opIndex(index); | } | | static if (anySatisfy!(hasZeroShiftFieldMember, Fields)) | /// Defined if at least one of `Fields` has member `assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift`. | auto assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift() @property | { | import std.meta: staticMap; | return mixin("ZipField!(staticMap!(ZeroShiftField, Fields))(" ~ applyAssumeZeroShift!Fields ~ ")"); | } |} | |/++ |`RepeatField` is used by $(SUBREF topology, repeat). |+/ |struct RepeatField(T) |{ | import std.traits: Unqual; | |@optmath: | alias UT = Unqual!T; | | /// | UT _value; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property @trusted | { | return RepeatField!(const T)(cast(UT) _value); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property @trusted | { | return RepeatField!(immutable T)(cast(UT) _value); | } | | auto ref T opIndex()(ptrdiff_t) @trusted | { return cast(T) _value; } |} | |/++ |`BitField` is used by $(SUBREF topology, bitwise). |+/ |struct BitField(Field, I = typeof(cast()Field.init[size_t.init])) | if (__traits(isUnsigned, I)) |{ |@optmath: | import mir.bitop: ctlz; | package(mir) alias E = I; | package(mir) enum shift = ctlz(I.sizeof) + 3; | | /// | Field _field; | | /// optimization for bitwise operations | auto __vmap(Fun : LeftOp!(op, bool), string op)(Fun fun) | if (op == "|" || op == "&" || op == "^") | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: bitwiseField; | return _vmapField(_field, RightOp!(op, I)(I(0) - fun.value)).bitwiseField; | } | | /// ditto | auto __vmap(Fun : RightOp!(op, bool), string op)(Fun fun) | if (op == "|" || op == "&" || op == "^") | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: bitwiseField; | return _vmapField(_field, RightOp!(op, I)(I(0) - fun.value)).bitwiseField; | } | | /// ditto | auto __vmap(Fun)(Fun fun) | { | return VmapField!(typeof(this), Fun)(this, fun); | } | | /// ditto | alias __map(alias fun) = BitField__map!(Field, I, fun); | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return BitField!(LightConstOf!Field, I)(mir.qualifier.lightConst(_field)); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return BitField!(LightImmutableOf!Field, I)(mir.qualifier.lightImmutable(_field)); | } | | bool opIndex()(size_t index) | { | import mir.bitop: bt; | return bt!(Field, I)(_field, index) != 0; | } | | bool opIndexAssign()(bool value, size_t index) | { | import mir.bitop: bta; | bta!(Field, I)(_field, index, value); | return value; | } | | static if (hasZeroShiftFieldMember!Field) | /// Defined if `Field` has member `assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift`. | auto assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift() @property | { | return BitField!(ZeroShiftField!Field, I)(_field.assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift); | } |} | |/// |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.iterator: FieldIterator; | ushort[10] data; | auto f = FieldIterator!(BitField!(ushort*))(0, BitField!(ushort*)(data.ptr)); | f[123] = true; | f++; | assert(f[122]); |} | |auto BitField__map(Field, I, alias fun)(BitField!(Field, I) field) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, fun, naryFun!"~a") || __traits(isSame, fun, naryFun!"!a")) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: bitwiseField; | auto f = _mapField!(naryFun!"~a")(move(field._field)); | return f.bitwiseField!(typeof(f), I); | } | else | { | return MapField!(BitField!(Field, I), fun)(move(field)); | } |} | |/++ |`BitpackField` is used by $(SUBREF topology, bitpack). |+/ |struct BitpackField(Field, uint pack, I = typeof(cast()Field.init[size_t.init])) | if (__traits(isUnsigned, I)) |{ | //static assert(); |@optmath: | package(mir) alias E = I; | package(mir) enum mask = (I(1) << pack) - 1; | package(mir) enum bits = I.sizeof * 8; | | /// | Field _field; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return BitpackField!(LightConstOf!Field, pack)(.lightConst(_field)); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return BitpackField!(LightImmutableOf!Field, pack)(.lightImmutable(_field)); | } | | I opIndex()(size_t index) | { | index *= pack; | size_t start = index % bits; | index /= bits; | auto ret = (_field[index] >>> start) & mask; | static if (bits % pack) | { | sizediff_t end = start - (bits - pack); | if (end > 0) | ret ^= cast(I)(_field[index + 1] << (bits - end)) >>> (bits - pack); | } | return cast(I) ret; | } | | I opIndexAssign()(I value, size_t index) | { | import std.traits: Unsigned; | assert(cast(Unsigned!I)value <= mask); | index *= pack; | size_t start = index % bits; | index /= bits; | _field[index] = cast(I)((_field[index] & ~(mask << start)) ^ (value << start)); | static if (bits % pack) | { | sizediff_t end = start - (bits - pack); | if (end > 0) | _field[index + 1] = cast(I)((_field[index + 1] & ~((I(1) << end) - 1)) ^ (value >>> (pack - end))); | } | return value; | } | | static if (hasZeroShiftFieldMember!Field) | /// Defined if `Field` has member `assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift`. | auto assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift() @property | { | return BitpackField!(ZeroShiftField!Field, pack, I)(_field.assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift); | } |} | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.iterator: FieldIterator; | ushort[10] data; | auto f = FieldIterator!(BitpackField!(ushort*, 6))(0, BitpackField!(ushort*, 6)(data.ptr)); | f[0] = cast(ushort) 31; | f[1] = cast(ushort) 13; | f[2] = cast(ushort) 8; | f[3] = cast(ushort) 43; | f[4] = cast(ushort) 28; | f[5] = cast(ushort) 63; | f[6] = cast(ushort) 39; | f[7] = cast(ushort) 23; | f[8] = cast(ushort) 44; | | assert(f[0] == 31); | assert(f[1] == 13); | assert(f[2] == 8); | assert(f[3] == 43); | assert(f[4] == 28); | assert(f[5] == 63); | assert(f[6] == 39); | assert(f[7] == 23); | assert(f[8] == 44); | assert(f[9] == 0); | assert(f[10] == 0); | assert(f[11] == 0); |} | |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology; | import mir.ndslice.sorting; | uint[2] data; | auto packed = data[].sliced.bitpack!18; | assert(packed.length == 3); | packed[0] = 5; | packed[1] = 3; | packed[2] = 2; | packed.sort; | assert(packed[0] == 2); | assert(packed[1] == 3); | assert(packed[2] == 5); |} | |/// |struct OrthogonalReduceField(FieldsIterator, alias fun, T) |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: Slice; | |@optmath: | /// non empty slice | | Slice!FieldsIterator _fields; | | /// | T _initialValue; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | auto fields = _fields.lightConst; | return OrthogonalReduceField!(fields.Iterator, fun, T)(fields, _initialValue); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | auto fields = _fields.lightImmutable; | return OrthogonalReduceField!(fields.Iterator, fun, T)(fields, _initialValue); | } | | /// `r = fun(r, fields[i][index]);` reduction by `i` | auto opIndex()(size_t index) | { | import std.traits: Unqual; | auto fields = _fields; | T r = _initialValue; | if (!fields.empty) do | { | r = cast(T) fun(r, fields.front[index]); | fields.popFront; | } | while(!fields.empty); | return r; | } |} | |/// |struct CycleField(Field) |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: Slice; | |@optmath: | /// Cycle length | size_t _length; | /// | Field _field; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | auto field = .lightConst(_field); | return CycleField!(typeof(field))(_length, field); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | auto field = .lightImmutable(_field); | return CycleField!(typeof(field))(_length, field); | } | | /// | auto ref opIndex()(size_t index) | { | return _field[index % _length]; | } | | /// | static if (!__traits(compiles, &opIndex(size_t.init))) | { | auto ref opIndexAssign(T)(auto ref T value, size_t index) | { | return _field[index % _length] = value; | } | } | | static if (hasZeroShiftFieldMember!Field) | /// Defined if `Field` has member `assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift`. | auto assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift() @property | { | return CycleField!(ZeroShiftField!Field)(_length, _field.assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift); | } |} | |/// |struct CycleField(Field, size_t length) |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: Slice; | |@optmath: | /// Cycle length | enum _length = length; | /// | Field _field; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | auto field = .lightConst(_field); | return CycleField!(typeof(field), _length)(field); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | auto field = .lightImmutable(_field); | return CycleField!(typeof(field), _length)(field); | } | | /// | auto ref opIndex()(size_t index) | { | return _field[index % _length]; | } | | /// | static if (!__traits(compiles, &opIndex(size_t.init))) | { | auto ref opIndexAssign(T)(auto ref T value, size_t index) | { | return _field[index % _length] = value; | } | } | | static if (hasZeroShiftFieldMember!Field) | /// Defined if `Field` has member `assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift`. | auto assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift() @property | { | return CycleField!(ZeroShiftField!Field, _length)(_field.assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift); | } |} | |/++ |`ndIotaField` is used by $(SUBREF topology, ndiota). |+/ |struct ndIotaField(size_t N) | if (N) |{ |@optmath: | /// | size_t[N - 1] _lengths; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return ndIotaField!N(_lengths); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() const @property | { | return ndIotaField!N(_lengths); | } | | /// | size_t[N] opIndex()(size_t index) const | { | size_t[N] indices; | foreach_reverse (i; Iota!(N - 1)) | { | indices[i + 1] = index % _lengths[i]; | index /= _lengths[i]; | } | indices[0] = index; | return indices; | } |} | |/++ |`LinspaceField` is used by $(SUBREF topology, linspace). |+/ |struct LinspaceField(T) |{ | /// | size_t _length; | | /// | T _start = cast(T) 0, _stop = cast(T) 0; | | /// | auto lightConst()() scope const @property | { 0000000| return LinspaceField!T(_length, _start, _stop); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() scope const @property | { | return LinspaceField!T(_length, _start, _stop); | } | | // no fastmath | /// | T opIndex()(sizediff_t index) scope const | { 0000000| sizediff_t d = _length - 1; 0000000| auto v = typeof( - index); 0000000| auto w = typeof(; 0000000| v /= d; 0000000| w /= d; 0000000| auto a = v * _start; 0000000| auto b = w * _stop; 0000000| return a + b; | } | |@optmath: | | /// | size_t length(size_t dimension = 0)() scope const @property | if (dimension == 0) | { 0000000| return _length; | } | | /// | size_t[1] shape()() scope const @property @nogc | { | return [_length]; | } |} | |/++ |Magic square field. |+/ |struct MagicField |{ |@optmath: |@safe pure nothrow @nogc: | | /++ | Magic Square size. | +/ | size_t _n; | |scope const: | | /// | MagicField lightConst()() @property | { 0000000| return this; | } | | /// | MagicField lightImmutable()() @property | { | return this; | } | | /// | size_t length(size_t dimension = 0)() @property | if(dimension <= 2) | { 0000000| return _n * _n; | } | | /// | size_t[1] shape() @property | { 0000000| return [_n * _n]; | } | | /// | size_t opIndex(size_t index) | { | pragma(inline, false); 0000000| auto d = index / _n; 0000000| auto m = index % _n; 0000000| if (_n & 1) | { | //d = _n - 1 - d; // MATLAB synchronization | //index = d * _n + m; // ditto 0000000| auto r = (index + 1 - d + (_n - 3) / 2) % _n; 0000000| auto c = (_n * _n - index + 2 * d) % _n; 0000000| return r * _n + c + 1; | } | else 0000000| if ((_n & 2) == 0) | { 0000000| auto a = (d + 1) & 2; 0000000| auto b = (m + 1) & 2; 0000000| return a != b ? index + 1: _n * _n - index; | } | else | { 0000000| auto n = _n / 2 ; 0000000| size_t shift; 0000000| ptrdiff_t q; 0000000| ptrdiff_t p = m - n; 0000000| if (p >= 0) | { 0000000| m = p; 0000000| shift = n * n; 0000000| auto mul = m <= n / 2 + 1; 0000000| q = d - n; 0000000| if (q >= 0) | { 0000000| d = q; 0000000| mul = !mul; | } 0000000| if (mul) | { 0000000| shift *= 2; | } | } | else | { 0000000| auto mul = m < n / 2; 0000000| q = d - n; 0000000| if (q >= 0) | { 0000000| d = q; 0000000| mul = !mul; | } 0000000| if (d == n / 2 && (m == 0 || m == n / 2)) | { 0000000| mul = !mul; | } 0000000| if (mul) | { 0000000| shift = n * n * 3; | } | } 0000000| index = d * n + m; 0000000| auto r = (index + 1 - d + (n - 3) / 2) % n; 0000000| auto c = (n * n - index + 2 * d) % n; 0000000| return r * n + c + 1 + shift; | } | } |} | |/++ |`SparseField` is used to represent Sparse ndarrays in mutable DOK format. |+/ |struct SparseField(T) |{ | /// | T[size_t] _table; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @trusted | { | return SparseField!(const T)(cast(const(T)[size_t])_table); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @trusted | { | return SparseField!(immutable T)(cast(immutable(T)[size_t])_table); | } | | /// | T opIndex()(size_t index) | { | import std.traits: isScalarType; | static if (isScalarType!T) | return _table.get(index, cast(T)0); | else | return _table.get(index, null); | } | | /// | T opIndexAssign()(T value, size_t index) | { | import std.traits: isScalarType; | static if (isScalarType!T) | { | if (value != 0) | _table[index] = value; | else | _table.remove(index); | } | else | { | if (value !is null) | _table[index] = value; | else | _table.remove(index); | } | return value; | } | | /// | T opIndexUnary(string op)(size_t index) | if (op == `++` || op == `--`) | { | import std.traits: isScalarType; | mixin (`auto value = ` ~ op ~ `_table[index];`); | static if (isScalarType!T) | { | if (value == 0) | _table.remove(index); | } | else | { | if (value is null) | _table.remove(index); | } | return value; | } | | /// | T opIndexOpAssign(string op)(T value, size_t index) | if (op == `+` || op == `-`) | { | import std.traits: isScalarType; | mixin (`value = _table[index] ` ~ op ~ `= value;`); // this works | static if (isScalarType!T) | { | if (value == 0) | _table.remove(index); | } | else | { | if (value is null) | _table.remove(index); | } | return value; | } |} ../../../.dub/packages/mir-algorithm-3.10.60/mir-algorithm/source/mir/ndslice/field.d is 0% covered <<<<<< EOF # path=./.dub-code-mir-test-unittest-unittest-cov-linux.posix-x86_64-ldc_v1.26.0-1790227D545C37DC9FF324808847527B_dub_test_root.lst |module dub_test_root; |import std.typetuple; |static import mir.glas.l1; |static import mir.glas.l2; |static import mir.model.lda.hoffman; |static import mir.sparse.blas.axpy; |static import; |static import mir.sparse.blas.gemm; |static import mir.sparse.blas.gemv; |alias allModules = TypeTuple!(mir.glas.l1, mir.glas.l2, mir.model.lda.hoffman, mir.sparse.blas.axpy,, mir.sparse.blas.gemm, mir.sparse.blas.gemv); | | import std.stdio; | import core.runtime; | 0000000| void main() { writeln("All unit tests have been run successfully."); } | shared static this() { | version (Have_tested) { | import tested; | import core.runtime; | import std.exception; | Runtime.moduleUnitTester = () => true; | enforce(runUnitTests!allModules(new ConsoleTestResultWriter), "Unit tests failed."); | } | } | .dub/code/mir-test-unittest-unittest-cov-linux.posix-x86_64-ldc_v1.26.0-1790227D545C37DC9FF324808847527B_dub_test_root.d is 0% covered <<<<<< EOF # path=./source-mir-sparse-blas-package.lst |/** |License: $(LINK2, Boost License 1.0). | |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko |*/ |module mir.sparse.blas; | |public import; |public import mir.sparse.blas.axpy; |public import mir.sparse.blas.gemv; |public import mir.sparse.blas.gemm; source/mir/sparse/blas/package.d has no code <<<<<< EOF # path=./source-mir-sparse-package.lst |/++ |$(H2 Sparse Tensors) | |License: $(WEB, Boost License 1.0). | |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko |+/ |module mir.sparse; | |import std.traits; |import std.meta; | |import mir.ndslice.slice; |public import mir.ndslice.field: SparseField; |public import mir.ndslice.iterator: ChopIterator, FieldIterator; |public import mir.series: isSeries, Series, mir_series, series; |public import mir.ndslice.slice: CoordinateValue, Slice, mir_slice; |public import mir.ndslice.topology: chopped; | |//TODO: replace with `static foreach` |private template Iota(size_t i, size_t j) |{ | static assert(i <= j, "Iota: i should be less than or equal to j"); | static if (i == j) | alias Iota = AliasSeq!(); | else | alias Iota = AliasSeq!(i, Iota!(i + 1, j)); |} | |/++ |Sparse tensors represented in Dictionary of Keys (DOK) format. | |Params: | N = dimension count | lengths = list of dimension lengths |Returns: | `N`-dimensional slice composed of indeces |See_also: $(LREF Sparse) |+/ |Sparse!(T, N) sparse(T, size_t N)(size_t[N] lengths...) |{ 12| T[size_t] table; 12| table[0] = 0; 12| table.remove(0); 12| assert(table !is null); 12| with (typeof(return)) return FieldIterator!(SparseField!T)(0, SparseField!T(table)).sliced(lengths); |} | |/// |pure unittest |{ 1| auto slice = sparse!double(2, 3); 1| slice[0][] = 1; 1| slice[0, 1] = 2; 1| --slice[0, 0]; 1| slice[1, 2] += 4; | 1| assert(slice == [[0, 2, 1], [0, 0, 4]]); | | import std.range.primitives: isRandomAccessRange; | static assert(isRandomAccessRange!(Sparse!(double, 2))); | | import mir.ndslice.slice: Slice, DeepElementType; | static assert(is(Sparse!(double, 2) : Slice!(FieldIterator!(SparseField!double), 2))); | static assert(is(DeepElementType!(Sparse!(double, 2)) == double)); |} | |/++ |Returns unsorted forward range of (coordinate, value) pairs. | |Params: | slice = sparse slice with pure structure. Any operations on structure of a slice are not allowed. |+/ |auto byCoordinateValue(size_t N, T)(Slice!(FieldIterator!(SparseField!T), N) slice) |{ | struct ByCoordinateValue | { | private sizediff_t[N-1] _strides; | mixin _sparse_range_methods!(typeof(slice._iterator._field._table.byKeyValue())); | | auto front() @property | {S: 5| assert(!_range.empty); 5| auto iv = _range.front; 5| size_t index = iv.key; 10| if (!(_l <= index && index < _r)) | { 0000000| _range.popFront; 0000000| goto S; | } 5| CoordinateValue!(T, N) ret; | foreach (i; Iota!(0, N - 1)) | { 5| ret.index[i] = index / _strides[i]; 5| index %= _strides[i]; | } 5| ret.index[N - 1] = index; 5| ret.value = iv.value; 5| return ret; | } | } 1| size_t l = slice._iterator._index; 1| size_t r = l + slice.elementCount; 1| size_t length = slice._iterator._field._table.byKey.countInInterval(l, r); 1| return ByCoordinateValue(slice.strides[0..N-1], length, l, r, slice._iterator._field._table.byKeyValue); |} | |/// |pure unittest |{ | import mir.array.allocation: array; | import mir.ndslice.sorting: sort; | alias CV = CoordinateValue!(double, 2); | 1| auto slice = sparse!double(3, 3); 1| slice[] = [[0, 2, 1], [0, 0, 4], [6, 7, 0]]; 1| assert(slice.byCoordinateValue.array.sort() == [ | CV([0, 1], 2), | CV([0, 2], 1), | CV([1, 2], 4), | CV([2, 0], 6), | CV([2, 1], 7)]); |} | |/++ |Returns unsorted forward range of coordinates. |Params: | slice = sparse slice with pure structure. Any operations on structure of a slice are not allowed. |+/ |auto byCoordinate(T, size_t N)(Slice!(FieldIterator!(SparseField!T), N) slice) |{ | struct ByCoordinate | { | private sizediff_t[N-1] _strides; | mixin _sparse_range_methods!(typeof(slice._iterator._field._table.byKey())); | | auto front() @property | {S: 5| assert(!_range.empty); 5| size_t index = _range.front; 10| if (!(_l <= index && index < _r)) | { 0000000| _range.popFront; 0000000| goto S; | } 5| size_t[N] ret; | foreach (i; Iota!(0, N - 1)) | { 5| ret[i] = index / _strides[i]; 5| index %= _strides[i]; | } 5| ret[N - 1] = index; 5| return ret; | } | } 1| size_t l = slice._iterator._index; 1| size_t r = l + slice.elementCount; 1| size_t length = slice._iterator._field._table.byKey.countInInterval(l, r); 1| return ByCoordinate(slice.strides[0 .. N - 1], length, l, r, slice._iterator._field._table.byKey); |} | |/// |pure unittest |{ | import mir.array.allocation: array; | import mir.ndslice.sorting: sort; | 1| auto slice = sparse!double(3, 3); 1| slice[] = [[0, 2, 1], [0, 0, 4], [6, 7, 0]]; 1| assert(slice.byCoordinate.array.sort() == [ | [0, 1], | [0, 2], | [1, 2], | [2, 0], | [2, 1]]); |} | |/++ |Returns unsorted forward range of values. |Params: | slice = sparse slice with pure structure. Any operations on structure of a slice are not allowed. |+/ |auto onlyByValue(T, size_t N)(Slice!(FieldIterator!(SparseField!T), N) slice) |{ | struct ByValue | { | mixin _sparse_range_methods!(typeof(slice._iterator._field._table.byKeyValue())); | | auto front() @property | {S: 5| assert(!_range.empty); 5| auto iv = _range.front; 5| size_t index = iv.key; 10| if (!(_l <= index && index < _r)) | { 0000000| _range.popFront; 0000000| goto S; | } 5| return iv.value; | } | } 1| size_t l = slice._iterator._index; 1| size_t r = l + slice.elementCount; 1| size_t length = slice._iterator._field._table.byKey.countInInterval(l, r); 1| return ByValue(length, l, r, slice._iterator._field._table.byKeyValue); |} | |/// |pure unittest |{ | import mir.array.allocation: array; | import mir.ndslice.sorting: sort; | 1| auto slice = sparse!double(3, 3); 1| slice[] = [[0, 2, 1], [0, 0, 4], [6, 7, 0]]; 1| assert(slice.onlyByValue.array.sort() == [1, 2, 4, 6, 7]); |} | |pragma(inline, false) |private size_t countInInterval(Range)(Range range, size_t l, size_t r) |{ 3| size_t count; 51| foreach(ref i; range) 30| if (l <= i && i < r) 15| count++; 3| return count; |} | |private mixin template _sparse_range_methods(Range) |{ | private size_t _length, _l, _r; | private Range _range; | | void popFront() | { 15| assert(!_range.empty); 15| _range.popFront; 15| _length--; | } | | bool empty() const @property | { 0000000| return _length == 0; | } | | auto save() @property | { 0000000| auto ret = this; 0000000| ret._range =; 0000000| return ret; | } | | size_t length() const @property | { 3| return _length; | } |} | |/++ |Returns compressed tensor. |Note: allocates using GC. |+/ |auto compress(I = uint, J = size_t, SliceKind kind, size_t N, Iterator)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | if (N > 1) |{ 8| return compressWithType!(DeepElementType!(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind)), I, J)(slice); |} | |/// Sparse tensor compression |unittest |{ 1| auto sparse = sparse!double(5, 3); 1| sparse[] = | [[0, 2, 1], | [0, 0, 4], | [0, 0, 0], | [6, 0, 9], | [0, 0, 5]]; | 1| auto crs = sparse.compressWithType!double; | // assert(crs.iterator._field == CompressedField!(double, uint, uint)( | // 3, | // [2, 1, 4, 6, 9, 5], | // [1, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2], | // [0, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6])); |} | |/// Sparse tensor compression |unittest |{ 1| auto sparse = sparse!double(5, 8); 1| sparse[] = | [[0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4], | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], | [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9], | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5]]; | 1| auto crs = sparse.compressWithType!double; | // assert(crs.iterator._field == CompressedField!(double, uint, uint)( | // 8, | // [2, 1, 4, 6, 9, 5], | // [1, 7, 7, 0, 7, 7], | // [0, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6])); |} | |/// Dense tensor compression |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | 1| auto sl = slice!double(5, 3); 1| sl[] = | [[0, 2, 1], | [0, 0, 4], | [0, 0, 0], | [6, 0, 9], | [0, 0, 5]]; | 1| auto crs = sl.compressWithType!double; | | // assert(crs.iterator._field == CompressedField!(double, uint, uint)( | // 3, | // [2, 1, 4, 6, 9, 5], | // [1, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2], | // [0, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6])); |} | |/// Dense tensor compression |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | 1| auto sl = slice!double(5, 8); 1| sl[] = | [[0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4], | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], | [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9], | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5]]; | 1| auto crs = sl.compress; | // assert(crs.iterator._field == CompressedField!(double, uint, uint)( | // 8, | // [2, 1, 4, 6, 9, 5], | // [1, 7, 7, 0, 7, 7], | // [0, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6])); |} | |/++ |Returns compressed tensor with different element type. |Note: allocates using GC. |+/ |Slice!(ChopIterator!(J*, Series!(I*, V*)), N - 1) | compressWithType(V, I = uint, J = size_t, T, size_t N) | (Slice!(FieldIterator!(SparseField!T), N) slice) | if (is(T : V) && N > 1 && isUnsigned!I) |{ | import mir.array.allocation: array; | import mir.ndslice.sorting: sort; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; 8| auto compressedData = slice | .iterator | ._field | ._table | .series!(size_t, T, I, V); 8| auto pointers = new J[slice.shape[0 .. N - 1].iota.elementCount + 1]; 16| size_t k = 1, shift; 8| pointers[0] = 0; 8| pointers[1] = 0; 8| const rowLength = slice.length!(N - 1); 233| if(rowLength) foreach (ref index; compressedData.index.field) | { | for(;;) | { 90| sizediff_t newIndex = index - shift; 90| if (newIndex >= rowLength) | { 23| pointers[k + 1] = pointers[k]; 23| shift += rowLength; 23| k++; 23| continue; | } 67| index = cast(I)newIndex; 67| pointers[k] = cast(J) (pointers[k] + 1); 67| break; | } | | } 8| pointers[k + 1 .. $] = pointers[k]; 8| return compressedData.chopped(pointers); |} | | |/// ditto |Slice!(ChopIterator!(J*, Series!(I*, V*)), N - 1) | compressWithType(V, I = uint, J = size_t, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | if (!is(Iterator : FieldIterator!(SparseField!ST), ST) && is(DeepElementType!(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind)) : V) && N > 1 && isUnsigned!I) |{ | import std.array: appender; | import mir.ndslice.topology: pack, flattened; 4| auto vapp = appender!(V[]); 4| auto iapp = appender!(I[]); 4| auto psl = slice.pack!1; 4| auto count = psl.elementCount; 4| auto pointers = new J[count + 1]; | 4| pointers[0] = 0; 4| auto elems = psl.flattened; 4| size_t j = 0; 72| foreach (ref pointer; pointers[1 .. $]) | { 20| auto row = elems.front; 20| elems.popFront; 20| size_t i; 445| foreach (e; row) | { 135| if (e) | { 24| vapp.put(e); 24| iapp.put(cast(I)i); 24| j++; | } 135| i++; | } 20| pointer = cast(J)j; | } 4| return; |} | | |/++ |Re-compresses a compressed tensor. Makes all values, indeces and pointers consequent in memory. | |Sparse slice is iterated twice. The first tine it is iterated to get length of each sparse row, the second time - to copy the data. | |Note: allocates using GC. |+/ |Slice!(ChopIterator!(J*, Series!(I*, V*)), N) | recompress | (V, I = uint, J = size_t, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) sparseSlice) | if (isSeries!(DeepElementType!(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind)))) |{ | import mir.algorithm.iteration: each; | import mir.conv: to, emplaceRef; | import mir.ndslice.allocation: uninitSlice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: pack, flattened, as, member, zip; | 1| size_t count = sparseSlice.elementCount; 1| size_t length; 1| auto pointers = uninitSlice!J(count + 1); 1| pointers.front = 0; 1| sparseSlice | .member!"data" | .member!"elementCount" 5| .each!((len, ref ptr) {ptr = length += len;})(pointers[1 .. $]); | 1| auto i = uninitSlice!I(length); 1| auto v = uninitSlice!V(length); | 1| auto ret = i.series(v).chopped(pointers); | 1| sparseSlice | .each!((a, b) { 5| b.index[] =!I; 5| b.value.each!(emplaceRef!V)(!V); | })(ret); | 1| return ret; |} | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: universal; | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | 1| auto sl = slice!double(5, 8); 1| sl[] = | [[0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4], | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], | [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9], | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5]]; | 1| auto crs = sl.compress; | // assert(crs.iterator._field == CompressedField!(double, uint, uint)( | // 8, | // [2, 1, 4, 6, 9, 5], | // [1, 7, 7, 0, 7, 7], | // [0, 2, 3, 3, 5, 6])); | | import mir.ndslice.dynamic: reversed; 1| auto rec = crs.reversed.recompress!real; 1| auto rev = sl.universal.reversed.compressWithType!real; 1| assert(rev.structure == rec.structure); | // assert(rev.iterator._field.values == rec.iterator._field.values); | // assert(rev.iterator._field.indeces == rec.iterator._field.indeces); | // assert(rev.iterator._field.pointers == rec.iterator._field.pointers); |} | |/++ |Sparse Slice in Dictionary of Keys (DOK) format. |+/ |alias Sparse(T, size_t N = 1) = Slice!(FieldIterator!(SparseField!T), N); | |/// |alias CompressedVector(T, I = uint) = Series!(T*, I*); | |/// |alias CompressedMatrix(T, I = uint) = Slice!(ChopIterator!(J*, Series!(T*, I*))); | |/// |alias CompressedTensor(T, size_t N, I = uint, J = size_t) = Slice!(ChopIterator!(J*, Series!(T*, I*)), N - 1); | |///ditto |alias CompressedTensor(T, size_t N : 1, I = uint) = Series!(I*, T*); source/mir/sparse/package.d is 93% covered <<<<<< EOF # path=./source-mir-model-lda-hoffman.lst |/** | |$(H3 Online variational Bayes for latent Dirichlet allocation) | |References: | Hoffman, Matthew D., Blei, David M. and Bach, Francis R.. | "Online Learning for Latent Dirichlet Allocation.." | Paper presented at the meeting of the NIPS, 2010. | |License: $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0). |Copyright: 2016-, Ilya Yaroshenko |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko |*/ |module mir.model.lda.hoffman; | |import std.traits; | |/++ |Batch variational Bayes for LDA with mini-batches. |+/ |struct LdaHoffman(F) | if (isFloatingPoint!F) |{ | import std.parallelism; | import mir.ndslice.iterator: FieldIterator; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | import mir.ndslice.slice; | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | | import mir.math.common; | import mir.sparse; | | private alias Vector = Slice!(F*); | private alias Matrix = Slice!(F*, 2); | | private size_t D; | private F alpha; | private F eta; | private F kappa; | private F _tau; | private F eps; | | private Matrix _lambda; // [k, w] | private Matrix _beta; // [k, w] | | private TaskPool tp; | | private F[][] _lambdaTemp; | | @disable this(); | @disable this(this); | | /++ | Params: | K = theme count | W = dictionary size | D = approximate total number of documents in a collection. | alpha = Dirichlet document-topic prior (0.1) | eta = Dirichlet word-topic prior (0.1) | tau0 = tau0 ≧ 0 slows down the early iterations of the algorithm. | kappa = `kappa belongs to $(LPAREN)0.5, 1]`, controls the rate at which old values of lambda are forgotten. | `lambda = (1 - rho(tau)) lambda + rho lambda', rho(tau) = (tau0 + tau)^(-kappa)`. Use `kappa = 0` for Batch variational Bayes LDA. | eps = Stop iterations if `||lambda - lambda'||_l1 < s * eps`, where `s` is a documents count in a batch. | tp = task pool | +/ 0000000| this(size_t K, size_t W, size_t D, F alpha, F eta, F tau0, F kappa, F eps = 1e-5, TaskPool tp = taskPool()) | { | import mir.random; | 0000000| this.D = D; 0000000| this.alpha = alpha; 0000000| this.eta = eta; 0000000| this._tau = tau0; 0000000| this.kappa = kappa; 0000000| this.eps = eps; 0000000| = tp; | 0000000| _lambda = slice!F(K, W); 0000000| _beta = slice!F(K, W); 0000000| _lambdaTemp = new F[][](tp.size + 1, W); | | import std.math: fabs; 0000000| auto gen = Random(unpredictableSeed); 0000000| foreach (r; _lambda) 0000000| foreach (ref e; r) 0000000| e = (gen.rand!F.fabs + 0.9) / 1.901; | 0000000| updateBeta(); | } | | /// | void updateBeta() | { 0000000| foreach (i; tp.parallel(lambda.length.iota)) 0000000| unparameterize(lambda[i], beta[i]); | } | | /++ | Posterior over the topics | +/ | Slice!(F*, 2) beta() @property | { 0000000| return _beta; | } | | /++ | Parameterized posterior over the topics. | +/ | Slice!(F*, 2) lambda() @property | { 0000000| return _lambda; | } | | /++ | Count of already seen documents. | Slows down the iterations of the algorithm. | +/ | F tau() const @property | { 0000000| return _tau; | } | | /// ditto | void tau(F v) @property | { 0000000| _tau = v; | } | | /++ | Accepts mini-batch and performs multiple E-step iterations for each document and single M-step. | | This implementation is optimized for sparse documents, | which contain much less unique words than a dictionary. | | Params: | n = mini-batch, a collection of compressed documents. | maxIterations = maximal number of iterations for s This implementation is optimized for sparse documents, |ingle document in a batch for E-step. | +/ | size_t putBatch(SliceKind kind, C, I, J)(Slice!(ChopIterator!(J*, Series!(I*, C*)), 1, kind) n, size_t maxIterations) | { | return putBatchImpl(n.recompress!F, maxIterations); | } | | private size_t putBatchImpl(Slice!(ChopIterator!(size_t*, Series!(uint*, F*))) n, size_t maxIterations) | { | import std.math: isFinite; | import; | import mir.sparse.blas.gemv; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic: transposed; | import mir.ndslice.topology: universal; | import mir.internal.utility; | 0000000| immutable S = n.length; 0000000| immutable K = _lambda.length!0; 0000000| immutable W = _lambda.length!1; 0000000| _tau += S; 0000000| auto theta = slice!F(S, K); 0000000| auto nsave = saveN(n); | 0000000| immutable rho = pow!F(F(tau), -kappa); 0000000| auto thetat = theta.universal.transposed; 0000000| auto _gamma = slice!F(tp.size + 1, K); 0000000| shared size_t ret; | // E step 0000000| foreach (d; tp.parallel(S.iota)) | { 0000000| auto gamma = _gamma[tp.workerIndex]; 0000000| gamma[] = 1; 0000000| auto nd = n[d]; 0000000| auto thetad = theta[d]; 0000000| for (size_t c; ;c++) | { 0000000| unparameterize(gamma, thetad); | 0000000| selectiveGemv!"/"(_beta.universal.transposed, thetad, nd); 0000000| F sum = 0; | { 0000000| auto beta = _beta; 0000000| auto th = thetad; 0000000| foreach (ref g; gamma) | { 0000000| if (!th.front.isFinite) 0000000| th.front = F.max; 0000000| auto value = dot(nd, beta.front) * th.front + alpha; 0000000| sum += fabs(value - g); 0000000| g = value; 0000000| beta.popFront; 0000000| th.popFront; | } | } 0000000| if (c < maxIterations && sum > eps * K) | { 0000000| nd.value[] = nsave[d].value; 0000000| continue; | } | import core.atomic; 0000000| ret.atomicOp!"+="(c); 0000000| break; | } | } | // M step 0000000| foreach (k; tp.parallel(K.iota)) | { 0000000| auto lambdaTemp = _lambdaTemp[tp.workerIndex]; 0000000| gemtv!F(F(1), n, thetat[k], F(0), lambdaTemp.sliced); | import mir.algorithm.iteration: each; 0000000| each!((ref l, bk, lt) {l = (1 - rho) * l + | rho * (eta + (F(D) / F(S)) * bk * lt);})(_lambda[k], _beta[k],lambdaTemp.sliced); 0000000| unparameterize(_lambda[k], _beta[k]); | } 0000000| return ret; | } | | private auto saveN(Slice!(ChopIterator!(size_t*, Series!(uint*, F*))) n) | { | import mir.series: series; | import mir.ndslice.topology: chopped, universal; 0000000| return n.iterator._sliceable.index | .series(n.iterator._sliceable.value.dup) | .chopped(n.iterator._iterator.sliced(n.length + 1)); | } | | private static void unparameterize(Vector param, Vector posterior) | { 0000000| assert(param.structure == posterior.structure); | import mir.ndslice.topology: zip; | import mir.math.func.expdigamma; | import mir.math.sum: sum; 0000000| immutable c = 1 / expDigamma(sum(param)); 0000000| foreach (e; zip(param, posterior)) 0000000| e.b = c * expDigamma(e.a); | } |} | |unittest |{ | alias ff = LdaHoffman!double; |} source/mir/model/lda/hoffman.d is 0% covered <<<<<< EOF # path=./..-..-..-.dub-packages-mir-algorithm-3.10.60-mir-algorithm-source-mir-algebraic_alias-json.lst |/++ |$(H1 Mutable JSON value) | |This module contains a single alias definition and doesn't provide JSON serialization API. | |See_also: JSON libraries $(MIR_PACKAGE mir-ion) and $(MIR_PACKAGE asdf); | |License: $(HTTP, Apache-2.0) |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko |Macros: |+/ |module mir.algebraic_alias.json; | |import mir.algebraic: TaggedVariant, This; |public import mir.string_map: StringMap; | |/++ |Definition union for $(LREF JsonAlgebraic). |+/ |union JsonAlgebraicUnion |{ | /// | typeof(null) null_; | /// | bool boolean; | /// | long integer; | /// | double float_; | /// | immutable(char)[] string; | /// Self alias in array. | This[] array; | /// Self alias in $(MREF mir,string_map). | StringMap!This object; |} | |/++ |JSON tagged algebraic alias. | |The example below shows only the basic features. Advanced API to work with algebraic types can be found at $(GMREF mir-core, mir,algebraic). |See also $(MREF mir,string_map) - ordered string-value associative array. |+/ |alias JsonAlgebraic = TaggedVariant!JsonAlgebraicUnion; | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: map; | import mir.array.allocation: array; | | JsonAlgebraic value; | | StringMap!JsonAlgebraic object; | | // Default | assert(value.isNull); | assert(value.kind == JsonAlgebraic.Kind.null_); | | // Boolean | value = true; | object["bool"] = value; | assert(!value.isNull); | assert(value == true); | assert(value.kind == JsonAlgebraic.Kind.boolean); | assert(value.get!bool == true); | assert(value.get!(JsonAlgebraic.Kind.boolean) == true); | | // Null | value = null; | object["null"] = value; | assert(value.isNull); | assert(value == null); | assert(value.kind == JsonAlgebraic.Kind.null_); | assert(value.get!(typeof(null)) == null); | assert(value.get!(JsonAlgebraic.Kind.null_) == null); | | // String | value = "s"; | object["string"] = value; | assert(value.kind == JsonAlgebraic.Kind.string); | assert(value == "s"); | assert(value.get!string == "s"); | assert(value.get!(JsonAlgebraic.Kind.string) == "s"); | | // Integer | value = 4; | object["integer"] = value; | assert(value.kind == JsonAlgebraic.Kind.integer); | assert(value == 4); | assert(value != 4.0); | assert(value.get!long == 4); | assert(value.get!(JsonAlgebraic.Kind.integer) == 4); | | // Float | value = 3.0; | object["float"] = value; | assert(value.kind == JsonAlgebraic.Kind.float_); | assert(value != 3); | assert(value == 3.0); | assert(value.get!double == 3.0); | assert(value.get!(JsonAlgebraic.Kind.float_) == 3.0); | | // Array | JsonAlgebraic[] arr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].map!JsonAlgebraic.array; | | value = arr; | object["array"] = value; | assert(value.kind == JsonAlgebraic.Kind.array); | assert(value == arr); | assert(value.get!(JsonAlgebraic[])[3] == 3); | | // Object | assert(object.keys == ["bool", "null", "string", "integer", "float", "array"]); | object.values[0] = "false"; | assert(object["bool"] == "false"); // it is a string now | object.remove("bool"); // remove the member | | value = object; | object["array"] = value; | assert(value.kind == JsonAlgebraic.Kind.object); | assert(value.get!(StringMap!JsonAlgebraic).keys is object.keys); | assert(value.get!(StringMap!JsonAlgebraic).values is object.values); | | JsonAlgebraic[string] aa = object.toAA; | object = StringMap!JsonAlgebraic(aa); |} ../../../.dub/packages/mir-algorithm-3.10.60/mir-algorithm/source/mir/algebraic_alias/json.d has no code <<<<<< EOF # path=./..-..-..-.dub-packages-mir-random-2.2.17-mir-random-source-mir-random-engine-mersenne_twister.lst |/++ |The Mersenne Twister generator. | |Copyright: Copyright Andrei Alexandrescu 2008 - 2009, Ilya Yaroshenko 2016-. |License: $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0). |Authors: $(HTTP, Andrei Alexandrescu) Ilya Yaroshenko (rework) |+/ |module mir.random.engine.mersenne_twister; | |import std.traits; | |/++ |The $(LUCKY Mersenne Twister) generator. |+/ |struct MersenneTwisterEngine(UIntType, size_t w, size_t n, size_t m, size_t r, | UIntType a, size_t u, UIntType d, size_t s, | UIntType b, size_t t, | UIntType c, size_t l, UIntType f) | if (isUnsigned!UIntType) |{ | /// | enum isRandomEngine = true; | | static assert(0 < w && w <= UIntType.sizeof * 8); | static assert(1 <= m && m <= n); | static assert(0 <= r && 0 <= u && 0 <= s && 0 <= t && 0 <= l); | static assert(r <= w && u <= w && s <= w && t <= w && l <= w); | static assert(0 <= a && 0 <= b && 0 <= c); | | @disable this(); | @disable this(this); | | /// Largest generated value. | enum UIntType max = UIntType.max >> (UIntType.sizeof * 8u - w); | static assert(a <= max && b <= max && c <= max && f <= max); | | private enum UIntType lowerMask = (cast(UIntType) 1u << r) - 1; | private enum UIntType upperMask = ~lowerMask & max; | | /** | Parameters for the generator. | */ | enum size_t wordSize = w; | enum size_t stateSize = n; /// ditto | enum size_t shiftSize = m; /// ditto | enum size_t maskBits = r; /// ditto | enum UIntType xorMask = a; /// ditto | enum size_t temperingU = u; /// ditto | enum UIntType temperingD = d; /// ditto | enum size_t temperingS = s; /// ditto | enum UIntType temperingB = b; /// ditto | enum size_t temperingT = t; /// ditto | enum UIntType temperingC = c; /// ditto | enum size_t temperingL = l; /// ditto | enum UIntType initializationMultiplier = f; /// ditto | | | /// The default seed value. | enum UIntType defaultSeed = 5489; | | /++ | Current reversed payload index with initial value equals to `n-1` | +/ | size_t index = void; | | private UIntType _z = void; | | /++ | Reversed(!) payload. | +/ | UIntType[n] data = void; | | /* | * Marker indicating it's safe to construct from void | * (i.e. the constructor doesn't depend on the struct | * being in an initially valid state). | * Non-public because we don't want to commit to this | * design. | */ | package enum bool _isVoidInitOkay = true; | | /++ | Constructs a MersenneTwisterEngine object. | +/ 0000000| this(UIntType value) @safe pure nothrow @nogc | { | static if (max == UIntType.max) 0000000| data[$-1] = value; | else | data[$-1] = value & max; 0000000| foreach_reverse (size_t i, ref e; data[0 .. $-1]) | { 0000000| e = f * (data[i + 1] ^ (data[i + 1] >> (w - 2))) + cast(UIntType)(n - (i + 1)); | static if (max != UIntType.max) | e &= max; | } 0000000| index = n-1; 0000000| opCall(); | } | | /++ | Constructs a MersenneTwisterEngine object. | | Note that `MersenneTwisterEngine([123])` will not result in | the same initial state as `MersenneTwisterEngine(123)`. | +/ | this()(scope const(UIntType)[] array) @safe pure nothrow @nogc | { | static if (is(UIntType == uint)) | { | enum UIntType f2 = 1664525u; | enum UIntType f3 = 1566083941u; | } | else static if (is(UIntType == ulong)) | { | enum UIntType f2 = 3935559000370003845uL; | enum UIntType f3 = 2862933555777941757uL; | } | else | static assert(0, "init by slice only supported if UIntType is uint or ulong!"); | | data[$-1] = cast(UIntType) (19650218u & max); | foreach_reverse (size_t i, ref e; data[0 .. $-1]) | { | e = f * (data[i + 1] ^ (data[i + 1] >> (w - 2))) + cast(UIntType)(n - (i + 1)); | static if (max != UIntType.max) | e &= max; | } | index = n-1; | if (array.length == 0) | { | opCall(); | return; | } | | size_t final_mix_index = void; | | if (array.length >= n) | { | size_t j = 0; | //Handle all but tail. | while (array.length - j >= n - 1) | { | foreach_reverse (i, ref e; data[0 .. $-1]) | { | e = (e ^ ((data[i+1] ^ (data[i+1] >> (w - 2))) * f2)) | + array[j] + cast(UIntType) j; | static if (max != UIntType.max) | e &= max; | ++j; | } | data[$ - 1] = data[0]; | } | //Handle tail. | size_t i = n - 2; | while (j < array.length) | { | data[i] = (data[i] ^ ((data[i+1] ^ (data[i+1] >> (w - 2))) * f2)) | + array[j] + cast(UIntType) j; | static if (max != UIntType.max) | data[i] &= max; | ++j; | --i; | } | //Set the index for use by the next pass. | final_mix_index = i; | } | else | { | size_t i = n - 2; | //Handle all but tail. | while (i >= array.length) | { | foreach (j; 0 .. array.length) | { | data[i] = (data[i] ^ ((data[i+1] ^ (data[i+1] >> (w - 2))) * f2)) | + array[j] + cast(UIntType) j; | static if (max != UIntType.max) | data[i] &= max; | --i; | } | } | //Handle tail. | size_t j = 0; | while (i != cast(size_t) -1) | { | data[i] = (data[i] ^ ((data[i+1] ^ (data[i+1] >> (w - 2))) * f2)) | + array[j] + cast(UIntType) j; | static if (max != UIntType.max) | data[i] &= max; | ++j; | --i; | } | data[$ - 1] = data[0]; | i = n - 2; | data[i] = (data[i] ^ ((data[i+1] ^ (data[i+1] >> (w - 2))) * f2)) | + array[j] + cast(UIntType) j; | static if (max != UIntType.max) | data[i] &= max; | //Set the index for use by the next pass. | final_mix_index = n - 2; | } | | foreach_reverse (i, ref e; data[0 .. final_mix_index]) | { | e = (e ^ ((data[i+1] ^ (data[i+1] >> (w - 2))) * f3)) | - cast(UIntType)(n - (i + 1)); | static if (max != UIntType.max) | e &= max; | } | foreach_reverse (i, ref e; data[final_mix_index .. n-1]) | { | e = (e ^ ((data[i+1] ^ (data[i+1] >> (w - 2))) * f3)) | - cast(UIntType)(n - (i + 1)); | static if (max != UIntType.max) | e &= max; | } | data[$-1] = (cast(UIntType)1) << ((UIntType.sizeof * 8) - 1); /* MSB is 1; assuring non-zero initial array */ | opCall(); | } | | /++ | Advances the generator. | +/ | UIntType opCall() @safe pure nothrow @nogc | { | // This function blends two nominally independent | // processes: (i) calculation of the next random | // variate from the cached previous `data` entry | // `_z`, and (ii) updating `data[index]` and `_z` | // and advancing the `index` value to the next in | // sequence. | // | // By interweaving the steps involved in these | // procedures, rather than performing each of | // them separately in sequence, the variables | // are kept 'hot' in CPU registers, allowing | // for significantly faster performance. 0000000| sizediff_t index = this.index; 0000000| sizediff_t next = index - 1; 0000000| if(next < 0) 0000000| next = n - 1; 0000000| auto z = _z; 0000000| sizediff_t conj = index - m; 0000000| if(conj < 0) 0000000| conj = index - m + n; | static if (d == UIntType.max) 0000000| z ^= (z >> u); | else 0000000| z ^= (z >> u) & d; 0000000| auto q = data[index] & upperMask; 0000000| auto p = data[next] & lowerMask; 0000000| z ^= (z << s) & b; 0000000| auto y = q | p; 0000000| auto x = y >> 1; 0000000| z ^= (z << t) & c; 0000000| if (y & 1) 0000000| x ^= a; 0000000| auto e = data[conj] ^ x; 0000000| z ^= (z >> l); 0000000| _z = data[index] = e; 0000000| this.index = next; 0000000| return z; | } |} | |/++ |A $(D MersenneTwisterEngine) instantiated with the parameters of the |original engine $(HTTP, |MT19937), generating uniformly-distributed 32-bit numbers with a |period of 2 to the power of 19937. | |This is recommended for random number generation on 32-bit systems |unless memory is severely restricted, in which case a |$(REF_ALTTEXT Xorshift, Xorshift, mir, random, engine, xorshift) |would be the generator of choice. |+/ |alias Mt19937 = MersenneTwisterEngine!(uint, 32, 624, 397, 31, | 0x9908b0df, 11, 0xffffffff, 7, | 0x9d2c5680, 15, | 0xefc60000, 18, 1812433253); | |/// |@safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | import mir.random.engine; | | // bit-masking by generator maximum is necessary | // to handle 64-bit `unpredictableSeed` | auto gen = Mt19937(unpredictableSeed & Mt19937.max); | auto n = gen(); | | import std.traits; | static assert(is(ReturnType!gen == uint)); |} | |/++ |A $(D MersenneTwisterEngine) instantiated with the parameters of the |original engine $(HTTP, |MT19937), generating uniformly-distributed 64-bit numbers with a |period of 2 to the power of 19937. | |This is recommended for random number generation on 64-bit systems |unless memory is severely restricted, in which case a |$(REF_ALTTEXT Xorshift, Xorshift, mir, random, engine, xorshift) |would be the generator of choice. |+/ |alias Mt19937_64 = MersenneTwisterEngine!(ulong, 64, 312, 156, 31, | 0xb5026f5aa96619e9, 29, 0x5555555555555555, 17, | 0x71d67fffeda60000, 37, | 0xfff7eee000000000, 43, 6364136223846793005); | |/// |@safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | import mir.random.engine; | | auto gen = Mt19937_64(unpredictableSeed); | auto n = gen(); | | import std.traits; | static assert(is(ReturnType!gen == ulong)); |} | |@safe nothrow version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | import mir.random.engine; | | static assert(isSaturatedRandomEngine!Mt19937); | static assert(isSaturatedRandomEngine!Mt19937_64); | auto gen = Mt19937(Mt19937.defaultSeed); | foreach(_; 0 .. 9999) | gen(); | assert(gen() == 4123659995); | | auto gen64 = Mt19937_64(Mt19937_64.defaultSeed); | foreach(_; 0 .. 9999) | gen64(); | assert(gen64() == 9981545732273789042uL); |} | |version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | enum val = [1341017984, 62051482162767]; | alias MT(UIntType, uint w) = MersenneTwisterEngine!(UIntType, w, 624, 397, 31, | 0x9908b0df, 11, 0xffffffff, 7, | 0x9d2c5680, 15, | 0xefc60000, 18, 1812433253); | | import std.meta: AliasSeq; | foreach (i, R; AliasSeq!(MT!(ulong, 32), MT!(ulong, 48))) | { | static if (R.wordSize == 48) static assert(R.max == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF); | auto a = R(R.defaultSeed); | foreach(_; 0..999) | a(); | assert(val[i] == a()); | } |} | |@safe nothrow @nogc version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | //Verify that seeding with an array gives the same result as the reference | //implementation. | | //32-bit: | immutable uint[4] seed32 = [0x123u, 0x234u, 0x345u, 0x456u]; | auto gen32 = Mt19937(seed32); | foreach(_; 0..999) | gen32(); | assert(3460025646u == gen32()); | | //64-bit: | immutable ulong[4] seed64 = [0x12345uL, 0x23456uL, 0x34567uL, 0x45678uL]; | auto gen64 = Mt19937_64(seed64); | foreach(_; 0..999) | gen64(); | assert(994412663058993407uL == gen64()); |} ../../../.dub/packages/mir-random-2.2.17/mir-random/source/mir/random/engine/mersenne_twister.d is 0% covered <<<<<< EOF # path=./..-..-..-.dub-packages-mir-random-2.2.17-mir-random-source-mir-random-package.lst |/++ |$(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;) | |Basic API to construct non-uniform random number generators and stochastic algorithms. |Non-uniform and uniform random variable can be found at `mir.random.variable`. | |$(TABLE $(H2 Generation functions), |$(TR $(TH Function Name) $(TH Description)) |$(T2 rand, Generates real, integral, boolean, and enumerated uniformly distributed values.) |$(T2 randIndex, Generates uniformly distributed index.) |$(T2 randGeometric, Generates geometric distribution with `p = 1/2`.) |$(T2 randExponential2, Generates scaled Exponential distribution.) |) | |$(TABLE $(H2 Phobos Compatibility), |$(TR $(TH Template Name) $(TH Description)) |$(T2 PhobosRandom, Extends a Mir random number engine to meet Phobos `std.random` interface) |$(T2 isPhobosUniformRNG, Tests if type is a Phobos-style uniform RNG) |) | |Publicly includes `mir.random.engine`. | |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko, Nathan Sashihara |Copyright: Copyright, Ilya Yaroshenko 2016-. |License: $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0). |Macros: |SUBREF = $(REF_ALTTEXT $(TT $2), $2, mir, random, $1)$(NBSP) |T2=$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1)) $(TD $+)) | |+/ |module mir.random; | |import std.traits; |import mir.bitop: cttz; |import mir.math.common: log2; | |public import mir.random.engine; | |version (LDC) |{ | import ldc.intrinsics: llvm_expect; | // LDC 1.8.0 supports llvm_expect in CTFE. | private template _ctfeExpect(string expr, string expected) | { | static if (__traits(compiles, { enum a = llvm_expect(123, 456); static assert(a == 123); })) | private enum _ctfeExpect = "llvm_expect("~expr~","~expected~")"; | else | private enum _ctfeExpect = expr; | } |} |else version (GNU) |{ | import gcc.builtins: __builtin_expect; | private enum _ctfeExpect(string expr, string expected) = `__builtin_expect(`~expr~`,`~expected~`)`; |} |else |{ | private enum _ctfeExpect(string expr, string expected) = expr; |} | |/++ |Params: | gen = saturated random number generator |Returns: | Uniformly distributed integer for interval `[T.min .. T.max]`. |+/ |T rand(T, G)(scope ref G gen) | if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G && isIntegral!T && !is(T == enum)) |{ | alias R = EngineReturnType!G; | enum P = T.sizeof / R.sizeof; | static if (P > 1) | { | _Uab!(R[P],T) u = void; | version(LittleEndian) | foreach (ref e; u.asArray) | e = gen(); | else | foreach_reverse (ref e; u.asArray) | e = gen(); | return u.asInteger; | } | else static if (preferHighBits!G && P == 0) | { | version(LDC) pragma(inline, true); | return cast(T) (gen() >>> ((R.sizeof - T.sizeof) * 8)); | } | else | { | version(LDC) pragma(inline, true); | return cast(T) gen(); | } |} | |/// ditto |T rand(T, G)(scope G* gen) | if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G && isIntegral!T && !is(T == enum)) |{ | return rand!(T, G)(*gen); |} | |/// ditto |T rand(T)() | if (isIntegral!T && !is(T == enum)) |{ | return rand!T(rne); |} | |/// |@nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | auto s = rand!short; | auto n = rand!ulong; |} | |/// |@nogc nothrow pure @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | import mir.random.engine.xorshift; | auto gen = Xorshift(1); | auto s = gen.rand!short; | auto n = gen.rand!ulong; |} | |/++ |Params: | gen = saturated random number generator |Returns: | Uniformly distributed boolean. |+/ |bool rand(T : bool, G)(scope ref G gen) | if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G) |{ | import std.traits : Signed; | return 0 > cast(Signed!(EngineReturnType!G)) gen(); |} | |/// ditto |bool rand(T : bool, G)(scope G* gen) | if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G) |{ | return rand!(T, G)(*gen); |} | |/// ditto |bool rand(T : bool)() |{ | return rand!T(rne); |} | |/// |@nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | auto s = rand!bool; |} | |/// |@nogc nothrow pure @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | import mir.random.engine.xorshift; | auto gen = Xorshift(1); | auto s = gen.rand!bool; |} | |@nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | //Coverage. Impure because uses thread-local. | Random* gen = threadLocalPtr!Random; | auto s = gen.rand!bool; |} | |private alias Iota(size_t j) = Iota!(0, j); | |private template Iota(size_t i, size_t j) |{ | import std.meta; | static assert(i <= j, "Iota: i should be less than or equal to j"); | static if (i == j) | alias Iota = AliasSeq!(); | else | alias Iota = AliasSeq!(i, Iota!(i + 1, j)); |} | |/+ |Returns pseudo-random integer with the low `bitsWanted` bits set to |random values and the remaining high bits all 0. |+/ |private T _randBits(T, uint bitsWanted, G)(scope ref G gen) |if (bitsWanted >= 0 && bitsWanted <= T.sizeof * 8 | && (is(T == uint) || is(T == ulong) || is(T == size_t))) |{ | static if (EngineReturnType!G.sizeof >= T.sizeof) | auto bits = gen(); | else | auto bits = gen.rand!T; | static if (preferHighBits!G) | { | enum rshift = (typeof(bits).sizeof * 8) - bitsWanted; | return cast(T) (bits >>> rshift); | } | else | { | enum mask = (typeof(bits)(1) << bitsWanted) - 1; | return cast(T) (bits & typeof(bits)(mask)); | } |} | |/++ |Params: | gen = saturated random number generator |Returns: | Uniformly distributed enumeration. |+/ |T rand(T, G)(scope ref G gen) | if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G && is(T == enum)) |{ | static if (is(T : long)) | enum tiny = [EnumMembers!T] == [Iota!(EnumMembers!T.length)]; | else | enum tiny = false; | enum n = [EnumMembers!T].length; | // If `gen` produces 32 bits or fewer at a time and we have fewer | // than 2^^32 elements, use a `uint` index. | static if (n <= uint.max && EngineReturnType!G.max <= uint.max) | alias IndexType = uint; | else | alias IndexType = size_t; | | static if ((n & (n - 1)) == 0) | { | // Optimized case: power of 2. | import core.bitop : bsr; | enum bitsWanted = bsr(n); | IndexType index = _randBits!(IndexType, bitsWanted)(gen); | } | else | { | // General case. | IndexType index = gen.randIndex!IndexType(n); | } | | static if (tiny) | { | return cast(T) index; | } | else | { | static immutable T[EnumMembers!T.length] members = [EnumMembers!T]; | return members[index]; | } |} | |/// ditto |T rand(T, G)(scope G* gen) | if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G && is(T == enum)) |{ | return rand!(T, G)(*gen); |} | |/// ditto |T rand(T)() | if (is(T == enum)) |{ | return .rand!T(rne); |} | |/// |@nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | enum A { a, b, c } | auto e = rand!A; |} | |/// |@nogc nothrow pure @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | import mir.random.engine.xorshift; | auto gen = Xorshift(1); | enum A { a, b, c } | auto e = gen.rand!A; |} | |/// |@nogc nothrow pure @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | import mir.random.engine.xorshift; | auto gen = Xorshift(1); | enum A : dchar { a, b, c } | auto e = gen.rand!A; |} | |/// |@nogc nothrow pure @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | import mir.random.engine.xorshift; | auto gen = Xorshift(1); | enum A : string { a = "a", b = "b", c = "c" } | auto e = gen.rand!A; |} | |@nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | //Coverage. Impure because uses thread-local. | Random* gen = threadLocalPtr!Random; | enum A : dchar { a, b, c, d } | auto e = gen.rand!A; |} | |private static union _U |{ | real r; | struct | { | version(LittleEndian) | { | ulong m; | ushort e; | } | else | { | ushort e; | align(2) | ulong m; | } | } |} | |private static union _Uab(A,B) if (A.sizeof == B.sizeof && !is(Unqual!A == Unqual!B)) |{ | A a; | B b; | | private import std.traits: isArray, isIntegral, isFloatingPoint; | | static if (isArray!A && !isArray!B) | alias asArray = a; | static if (isArray!B && !isArray!A) | alias asArray = b; | | static if (isIntegral!A && !isIntegral!B) | alias asInteger = a; | static if (isIntegral!B && !isIntegral!A) | alias asInteger = b; | | static if (isFloatingPoint!A && !isFloatingPoint!B) | alias asFloatingPoint = a; | static if (isFloatingPoint!B && !isFloatingPoint!A) | alias asFloatingPoint = b; |} | |/++ |Params: | gen = saturated random number generator | boundExp = bound exponent (optional). `boundExp` must be less or equal to `T.max_exp`. |Returns: | Uniformly distributed real for interval `(-2^^boundExp , 2^^boundExp)`. |Note: `fabs` can be used to get a value from positive interval `[0, 2^^boundExp$(RPAREN)`. |+/ |T rand(T, G)(scope ref G gen, sizediff_t boundExp = 0) | if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G && isFloatingPoint!T) |{ | assert(boundExp <= T.max_exp); | static if (T.mant_dig == float.mant_dig) | { | enum W = T.sizeof * 8 - T.mant_dig;//8 | _Uab!(int,float) u = void; | u.asInteger = gen.rand!uint; | enum uint EXPMASK = 0x7F80_0000; | boundExp -= T.min_exp - 1; | size_t exp = EXPMASK & u.asInteger; | exp = boundExp - (exp ? cttz(exp) - (T.mant_dig - 1) : gen.randGeometric + W); | u.asInteger &= ~EXPMASK; | if(cast(sizediff_t)exp < 0) | { | exp = -cast(sizediff_t)exp; | uint m = u.asInteger & int.max; | if(exp >= T.mant_dig) | m = 0; | else | m >>= cast(uint)exp; | u.asInteger = (u.asInteger & ~int.max) ^ m; | exp = 0; | } | u.asInteger = cast(uint)(exp << (T.mant_dig - 1)) ^ u.asInteger; | return u.asFloatingPoint; | } | else | static if (T.mant_dig == double.mant_dig) | { | enum W = T.sizeof * 8 - T.mant_dig; //11 | _Uab!(long,double) u = void; | u.asInteger = gen.rand!ulong; | enum ulong EXPMASK = 0x7FF0_0000_0000_0000; | boundExp -= T.min_exp - 1; | ulong exp = EXPMASK & u.asInteger; | exp = ulong(boundExp) - (exp ? cttz(exp) - (T.mant_dig - 1) : gen.randGeometric + W); | u.asInteger &= ~EXPMASK; | if(cast(long)exp < 0) | { | exp = -cast(sizediff_t)exp; | ulong m = u.asInteger & long.max; | if(exp >= T.mant_dig) | m = 0; | else | m >>= cast(uint)exp; | u.asInteger = (u.asInteger & ~long.max) ^ m; | exp = 0; | } | u.asInteger = (exp << (T.mant_dig - 1)) ^ u.asInteger; | return u.asFloatingPoint; | } | else | static if (T.mant_dig == 64) | { | enum W = 15; | auto d = gen.rand!uint; | auto m = gen.rand!ulong; | enum uint EXPMASK = 0x7FFF; | boundExp -= T.min_exp - 1; | size_t exp = EXPMASK & d; | exp = boundExp - (exp ? cttz(exp) : gen.randGeometric + W); | if (cast(sizediff_t)exp > 0) | m |= ~long.max; | else | { | m &= long.max; | exp = -cast(sizediff_t)exp; | if(exp >= T.mant_dig) | m = 0; | else | m >>= cast(uint)exp; | exp = 0; | } | d = cast(uint) exp ^ (d & ~EXPMASK); | _U ret = void; | ret.e = cast(ushort)d; | ret.m = m; | return ret.r; | } | /// TODO: quadruple | else static assert(0); |} | |/// ditto |T rand(T, G)(scope G* gen, sizediff_t boundExp = 0) | if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G && isFloatingPoint!T) |{ | return rand!(T, G)(*gen, boundExp); |} | |/// ditto |T rand(T)(sizediff_t boundExp = 0) | if (isFloatingPoint!T) |{ | return rand!T(rne, boundExp); |} | | |/// |@nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | import mir.math.common: fabs; | | auto a = rand!float; | assert(-1 < a && a < +1); | | auto b = rand!double(4); | assert(-16 < b && b < +16); | | auto c = rand!double(-2); | assert(-0.25 < c && c < +0.25); | | auto d = rand!real.fabs; | assert(0.0L <= d && d < 1.0L); |} | |/// |@nogc nothrow pure @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | import mir.math.common: fabs; | import mir.random.engine.xorshift; | auto gen = Xorshift(1); | | auto a = gen.rand!float; | assert(-1 < a && a < +1); | | auto b = gen.rand!double(4); | assert(-16 < b && b < +16); | | auto c = gen.rand!double(-2); | assert(-0.25 < c && c < +0.25); | | auto d = gen.rand!real.fabs; | assert(0.0L <= d && d < 1.0L); |} | |/// Subnormal numbers |@nogc nothrow pure @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | import mir.random.engine.xorshift; | auto gen = Xorshift(1); | auto x = gen.rand!double(double.min_exp-1); | assert(-double.min_normal < x && x < double.min_normal); |} | |@nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | //Coverage. Impure because uses thread-local. | import mir.math.common: fabs; | import std.meta: AliasSeq; | | auto a = rne.rand!float; | assert(-1 < a && a < +1); | | auto b = rne.rand!double(4); | assert(-16 < b && b < +16); | | auto c = rne.rand!double(-2); | assert(-0.25 < c && c < +0.25); | | auto d = rne.rand!real.fabs; | assert(0.0L <= d && d < 1.0L); | | foreach(T; AliasSeq!(float, double, real)) | { | auto f = rne.rand!T(T.min_exp-1); | assert(f.fabs < T.min_normal, T.stringof); | } |} | |/++ |Params: | gen = uniform random number generator | m = positive module |Returns: | Uniformly distributed integer for interval `[0 .. m$(RPAREN)`. |+/ |T randIndex(T, G)(scope ref G gen, T _m) | if(isSaturatedRandomEngine!G && isUnsigned!T) |{ | immutable m = _m + 0u; | static if (EngineReturnType!G.sizeof >= T.sizeof * 2) | alias MaybeR = EngineReturnType!G; | else static if (uint.sizeof >= T.sizeof * 2) | alias MaybeR = uint; | else static if (ulong.sizeof >= T.sizeof * 2) | alias MaybeR = ulong; | else static if (is(ucent) && __traits(compiles, {static assert(ucent.sizeof >= T.sizeof * 2);})) | mixin ("alias MaybeR = ucent;"); | else | alias MaybeR = void; | | static if (!is(MaybeR == void)) | { | alias R = MaybeR; | static assert(R.sizeof >= T.sizeof * 2); | //Use Daniel Lemire's fast alternative to modulo reduction: | // | R randombits = cast(R) gen.rand!T; | R multiresult = randombits * m; | T leftover = cast(T) multiresult; | if (mixin(_ctfeExpect!(`leftover < m`, `false`))) | { | immutable threshold = -m % m ; | while (leftover < threshold) | { | randombits = cast(R) gen.rand!T; | multiresult = randombits * m; | leftover = cast(T) multiresult; | } | } | enum finalshift = T.sizeof * 8; | return cast(T) (multiresult >>> finalshift); | } | else | { | import mir.utility : extMul; | //Use Daniel Lemire's fast alternative to modulo reduction: | // | auto u = extMul!T(gen.rand!T, m); | if (mixin(_ctfeExpect!(`u.low < m`, `false`))) | { | immutable T threshold = -m % m; | while (u.low < threshold) | { | u = extMul!T(gen.rand!T, m); | } | } | return u.high; | } |} | |/// ditto |T randIndex(T, G)(scope G* gen, T m) | if(isSaturatedRandomEngine!G && isUnsigned!T) |{ | return randIndex!(T, G)(*gen, m); |} | |/// ditto |T randIndex(T)(T m) | if(isUnsigned!T) |{ | return randIndex!T(rne, m); |} | |/// |@nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | auto s = randIndex(100u); | auto n = randIndex!ulong(-100); |} | |/// |@nogc nothrow pure @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | import mir.random; | import mir.random.engine.xorshift; | auto gen = Xorshift(1); | auto s = gen.randIndex!uint(100); | auto n = gen.randIndex!ulong(-100); |} | |@nogc nothrow pure @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | //CTFE check. | import std.meta : AliasSeq; | import mir.random.engine.xoshiro : Xoroshiro128Plus; | foreach (IntType; AliasSeq!(ubyte,ushort,uint,ulong)) | { | enum IntType e = (){auto g = Xoroshiro128Plus(1); return g.randIndex!IntType(100);}(); | auto gen = Xoroshiro128Plus(1); | assert(e == gen.randIndex!IntType(100)); | } |} | |@nogc nothrow pure @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | //Test production of ulong from ulong generator. | import mir.random.engine.xoshiro; | auto gen = Xoroshiro128Plus(1); | enum ulong limit = 10; | enum count = 10; | ulong[limit] buckets; | foreach (_; 0 .. count) | { | ulong x = gen.randIndex!ulong(limit); | assert(x < limit); | buckets[cast(size_t) x] += 1; | } | foreach (i, x; buckets) | assert(x != count, "All values were the same!"); |} | |@nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | //Coverage. Impure because uses thread-local. | Random* gen = threadLocalPtr!Random; | auto s = gen.randIndex!uint(100); | auto n = gen.randIndex!ulong(-100); |} | |/++ | Returns: `n >= 0` such that `P(n) := 1 / (2^^(n + 1))`. |+/ |size_t randGeometric(G)(scope ref G gen) | if(isSaturatedRandomEngine!G) |{ | alias R = EngineReturnType!G; | static if (R.sizeof >= size_t.sizeof) | alias T = size_t; | else | alias T = R; | for(size_t count = 0;; count += T.sizeof * 8) | if(auto val = gen.rand!T()) | return count + cttz(val); |} | |/// ditto |size_t randGeometric(G)(scope G* gen) | if(isSaturatedRandomEngine!G) |{ | return randGeometric!(G)(*gen); |} | |/// ditto |size_t randGeometric()() |{ | return randGeometric(rne); |} | |/// |@nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | size_t s = randGeometric; |} | |/// |@nogc nothrow pure @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | import mir.random.engine.xoshiro; | auto gen = Xoroshiro128Plus(1); | | size_t s = gen.randGeometric; |} | |/++ |Params: | gen = saturated random number generator |Returns: | `X ~ Exp(1) / log(2)`. |Note: `fabs` can be used to get a value from positive interval `[0, 2^^boundExp$(RPAREN)`. |+/ |T randExponential2(T, G)(scope ref G gen) | if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G && isFloatingPoint!T) |{ | enum W = T.sizeof * 8 - T.mant_dig - 1 - bool(T.mant_dig == 64); | static if (is(T == float)) | { | _Uab!(uint,float) u = void; | u.asInteger = gen.rand!uint; | enum uint EXPMASK = 0xFF80_0000; | auto exp = EXPMASK & u.asInteger; | u.asInteger &= ~EXPMASK; | u.asInteger ^= 0x3F000000; // 0.5 | auto y = exp ? cttz(exp) - (T.mant_dig - 1) : gen.randGeometric + W; | auto x = u.asFloatingPoint; | } | else | static if (is(T == double)) | { | _Uab!(ulong,double) u = void; | u.asInteger = gen.rand!ulong; | enum ulong EXPMASK = 0xFFF0_0000_0000_0000; | auto exp = EXPMASK & u.asInteger; | u.asInteger &= ~EXPMASK; | u.asInteger ^= 0x3FE0000000000000; // 0.5 | auto y = exp ? cttz(exp) - (T.mant_dig - 1) : gen.randGeometric + W; | auto x = u.asFloatingPoint; | } | else | static if (T.mant_dig == 64) | { | _U ret = void; | ret.e = 0x3FFE; | ret.m = gen.rand!ulong | ~long.max; | auto y = gen.randGeometric; | auto x = ret.r; | } | /// TODO: quadruple | else static assert(0); | | if (x == 0.5f) | return y; | else | return -log2(x) + y; |} | |/// ditto |T randExponential2(T, G)(scope G* gen) | if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G && isFloatingPoint!T) |{ | return randExponential2!(T, G)(*gen); |} | |/// ditto |T randExponential2(T)() | if (isFloatingPoint!T) |{ | return randExponential2!T(rne); |} | |/// |@nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | auto v = randExponential2!double; |} | |/// |@nogc nothrow @safe pure version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | import mir.random.engine.xorshift; | auto gen = Xorshift(1); | auto v = gen.randExponential2!double(); |} | |/++ |$(LINK2, |Tests if T is a Phobos-style uniform RNG.) |+/ |template isPhobosUniformRNG(T) |{ | import std.random: isUniformRNG; | enum bool isPhobosUniformRNG = isUniformRNG!T; |} | |/++ |Extends a Mir-style random number generator to also be a Phobos-style |uniform RNG. If `Engine` is already a Phobos-style uniform RNG, |`PhobosRandom` is just an alias for `Engine`. |+/ |struct PhobosRandom(Engine) if (isRandomEngine!Engine && !isPhobosUniformRNG!Engine)//Doesn't need to be saturated. |{ | alias Uint = EngineReturnType!Engine; | private Engine _engine; | private Uint _front; | | /// Default constructor and copy constructor are disabled. | @disable this(); | /// ditto | @disable this(this); | | /// Forward constructor arguments to `Engine`. | this(A...)(auto ref A args) | if (is(typeof(Engine(args)))) | { | _engine = Engine(args); | _front = _engine.opCall(); | } | | /++ | Phobos-style random interface. | | `save` is only available when the underlying `Engine` has no indirections | and has `pure @safe opCall()` and doesn't have an impure or `@system` | destructor. | +/ | enum bool isUniformRandom = true; | /// ditto | enum Uint min = Uint.min;//Always normalized. | /// ditto | enum Uint max = Engine.max;//Might not be saturated. | /// ditto | enum bool empty = false; | /// ditto | @property Uint front()() const { return _front; } | /// ditto | void popFront()() { _front = _engine.opCall(); } | /// ditto | void seed(A...)(auto ref A args) if (is(typeof(Engine(args)))) | { | _engine.__ctor(args); | _front = _engine.opCall(); | } | /// ditto | static if (!hasIndirections!Engine && is(typeof(() pure @safe { | Engine e = Engine.init; | return e(); | }()))) | @property typeof(this) save()() const @trusted | { | import std.meta: allSatisfy; | | typeof(return) copy = void; | static if (allSatisfy!(_isPOD, typeof(Engine.tupleof))) | { | // The advantage of fieldwise assignment instead of memcpy is that | // it works during CTFE. | foreach (i, ref e; this.tupleof) | { | static if (__traits(isPOD, typeof(e))) | copy.tupleof[i] = e; | else | foreach (i2, ref e2; e.tupleof) | copy.tupleof[i].tupleof[i2] = e2; | } | } | else | { | enum N = typeof(this).sizeof; | (cast(ubyte*) ©)[0 .. N] = (cast(const ubyte*) &this)[0 .. N]; | } | return copy; | } | | private enum _isPOD(T) = __traits(isPOD, T); | | /// Retain support for Mir-style random interface. | enum bool isRandomEngine = true; | /// ditto | enum bool preferHighBits = .preferHighBits!Engine; | /// ditto | Uint opCall()() | { | Uint result = _front; | _front = _engine.opCall(); | return result; | } | | /// | @property ref inout(Engine) engine()() inout @nogc nothrow pure @safe | { | return _engine; | } |} | |/// ditto |template PhobosRandom(Engine) if (isRandomEngine!Engine && isPhobosUniformRNG!Engine) |{ | alias PhobosRandom = Engine; |} | |/// |@nogc nothrow pure @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | import mir.random.engine.xorshift: Xorshift1024StarPhi; | import std.random: isSeedable, isPhobosUniformRNG = isUniformRNG; | import std.range.primitives: isForwardRange; | | alias RNG = PhobosRandom!Xorshift1024StarPhi; | | //Phobos interface | static assert(isPhobosUniformRNG!(RNG, ulong)); | static assert(isSeedable!(RNG, ulong)); | static assert(isForwardRange!RNG); | //Mir interface | static assert(isSaturatedRandomEngine!RNG); | static assert(is(EngineReturnType!RNG == ulong)); | | auto gen = Xorshift1024StarPhi(1); | auto rng = RNG(1); | assert(gen() == rng.front); | rng.popFront(); | assert(gen() == rng.front); | rng.popFront(); | assert(gen() == rng()); | | gen.__ctor(1); | rng.seed(1); | assert(gen() == rng()); |} | |@nogc nothrow pure @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | import mir.random.engine.xorshift: Xorshift1024StarPhi; | | // Test .save works for PhobosRandom. | auto gen1 = PhobosRandom!Xorshift1024StarPhi(123456789); | auto gen2 =; | const a = gen1(); | const b = gen1(); | assert(a == gen2()); | assert(b == gen2()); |} ../../../.dub/packages/mir-random-2.2.17/mir-random/source/mir/random/package.d has no code <<<<<< EOF # path=./source-mir-sparse-blas-gemm.lst |/++ |License: $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0). |Copyright: Copyright © 2016-, Ilya Yaroshenko |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko |+/ |module mir.sparse.blas.gemm; | |import std.traits; |import mir.ndslice.slice; |import mir.ndslice.iterator; |import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; |import mir.sparse; |import mir.series; | |/++ |General matrix-matrix multiplication. | |Params: | alpha = scalar | a = sparse matrix (CSR format) | b = dense matrix | beta = scalar | c = dense matrix |Returns: | `c = alpha * a × b + beta * c` if beta does not equal null and `c = alpha * a × b` otherwise. |+/ |void gemm( | CR, | CL, | SliceKind kind1, T1, I1, J1, SliceKind kind2, Iterator2, SliceKind kind3, Iterator3) |( | in CR alpha, | Slice!(ChopIterator!(J1*, Series!(I1*, T1*)), 1, kind1) a, | Slice!(Iterator2, 2, kind2) b, | in CL beta, | Slice!(Iterator3, 2, kind3) c) |in |{ 1| assert(a.length!0 == c.length!0); 1| assert(b.length!1 == c.length!1); |} |body |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: universal; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic: transposed; 1| auto ct = c.universal.transposed; 14| foreach (x; b.universal.transposed) | { | import mir.sparse.blas.gemv: gemv; 4| gemv(alpha, a, x, beta, ct.front); 4| ct.popFront; | } |} | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice; | import mir.sparse; | 1| auto sp = sparse!int(3, 5); 1| sp[] = | [[-5, 1, 7, 7, -4], | [-1, -5, 6, 3, -3], | [-5, -2, -3, 6, 0]]; | 1| auto a = sp.compress; | 1| auto b = slice!double(5, 4); 1| b[] = | [[-5.0, -3, 3, 1], | [4.0, 3, 6, 4], | [-4.0, -2, -2, 2], | [-1.0, 9, 4, 8], | [9.0, 8, 3, -2]]; | 1| auto c = slice!double(3, 4); | 1| gemm(1.0, a, b, 0, c); | 1| assert(c == | [[-42.0, 35, -7, 77], | [-69.0, -21, -42, 21], | [23.0, 69, 3, 29]]); |} | | |/++ |General matrix-matrix multiplication with transformation. | |Params: | alpha = scalar | a = sparse matrix (CSR format) | b = dense matrix | beta = scalar | c = dense matrix |Returns: | `c = alpha * aᵀ × b + beta * c` if beta does not equal null and `c = alpha * aᵀ × b` otherwise. |+/ |void gemtm( | CR, | CL, | SliceKind kind1, T1, I1, J1, SliceKind kind2, Iterator2, SliceKind kind3, Iterator3) |( | in CR alpha, | Slice!(ChopIterator!(J1*, Series!(I1*, T1*)), 1, kind1) a, | Slice!(Iterator2, 2, kind2) b, | in CL beta, | Slice!(Iterator3, 2, kind3) c) |in |{ 1| assert(a.length!0 == b.length!0); 1| assert(b.length!1 == c.length!1); |} |body |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: universal; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic: transposed; 1| auto ct = c.universal.transposed; 14| foreach (x; b.universal.transposed) | { | import mir.sparse.blas.gemv: gemtv; 4| gemtv(alpha, a, x, beta, ct.front); 4| ct.popFront; | } |} | | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice; | import mir.sparse; | 1| auto sp = sparse!int(5, 3); 1| sp[] = | [[-5, -1, -5], | [1, -5, -2], | [7, 6, -3], | [7, 3, 6], | [-4, -3, 0]]; | 1| auto a = sp.compress; | 1| auto b = slice!double(5, 4); 1| b[] = | [[-5.0, -3, 3, 1], | [4.0, 3, 6, 4], | [-4.0, -2, -2, 2], | [-1.0, 9, 4, 8], | [9.0, 8, 3, -2]]; | 1| auto c = slice!double(3, 4); | 1| gemtm(1.0, a, b, 0, c); | 1| assert(c == | [[-42.0, 35, -7, 77], | [-69.0, -21, -42, 21], | [23.0, 69, 3, 29]]); |} | |/++ |Selective general matrix multiplication with selector sparse matrix. |Params: | a = dense matrix | b = dense matrix | c = sparse matrix (CSR format) |Returns: | `c[available indexes] = (a × b)[available indexes]`. |+/ |void selectiveGemm(string op = "", SliceKind kind1, SliceKind kind2, SliceKind kind3, T, T3, I3, J3) |(Slice!(T*, 2, kind1) a, Slice!(T*, 2, kind2) b, Slice!(ChopIterator!(J3*, Series!(I3*, T3*)), 1, kind3) c) |in |{ 1| assert(a.length!1 == b.length!0); 1| assert(c.length!0 == a.length!0); 11| foreach (r; c) 3| if (r.index.length) 2| assert(r.index[$-1] < b.length!1); |} |body |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: universal; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic: transposed; | import mir.sparse.blas.gemv: selectiveGemv; | 1| auto bt = b.universal.transposed; 11| foreach (r; c) | { 3| selectiveGemv!op(bt, a.front, r); 3| a.popFront; | } |} | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice; | import mir.sparse; | 1| auto a = slice!double(3, 5); 1| a[] = | [[-5, 1, 7, 7, -4], | [-1, -5, 6, 3, -3], | [-5, -2, -3, 6, 0]]; | 1| auto b = slice!double(5, 4); 1| b[] = | [[-5.0, -3, 3, 1], | [4.0, 3, 6, 4], | [-4.0, -2, -2, 2], | [-1.0, 9, 4, 8], | [9.0, 8, 3, -2]]; | | // a * b == | // [[-42.0, 35, -7, 77], | // [-69.0, -21, -42, 21], | // [23.0, 69, 3, 29]]); | 1| auto cs = sparse!double(3, 4); 1| cs[0, 2] = 1; 1| cs[0, 1] = 3; 1| cs[2, 3] = 2; | 1| auto c = cs.compress; | 1| selectiveGemm!"*"(a, b, c); 1| assert(c.length == 3); 1| assert(c[0].index == [1, 2]); 1| assert(c[0].value == [105, -7]); 1| assert(c[1].empty); 1| assert(c[2].index == [3]); 1| assert(c[2].value == [58]); |} source/mir/sparse/blas/gemm.d is 100% covered <<<<<< EOF # path=./..-..-..-.dub-packages-mir-core-1.1.69-mir-core-source-mir-algebraic.lst |/++ |$(H2 Variant and Nullable types) | |This module implements a |$(HTTP,discriminated union) |type (a.k.a. |$(HTTP,tagged union), |$(HTTP,algebraic type)). |Such types are useful |for type-uniform binary interfaces, interfacing with scripting |languages, and comfortable exploratory programming. | |The module defines generic $(LREF Algebraic) type that contains a payload. |The allowed types of the paylad are defined by the unordered $(LREF TypeSet). | |$(LREF Algebraic) template accepts two arguments: self type set id and a list of type sets. | |$(BOOKTABLE $(H3 $(LREF Algebraic) Aliases), |$(TR $(TH Name) $(TH Description)) |$(T2 Variant, an algebraic type) |$(T2 TaggedVariant, a tagged algebraic type) |$(T2 Nullable, an algebraic type with at least `typeof(null)`) |) | |$(BOOKTABLE $(H3 Visitor Handlers), |$(TR $(TH Name) $(TH Ensures can match) $(TH Throws if no match) $(TH Returns $(LREF Nullable)) $(TH Multiple dispatch) $(TH Argumments count) $(TH Algebraic first argument) $(TH Fuses Algebraic types on return)) |$(LEADINGROWN 8, Classic handlers) |$(T8 visit, Yes, N/A, No, No, 1+, Yes, No) |$(T8 optionalVisit, No, No, Yes, No, 1+, Yes, No) |$(T8 autoVisit, No, No, auto, No, 1+, Yes, No) |$(T8 tryVisit, No, Yes, No, No, 1+, Yes, No) |$(LEADINGROWN 8, Multiple dispatch and algebraic fusion on return) |$(T8 match, Yes, N/A, No, Yes, 0+, auto, Yes) |$(T8 optionalMatch, No, No, Yes, Yes, 0+, auto, Yes) |$(T8 autoMatch, No, No, auto, Yes, 0+, auto, Yes) |$(T8 tryMatch, No, Yes, No, Yes, 0+, auto, Yes) |$(LEADINGROWN 8, Member access) |$(T8 getMember, Yes, N/A, No, No, 1+, Yes, No) |$(T8 optionalGetMember, No, No, Yes, No, 1+, Yes, No) |$(T8 autoGetMember, No, No, auto, No, 1+, Yes, No) |$(T8 tryGetMember, No, Yes, No, No, 1+, Yes, No) |$(LEADINGROWN 8, Member access with algebraic fusion on return) |$(T8 matchMember, Yes, N/A, No, No, 1+, Yes, Yes) |$(T8 optionalMatchMember, No, No, Yes, No, 1+, Yes, Yes) |$(T8 autoMatchMember, No, No, auto, No, 1+, Yes, Yes) |$(T8 tryMatchMember, No, Yes, No, No, 1+, Yes, Yes) |) | |$(BOOKTABLE $(H3 Special Types), |$(TR $(TH Name) $(TH Description)) |$(T2plain `void`, It is usefull to indicate a possible return type of the visitor. Can't be accesed by reference. ) |$(T2plain `typeof(null)`, It is usefull for nullable types. Also, it is used to indicate that a visitor can't match the current value of the algebraic. Can't be accesed by reference. ) |$(T2 This, Dummy structure that is used to construct self-referencing algebraic types. Example: `Variant!(int, double, string, This*[2])`) |$(T2plain $(LREF SetAlias)`!setId`, Dummy structure that is used to construct cyclic-referencing lists of algebraic types. ) |$(T2 TaggedType, Dummy type used to associate tags with type. ) |) | |$(BOOKTABLE $(H3 $(LREF Algebraic) Traits), |$(TR $(TH Name) $(TH Description)) |$(T2 isVariant, Checks if the type is instance of $(LREF Algebraic).) |$(T2 isNullable, Checks if the type is instance of $(LREF Algebraic) with a self $(LREF TypeSet) that contains `typeof(null)`. ) |$(T2 isTaggedVariant, Checks if the type is instance of tagged $(LREF Algebraic).) |$(T2 isTypeSet, Checks if the types are the same as $(LREF TypeSet) of them. ) |$(T2 ValueTypeOfNullable, Gets type of $(LI $(LREF .Algebraic.get.2)) method. ) | |) | | |$(H3 Type Set) |$(UL |$(LI $(LREF TaggedTypeSet) is supported. Example:`TargetTypeSet!(["integer", "floating"], int, double)`). |$(LI Type set is unordered. Example:`TypeSet!(int, double)` and `TypeSet!(double, int)` are the same. ) |$(LI Duplicats are ignored. Example: `TypeSet!(float, int, float)` and `TypeSet!(int, float)` are the same. ) |$(LI Types are automatically unqualified if this operation can be performed implicitly. Example: `TypeSet!(const int) and `TypeSet!int` are the same. ) |$(LI Non trivial `TypeSet!(A, B, ..., etc)` is allowed.) |$(LI Trivial `TypeSet!T` is allowed.) |$(LI Empty `TypeSet!()` is allowed.) |) | |$(H3 Visitors) |$(UL |$(LI Visitors are allowed to return values of different types If there are more then one return type then the an $(LREF Algebraic) type is returned. ) |$(LI Visitors are allowed to accept additional arguments. The arguments can be passed to the visitor handler. ) |$(LI Multiple visitors can be passes to the visitor handler. ) |$(LI Visitors are matched according to the common $(HTTPS, Dlang Function Overloading) rules. ) |$(LI Visitors are allowed accept algebraic value by reference except the value of `typeof(null)`. ) |$(LI Visitors are called without algebraic value if its algebraic type is `void`. ) |$(LI If the visitors arguments has known types, then such visitors should be passed to a visitor handler before others to make the compiler happy. This includes visitors with no arguments, which is used to match `void` type. ) |) | |$(H3 Implementation Features) |$(UL |$(LI BetterC support. Runtime `TypeInfo` is not used.) |$(LI Copy-constructors and postblit constructors are supported. ) |$(LI `toHash`, `opCmp`. `opEquals`, and `toString` support. ) |$(LI No string or template mixins are used. ) |$(LI Optimised for fast execution. ) |) | |See_also: $(HTTPS, Algebra of sets). | |License: $(HTTP, Apache-2.0) |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko | |Macros: |T2plain=$(TR $(TDNW $1) $(TD $+)) |T2=$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1)) $(TD $+)) |T4=$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1)) $(TD $2) $(TD $3) $(TD $4)) |T8=$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1)) $(TD $2) $(TD $3) $(TD $4) $(TD $5) $(TD $6) $(TD $7) $(TD $8)) | |+/ |module mir.algebraic; | |import mir.internal.meta; |import mir.functional: naryFun; | |private static immutable variantExceptionMsg = "mir.algebraic: the algebraic stores other type then requested."; |private static immutable variantNullExceptionMsg = "mir.algebraic: the algebraic is empty and doesn't store any value."; |private static immutable variantMemberExceptionMsg = "mir.algebraic: the algebraic stores a type that isn't compatible with the user provided visitor and arguments."; | |version (D_Exceptions) |{ | private static immutable variantException = new Exception(variantExceptionMsg); | private static immutable variantNullException = new Exception(variantNullExceptionMsg); | private static immutable variantMemberException = new Exception(variantMemberExceptionMsg); |} | |private static struct _Null() |{ |@safe pure nothrow @nogc const: | int opCmp(_Null) { return 0; } | this(typeof(null)) inout {} | string toString() { return "null"; } |} | |private static struct _Void() |{ | @safe pure nothrow @nogc const: | int opCmp(_Void) { return 0; } | string toString() { return "void"; } |} | |/++ |Checks if the type is instance of $(LREF Algebraic). |+/ |enum bool isVariant(T) = is(T == Algebraic!Types, Types...); | |/// |@safe pure version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static assert(isVariant!(Variant!(int, string))); | static assert(isVariant!(const Variant!(int[], string))); | static assert(isVariant!(Nullable!(int, string))); | static assert(!isVariant!int); |} | |/++ |Checks if the type is instance of tagged $(LREF Algebraic). | |Tagged algebraics can be defined with $(LREF TaggedVariant). |+/ |enum bool isTaggedVariant(T) = isVariant!T && is(T.Kind == enum); | |/// |@safe pure version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static assert(!isTaggedVariant!int); | static assert(!isTaggedVariant!(Variant!(int, string))); | static assert(isTaggedVariant!(TaggedVariant!(["integer", "string"], int, string))); |} | |/++ |Checks if the type is instance of $(LREF Algebraic) with a self $(LREF TypeSet) that contains `typeof(null)`. |+/ |enum bool isNullable(T) = is(T == Algebraic!(typeof(null), Types), Types...); | |/// |@safe pure version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static assert(isNullable!(const Nullable!(int, string))); | static assert(isNullable!(Nullable!())); | | static assert(!isNullable!(Variant!())); | static assert(!isNullable!(Variant!string)); | static assert(!isNullable!int); | static assert(!isNullable!string); |} | |/++ |Gets type of $(LI $(LREF .Algebraic.get.2)) method. |+/ |template ValueTypeOfNullable(T : Algebraic!(typeof(null), Types), Types...) |{ | static if (Types.length == 1) | alias ValueTypeOfNullable = Types[0]; | else | alias ValueTypeOfNullable = Algebraic!Types; |} | |/// |@safe pure version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static assert(is(ValueTypeOfNullable!(const Nullable!(int, string)) == Algebraic!(int, string))); | static assert(is(ValueTypeOfNullable!(Nullable!()) == Algebraic!())); | static assert(is(typeof(Nullable!().get()) == Algebraic!())); |} | |/++ |Dummy type for $(LREF Variant) and $(LREF Nullable) self-referencing. |+/ |struct This |{ |@safe pure nothrow @nogc const: 0000000| int opCmp(typeof(this)) { return 0; } 0000000| string toString() { return typeof(this).stringof; } |} | |/++ |Dummy type used to associate tags with a type. |+/ |struct TaggedType(T, string name) | if (name.length) |{ | private enum tag = name; | private alias Type = T; | static if (!is(T == void) && !is(T == typeof(null))) | private T payload; |@safe pure nothrow @nogc const: | int opCmp(typeof(this)) { return 0; } | string toString() { return typeof(this).stringof; } |} | |/++ |Checks if `T` is $(LREF TaggedType) instance. |+/ |enum isTaggedType(T) = is(T == TaggedType!(I, name), I, string name); | |/++ |Gets $(LREF TaggedType) underlying type. |+/ |alias getTaggedTypeUnderlying(T : TaggedType!(I, name), I, string name) = I; | |/++ |Gets $(LREF TaggedType) tag name. |+/ |enum getTaggedTypeName(T : TaggedType!(I, name), I, string name) = name; | |// example from std.variant |/++ |$(H4 Self-Referential Types) |A useful and popular use of algebraic data structures is for defining |$(LUCKY self-referential data structures), i.e. structures that embed references to |values of their own type within. |This is achieved with $(LREF Variant) by using $(LREF This) as a placeholder whenever a |reference to the type being defined is needed. The $(LREF Variant) instantiation |will perform |$(LINK2, |alpha renaming) on its constituent types, replacing $(LREF This) |with the self-referenced type. The structure of the type involving $(LREF This) may |be arbitrarily complex. |+/ |@safe pure version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | import mir.functional: Tuple = RefTuple; | | // A tree is either a leaf or a branch of two others | alias Tree(Leaf) = Variant!(Leaf, Tuple!(This*, This*)); | alias Leafs = Tuple!(Tree!int*, Tree!int*); | | Tree!int tree = Leafs(new Tree!int(41), new Tree!int(43)); | Tree!int* right = tree.get!Leafs[1]; | assert(*right == 43); |} | |/// |@safe pure version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | // An object is a double, a string, or a hash of objects | alias Obj = Variant!(double, string, This[string], This[]); | alias Map = Obj[string]; | | Obj obj = "hello"; | assert(obj._is!string); | assert(obj.trustedGet!string == "hello"); | obj = 42.0; | assert(obj.get!double == 42); | obj = ["customer": Obj("John"), "paid": Obj(23.95)]; | assert(obj.get!Map["customer"] == "John"); |} | | |/++ |Type set resolution template used to construct $(LREF Algebraic) . |+/ |template TypeSet(T...) |{ | import std.meta: staticSort, staticMap, allSatisfy, anySatisfy; | // sort types by sizeof and them mangleof | // but typeof(null) goes first | static if (is(staticMap!(TryRemoveConst, T) == T)) | static if (is(NoDuplicates!T == T)) | static if (staticIsSorted!(TypeCmp, T)) | { | static if (anySatisfy!(isTaggedType, T)) | { | import std.meta: Filter, templateNot; | static assert(Filter!(templateNot!isTaggedType, T).length == 0, | "Either all or none types must be tagged. Types that doesn't have tags: " ~ | Filter!(templateNot!isTaggedType, T).stringof); | } | alias TypeSet = T; | } | else | alias TypeSet = .TypeSet!(staticSort!(TypeCmp, T)); | else | alias TypeSet = TypeSet!(NoDuplicates!T); | else | alias TypeSet = TypeSet!(staticMap!(TryRemoveConst, T)); |} | |private template TypeCmp(A, B) |{ | enum bool TypeCmp = is(A == B) ? false: | is(A == typeof(null)) || is(A == TaggedType!(typeof(null), aname), string aname) ? true: | is(B == typeof(null)) || is(B == TaggedType!(typeof(null), bname), string bname) ? false: | is(A == void) || is(A == TaggedType!(void, aname), string aname) ? true: | is(B == void) || is(A == TaggedType!(void, bname), string bname) ? false: | A.sizeof < B.sizeof ? true: | A.sizeof > B.sizeof ? false: | A.mangleof < B.mangleof; |} | |/// |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | struct S {} | alias C = S; | alias Int = int; | static assert(is(TypeSet!(S, int) == TypeSet!(Int, C))); | static assert(is(TypeSet!(S, int, int) == TypeSet!(Int, C))); | static assert(!is(TypeSet!(uint, S) == TypeSet!(int, S))); |} | |private template applyTags(string[] tagNames, T...) | if (tagNames.length == T.length) |{ | import std.meta: AliasSeq; | static if (tagNames.length == 0) | alias applyTags = AliasSeq!(); | else | alias applyTags = AliasSeq!(TaggedType!(T[0], tagNames[0]), .applyTags!(tagNames[1 .. $], T[1 .. $])); |} | |/++ |Type set for tagged $(LREF Variants) self-referencing. |+/ |alias TaggedTypeSet(string[] tagNames, T...) = TypeSet!(applyTags!(tagNames, T)); | |/++ |Checks if the type list is $(LREF TypeSet). |+/ |enum bool isTypeSet(T...) = is(T == TypeSet!T); | |/// |@safe pure version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static assert(isTypeSet!(TypeSet!())); | static assert(isTypeSet!(TypeSet!void)); | static assert(isTypeSet!(TypeSet!(void, int, typeof(null)))); |} | |/++ |Variant Type (aka Algebraic Type). | |The impllementation is defined as |---- |alias Variant(T...) = Algebraic!(TypeSet!T); |---- | |Compatible with BetterC mode. |+/ |alias Variant(T...) = Algebraic!(TypeSet!T); | |/// |@safe pure @nogc |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | Variant!(int, double, string) v = 5; | assert(v.get!int == 5); | v = 3.14; | assert(v == 3.14); | // auto x = v.get!long; // won't compile, type long not allowed | // v = '1'; // won't compile, type char not allowed |} | |/// Single argument Variant |// and Type with copy constructor |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static struct S | { | int n; | this(ref return scope inout S rhs) inout | { | this.n = rhs.n + 1; | } | } | | Variant!S a = S(); | auto b = a; | | import mir.conv; | assert(a.get!S.n == 0); | assert(b.n == 1); //direct access of a member in case of all algebraic types has this member |} | |/// Empty type set |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | Variant!() a; | auto b = a; | assert(a.toHash == 0); | assert(a == b); | assert(a <= b && b >= a); | static assert(typeof(a).sizeof == 1); |} | |/// Small types |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | struct S { ubyte d; } | static assert(Nullable!(byte, char, S).sizeof == 2); |} | |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | struct S { ubyte[3] d; } | static assert(Nullable!(ushort, wchar, S).sizeof == 6); |} | |// /// opPostMove support |// @safe pure @nogc nothrow |// version(mir_core_test) unittest |// { |// import std.algorithm.mutation: move; | |// static struct S |// { |// uint s; | |// void opPostMove(const ref S old) nothrow |// { |// this.s = old.s + 1; |// } |// } | |// Variant!S a; | |// auto b = a.move; |// assert(b.s == 1); |// } | |/++ |Tagged Variant Type (aka Tagged Algebraic Type). | |Compatible with BetterC mode. | |Template has two declarations: |---- |alias TaggedVariant(string[] tags, T...) = Variant!(applyTags!(tags, T)); |// and |template TaggedVariant(T) | if (is(T == union)) |{ | ... |} |---- | |See_also: $(LREF Variant), $(LREF isTaggedVariant). |+/ |alias TaggedVariant(string[] tags, T...) = Variant!(applyTags!(tags, T)); | |/// ditto |template TaggedVariant(T) | if (is(T == union)) |{ | import std.meta: staticMap; | enum names = __traits(allMembers, T); | alias TypeOf(string member) = typeof(__traits(getMember, T, member)); | alias Types = staticMap!(TypeOf, names); | alias TaggedVariant = .TaggedVariant!([names], Types); |} | |/// Json Value |@safe pure |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static union JsonUnion | { | long integer; | double floating; | bool boolean; | typeof(null) null_; | string string_; | This[] array; | This[string] object; | } | | alias JsonValue = TaggedVariant!JsonUnion; | | // typeof(null) has priority | static assert(JsonValue.Kind.init == JsonValue.Kind.null_); | static assert(JsonValue.Kind.null_ == 0); | | // Kind and AllowedTypes has the same order | static assert (is(JsonValue.AllowedTypes[JsonValue.Kind.array] == JsonValue[])); | static assert (is(JsonValue.AllowedTypes[JsonValue.Kind.boolean] == bool)); | static assert (is(JsonValue.AllowedTypes[JsonValue.Kind.floating] == double)); | static assert (is(JsonValue.AllowedTypes[JsonValue.Kind.integer] == long)); | static assert (is(JsonValue.AllowedTypes[JsonValue.Kind.null_] == typeof(null))); | static assert (is(JsonValue.AllowedTypes[JsonValue.Kind.object] == JsonValue[string])); | | JsonValue v; | assert(v.kind == JsonValue.Kind.null_); | | v = 5; | assert(v == 5); | assert(v.kind == JsonValue.Kind.integer); | | v = "Tagged!"; | assert(v.get !string == "Tagged!"); | assert(v.trustedGet!string == "Tagged!"); | | assert(v.kind == JsonValue.Kind.string_); | | assert(v.get !(JsonValue.Kind.string_) == "Tagged!"); // Kind-based get | assert(v.trustedGet!(JsonValue.Kind.string_) == "Tagged!"); // Kind-based trustedGet | | v = [JsonValue("str"), JsonValue(4.3)]; | | assert(v.kind == JsonValue.Kind.array); | assert(v.trustedGet!(JsonValue[])[1].kind == JsonValue.Kind.floating); | | v = null; | assert(v.kind == JsonValue.Kind.null_); |} | |/// Wrapped algebraic with propogated primitives |@safe pure |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static struct Response | { | alias Union = TaggedVariant!( | ["double_", "string", "array", "table"], | double, | string, | Response[], | Response[string], | ); | | Union data; | alias Tag = Union.Kind; | // propogates opEquals, opAssign, and other primitives | alias data this; | | static foreach (T; Union.AllowedTypes) | this(T v) @safe pure nothrow @nogc { data = v; } | } | | Response v = 3.0; | assert(v.kind == Response.Tag.double_); | v = "str"; | assert(v == "str"); |} | |/++ |Nullable $(LREF Variant) Type (aka Algebraic Type). | |The impllementation is defined as |---- |alias Nullable(T...) = Variant!(typeof(null), T); |---- | |In additional to common algebraic API the following members can be accesssed: |$(UL |$(LI $(LREF .Algebraic.isNull)) |$(LI $(LREF .Algebraic.nullify)) |$(LI $(LREF .Algebraic.get.2)) |) | |Compatible with BetterC mode. |+/ |alias Nullable(T...) = Variant!(typeof(null), T); | |/// ditto |Nullable!T nullable(T)(T t) |{ | import core.lifetime: forward; | return Nullable!T(forward!t); |} | |/++ |Single type `Nullable` |+/ |@safe pure @nogc |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static assert(is(Nullable!int == Variant!(typeof(null), int))); | | Nullable!int a = 5; | assert(a.get!int == 5); | | a.nullify; | assert(a.isNull); | | a = 4; | assert(!a.isNull); | assert(a.get == 4); | assert(a == 4); | a = 4; | | a = null; | assert(a == null); |} | |/// Empty nullable type set support |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | Nullable!() a; | auto b = a; | assert(a.toHash == 0); | assert(a == b); | assert(a <= b && b >= a); | static assert(typeof(a).sizeof == 1); |} | |/++ |Algebraic implementation. |For more portable code, it is higly recommeded to don't use this template directly. |Instead, please use of $(LREF Variant) and $(LREF Nullable), which sort types. |+/ |struct Algebraic(_Types...) |{ | import core.lifetime: moveEmplace; | import mir.conv: emplaceRef; | import std.meta: AliasSeq, anySatisfy, allSatisfy, staticMap, templateOr; | import std.traits: | hasElaborateAssign, | hasElaborateCopyConstructor, | hasElaborateDestructor, | isEqualityComparable, | isOrderingComparable, | Largest, | Unqual | ; | | private enum bool _variant_test_ = is(_Types == AliasSeq!(typeof(null), double)); | | static if (anySatisfy!(isTaggedType, _Types)) | { | private alias _UntaggedThisTypeSetList = staticMap!(getTaggedTypeUnderlying, _Types); | } | else | { | private alias _UntaggedThisTypeSetList = _Types; | } | | /++ | Allowed types list | See_also: $(LREF TypeSet) | +/ | alias AllowedTypes = AliasSeq!(ReplaceTypeUnless!(isVariant, This, Algebraic!_Types, _UntaggedThisTypeSetList)); | | version(mir_core_test) | static if (_variant_test_) | /// | unittest | { | import std.meta: AliasSeq; | | alias V = Nullable! | ( | This*, | string, | double, | bool, | ); | | static assert(is(V.AllowedTypes == TypeSet!( | typeof(null), | bool, | string, | double, | V*))); | } | | private alias _Payload = Replace!(void, _Void!(), Replace!(typeof(null), _Null!(), AllowedTypes)); | | private static union _Storage_ | { | _Payload payload; | | static foreach (int i, P; _Payload) | mixin(`alias _member_` ~ i.stringof ~ ` = payload[` ~ i.stringof ~ `];`); | | static if (AllowedTypes.length == 0 || is(AllowedTypes == AliasSeq!(typeof(null)))) | ubyte[0] bytes; | else | ubyte[Largest!_Payload.sizeof] bytes; | } | | private _Storage_ _storage_; | | static if (AllowedTypes.length > 1) | { | static if ((_Storage_.alignof & 1) && _Payload.length <= ubyte.max) | private alias _ID_ = ubyte; | else | static if ((_Storage_.alignof & 2) && _Payload.length <= ushort.max) | private alias _ID_ = ushort; | else | static if (_Storage_.alignof & 3) | private alias _ID_ = uint; | else | private alias _ID_ = ulong; | | _ID_ _identifier_; | } | else | { | alias _ID_ = uint; | enum _ID_ _identifier_ = 0; | } | | version (D_Ddoc) | { | /++ | Algebraic Kind. | | Defined as enum for tagged algebraics and as unsigned for common algebraics. | | The Kind enum contains the members defined using tag names. | | If the algebraic type is $(LREF Nullable) then the default Kind enum member has zero value and corresponds to `typeof(null)`. | | See_also: $(LREF TaggedVariant). | +/ | enum Kind { _not_me_but_tags_name_list_ } | } | | static if (anySatisfy!(isTaggedType, _Types)) | { | version (D_Ddoc){} | else | { | mixin(enumKindText([staticMap!(getTaggedTypeName, _Types)])); | | } | } | else | { | version (D_Ddoc){} | else | { | alias Kind = _ID_; | } | } | | /++ | Returns: $(LREF .Algebraic.Kind). | | Defined as enum for tagged algebraics and as unsigned for common algebraics. | See_also: $(LREF TaggedVariant). | +/ | Kind kind() const @safe pure nothrow @nogc @property | { | assert(_identifier_ <= Kind.max); | return cast(Kind) _identifier_; | } | | static if (anySatisfy!(hasElaborateDestructor, _Payload)) | ~this() @trusted | { | S: switch (_identifier_) | { | static foreach (i, T; AllowedTypes) | static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T) | { | case i: | (*cast(Unqual!(_Payload[i])*)&_storage_.payload[i]).__xdtor; | break S; | } | default: | } | version(mir_secure_memory) | _storage_.bytes = 0xCC; | } | | // static if (anySatisfy!(hasOpPostMove, _Payload)) | // void opPostMove(const ref typeof(this) old) | // { | // S: switch (_identifier_) | // { | // static foreach (i, T; AllowedTypes) | // static if (hasOpPostMove!T) | // { | // case i: | // this._storage_.payload[i].opPostMove(old._storage_.payload[i]); | // return; | // } | // default: return; | // } | // } | | static if (AllowedTypes.length) | { | static if (!__traits(compiles, (){ _Payload[0] arg; })) | { | @disable this(); | } | } | | /// Construct an algebraic type from its subset. | this(RhsTypes...)(Algebraic!RhsTypes rhs) | if (allSatisfy!(Contains!AllowedTypes, Algebraic!RhsTypes.AllowedTypes)) | { | import core.lifetime: move; | static if (is(RhsTypes == _Types)) | this = move(rhs); | else | { | switch (rhs._identifier_) | { | static foreach (i, T; Algebraic!RhsTypes.AllowedTypes) | { | case i: | static if (__traits(compiles, __ctor(move(rhs.trustedGet!T)))) | __ctor(move(rhs.trustedGet!T)); | else | __ctor(rhs.trustedGet!T); | return; | } | default: | assert(0, variantMemberExceptionMsg); | } | } | } | | version(mir_core_test) | static if (_variant_test_) | /// | unittest | { | alias Float = Variant!(float, double); | alias Int = Variant!(long, int); | alias Number = Variant!(Float.AllowedTypes, Int.AllowedTypes); | | Float fp = 3.0; | Number number = fp; // constructor call | assert(number == 3.0); | | Int integer = 12L; | number = Number(integer); | assert(number == 12L); | } | | static if (!allSatisfy!(isCopyable, AllowedTypes)) | @disable this(this); | else | static if (anySatisfy!(hasElaborateCopyConstructor, AllowedTypes)) | { | // private enum _allCanImplicitlyRemoveConst = allSatisfy!(canImplicitlyRemoveConst, AllowedTypes); | // private enum _allCanRemoveConst = allSatisfy!(canRemoveConst, AllowedTypes); | // private enum _allHaveImplicitSemiMutableConstruction = _allCanImplicitlyRemoveConst && _allHaveMutableConstruction; | | static if (__VERSION__ < 2094) | private static union _StorageI(uint i) | { | _Payload[i] payload; | ubyte[_Storage_.bytes.length] bytes; | } | | static if (allSatisfy!(hasInoutConstruction, AllowedTypes)) | this(return ref scope inout Algebraic rhs) inout | { | static if (AllowedTypes.length > 1) this._identifier_ = rhs._identifier_; | static foreach (int i, T; AllowedTypes) | static if (!is(T == typeof(null)) && !is(T == void)) | { | if (_identifier_ == i) | { | static if (__VERSION__ < 2094) | { | _storage_.bytes = () inout @trusted { | auto ret = inout _StorageI!i(rhs.trustedGet!T); | return ret.bytes; | } (); | return; | } | else | { | _storage_ = () inout { | mixin(`inout _Storage_ ret = { _member_` ~ i.stringof ~ ` : rhs.trustedGet!T };`); | return ret; | } (); | return; | } | } | } | } | else | { | static if (allSatisfy!(hasMutableConstruction, AllowedTypes)) | this(return ref scope Algebraic rhs) | { | static if (AllowedTypes.length > 1) this._identifier_ = rhs._identifier_; | static foreach (int i, T; AllowedTypes) | static if (!is(T == typeof(null)) && !is(T == void)) | { | if (_identifier_ == i) | { | _storage_ = () { | mixin(`_Storage_ ret = { _member_` ~ i.stringof ~ ` : rhs.trustedGet!T };`); | return ret; | } (); | return; | } | } | } | | static if (allSatisfy!(hasConstConstruction, AllowedTypes)) | this(return ref scope const Algebraic rhs) const | { | static if (AllowedTypes.length > 1) this._identifier_ = rhs._identifier_; | static foreach (int i, T; AllowedTypes) | static if (!is(T == typeof(null)) && !is(T == void)) | { | if (_identifier_ == i) | { | _storage_ = () const { | mixin(`const _Storage_ ret = { _member_` ~ i.stringof ~ ` : rhs.trustedGet!T };`); | return ret; | } (); | return; | } | } | } | | static if (allSatisfy!(hasImmutableConstruction, AllowedTypes)) | this(return ref scope immutable Algebraic rhs) immutable | { | static if (AllowedTypes.length > 1) this._identifier_ = rhs._identifier_; | static foreach (int i, T; AllowedTypes) | static if (!is(T == typeof(null)) && !is(T == void)) | { | if (_identifier_ == i) | { | _storage_ = () immutable { | mixin(`immutable _Storage_ ret = { _member_` ~ i.stringof ~ ` : rhs.trustedGet!T };`); | return ret; | } (); | return; | } | } | } | | static if (allSatisfy!(hasSemiImmutableConstruction, AllowedTypes)) | this(return ref scope const Algebraic rhs) immutable | { | static if (AllowedTypes.length > 1) this._identifier_ = rhs._identifier_; | static foreach (int i, T; AllowedTypes) | static if (!is(T == typeof(null)) && !is(T == void)) | { | if (_identifier_ == i) | { | _storage_ = () const { | mixin(`immutable _Storage_ ret = { _member_` ~ i.stringof ~ ` : rhs.trustedGet!T };`); | return ret; | } (); | return; | } | } | } | | static if (allSatisfy!(hasSemiMutableConstruction, AllowedTypes)) | this(return ref scope const Algebraic rhs) | { | static if (AllowedTypes.length > 1) this._identifier_ = rhs._identifier_; | static foreach (int i, T; AllowedTypes) | static if (!is(T == typeof(null)) && !is(T == void)) | { | if (_identifier_ == i) | { | _storage_ = () const { | mixin(`const _Storage_ ret = { _member_` ~ i.stringof ~ ` : rhs.trustedGet!T };`); | return ret; | } (); | return; | } | } | } | } | } | | /++ | +/ | size_t toHash() @trusted nothrow const | { | static if (AllowedTypes.length == 0 || is(AllowedTypes == AliasSeq!(typeof(null)))) | { | return 0; | } | else | switch (_identifier_) | { | static foreach (i, T; AllowedTypes) | { | case i: | static if (is(T == void)) | return i; | else | static if (is(T == typeof(null))) | return i; | else | static if (__traits(compiles, hashOf(trustedGet!T, cast(size_t)i))) | return hashOf(trustedGet!T, cast(size_t)i); | else | { | debug pragma(msg, "Mir warning: can't compute hash of " ~ (const T).stringof); | return i; | } | } | default: assert(0); | } | } | | /++ | +/ | bool opEquals()(auto ref const typeof(this) rhs) const | { | static if (AllowedTypes.length == 0) | { | return true; | } | else | { | if (this._identifier_ != rhs._identifier_) | return false; | switch (_identifier_) | { | static foreach (i, T; AllowedTypes) | { | case i: | return this.trustedGet!T == rhs.trustedGet!T; | } | default: assert(0); | } | } | } | | /++ | +/ | static if (is(AllowedTypes == _Types)) | auto opCmp()(auto ref const typeof(this) rhs) const | { | static if (AllowedTypes.length == 0) | { | return 0; | } | else | { | import mir.internal.utility: isFloatingPoint; | if (auto d = int(this._identifier_) - int(rhs._identifier_)) | return d; | switch (_identifier_) | { | static foreach (i, T; AllowedTypes) | { | case i: | static if (__traits(compiles, __cmp(trustedGet!T, rhs.trustedGet!T))) | return __cmp(trustedGet!T, rhs.trustedGet!T); | else | static if (__traits(hasMember, T, "opCmp") && !is(T == U*, U)) | return this.trustedGet!T.opCmp(rhs.trustedGet!T); | else | // static if (isFloatingPoint!T) | // return trustedGet!T == rhs ? 0 : trustedGet!T - rhs.trustedGet!T; | // else | return this.trustedGet!T < rhs.trustedGet!T ? -1 : | this.trustedGet!T > rhs.trustedGet!T ? +1 : 0; | } | default: assert(0); | } | } | } | | /// Requires mir-algorithm package | string toString()() const | { | static if (AllowedTypes.length == 0) | { | return "Algebraic"; | } | else | { | import mir.conv: to; | switch (_identifier_) | { | static foreach (i, T; AllowedTypes) | { | case i: | static if (is(T == void)) | return "void"; | else | static if (is(T == typeof(null))) | return "null"; | else | static if (__traits(compiles, { auto s = to!string(trustedGet!T);})) | return to!string(trustedGet!T); | else | return AllowedTypes[i].stringof; | } | default: assert(0); | } | } | } | | ///ditto | void toString(W)(scope ref W w) const | { | static if (AllowedTypes.length == 0) | { | return w.put("Algebraic"); | } | else | { | switch (_identifier_) | { | static foreach (i, T; AllowedTypes) | { | case i: | static if (is(T == void)) | return w.put("void"); | else | static if (is(T == typeof(null))) | return w.put("null"); | else | static if (__traits(compiles, { import mir.format: print; print(w, trustedGet!T); })) | { import mir.format: print; print(w, trustedGet!T); } | else | w.put(AllowedTypes[i].stringof); | return; | } | default: assert(0); | } | } | } | | static if (is(AllowedTypes[0] == typeof(null))) | { | /// | bool opCast(C)() const | if (is(C == bool)) | { | return _identifier_ != 0; | } | | /// | Algebraic opCast(C)() const | if (is(C == Algebraic)) | { | return this; | } | | /// Defined if the first type is `typeof(null)` | bool isNull() const @property { return _identifier_ == 0; } | /// ditto | void nullify() { this = null; } | | /// ditto | auto get()() | if (allSatisfy!(isCopyable, AllowedTypes[1 .. $]) && AllowedTypes.length != 2) | { | import mir.utility: _expect; | if (_expect(!_identifier_, false)) | { | throw variantNullException; | } | static if (AllowedTypes.length != 2) | { | Algebraic!(_Types[1 .. $]) ret; | | S: switch (_identifier_) | { | static foreach (i, T; AllowedTypes[1 .. $]) | { | { | case i: | if (!hasElaborateCopyConstructor!T && !__ctfe) | goto default; | ret = this.trustedGet!T; | break S; | } | } | default: | ret._storage_.bytes = this._storage_.bytes; | static if (ret.AllowedTypes.length > 1) | ret._identifier_ = cast(typeof(ret._identifier_))(this._identifier_ - 1); | } | return ret; | } | } | | static if (AllowedTypes.length == 2) | { | /++ | Gets the value if not null. If `this` is in the null state, and the optional | parameter `fallback` was provided, it will be returned. Without `fallback`, | calling `get` with a null state is invalid. | | When the fallback type is different from the Nullable type, `get(T)` returns | the common type. | | Params: | fallback = the value to return in case the `Nullable` is null. | | Returns: | The value held internally by this `Nullable`. | +/ | auto ref inout(AllowedTypes[1]) get() return inout | { | assert(_identifier_, "Called `get' on null Nullable!(" ~ AllowedTypes[1].stringof ~ ")."); | return trustedGet!(AllowedTypes[1]); | } | | version(mir_core_test) | static if (_variant_test_) | /// | @safe pure nothrow @nogc | unittest | { | enum E { a = "a", b = "b" } | Nullable!E f = E.a; | auto e = f.get(); | static assert(is(typeof(e) == E), Nullable!E.AllowedTypes.stringof); | assert(e == E.a); | | assert(f.get(E.b) == E.a); | | f = null; | assert(f.get(E.b) == E.b); | } | | /// ditto | @property auto ref inout(AllowedTypes[1]) get()(auto ref inout(AllowedTypes[1]) fallback) return inout | { | return isNull ? fallback : get(); | } | } | } | | /++ | Checks if the underlaying type is an element of a user provided type set. | +/ | bool _is(R : Algebraic!RetTypes, RetTypes...)() @safe pure nothrow @nogc const @property | if (allSatisfy!(Contains!AllowedTypes, Algebraic!RetTypes.AllowedTypes)) | { | static if (is(RetTypes == _Types)) | return true; | else | { | import std.meta: staticIndexOf; | import std.traits: CopyTypeQualifiers; | alias RhsAllowedTypes = Algebraic!RetTypes.AllowedTypes; | alias Ret = CopyTypeQualifiers!(This, Algebraic!RetTypes); | // uint rhsTypeId; | switch (_identifier_) | { | foreach (i, T; AllowedTypes) | static if (staticIndexOf!(T, RhsAllowedTypes) >= 0) | { | case i: | return true; | } | default: | return false; | } | } | } | | /// ditto | bool _is(RetTypes...)() @safe pure nothrow @nogc const @property | if (RetTypes.length > 1) | { | return this._is!(Variant!RetTypes); | } | | /++ | `nothrow` $(LREF .Algebraic.get) alternative that returns an algebraic subset. | +/ | auto ref trustedGet(R : Algebraic!RetTypes, this This, RetTypes...)() return @property | if (allSatisfy!(Contains!AllowedTypes, Algebraic!RetTypes.AllowedTypes)) | { | static if (is(RetTypes == _Types)) | return this; | else | { | import std.meta: staticIndexOf; | import std.traits: CopyTypeQualifiers; | alias RhsAllowedTypes = Algebraic!RetTypes.AllowedTypes; | alias Ret = CopyTypeQualifiers!(This, Algebraic!RetTypes); | // uint rhsTypeId; | switch (_identifier_) | { | foreach (i, T; AllowedTypes) | static if (staticIndexOf!(T, RhsAllowedTypes) >= 0) | { | case i: | static if (is(T == void)) | return (()@trusted => cast(Ret) Ret._void)(); | else | return Ret(trustedGet!T); | } | default: | assert(0, variantMemberExceptionMsg); | } | } | } | | /// ditto | template trustedGet(RetTypes...) | if (RetTypes.length > 1) | { | /// | auto ref trustedGet(this This)() return | { | return this.trustedGet!(Variant!RetTypes); | } | } | | version(mir_core_test) | static if (_variant_test_) | /// | @safe pure nothrow @nogc | unittest | { | alias Float = Variant!(float, double); | alias Int = Variant!(long, int); | alias Number = Variant!(Float.AllowedTypes, Int.AllowedTypes); | | Number number = 3.0; | assert(number._is!Float); | auto fp = number.trustedGet!Float; | static assert(is(typeof(fp) == Float)); | assert(fp == 3.0); | | // type list overload | number = 12L; | assert(number._is!(int, long)); | auto integer = number.trustedGet!(int, long); | static assert(is(typeof(integer) == Int)); | assert(integer == 12L); | } | | static if (anySatisfy!(isTaggedType, _Types)) | /// `trustedGet` overload that accept $(LREF .Algebraic.Kind). | alias trustedGet(Kind kind) = trustedGet!(AllowedTypes[kind]); | | /++ | Gets an algebraic subset. | | Throws: Exception if the storage contains value of the type that isn't represented in the allowed type set of the requested algebraic. | +/ | auto ref get(R : Algebraic!RetTypes, this This, RetTypes...)() return @property | if (allSatisfy!(Contains!AllowedTypes, Algebraic!RetTypes.AllowedTypes)) | { | static if (is(RetTypes == _Types)) | return this; | else | { | import std.meta: staticIndexOf; | import std.traits: CopyTypeQualifiers; | alias RhsAllowedTypes = Algebraic!RetTypes.AllowedTypes; | alias Ret = CopyTypeQualifiers!(This, Algebraic!RetTypes); | // uint rhsTypeId; | switch (_identifier_) | { | foreach (i, T; AllowedTypes) | static if (staticIndexOf!(T, RhsAllowedTypes) >= 0) | { | case i: | static if (is(T == void)) | return (()@trusted => cast(Ret) Ret._void)(); | else | return Ret(trustedGet!T); | } | default: | throw variantMemberException; | } | } | } | | /// ditto | template get(RetTypes...) | if (RetTypes.length > 1) | { | /// | auto ref get(this This)() return | { | return this.get!(Variant!RetTypes); | } | } | | version(mir_core_test) | static if (_variant_test_) | /// | @safe pure @nogc | unittest | { | alias Float = Variant!(float, double); | alias Int = Variant!(long, int); | alias Number = Variant!(Float.AllowedTypes, Int.AllowedTypes); | | Number number = 3.0; | auto fp = number.get!Float; | static assert(is(typeof(fp) == Float)); | assert(fp == 3.0); | | // type list overload | number = 12L; | auto integer = number.get!(int, long); | static assert(is(typeof(integer) == Int)); | assert(integer == 12L); | } | | static if (anySatisfy!(isTaggedType, _Types)) | /// `get` overload that accept $(LREF .Algebraic.Kind). | alias get(Kind kind) = get!(AllowedTypes[kind]); | | private alias _ReflectionTypes = AllowedTypes[is(AllowedTypes[0] == typeof(null)) .. $]; | static if (_ReflectionTypes.length) | static if (allSatisfy!(isSimpleAggregateType, _ReflectionTypes)) | { | import mir.reflection: isPublic, hasField, isProperty; | import std.meta: ApplyRight, Filter, templateNot, templateOr; | import std.traits: hasMember; | | this(this This, Args...)(auto ref Args args) | if (Args.length && (Args.length > 1 || !isVariant!(Args[0]))) | { | import std.traits: CopyTypeQualifiers; | import core.lifetime: forward; | | template CanCompile(T) | { | alias Q = CopyTypeQualifiers!(This, T); | enum CanCompile = | (is(Q == class) && __traits(compiles, new Q(forward!args))) || | ((is(Q == struct) || is(Q == union)) && __traits(compiles, Q(forward!args))); | } | | alias TargetType = Filter!(CanCompile, _ReflectionTypes); | static if (TargetType.length == 0) | static assert(0, typeof(this).stringof ~ ".this: no types can be constructed with arguments " ~ Args.stringof); | static assert(TargetType.length == 1, typeof(this).stringof ~ ".this: multiple types " ~ TargetType.stringof ~ " can be constructed with arguments " ~ Args.stringof); | alias TT = TargetType[0]; | static if (is(TT == struct) || is(TT == union)) | this(CopyTypeQualifiers!(This, TT)(forward!args)); | else | this(new CopyTypeQualifiers!(This, TT)(forward!args)); | } | | static foreach (member; AllMembersRec!(_ReflectionTypes[0])) | static if ( | member != "_ID_" && | member != "_identifier_" && | member != "_is" && | member != "_storage_" && | member != "_Storage_" && | member != "_variant_test_" && | member != "_void" && | member != "AllowedTypes" && | member != "get" && | member != "isNull" && | member != "kind" && | member != "Kind" && | member != "nullify" && | member != "opAssign" && | member != "opCast" && | member != "opCmp" && | member != "opEquals" && | member != "opPostMove" && | member != "toHash" && | member != "toString" && | member != "trustedGet" && | !(member.length >= 2 && member[0 .. 2] == "__")) | static if (allSatisfy!(ApplyRight!(hasMember, member), _ReflectionTypes)) | static if (!anySatisfy!(ApplyRight!(isMemberType, member), _ReflectionTypes)) | static if (allSatisfy!(ApplyRight!(isSingleMember, member), _ReflectionTypes)) | static if (allSatisfy!(ApplyRight!(isPublic, member), _ReflectionTypes)) | { | static if (allSatisfy!(ApplyRight!(hasField, member), _ReflectionTypes) && NoDuplicates!(staticMap!(ApplyRight!(memberTypeOf, member), _ReflectionTypes)).length == 1) | { | mixin(`ref ` ~ member ~q{()() inout return @trusted pure nothrow @nogc @property { return this.getMember!member; }}); | } | else | static if (allSatisfy!(ApplyRight!(templateOr!(hasField, isProperty), member), _ReflectionTypes)) | { | mixin(`auto ref ` ~ member ~q{(this This, Args...)(auto ref Args args) @property { static if (args.length) { import core.lifetime: forward; return this.getMember!member = forward!args; } else return this.getMember!member; }}); | } | static if (allSatisfy!(ApplyRight!(templateNot!(templateOr!(hasField, isProperty)), member), _ReflectionTypes)) | { | mixin(`auto ref ` ~ member ~q{(this This, Args...)(auto ref Args args) { static if (args.length) { import core.lifetime: forward; return this.getMember!member(forward!args); } else return this.getMember!member; }}); | } | } | } | | static foreach (int i, T; AllowedTypes) | { | /// Zero cost always nothrow `get` alternative | auto ref trustedGet(E)() @trusted @property return inout nothrow | if (is(E == T)) | { | assert (i == _identifier_); | static if (is(T == typeof(null))) | return null; | else | static if (is(T == void)) | return; | else | return _storage_.payload[i]; | } | | /++ | Throws: Exception if the storage contains value of other type | +/ | auto ref get(E)() @property return inout | if (is(E == T)) | { | import mir.utility: _expect; | static if (AllowedTypes.length > 1) | { | if (_expect(i != _identifier_, false)) | { | throw variantException; | } | } | return trustedGet!T; | } | | /++ | Checks if the storage stores an allowed type. | +/ | bool _is(E)() const @property nothrow @nogc | if (is(E == T)) | { | return _identifier_ == i; | } | | static if (is(T == void)) | { | /// Defined if `AllowedTypes` contains `void` | static Algebraic _void() | { | Algebraic ret; | ret._storage_ = () { | import core.lifetime: forward; | mixin(`_Storage_ ret = { _member_` ~ i.stringof ~ ` : _Void!().init };`); | return ret; | } (); | ret._identifier_ = i; | return ret; | } | } | else | { | /// | static if (isCopyable!(const T) || is(Unqual!T == T)) | this(T value) | { | import core.lifetime: forward; | static if (is(T == typeof(null))) | auto rhs = _Null!()(); | else | alias rhs = forward!value; | | static if (__VERSION__ < 2094 && anySatisfy!(hasElaborateCopyConstructor, AllowedTypes)) | { | _storage_.bytes = () @trusted { | auto ret = _StorageI!i(rhs); | return ret.bytes; | } (); | } | else | { | _storage_ = () { | mixin(`_Storage_ ret = { _member_` ~ i.stringof ~ ` : rhs };`); | return ret; | } (); | } | static if (_Payload.length > 1) | _identifier_ = i; | } | | /// ditto | static if (isCopyable!(const T)) | this(const T value) const | { | static if (is(T == typeof(null))) | auto rhs = _Null!()(); | else | alias rhs = value; | static if (__VERSION__ < 2094 && anySatisfy!(hasElaborateCopyConstructor, AllowedTypes)) | { | _storage_.bytes = () const @trusted { | auto ret = const _StorageI!i(rhs); | return ret.bytes; | } (); | } | else | { | _storage_ = () { | mixin(`const _Storage_ ret = { _member_` ~ i.stringof ~ ` : rhs };`); | return ret; | } (); | } | static if (_Payload.length > 1) | _identifier_ = i; | } | | /// ditto | static if (isCopyable!(immutable T)) | this(immutable T value) immutable | { | static if (is(T == typeof(null))) | auto rhs = _Null!()(); | else | alias rhs = value; | static if (__VERSION__ < 2094 && anySatisfy!(hasElaborateCopyConstructor, AllowedTypes)) | { | _storage_.bytes = () const @trusted { | auto ret = immutable _StorageI!i(rhs); | return ret.bytes; | } (); | } | else | { | _storage_ = () { | mixin(`immutable _Storage_ ret = { _member_` ~ i.stringof ~ ` : rhs };`); | return ret; | } (); | } | static if (_Payload.length > 1) | _identifier_ = i; | } | | static if (__traits(compiles, (ref T a, ref T b) { moveEmplace(a, b); })) | /// | ref opAssign(T rhs) return @trusted | { | static if (anySatisfy!(hasElaborateDestructor, AllowedTypes)) | this.__dtor(); | __ctor(rhs); | return this; | } | | /++ | +/ | auto opEquals()(auto ref const T rhs) const | { | static if (AllowedTypes.length > 1) | if (_identifier_ != i) | return false; | return trustedGet!T == rhs; | } | | /++ | +/ | auto opCmp()(auto ref const T rhs) const | { | import mir.internal.utility: isFloatingPoint; | static if (AllowedTypes.length > 1) | if (auto d = int(_identifier_) - int(i)) | return d; | static if (__traits(compiles, __cmp(trustedGet!T, rhs))) | return __cmp(trustedGet!T, rhs); | else | static if (__traits(hasMember, T, "opCmp") && !is(T == U*, U)) | return trustedGet!T.opCmp(rhs); | else | static if (isFloatingPoint!T) | return trustedGet!T == rhs ? 0 : trustedGet!T - rhs; | else | return trustedGet!T < rhs ? -1 : | trustedGet!T > rhs ? +1 : 0; | } | } | } |} | |/++ |Constructor and methods propagation. |+/ |version(mir_core_test) |unittest |{ | static struct Base | { | double d; | } | | static class C | { | // alias this members are supported | Base base; | alias base this; | | int a; | private string _b; | | @safe pure nothrow @nogc: | | string b() const @property { return _b; } | void b(string b) @property { _b = b; } | | int retArg(int v) { return v; } | | this(int a, string b) | { | this.a = a; | this._b = b; | } | } | | static struct S | { | string b; | int a; | | double retArg(double v) { return v; } | | // alias this members are supported | Base base; | alias base this; | } | | static void inc(ref int a) { a++; } | | alias V = Nullable!(C, S); // or Variant! | | auto v = V(2, "str"); | assert(v._is!C); | assert(v.a == 2); | assert(v.b == "str"); | // members are returned by reference if possible | inc(v.a); | assert(v.a == 3); | v.b = "s"; | assert(v.b == "s"); | // alias this members are supported | v.d = 10; | assert(v.d == 10); | // method call support | assert(v.retArg(100)._is!int); | assert(v.retArg(100) == 100); | | v = V("S", 5); | assert(v._is!S); | assert(v.a == 5); | assert(v.b == "S"); | // members are returned by reference if possible | inc(v.a); | assert(v.a == 6); | v.b = "s"; | assert(v.b == "s"); | // alias this members are supported | v.d = 15; | assert(v.d == 15); | // method call support | assert(v.retArg(300)._is!double); | assert(v.retArg(300) == 300.0); | |} | |// test CTFE |unittest |{ | struct S { string s;} | alias V = Nullable!(double, S); | enum a = V(1.9); | static assert (a == 1.9); | enum b = V(S("str")); | static assert(b == S("str")); | static auto foo(int r) | { | auto s = V(S("str")); | s = r; | return s; | } | | static assert(foo(3) == 3); | static auto bar(int r) | { | auto s = V(S("str")); | s = r; | return s.visit!((double d) => d, (_)=> 0.0)(); | } | assert(bar(3) == 3); | static assert(bar(3) == 3); | | static auto bar3(int r) | { | auto s = V(S("str")); | s = r; | return s.match!((double d) => d, (_)=> "3")(); | } | assert(bar(3) == 3); | static assert(bar(3) == 3); |} | |@safe pure @nogc nothrow |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | import core.stdc.string: memcmp; | | static struct C(ubyte payloadSize, bool isPOD, bool hasToHash = true, bool hasOpEquals = true) | { | ubyte[payloadSize] _payload; | | const: | | static if (!isPOD) | { | this(this) {} | ~this() {} | } | | @safe pure nothrow @nogc: | | | static if (hasToHash) | size_t toHash() { return hashOf(_payload); } | | static if (hasOpEquals) | auto opEquals(ref const typeof(this) rhs) @trusted { return memcmp(_payload.ptr, rhs._payload.ptr, _payload.length); } | auto opCmp(ref const typeof(this) rhs) { return _payload == rhs._payload; } | } | | static foreach (size1; [1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 16, 20]) | static foreach (size2; [1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 16, 20]) | static if (size1 != size2) | static foreach (isPOD; [true, false]) | static foreach (hasToHash; [true, false]) | static foreach (hasOpEquals; [true, false]) | {{ | alias T = Variant!( | double, | C!(size1, isPOD, hasToHash, hasOpEquals), | C!(size2, isPOD, hasToHash, hasOpEquals)); | // static assert (__traits(compiles, T.init <= T.init)); | }} |} | |// const propogation |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static struct S1 { immutable(ubyte)* value; } | static struct C1 { immutable(uint)* value; } | | alias V = Variant!(S1, C1); | const V v = S1(); | assert(v._is!S1); | V w = v; | w = v; | | immutable f = V(S1()); | auto t = immutable V(S1()); | // auto j = immutable V(t); | // auto i = const V(t); |} | |// ditto |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static struct S2 { | uint* value; | this(return ref scope const typeof(this) rhs) {} | ref opAssign(typeof(this) rhs) return { return this; } | } | static struct C2 { const(uint)* value; } | | alias V = Variant!(S2, C2); | const V v = S2(); | V w = v; | w = S2(); | w = v; | w = cast(const) V.init; | | const f = V(S2()); | auto t = const V(f); |} | |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static struct S3 { | uint* value; | this(return ref scope typeof(this) rhs) {} | this(return ref scope const typeof(this) rhs) const {} | this(return ref scope immutable typeof(this) rhs) immutable {} | } | static struct C3 { immutable(uint)* value; } | | S3 s; | S3 r = s; | r = s; | r = S3.init; | | alias V = Variant!(S3, C3); | V v = S3(); | V w = v; | w = S3(); | w = V.init; | w = v; | | immutable V e = S3(); | auto t = immutable V(S3()); | auto j = const V(t); | auto h = t; | | immutable V l = C3(); | auto g = immutable V(C3()); |} | |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static struct S4 { | uint* value; | this(return ref scope const typeof(this) rhs) pure immutable {} | } | static struct C4 { immutable(uint)* value; } | | | S4 s; | S4 r = s; | r = s; | r = S4.init; | | alias V = Variant!(S4, C4); | V v = S4(); | V w = v; | w = S4(); | w = V.init; | w = v; | | { | const V e = S4(); | const k = w; | auto t = const V(k); | auto j = immutable V(k); | } | | immutable V e = S4(); | immutable k = w; | auto t = immutable V(S4()); | auto j = const V(t); | auto h = t; | | immutable V l = C4(); | import core.lifetime; | auto g = immutable V(C4()); | immutable b = immutable V(s); |} | |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | | static struct S5 { | immutable(uint)* value; | this(return ref scope typeof(this) rhs) {} | this(return ref scope const typeof(this) rhs) immutable {} | } | static struct C5 { immutable(uint)* value; } | | S5 s; | S5 r = s; | r = s; | r = S5.init; | | alias V = Variant!(S5, C5); | V v = S5(); | V w = v; | w = S5(); | w = V.init; | w = v; | | immutable V e = S5(); | immutable f = V(S5()); | immutable k = w; | auto t = immutable V(S5()); | auto j = const V(t); | auto h = t; | | immutable V l = C5(); | import core.lifetime; | immutable n = w.move; | auto g = immutable V(C5()); | immutable b = immutable V(s); |} | |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static struct S { | uint* value; | this(this) @safe pure nothrow @nogc {} | // void opAssign(typeof(this) rhs) {} | } | static struct C { const(uint)* value; } | | S s; | S r = s; | r = s; | r = S.init; | | alias V = Variant!(S, C); | V v = S(); | V w = v; | w = S(); | w = V.init; | w = v; |} | |/++ |Applies a delegate or function to the given Variant depending on the held type, |ensuring that all types are handled by the visiting functions. |+/ |alias visit(visitors...) = visitImpl!(naryFun!visitors, Exhaustive.compileTime, false); | |/// |@safe pure @nogc nothrow |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | alias Number = Variant!(int, double); | | Number x = 23; | Number y = 1.0; | | assert(x.visit!((int v) => true, (float v) => false)); | assert(y.visit!((int v) => false, (float v) => true)); |} | |/// |@safe pure @nogc |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | alias Number = Nullable!(int, double); | | Number z = null; // default | Number x = 23; | Number y = 1.0; | | () nothrow { | assert(x.visit!((int v) => true, (float v) => false)); | assert(y.visit!((int v) => false, (v) => true)); | assert(z.visit!((typeof(null) v) => true, (v) => false)); | } (); | | auto xx = x.get; | static assert (is(typeof(xx) == Variant!(int, double))); | assert(xx.visit!((int v) => v, (float v) => 0) == 23); | assert(xx.visit!((ref v) => v) == 23); | | x = null; | y.nullify; | | assert(x.isNull); | assert(y.isNull); | assert(z.isNull); | assert(z == y); |} | |/++ |Checks $(LREF .Algebraic.toString) and `void` |$(LREF Algerbraic)`.toString` requries `mir-algorithm` package |+/ |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | import mir.conv: to; | enum MIR_ALGORITHM = __traits(compiles, { import mir.format; }); | | alias visitorHandler = visit!( | (typeof(null)) => "NULL", | () => "VOID", | (ref r) {r += 1;}, // returns void | ); | | alias secondOrderVisitorHandler = visit!( | () => "SO VOID", // void => to "RV VOID" | (str) => str, // string to => it self | ); | | alias V = Nullable!(void, int); | static assert(is(V == Variant!(typeof(null), void, int))); | | V variant; | | assert(secondOrderVisitorHandler(visitorHandler(variant)) == "NULL"); | assert(!string == "null"); | | variant = V._void; | assert(variant._is!void); | assert(is(typeof(variant.get!void()) == void)); | | assert(secondOrderVisitorHandler(visitorHandler(variant)) == "VOID"); | assert(!string == "void"); | | variant = 5; | | assert(secondOrderVisitorHandler(visitorHandler(variant)) == "SO VOID"); | assert(variant == 6); | assert(!string == (MIR_ALGORITHM ? "6" : "int")); |} | |/++ |Behaves as $(LREF visit) but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the visiting functions. |Throws: Exception if `naryFun!visitors` can't be called with provided arguments |+/ |alias tryVisit(visitors...) = visitImpl!(naryFun!visitors, Exhaustive.exception, false); | |/// |@safe pure @nogc |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | alias Number = Variant!(int, double); | | Number x = 23; | | assert(x.tryVisit!((int v) => true)); |} | |/++ |Behaves as $(LREF visit) but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the visiting functions. |Returns: nullable variant, null value is used if `naryFun!visitors` can't be called with provided arguments. |+/ |alias optionalVisit(visitors...) = visitImpl!(naryFun!visitors, Exhaustive.nullable, false); | |/// |@safe pure @nogc nothrow |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static struct S { int a; } | | Variant!(S, double) variant; | | alias optionalVisitInst = optionalVisit!((ref value) => value + 0); | | // do nothing because of variant isn't initialized | Nullable!double result = optionalVisitInst(variant); | assert(result.isNull); | | variant = S(2); | // do nothing because of lambda can't compile | result = optionalVisitInst(variant); | assert(result == null); | | variant = 3.0; | result = optionalVisitInst(variant); | assert (result == 3.0); |} | |/++ |Behaves as $(LREF visit) but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the visiting functions. |Returns: optionally nullable type, null value is used if `naryFun!visitors` can't be called with provided arguments. |+/ |alias autoVisit(visitors...) = visitImpl!(naryFun!visitors, Exhaustive.auto_, false); | | |/++ |Applies a delegate or function to the given arguments depending on the held type, |ensuring that all types are handled by the visiting functions. | |The handler supports multiple dispatch or multimethods: a feature of handler in which |a function or method can be dynamically dispatched based on the run time (dynamic) type or, |in the more general case, some other attribute of more than one of its arguments. | |Fuses algebraic types on return. | |See_also: $(HTTPS, Multiple dispatch) |+/ |alias match(visitors...) = visitImpl!(naryFun!visitors, Exhaustive.compileTime, true); | |/// |version(mir_core_test) |unittest |{ | struct Asteroid { uint size; } | struct Spaceship { uint size; } | alias SpaceObject = Variant!(Asteroid, Spaceship); | | alias collideWith = match!( | (Asteroid x, Asteroid y) => "a/a", | (Asteroid x, Spaceship y) => "a/s", | (Spaceship x, Asteroid y) => "s/a", | (Spaceship x, Spaceship y) => "s/s", | ); | | import mir.utility: min; | | // Direct access of a member in case of all algebraic types has this member | alias oops = (a, b) => (a.size + b.size) > 3 && min(a.size, b.size) > 1; | | alias collide = (x, y) => oops(x, y) ? "big-boom" : collideWith(x, y); | | auto ea = Asteroid(1); | auto es = Spaceship(2); | auto oa = SpaceObject(ea); | auto os = SpaceObject(es); | | // Asteroid-Asteroid | assert(collide(ea, ea) == "a/a"); | assert(collide(ea, oa) == "a/a"); | assert(collide(oa, ea) == "a/a"); | assert(collide(oa, oa) == "a/a"); | | // Asteroid-Spaceship | assert(collide(ea, es) == "a/s"); | assert(collide(ea, os) == "a/s"); | assert(collide(oa, es) == "a/s"); | assert(collide(oa, os) == "a/s"); | | // Spaceship-Asteroid | assert(collide(es, ea) == "s/a"); | assert(collide(es, oa) == "s/a"); | assert(collide(os, ea) == "s/a"); | assert(collide(os, oa) == "s/a"); | | // Spaceship-Spaceship | assert(collide(es, es) == "big-boom"); | assert(collide(es, os) == "big-boom"); | assert(collide(os, es) == "big-boom"); | assert(collide(os, os) == "big-boom"); |} | |/++ |Behaves as $(LREF match) but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the visiting functions. |Throws: Exception if `naryFun!visitors` can't be called with provided arguments | |Fuses algebraic types on return. |+/ |alias tryMatch(visitors...) = visitImpl!(naryFun!visitors, Exhaustive.exception, true); | |/// |version(mir_core_test) |unittest |{ | import std.exception: assertThrown; | struct Asteroid { uint size; } | struct Spaceship { uint size; } | alias SpaceObject = Variant!(Asteroid, Spaceship); | | alias collideWith = tryMatch!( | (Asteroid x, Asteroid y) => "a/a", | // No visitor for A/S pair | // (Asteroid x, Spaceship y) => "a/s", | (Spaceship x, Asteroid y) => "s/a", | (Spaceship x, Spaceship y) => "s/s", | ); | | import mir.utility: min; | // Direct access of a member in case of all algebraic types has this member | alias oops = (a, b) => (a.size + b.size) > 3 && min(a.size, b.size) > 1; | | alias collide = (x, y) => oops(x, y) ? "big-boom" : collideWith(x, y); | | auto ea = Asteroid(1); | auto es = Spaceship(2); | auto oa = SpaceObject(ea); | auto os = SpaceObject(es); | | // Asteroid-Asteroid | assert(collide(ea, ea) == "a/a"); | assert(collide(ea, oa) == "a/a"); | assert(collide(oa, ea) == "a/a"); | assert(collide(oa, oa) == "a/a"); | | // Asteroid-Spaceship | assertThrown!Exception(collide(ea, es)); | assertThrown!Exception(collide(ea, os)); | assertThrown!Exception(collide(oa, es)); | assertThrown!Exception(collide(oa, os)); | | // not enough information to deduce the type from (ea, es) pair | static assert(is(typeof(collide(ea, es)) == void)); | // can deduce the type based on other return values | static assert(is(typeof(collide(ea, os)) == string)); | static assert(is(typeof(collide(oa, es)) == string)); | static assert(is(typeof(collide(oa, os)) == string)); | | // Spaceship-Asteroid | assert(collide(es, ea) == "s/a"); | assert(collide(es, oa) == "s/a"); | assert(collide(os, ea) == "s/a"); | assert(collide(os, oa) == "s/a"); | | // Spaceship-Spaceship | assert(collide(es, es) == "big-boom"); | assert(collide(es, os) == "big-boom"); | assert(collide(os, es) == "big-boom"); | assert(collide(os, os) == "big-boom"); |} | |/++ |Behaves as $(LREF match) but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the visiting functions. |Returns: nullable variant, null value is used if `naryFun!visitors` can't be called with provided arguments. | |Fuses algebraic types on return. |+/ |alias optionalMatch(visitors...) = visitImpl!(naryFun!visitors, Exhaustive.nullable, true); | |/// |version(mir_core_test) |unittest |{ | struct Asteroid { uint size; } | struct Spaceship { uint size; } | alias SpaceObject = Variant!(Asteroid, Spaceship); | | alias collideWith = optionalMatch!( | (Asteroid x, Asteroid y) => "a/a", | // No visitor for A/S pair | // (Asteroid x, Spaceship y) => "a/s", | (Spaceship x, Asteroid y) => "s/a", | (Spaceship x, Spaceship y) => "s/s", | ); | | import mir.utility: min; | // Direct access of a member in case of all algebraic types has this member | alias oops = (a, b) => (a.size + b.size) > 3 && min(a.size, b.size) > 1; | | alias collide = (x, y) => oops(x, y) ? "big-boom".nullable : collideWith(x, y); | | auto ea = Asteroid(1); | auto es = Spaceship(2); | auto oa = SpaceObject(ea); | auto os = SpaceObject(es); | | // Asteroid-Asteroid | assert(collide(ea, ea) == "a/a"); | assert(collide(ea, oa) == "a/a"); | assert(collide(oa, ea) == "a/a"); | assert(collide(oa, oa) == "a/a"); | | // Asteroid-Spaceship | // assert(collide(ea, es).isNull); // Compiler error: incompatible types | assert(collideWith(ea, es).isNull); // OK | assert(collide(ea, os).isNull); | assert(collide(oa, es).isNull); | assert(collide(oa, os).isNull); | | | // Spaceship-Asteroid | assert(collide(es, ea) == "s/a"); | assert(collide(es, oa) == "s/a"); | assert(collide(os, ea) == "s/a"); | assert(collide(os, oa) == "s/a"); | | // Spaceship-Spaceship | assert(collide(es, es) == "big-boom"); | assert(collide(es, os) == "big-boom"); | assert(collide(os, es) == "big-boom"); | assert(collide(os, os) == "big-boom"); | | // check types | | static assert(!__traits(compiles, collide(Asteroid.init, Spaceship.init))); | static assert(is(typeof(collideWith(Asteroid.init, Spaceship.init)) == Nullable!())); | | static assert(is(typeof(collide(Asteroid.init, Asteroid.init)) == Nullable!string)); | static assert(is(typeof(collide(Asteroid.init, SpaceObject.init)) == Nullable!string)); | static assert(is(typeof(collide(SpaceObject.init, Asteroid.init)) == Nullable!string)); | static assert(is(typeof(collide(SpaceObject.init, SpaceObject.init)) == Nullable!string)); | static assert(is(typeof(collide(SpaceObject.init, Spaceship.init)) == Nullable!string)); | static assert(is(typeof(collide(Spaceship.init, Asteroid.init)) == Nullable!string)); | static assert(is(typeof(collide(Spaceship.init, SpaceObject.init)) == Nullable!string)); | static assert(is(typeof(collide(Spaceship.init, Spaceship.init)) == Nullable!string)); |} | |/++ |Behaves as $(LREF match) but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the visiting functions. |Returns: optionally nullable type, null value is used if `naryFun!visitors` can't be called with provided arguments. | |Fuses algebraic types on return. |+/ |alias autoMatch(visitors...) = visitImpl!(naryFun!visitors, Exhaustive.auto_, true); | |/// |version(mir_core_test) |unittest |{ | struct Asteroid { uint size; } | struct Spaceship { uint size; } | alias SpaceObject = Variant!(Asteroid, Spaceship); | | alias collideWith = autoMatch!( | (Asteroid x, Asteroid y) => "a/a", | // No visitor for A/S pair | // (Asteroid x, Spaceship y) => "a/s", | (Spaceship x, Asteroid y) => "s/a", | (Spaceship x, Spaceship y) => "s/s", | ); | | import mir.utility: min; | // Direct access of a member in case of all algebraic types has this member | alias oops = (a, b) => (a.size + b.size) > 3 && min(a.size, b.size) > 1; | | import mir.conv: to; | alias collide = (x, y) => oops(x, y) ? "big-boom".to!(typeof(collideWith(x, y))) : collideWith(x, y); | | auto ea = Asteroid(1); | auto es = Spaceship(2); | auto oa = SpaceObject(ea); | auto os = SpaceObject(es); | | // Asteroid-Asteroid | assert(collide(ea, ea) == "a/a"); | assert(collide(ea, oa) == "a/a"); | assert(collide(oa, ea) == "a/a"); | assert(collide(oa, oa) == "a/a"); | | // Asteroid-Spaceship | // assert(collide(ea, es).isNull); // Compiler error: incompatible types | assert(collideWith(ea, es).isNull); // OK | assert(collide(ea, os).isNull); | assert(collide(oa, es).isNull); | assert(collide(oa, os).isNull); | | // Spaceship-Asteroid | assert(collide(es, ea) == "s/a"); | assert(collide(es, oa) == "s/a"); | assert(collide(os, ea) == "s/a"); | assert(collide(os, oa) == "s/a"); | | // Spaceship-Spaceship | assert(collide(es, es) == "big-boom"); | assert(collide(es, os) == "big-boom"); | assert(collide(os, es) == "big-boom"); | assert(collide(os, os) == "big-boom"); | | // check types | | static assert(!__traits(compiles, collide(Asteroid.init, Spaceship.init))); | static assert(is(typeof(collideWith(Asteroid.init, Spaceship.init)) == Nullable!())); | | static assert(is(typeof(collide(Asteroid.init, Asteroid.init)) == string)); | static assert(is(typeof(collide(SpaceObject.init, Asteroid.init)) == string)); | static assert(is(typeof(collide(Spaceship.init, Asteroid.init)) == string)); | static assert(is(typeof(collide(Spaceship.init, SpaceObject.init)) == string)); | static assert(is(typeof(collide(Spaceship.init, Spaceship.init)) == string)); | | static assert(is(typeof(collide(Asteroid.init, SpaceObject.init)) == Nullable!string)); | static assert(is(typeof(collide(SpaceObject.init, SpaceObject.init)) == Nullable!string)); | static assert(is(typeof(collide(SpaceObject.init, Spaceship.init)) == Nullable!string)); |} | |/++ |Applies a member handler to the given Variant depending on the held type, |ensuring that all types are handled by the visiting handler. |+/ |alias getMember(string member) = visitImpl!(getMemberHandler!member, Exhaustive.compileTime, false); | |/// |@safe pure @nogc nothrow |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static struct S { auto bar(int a) { return a; } enum boolean = true; } | static struct C { alias bar = (double a) => a * 2; enum boolean = false; } | | alias V = Variant!(S, C); | | V x = S(); | V y = C(); | | static assert(is(typeof(x.getMember!"bar"(2)) == Variant!(int, double))); | assert(x.getMember!"bar"(2) == 2); | assert(y.getMember!"bar"(2) != 4); | assert(y.getMember!"bar"(2) == 4.0); | | // direct implementation | assert( == 2); | assert( != 4); | assert( == 4.0); | assert(x.boolean); | assert(!y.boolean); |} | |/++ |Applies a member handler to the given Variant depending on the held type, |ensuring that all types are handled by the visiting handler. | |Fuses algebraic types on return. |+/ |alias matchMember(string member) = visitImpl!(getMemberHandler!member, Exhaustive.compileTime, true); | |/// |@safe pure @nogc nothrow |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static struct S | { | Nullable!int m; | } | | static struct C | { | Variant!(float, double) m; | } | | alias V = Variant!(S, C); | | V x = S(2.nullable); | V y = C(Variant!(float, double)(4.0)); | | // getMember returns an algebraic of algebaics | static assert(is(typeof(x.getMember!"m") == Variant!(Variant!(float, double), Nullable!int))); | // matchMember returns a fused algebraic | static assert(is(typeof(x.matchMember!"m") == Nullable!(int, float, double))); | assert(x.matchMember!"m" == 2); | assert(y.matchMember!"m" != 4); | assert(y.matchMember!"m" == 4.0); |} | |/++ |Behaves as $(LREF getMember) but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the member visitor. |Throws: Exception if member can't be accessed with provided arguments |+/ |alias tryGetMember(string member) = visitImpl!(getMemberHandler!member, Exhaustive.exception, false); | |/// |@safe pure @nogc |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static struct S { int bar(int a) { return a; }} | static struct C { alias Bar = (double a) => a * 2; } | | alias V = Variant!(S, C); | | V x = S(); | V y = C(); | | static assert(is(typeof(x.tryGetMember!"bar"(2)) == int)); | static assert(is(typeof(y.tryGetMember!"Bar"(2)) == double)); | assert(x.tryGetMember!"bar"(2) == 2); | assert(y.tryGetMember!"Bar"(2) == 4.0); |} | |/// |@safe pure @nogc nothrow |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | alias Number = Variant!(int, double); | | Number x = Number(23); | Number y = Number(1.0); | | assert(x.visit!((int v) => true, (float v) => false)); | assert(y.visit!((int v) => false, (float v) => true)); |} | |/++ |Behaves as $(LREF matchMember) but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the member visitor. |Throws: Exception if member can't be accessed with provided arguments | |Fuses algebraic types on return. |+/ |alias tryMatchMember(string member) = visitImpl!(getMemberHandler!member, Exhaustive.exception, true); | |/++ |Behaves as $(LREF getMember) but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the member visitor. |Returns: nullable variant, null value is used if the member can't be called with provided arguments. |+/ |alias optionalGetMember(string member) = visitImpl!(getMemberHandler!member, Exhaustive.nullable, false); | |/++ |Behaves as $(LREF matchMember) but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the member visitor. |Returns: nullable variant, null value is used if the member can't be called with provided arguments. | |Fuses algebraic types on return. |+/ |alias optionalMatchMember(string member) = visitImpl!(getMemberHandler!member, Exhaustive.nullable, true); | |/++ |Behaves as $(LREF getMember) but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the member visitor. |Returns: optionally nullable type, null value is used if the member can't be called with provided arguments. |+/ |alias autoGetMember(string member) = visitImpl!(getMemberHandler!member, Exhaustive.auto_, false); | |/++ |Behaves as $(LREF matchMember) but doesn't enforce at compile time that all types can be handled by the member visitor. |Returns: optionally nullable type, null value is used if the member can't be called with provided arguments. | |Fuses algebraic types on return. |+/ |alias autoMatchMember(string member) = visitImpl!(getMemberHandler!member, Exhaustive.auto_, true); | |private template getMemberHandler(string member) |{ | /// | auto ref getMemberHandler(V, Args...)(ref V value, auto ref Args args) | { | static if (Args.length == 0) | { | return __traits(getMember, value, member); | } | else | { | import core.lifetime: forward; | import mir.reflection: hasField; | static if (hasField!(V, member) && Args.length == 1) | return __traits(getMember, value, member) = forward!args; | else | return __traits(getMember, value, member)(forward!args); | } | } |} | |private template VariantReturnTypes(T...) |{ | import std.meta: staticMap; | | alias VariantReturnTypes = NoDuplicates!(staticMap!(TryRemoveConst, T)); |} | |private enum Exhaustive |{ | compileTime, | exception, | nullable, | auto_, |} | |private template nextVisitor(T, alias visitor, alias arg) |{ | static if (is(T == void)) | { | alias nextVisitor = visitor; | } | else | auto ref nextVisitor(NextArgs...)(auto ref NextArgs nextArgs) | { | import core.lifetime: forward; | return visitor(arg.trustedGet!T, forward!nextArgs); | } |} | |private template nextVisitor(alias visitor, alias arg) |{ | auto ref nextVisitor(NextArgs...)(auto ref NextArgs nextArgs) | { | import core.lifetime: forward; | return visitor(forward!arg, forward!nextArgs); | } |} | |private template visitThis(alias visitor, Exhaustive nextExhaustive, args...) |{ | auto ref visitThis(T, Args...)(auto ref Args args) | { | import core.lifetime: forward; | return .visitImpl!(nextVisitor!(T, visitor, forward!(args[0])), nextExhaustive, true)(forward!(args[1 .. $])); | } |} | |private template visitLast(alias visitor, args...) |{ | auto ref visitLast(T, Args...)(auto ref Args args) | { | import core.lifetime: forward; | static if (is(T == void)) | return visitor(forward!(args[1 .. $])); | else | return visitor(args[0].trustedGet!T, forward!(args[1 .. $])); | } |} | |private template visitImpl(alias visitor, Exhaustive exhaustive, bool fused) |{ | import std.meta: anySatisfy, staticMap, AliasSeq; | | /// | auto ref visitImpl(Args...)(auto ref Args args) | { | import core.lifetime: forward; | | static if (!anySatisfy!(isVariant, Args)) | { | static if (exhaustive == Exhaustive.compileTime) | { | return visitor(forward!args); | } | else | static if (exhaustive == Exhaustive.exception) | { | static if (__traits(compiles, visitor(forward!args))) | return visitor(forward!args); | else | throw variantMemberException; | } | else | static if (exhaustive == Exhaustive.nullable) | { | static if (__traits(compiles, visitor(forward!args))) | return Nullable!(typeof(visitor(forward!args)))(visitor(forward!args)); | else | return Nullable!().init; | } | else | static if (exhaustive == Exhaustive.auto_) | { | static if (__traits(compiles, visitor(forward!args))) | return visitor(forward!args); | else | return Nullable!().init; | } | else | static assert(0, "not implemented"); | } | else | static if (!isVariant!(Args[0])) | { | return .visitImpl!(nextVisitor!(visitor, args[0]), exhaustive, fused)(forward!(args[1 .. $])); | } | else | { | static if (fused && anySatisfy!(isVariant, Args[1 .. $])) | { | alias fun = visitThis!(visitor, exhaustive); | } | else | { | static assert (isVariant!(Args[0]), "First argument should be a Mir Algebraic type"); | alias fun = visitLast!visitor; | } | | template VariantReturnTypesImpl(T) | { | static if (__traits(compiles, fun!T(forward!args))) | static if (fused && is(typeof(fun!T(forward!args)) : Algebraic!Types, Types...)) | alias VariantReturnTypesImpl = TryRemoveConst!(typeof(fun!T(forward!args))).AllowedTypes; | else | alias VariantReturnTypesImpl = AliasSeq!(TryRemoveConst!(typeof(fun!T(forward!args)))); | else | static if (exhaustive == Exhaustive.auto_) | alias VariantReturnTypesImpl = AliasSeq!(typeof(null)); | else | alias VariantReturnTypesImpl = AliasSeq!(); | } | | static if (exhaustive == Exhaustive.nullable) | alias AllReturnTypes = NoDuplicates!(typeof(null), staticMap!(VariantReturnTypesImpl, Args[0].AllowedTypes)); | else | alias AllReturnTypes = NoDuplicates!(staticMap!(VariantReturnTypesImpl, Args[0].AllowedTypes)); | | switch (args[0]._identifier_) | { | static foreach (i, T; Args[0].AllowedTypes) | { | case i: | static if (__traits(compiles, fun!T(forward!args)) || exhaustive == Exhaustive.compileTime && !is(T == typeof(null))) | { | static if (AllReturnTypes.length == 1) | { | return fun!T(forward!args); | } | else | static if (is(VariantReturnTypesImpl!T == AliasSeq!void)) | { | fun!T(forward!args); | return Variant!AllReturnTypes._void; | } | else | static if (is(typeof(fun!T(forward!args)) == Variant!AllReturnTypes)) | { | return fun!T(forward!args); | } | else | { | return Variant!AllReturnTypes(fun!T(forward!args)); | } | } | else | static if (exhaustive == Exhaustive.compileTime && is(T == typeof(null))) | { | assert(0, "Null " ~ Args[0].stringof); | } | else | static if (exhaustive == Exhaustive.nullable || exhaustive == Exhaustive.auto_) | { | return Variant!AllReturnTypes(null); | } | else | { | throw variantMemberException; | } | } | default: assert(0); | } | } | } |} | |private string enumKindText()(string[] strs) |{ | auto r = "enum Kind {"; | foreach (s; strs) | { | r ~= s; | r ~= ", "; | } | r ~= "}"; | return r; |} | |@safe pure @nogc |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | static struct S { int a; } | | Variant!(S, double) variant; | variant = 1.0; | variant.tryVisit!((ref value, b) => value += b)(2); | assert (variant.get!double == 3); | | alias fun = (ref value) { | static if (is(typeof(value) == S)) | value.a += 2; | else | value += 2; | }; | | variant.tryVisit!fun; | assert (variant.get!double == 5); | | variant = S(4); | variant.tryVisit!fun; | assert (variant.get!S.a == 6); | | alias D = Variant!(Variant!(S, double)); |} | |@safe pure @nogc |version(mir_core_test) unittest |{ | import std.meta: AliasSeq; | | static struct PODWithLongPointer { | long* x; | this(long l) pure | { | x = new long(l); | } | | @property: | long a() const { | return x ? *x : 0; | } | | void a(long l) { | if (x) { | *x = l; | } else { | x = new long(l); | } | } | } | static assert(is(TypeSet!(byte, immutable PODWithLongPointer) == AliasSeq!(byte, immutable PODWithLongPointer))); |} | |private enum isSimpleAggregateType(T) = is(T == class) || is(T == struct) || is(T == union) || is(T == interface); | |unittest |{ | static struct Test | { | alias Value = void; | } | | alias B = Nullable!Test; |} ../../../.dub/packages/mir-core-1.1.69/mir-core/source/mir/algebraic.d is 0% covered <<<<<< EOF # path=./..-..-..-.dub-packages-mir-algorithm-3.10.60-mir-algorithm-source-mir-ndslice-slice.lst |/++ |This is a submodule of $(MREF mir, ndslice). | |Safety_note: | User-defined iterators should care about their safety except bounds checks. | Bounds are checked in ndslice code. | |License: $(HTTP, Apache-2.0) |Copyright: 2020 Ilya Yaroshenko, Kaleidic Associates Advisory Limited, Symmetry Investments |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko | |$(BOOKTABLE $(H2 Definitions), |$(TR $(TH Name) $(TH Description)) |$(T2 Slice, N-dimensional slice.) |$(T2 SliceKind, SliceKind of $(LREF Slice) enumeration.) |$(T2 Universal, Alias for $(LREF .SliceKind.universal).) |$(T2 Canonical, Alias for $(LREF .SliceKind.canonical).) |$(T2 Contiguous, Alias for $(LREF .SliceKind.contiguous).) |$(T2 sliced, Creates a slice on top of an iterator, a pointer, or an array's pointer.) |$(T2 slicedField, Creates a slice on top of a field, a random access range, or an array.) |$(T2 slicedNdField, Creates a slice on top of an ndField.) |$(T2 kindOf, Extracts $(LREF SliceKind).) |$(T2 isSlice, Checks if the type is `Slice` instance.) |$(T2 Structure, A tuple of lengths and strides.) |) | |Macros: |SUBREF = $(REF_ALTTEXT $(TT $2), $2, mir, ndslice, $1)$(NBSP) |T2=$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1)) $(TD $+)) |T4=$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1)) $(TD $2) $(TD $3) $(TD $4)) |STD = $(TD $(SMALL $0)) |+/ |module mir.ndslice.slice; | |import mir.internal.utility : Iota; |import mir.math.common : optmath; |import mir.ndslice.concatenation; |import mir.ndslice.field; |import mir.ndslice.internal; |import mir.ndslice.iterator; |import mir.ndslice.traits: isIterator; |import mir.primitives; |import mir.qualifier; |import mir.utility; |import std.meta; |import std.traits; | |public import mir.primitives: DeepElementType; | |/++ |Checks if type T has asSlice property and its returns a slices. |Aliases itself to a dimension count |+/ |template hasAsSlice(T) |{ | static if (__traits(hasMember, T, "asSlice")) | enum size_t hasAsSlice = typeof(T.init.asSlice).N; | else | enum size_t hasAsSlice = 0; |} | |/// |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.series; | static assert(!hasAsSlice!(int[])); | static assert(hasAsSlice!(SeriesMap!(int, string)) == 1); |} | |/++ |Check if $(LREF toConst) function can be called with type T. |+/ |enum isConvertibleToSlice(T) = isSlice!T || isDynamicArray!T || hasAsSlice!T; | |/// |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.series: SeriesMap; | static assert(isConvertibleToSlice!(immutable int[])); | static assert(isConvertibleToSlice!(string[])); | static assert(isConvertibleToSlice!(SeriesMap!(string, int))); | static assert(isConvertibleToSlice!(Slice!(int*))); |} | |/++ |Reurns: | Ndslice view in the same data. |See_also: $(LREF isConvertibleToSlice). |+/ |auto toSlice(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) val) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | return val.move; |} | |/// ditto |auto toSlice(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(const Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) val) |{ | return val[]; |} | |/// ditto |auto toSlice(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(immutable Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) val) |{ | return val[]; |} | |/// ditto |auto toSlice(T)(T[] val) |{ | return val.sliced; |} | |/// ditto |auto toSlice(T)(T val) | if (hasAsSlice!T || __traits(hasMember, T, "moveToSlice")) |{ | static if (__traits(hasMember, T, "moveToSlice")) | return val.moveToSlice; | else | return val.asSlice; |} | |/// ditto |auto toSlice(T)(ref T val) | if (hasAsSlice!T) |{ | return val.asSlice; |} | |/// |template toSlices(args...) |{ | static if (args.length) | { | alias arg = args[0]; | alias Arg = typeof(arg); | static if (isMutable!Arg && isSlice!Arg) | alias slc = arg; | else | @optmath @property auto ref slc()() | { | return toSlice(arg); | } | alias toSlices = AliasSeq!(slc, toSlices!(args[1..$])); | } | else | alias toSlices = AliasSeq!(); |} | |/++ |Checks if the type is `Slice` instance. |+/ |enum isSlice(T) = is(T : Slice!(Iterator, N, kind), Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind); | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | alias A = uint[]; | alias S = Slice!(int*); | | static assert(isSlice!S); | static assert(!isSlice!A); |} | |/++ |SliceKind of $(LREF Slice). |See_also: | $(SUBREF topology, universal), | $(SUBREF topology, canonical), | $(SUBREF topology, assumeCanonical), | $(SUBREF topology, assumeContiguous). |+/ |enum mir_slice_kind |{ | /// A slice has strides for all dimensions. | universal, | /// A slice has >=2 dimensions and row dimension is contiguous. | canonical, | /// A slice is a flat contiguous data without strides. | contiguous, |} |/// ditto |alias SliceKind = mir_slice_kind; | |/++ |Alias for $(LREF .SliceKind.universal). | |See_also: | Internal Binary Representation section in $(LREF Slice). |+/ |alias Universal = SliceKind.universal; |/++ |Alias for $(LREF .SliceKind.canonical). | |See_also: | Internal Binary Representation section in $(LREF Slice). |+/ |alias Canonical = SliceKind.canonical; |/++ |Alias for $(LREF .SliceKind.contiguous). | |See_also: | Internal Binary Representation section in $(LREF Slice). |+/ |alias Contiguous = SliceKind.contiguous; | |/// Extracts $(LREF SliceKind). |enum kindOf(T : Slice!(Iterator, N, kind), Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) = kind; | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | static assert(kindOf!(Slice!(int*, 1, Universal)) == Universal); |} | |/// Extracts iterator type from a $(LREF Slice). |alias IteratorOf(T : Slice!(Iterator, N, kind), Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) = Iterator; | |private template SkipDimension(size_t dimension, size_t index) |{ | static if (index < dimension) | enum SkipDimension = index; | else | static if (index == dimension) | static assert (0, "SkipInex: wrong index"); | else | enum SkipDimension = index - 1; |} | |/++ |Creates an n-dimensional slice-shell over an iterator. |Params: | iterator = An iterator, a pointer, or an array. | lengths = A list of lengths for each dimension |Returns: | n-dimensional slice |+/ |auto sliced(size_t N, Iterator)(Iterator iterator, size_t[N] lengths...) | if (!isStaticArray!Iterator && N | && !is(Iterator : Slice!(_Iterator, _N, kind), _Iterator, size_t _N, SliceKind kind)) |{ | alias C = ImplicitlyUnqual!(typeof(iterator)); 0000000| size_t[N] _lengths; | foreach (i; Iota!N) 0000000| _lengths[i] = lengths[i]; 0000000| ptrdiff_t[1] _strides = 0; | static if (isDynamicArray!Iterator) | { | assert(lengthsProduct(_lengths) <= iterator.length, | "array length should be greater or equal to the product of constructed ndslice lengths"); | auto ptr = iterator.length ? &iterator[0] : null; | return Slice!(typeof(C.init[0])*, N)(_lengths, ptr); | } | else | { | // break safety 0000000| if (false) | { | ++iterator; | --iterator; | iterator += 34; | iterator -= 34; | } | import core.lifetime: move; 0000000| return Slice!(C, N)(_lengths, iterator.move); | } |} | |/// Random access range primitives for slices over user defined types |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | struct MyIota | { | //`[index]` operator overloading | auto opIndex(size_t index) @safe nothrow | { | return index; | } | | auto lightConst()() const @property { return MyIota(); } | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property { return MyIota(); } | } | | import mir.ndslice.iterator: FieldIterator; | alias Iterator = FieldIterator!MyIota; | alias S = Slice!(Iterator, 2); | import std.range.primitives; | static assert(hasLength!S); | static assert(hasSlicing!S); | static assert(isRandomAccessRange!S); | | auto slice = Iterator().sliced(20, 10); | assert(slice[1, 2] == 12); | auto sCopy =; | assert(slice[1, 2] == 12); |} | |/++ |Creates an 1-dimensional slice-shell over an array. |Params: | array = An array. |Returns: | 1-dimensional slice |+/ |Slice!(T*) sliced(T)(T[] array) @trusted |{ | version(LDC) pragma(inline, true); 0000000| return Slice!(T*)([array.length], array.ptr); |} | |/// Creates a slice from an array. |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto slice = new int[10].sliced; | assert(slice.length == 10); | static assert(is(typeof(slice) == Slice!(int*))); |} | |/++ |Creates an n-dimensional slice-shell over the 1-dimensional input slice. |Params: | slice = slice | lengths = A list of lengths for each dimension. |Returns: | n-dimensional slice |+/ |Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) | sliced | (Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, 1, kind) slice, size_t[N] lengths...) | if (N) |{ | auto structure = typeof(return)._Structure.init; | structure[0] = lengths; | static if (kind != Contiguous) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | structure[1] = structure[0].iota.strides; | } | import core.lifetime: move; | return typeof(return)(structure, slice._iterator.move); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | auto data = new int[24]; | foreach (i, ref e; data) | e = cast(int)i; | auto a = data[0..10].sliced(10)[0..6].sliced(2, 3); | auto b = iota!int(10)[0..6].sliced(2, 3); | assert(a == b); | a[] += b; | foreach (i, e; data[0..6]) | assert(e == 2*i); | foreach (i, e; data[6..$]) | assert(e == i+6); |} | |/++ |Creates an n-dimensional slice-shell over a field. |Params: | field = A field. The length of the | array should be equal to or less then the product of | lengths. | lengths = A list of lengths for each dimension. |Returns: | n-dimensional slice |+/ |Slice!(FieldIterator!Field, N) |slicedField(Field, size_t N)(Field field, size_t[N] lengths...) | if (N) |{ | static if (hasLength!Field) 0000000| assert(lengths.lengthsProduct <= field.length, "Length product should be less or equal to the field length."); 0000000| return FieldIterator!Field(0, field).sliced(lengths); |} | |///ditto |auto slicedField(Field)(Field field) | if(hasLength!Field) |{ 0000000| return .slicedField(field, field.length); |} | |/// Creates an 1-dimensional slice over a field, array, or random access range. |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | auto slice = 10.iota.slicedField; | assert(slice.length == 10); |} | |/++ |Creates an n-dimensional slice-shell over an ndField. |Params: | field = A ndField. Lengths should fit into field's shape. | lengths = A list of lengths for each dimension. |Returns: | n-dimensional slice |See_also: $(SUBREF concatenation, concatenation) examples. |+/ |Slice!(IndexIterator!(FieldIterator!(ndIotaField!N), ndField), N) |slicedNdField(ndField, size_t N)(ndField field, size_t[N] lengths...) | if (N) |{ | static if(hasShape!ndField) | { | auto shape = field.shape; | foreach (i; 0 .. N) | assert(lengths[i] <= shape[i], "Lengths should fit into ndfield's shape."); | } | import mir.ndslice.topology: indexed, ndiota; | return indexed(field, ndiota(lengths)); |} | |///ditto |auto slicedNdField(ndField)(ndField field) | if(hasShape!ndField) |{ | return .slicedNdField(field, field.shape); |} | |/++ |Combination of coordinate(s) and value. |+/ |struct CoordinateValue(T, size_t N = 1) |{ | /// | size_t[N] index; | | /// | T value; | | /// | int opCmp()(scope auto ref const typeof(this) rht) const | { | return cmpCoo(this.index, rht.index); | } |} | |private int cmpCoo(size_t N)(scope const auto ref size_t[N] a, scope const auto ref size_t[N] b) |{ | foreach (i; Iota!(0, N)) | if (a[i] != b[i]) | return a[i] > b[i] ? 1 : -1; | return 0; |} | |/++ |Presents $(LREF .Slice.structure). |+/ |struct Structure(size_t N) |{ | /// | size_t[N] lengths; | /// | sizediff_t[N] strides; |} | |package(mir) alias LightConstOfLightScopeOf(Iterator) = LightConstOf!(LightScopeOf!Iterator); |package(mir) alias LightImmutableOfLightConstOf(Iterator) = LightImmutableOf!(LightScopeOf!Iterator); |package(mir) alias ImmutableOfUnqualOfPointerTarget(Iterator) = immutable(Unqual!(PointerTarget!Iterator))*; |package(mir) alias ConstOfUnqualOfPointerTarget(Iterator) = const(Unqual!(PointerTarget!Iterator))*; | |package(mir) template allLightScope(args...) |{ | static if (args.length) | { | alias arg = args[0]; | alias Arg = typeof(arg); | static if(!isDynamicArray!Arg) | { | static if(!is(LightScopeOf!Arg == Arg)) | @optmath @property ls()() | { | import mir.qualifier: lightScope; | return lightScope(arg); | } | else alias ls = arg; | } | else alias ls = arg; | alias allLightScope = AliasSeq!(ls, allLightScope!(args[1..$])); | } | else | alias allLightScope = AliasSeq!(); |} | |/++ |Presents an n-dimensional view over a range. | |$(H3 Definitions) | |In order to change data in a slice using |overloaded operators such as `=`, `+=`, `++`, |a syntactic structure of type |`[]` must be used. |It is worth noting that just like for regular arrays, operations `a = b` |and `a[] = b` have different meanings. |In the first case, after the operation is carried out, `a` simply points at the same data as `b` |does, and the data which `a` previously pointed at remains unmodified. |Here, `а` and `b` must be of the same type. |In the second case, `a` points at the same data as before, |but the data itself will be changed. In this instance, the number of dimensions of `b` |may be less than the number of dimensions of `а`; and `b` can be a Slice, |a regular multidimensional array, or simply a value (e.g. a number). | |In the following table you will find the definitions you might come across |in comments on operator overloading. | |$(BOOKTABLE |$(TR $(TH Operator Overloading) $(TH Examples at `N == 3`)) |$(TR $(TD An $(B interval) is a part of a sequence of type `i .. j`.) | $(STD `2..$-3`, `0..4`)) |$(TR $(TD An $(B index) is a part of a sequence of type `i`.) | $(STD `3`, `$-1`)) |$(TR $(TD A $(B partially defined slice) is a sequence composed of | $(B intervals) and $(B indices) with an overall length strictly less than `N`.) | $(STD `[3]`, `[0..$]`, `[3, 3]`, `[0..$,0..3]`, `[0..$,2]`)) |$(TR $(TD A $(B fully defined index) is a sequence | composed only of $(B indices) with an overall length equal to `N`.) | $(STD `[2,3,1]`)) |$(TR $(TD A $(B fully defined slice) is an empty sequence | or a sequence composed of $(B indices) and at least one | $(B interval) with an overall length equal to `N`.) | $(STD `[]`, `[3..$,0..3,0..$-1]`, `[2,0..$,1]`)) |$(TR $(TD An $(B indexed slice) is syntax sugar for $(SUBREF topology, indexed) and $(SUBREF topology, cartesian).) | $(STD `[anNdslice]`, `[$.iota, anNdsliceForCartesian1, $.iota]`)) |) | |See_also: | $(SUBREF topology, iota). | |$(H3 Internal Binary Representation) | |Multidimensional Slice is a structure that consists of lengths, strides, and a iterator (pointer). | |$(SUBREF topology, FieldIterator) shell is used to wrap fields and random access ranges. |FieldIterator contains a shift of the current initial element of a multidimensional slice |and the field itself. | |With the exception of $(MREF mir,ndslice,allocation) module, no functions in this |package move or copy data. The operations are only carried out on lengths, strides, |and pointers. If a slice is defined over a range, only the shift of the initial element |changes instead of the range. | |Mir n-dimensional Slices can be one of the three kinds. | |$(H4 Contiguous slice) | |Contiguous in memory (or in a user-defined iterator's field) row-major tensor that doesn't store strides because they can be computed on the fly using lengths. |The row stride is always equaled 1. | |$(H4 Canonical slice) | |Canonical slice as contiguous in memory (or in a user-defined iterator's field) rows of a row-major tensor, it doesn't store the stride for row dimension because it is always equaled 1. |BLAS/LAPACK matrices are Canonical but originally have column-major order. |In the same time you can use 2D Canonical Slices with LAPACK assuming that rows are columns and columns are rows. | |$(H4 Universal slice) | |A row-major tensor that stores the strides for all dimensions. |NumPy strides are Universal. | |$(H4 Internal Representation for Universal Slices) | |Type definition | |------- |Slice!(Iterator, N, Universal) |------- | |Schema | |------- |Slice!(Iterator, N, Universal) | size_t[N] _lengths | sizediff_t[N] _strides | Iterator _iterator |------- | |$(H5 Example) | |Definitions | |------- |import mir.ndslice; |auto a = new double[24]; |Slice!(double*, 3, Universal) s = a.sliced(2, 3, 4).universal; |Slice!(double*, 3, Universal) t = s.transposed!(1, 2, 0); |Slice!(double*, 3, Universal) r = t.reversed!1; |------- | |Representation | |------- |s________________________ | lengths[0] ::= 2 | lengths[1] ::= 3 | lengths[2] ::= 4 | | strides[0] ::= 12 | strides[1] ::= 4 | strides[2] ::= 1 | | iterator ::= &a[0] | |t____transposed!(1, 2, 0) | lengths[0] ::= 3 | lengths[1] ::= 4 | lengths[2] ::= 2 | | strides[0] ::= 4 | strides[1] ::= 1 | strides[2] ::= 12 | | iterator ::= &a[0] | |r______________reversed!1 | lengths[0] ::= 2 | lengths[1] ::= 3 | lengths[2] ::= 4 | | strides[0] ::= 12 | strides[1] ::= -4 | strides[2] ::= 1 | | iterator ::= &a[8] // (old_strides[1] * (lengths[1] - 1)) = 8 |------- | |$(H4 Internal Representation for Canonical Slices) | |Type definition | |------- |Slice!(Iterator, N, Canonical) |------- | |Schema | |------- |Slice!(Iterator, N, Canonical) | size_t[N] _lengths | sizediff_t[N-1] _strides | Iterator _iterator |------- | |$(H4 Internal Representation for Contiguous Slices) | |Type definition | |------- |Slice!(Iterator, N) |------- | |Schema | |------- |Slice!(Iterator, N, Contiguous) | size_t[N] _lengths | sizediff_t[0] _strides | Iterator _iterator |------- |+/ |struct mir_slice(Iterator_, size_t N_ = 1, SliceKind kind_ = Contiguous, Labels_...) | if (0 < N_ && N_ < 255 && !(kind_ == Canonical && N_ == 1) && Labels_.length <= N_ && isIterator!Iterator_) |{ |@optmath: | | /// $(LREF SliceKind) | enum SliceKind kind = kind_; | | /// Dimensions count | enum size_t N = N_; | | /// Strides count | enum size_t S = kind == Universal ? N : kind == Canonical ? N - 1 : 0; | | /// Labels count. | enum size_t L = Labels_.length; | | /// Data iterator type | alias Iterator = Iterator_; | | /// This type | alias This = Slice!(Iterator, N, kind); | | /// Data element type | alias DeepElement = typeof(Iterator.init[size_t.init]); | | /// | alias serdeKeysProxy = DeepElement; | | /// Label Iterators types | alias Labels = Labels_; | | /// | template Element(size_t dimension) | if (dimension < N) | { | static if (N == 1) | alias Element = DeepElement; | else | { | static if (kind == Universal || dimension == N - 1) | alias Element = mir_slice!(Iterator, N - 1, Universal); | else | static if (N == 2 || kind == Contiguous && dimension == 0) | alias Element = mir_slice!(Iterator, N - 1); | else | alias Element = mir_slice!(Iterator, N - 1, Canonical); | } | } | |package(mir): | | enum doUnittest = is(Iterator == int*) && (N == 1 || N == 2) && kind == Contiguous; | | enum hasAccessByRef = __traits(compiles, &_iterator[0]); | | enum PureIndexLength(Slices...) = Filter!(isIndex, Slices).length; | | enum isPureSlice(Slices...) = | Slices.length == 0 | || Slices.length <= N | && PureIndexLength!Slices < N | && Filter!(isIndex, Slices).length < Slices.length | && allSatisfy!(templateOr!(isIndex, is_Slice), Slices); | | | enum isFullPureSlice(Slices...) = | Slices.length == 0 | || Slices.length == N | && PureIndexLength!Slices < N | && allSatisfy!(templateOr!(isIndex, is_Slice), Slices); | | enum isIndexedSlice(Slices...) = | Slices.length | && Slices.length <= N | && allSatisfy!(isSlice, Slices) | && anySatisfy!(templateNot!is_Slice, Slices); | | static if (S) | { | /// | public alias _Structure = AliasSeq!(size_t[N], ptrdiff_t[S]); | /// | public _Structure _structure; | /// | public alias _lengths = _structure[0]; | /// | public alias _strides = _structure[1]; | } | else | { | /// | public alias _Structure = AliasSeq!(size_t[N]); | /// | public _Structure _structure; | /// | public alias _lengths = _structure[0]; | /// | public enum ptrdiff_t[S] _strides = ptrdiff_t[S].init; | } | | /// Data Iterator | public Iterator _iterator; | /// Labels iterators | public Labels _labels; | | sizediff_t backIndex(size_t dimension = 0)() @safe @property scope const | if (dimension < N) | { 0000000| return _stride!dimension * (_lengths[dimension] - 1); | } | | size_t indexStride(size_t I)(size_t[I] _indices) @safe scope const | { | static if (_indices.length) | { | static if (kind == Contiguous) | { | enum E = I - 1; 0000000| assert(_indices[E] < _lengths[E], indexError!(E, N)); 0000000| ptrdiff_t ball = this._stride!E; 0000000| ptrdiff_t stride = _indices[E] * ball; | foreach_reverse (i; Iota!E) //static | { | ball *= _lengths[i + 1]; | assert(_indices[i] < _lengths[i], indexError!(i, N)); | stride += ball * _indices[i]; | } | } | else | static if (kind == Canonical) | { | enum E = I - 1; | assert(_indices[E] < _lengths[E], indexError!(E, N)); | static if (I == N) | size_t stride = _indices[E]; | else | size_t stride = _strides[E] * _indices[E]; | foreach_reverse (i; Iota!E) //static | { | assert(_indices[i] < _lengths[i], indexError!(i, N)); | stride += _strides[i] * _indices[i]; | } | } | else | { | enum E = I - 1; | assert(_indices[E] < _lengths[E], indexError!(E, N)); | size_t stride = _strides[E] * _indices[E]; | foreach_reverse (i; Iota!E) //static | { | assert(_indices[i] < _lengths[i], indexError!(i, N)); | stride += _strides[i] * _indices[i]; | } | } 0000000| return stride; | } | else | { | return 0; | } | } | |public: | | // static if (S == 0) | // { | /// Defined for Contiguous Slice only | // this()(size_t[N] lengths, in ptrdiff_t[] empty, Iterator iterator, Labels labels) | // { | // version(LDC) pragma(inline, true); | // assert(empty.length == 0); | // this._lengths = lengths; | // this._iterator = iterator; | // } | | // /// ditto | // this()(size_t[N] lengths, Iterator iterator, Labels labels) | // { | // version(LDC) pragma(inline, true); | // this._lengths = lengths; | // this._iterator = iterator; | // } | | // /// ditto | // this()(size_t[N] lengths, in ptrdiff_t[] empty, Iterator iterator, Labels labels) | // { | // version(LDC) pragma(inline, true); | // assert(empty.length == 0); | // this._lengths = lengths; | // this._iterator = iterator; | // } | | // /// ditto | // this()(size_t[N] lengths, Iterator iterator, Labels labels) | // { | // version(LDC) pragma(inline, true); | // this._lengths = lengths; | // this._iterator = iterator; | // } | // } | | // version(LDC) | // private enum classicConstructor = true; | // else | // private enum classicConstructor = S > 0; | | // static if (classicConstructor) | // { | /// Defined for Canonical and Universal Slices (DMD, GDC, LDC) and for Contiguous Slices (LDC) | // this()(size_t[N] lengths, ptrdiff_t[S] strides, Iterator iterator, Labels labels) | // { | // version(LDC) pragma(inline, true); | // this._lengths = lengths; | // this._strides = strides; | // this._iterator = iterator; | // this._labels = labels; | // } | | // /// ditto | // this()(size_t[N] lengths, ptrdiff_t[S] strides, ref Iterator iterator, Labels labels) | // { | // version(LDC) pragma(inline, true); | // this._lengths = lengths; | // this._strides = strides; | // this._iterator = iterator; | // this._labels = labels; | // } | // } | | // /// Construct from null | // this()(typeof(null)) | // { | // version(LDC) pragma(inline, true); | // } | | // static if (doUnittest) | // /// | // @safe pure version(mir_test) unittest | // { | // import mir.ndslice.slice; | // alias Array = Slice!(double*); | // Array a = null; | // auto b = Array(null); | // assert(a.empty); | // assert(b.empty); | | // auto fun(Array a = null) | // { | | // } | // } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Creates a 2-dimentional slice with custom strides. | nothrow pure | version(mir_test) unittest | { | uint[8] array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]; | auto slice = Slice!(uint*, 2, Universal)([2, 2], [4, 1], array.ptr); | | assert(&slice[0, 0] == &array[0]); | assert(&slice[0, 1] == &array[1]); | assert(&slice[1, 0] == &array[4]); | assert(&slice[1, 1] == &array[5]); | assert(slice == [[1, 2], [5, 6]]); | | array[2] = 42; | assert(slice == [[1, 2], [5, 6]]); | | array[1] = 99; | assert(slice == [[1, 99], [5, 6]]); | } | | /++ | Returns: View with stripped out reference counted context. | The lifetime of the result mustn't be longer then the lifetime of the original slice. | +/ | auto lightScope()() scope return @property | { 0000000| auto ret = Slice!(LightScopeOf!Iterator, N, kind, staticMap!(LightScopeOf, Labels)) | (_structure, .lightScope(_iterator)); | foreach(i; Iota!L) | ret._labels[i] = .lightScope(_labels[i]); 0000000| return ret; | } | | /// ditto | auto lightScope()() scope const return @property | { 0000000| auto ret = Slice!(LightConstOf!(LightScopeOf!Iterator), N, kind, staticMap!(LightConstOfLightScopeOf, Labels)) | (_structure, .lightScope(_iterator)); | foreach(i; Iota!L) | ret._labels[i] = .lightScope(_labels[i]); 0000000| return ret; | } | | /// ditto | auto lightScope()() scope immutable return @property | { | auto ret = Slice!(LightImmutableOf!(LightScopeOf!Iterator), N, kind, staticMap!(LightImmutableOfLightConstOf(Labels))) | (_structure, .lightScope(_iterator)); | foreach(i; Iota!L) | ret._labels[i] = .lightScope(_labels[i]); | return ret; | } | | /// Returns: Mutable slice over immutable data. | Slice!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, N, kind, staticMap!(LightImmutableOf, Labels)) lightImmutable()() scope return immutable @property | { | auto ret = typeof(return)(_structure, .lightImmutable(_iterator)); | foreach(i; Iota!L) | ret._labels[i] = .lightImmutable(_labels[i]); | return ret; | } | | /// Returns: Mutable slice over const data. | Slice!(LightConstOf!Iterator, N, kind, staticMap!(LightConstOf, Labels)) lightConst()() scope return const @property @trusted | { | auto ret = typeof(return)(_structure, .lightConst(_iterator)); | foreach(i; Iota!L) | ret._labels[i] = .lightConst(_labels[i]); | return ret; | } | | /// ditto | Slice!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, N, kind, staticMap!(LightImmutableOf, Labels)) lightConst()() scope return immutable @property | { | return this.lightImmutable; | } | | /// Label for the dimensions 'd'. By default returns the row label. | Slice!(Labels[d]) | label(size_t d = 0)() @property | if (d <= L) | { | return typeof(return)(_lengths[d], _labels[d]); | } | | /// ditto | void label(size_t d = 0)(Slice!(Labels[d]) rhs) @property | if (d <= L) | { | import core.lifetime: move; | assert(rhs.length == _lengths[d], "ndslice: labels dimension mismatch"); | _labels[d] = rhs._iterator.move; | } | | /// ditto | Slice!(LightConstOf!(Labels[d])) | label(size_t d = 0)() @property const | if (d <= L) | { | return typeof(return)(_lengths[d].lightConst, _labels[d]); | } | | /// ditto | Slice!(LightImmutableOf!(Labels[d])) | label(size_t d = 0)() @property immutable | if (d <= L) | { | return typeof(return)(_lengths[d].lightImmutable, _labels[d]); | } | | /// Strips label off the DataFrame | auto values()() @property | { | return Slice!(Iterator, N, kind)(_structure, _iterator); | } | | /// ditto | auto values()() @property const | { | return Slice!(LightConstOf!Iterator, N, kind)(_structure, .lightConst(_iterator)); | } | | /// ditto | auto values()() @property immutable | { | return Slice!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, N, kind)(_structure, .lightImmutable(_iterator)); | } | | /// `opIndex` overload for const slice | auto ref opIndex(Indexes...)(Indexes indices) const @trusted | if (isPureSlice!Indexes || isIndexedSlice!Indexes) | { | return lightConst.opIndex(indices); | } | /// `opIndex` overload for immutable slice | auto ref opIndex(Indexes...)(Indexes indices) immutable @trusted | if (isPureSlice!Indexes || isIndexedSlice!Indexes) | { | return lightImmutable.opIndex(indices); | } | | static if (allSatisfy!(isPointer, Iterator, Labels)) | { | private alias ConstThis = Slice!(const(Unqual!(PointerTarget!Iterator))*, N, kind); | private alias ImmutableThis = Slice!(immutable(Unqual!(PointerTarget!Iterator))*, N, kind); | | /++ | Cast to const and immutable slices in case of underlying range is a pointer. | +/ | auto toImmutable()() scope return immutable @trusted pure nothrow @nogc | { | return Slice!(ImmutableOfUnqualOfPointerTarget!Iterator, N, kind, staticMap!(ImmutableOfUnqualOfPointerTarget, Labels)) | (_structure, _iterator, _labels); | } | | /// ditto | auto toConst()() scope return const @trusted pure nothrow @nogc | { | version(LDC) pragma(inline, true); 0000000| return Slice!(ConstOfUnqualOfPointerTarget!Iterator, N, kind, staticMap!(ConstOfUnqualOfPointerTarget, Labels)) | (_structure, _iterator, _labels); | } | | static if (!is(Slice!(const(Unqual!(PointerTarget!Iterator))*, N, kind) == This)) | /// ditto | alias toConst this; | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | version(mir_test) unittest | { | static struct Foo | { | Slice!(int*) bar; | | int get(size_t i) immutable | { | return bar[i]; | } | | int get(size_t i) const | { | return bar[i]; | } | | int get(size_t i) inout | { | return bar[i]; | } | } | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | version(mir_test) unittest | { | Slice!(double*, 2, Universal) nn; | Slice!(immutable(double)*, 2, Universal) ni; | Slice!(const(double)*, 2, Universal) nc; | | const Slice!(double*, 2, Universal) cn; | const Slice!(immutable(double)*, 2, Universal) ci; | const Slice!(const(double)*, 2, Universal) cc; | | immutable Slice!(double*, 2, Universal) in_; | immutable Slice!(immutable(double)*, 2, Universal) ii; | immutable Slice!(const(double)*, 2, Universal) ic; | | nc = nc; nc = cn; nc = in_; | nc = nc; nc = cc; nc = ic; | nc = ni; nc = ci; nc = ii; | | void fun(T, size_t N)(Slice!(const(T)*, N, Universal) sl) | { | //... | } | | fun(nn); fun(cn); fun(in_); | fun(nc); fun(cc); fun(ic); | fun(ni); fun(ci); fun(ii); | | static assert(is(typeof(cn[]) == typeof(nc))); | static assert(is(typeof(ci[]) == typeof(ni))); | static assert(is(typeof(cc[]) == typeof(nc))); | | static assert(is(typeof(in_[]) == typeof(ni))); | static assert(is(typeof(ii[]) == typeof(ni))); | static assert(is(typeof(ic[]) == typeof(ni))); | | ni = ci[]; | ni = in_[]; | ni = ii[]; | ni = ic[]; | } | } | | /++ | Iterator | Returns: | Iterator (pointer) to the $(LREF .Slice.first) element. | +/ | auto iterator()() inout scope return @property | { | return _iterator; | } | | static if (kind == Contiguous && isPointer!Iterator) | /++ | `ptr` alias is available only if the slice kind is $(LREF Contiguous) contiguous and the $(LREF .Slice.iterator) is a pointers. | +/ | alias ptr = iterator; | else | { | import mir.rc.array: mir_rci; | static if (kind == Contiguous && is(Iterator : mir_rci!ET, ET)) | auto ptr() scope return inout @property | { | return _iterator._iterator; | } | } | | /++ | Field (array) data. | Returns: | Raw data slice. | Constraints: | Field is defined only for contiguous slices. | +/ | auto field()() scope return @trusted @property | { | static assert(kind == Contiguous, "Slice.field is defined only for contiguous slices. Slice kind is " ~ kind.stringof); | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[size_t(0) .. elementCount]))) | { | return _iterator[size_t(0) .. elementCount]; | } | else | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: flattened; | return this.flattened; | } | } | | /// ditto | auto field()() scope const return @trusted @property | { | return this.lightConst.field; | } | | /// ditto | auto field()() scope immutable return @trusted @property | { | return this.lightImmutable.field; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe version(mir_test) unittest | { | auto arr = [1, 2, 3, 4]; | auto sl0 = arr.sliced; | auto sl1 = arr.slicedField; | | assert(sl0.field is arr); | assert(sl1.field is arr); | | arr = arr[1 .. $]; | sl0 = sl0[1 .. $]; | sl1 = sl1[1 .. $]; | | assert(sl0.field is arr); | assert(sl1.field is arr); | assert((cast(const)sl1).field is arr); | ()@trusted{ assert((cast(immutable)sl1).field is arr); }(); | } | | /++ | Returns: static array of lengths | See_also: $(LREF .Slice.structure) | +/ | size_t[N] shape()() @trusted @property scope const | { 0000000| return _lengths[0 .. N]; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Regular slice | @safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | assert(iota(3, 4, 5).shape == cast(size_t[3])[3, 4, 5]); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Packed slice | @safe @nogc pure nothrow | version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : pack, iota; | size_t[3] s = [3, 4, 5]; | assert(iota(3, 4, 5, 6, 7).pack!2.shape == s); | } | | /++ | Returns: static array of lengths | See_also: $(LREF .Slice.structure) | +/ | ptrdiff_t[N] strides()() @trusted @property scope const | { | static if (N <= S) | return _strides[0 .. N]; | else | { 0000000| typeof(return) ret; | static if (kind == Canonical) | { | foreach (i; Iota!S) | ret[i] = _strides[i]; | ret[$-1] = 1; | } | else | { 0000000| ret[$ - 1] = _stride!(N - 1); | foreach_reverse (i; Iota!(N - 1)) 0000000| ret[i] = ret[i + 1] * _lengths[i + 1]; | } 0000000| return ret; | } | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Regular slice | @safe @nogc pure nothrow | version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | size_t[3] s = [20, 5, 1]; | assert(iota(3, 4, 5).strides == s); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Modified regular slice | @safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : pack, iota, universal; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic : reversed, strided, transposed; | assert(iota(3, 4, 50) | .universal | .reversed!2 //makes stride negative | .strided!2(6) //multiplies stride by 6 and changes corresponding length | .transposed!2 //brings dimension `2` to the first position | .strides == cast(ptrdiff_t[3])[-6, 200, 50]); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Packed slice | @safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : pack, iota; | size_t[3] s = [20 * 42, 5 * 42, 1 * 42]; | assert(iota(3, 4, 5, 6, 7) | .pack!2 | .strides == s); | } | | /++ | Returns: static array of lengths and static array of strides | See_also: $(LREF .Slice.shape) | +/ | Structure!N structure()() @safe @property scope const | { | return typeof(return)(_lengths, strides); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Regular slice | @safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | assert(iota(3, 4, 5) | .structure == Structure!3([3, 4, 5], [20, 5, 1])); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Modified regular slice | @safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : pack, iota, universal; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic : reversed, strided, transposed; | assert(iota(3, 4, 50) | .universal | .reversed!2 //makes stride negative | .strided!2(6) //multiplies stride by 6 and changes corresponding length | .transposed!2 //brings dimension `2` to the first position | .structure == Structure!3([9, 3, 4], [-6, 200, 50])); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Packed slice | @safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : pack, iota; | assert(iota(3, 4, 5, 6, 7) | .pack!2 | .structure == Structure!3([3, 4, 5], [20 * 42, 5 * 42, 1 * 42])); | } | | /++ | Save primitive. | +/ | auto save()() scope return inout @property | { | return this; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Save range | @safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | auto slice = iota(2, 3).save; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Pointer type. | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | //sl type is `Slice!(2, int*)` | auto sl = slice!int(2, 3).save; | } | | /++ | Multidimensional `length` property. | Returns: length of the corresponding dimension | See_also: $(LREF .Slice.shape), $(LREF .Slice.structure) | +/ | size_t length(size_t dimension = 0)() @safe @property scope const | if (dimension < N) | { 0000000| return _lengths[dimension]; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | auto slice = iota(3, 4, 5); | assert(slice.length == 3); | assert(slice.length!0 == 3); | assert(slice.length!1 == 4); | assert(slice.length!2 == 5); | } | | alias opDollar = length; | | /++ | Multidimensional `stride` property. | Returns: stride of the corresponding dimension | See_also: $(LREF .Slice.structure) | +/ | sizediff_t _stride(size_t dimension = 0)() @safe @property scope const | if (dimension < N) | { | static if (dimension < S) | { | return _strides[dimension]; | } | else | static if (dimension + 1 == N) | { 0000000| return 1; | } | else | { | size_t ball = _lengths[$ - 1]; | foreach_reverse(i; Iota!(dimension + 1, N - 1)) | ball *= _lengths[i]; | return ball; | } | | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Regular slice | @safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | auto slice = iota(3, 4, 5); | assert(slice._stride == 20); | assert(slice._stride!0 == 20); | assert(slice._stride!1 == 5); | assert(slice._stride!2 == 1); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Modified regular slice | @safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.dynamic : reversed, strided, swapped; | import mir.ndslice.topology : universal, iota; | assert(iota(3, 4, 50) | .universal | .reversed!2 //makes stride negative | .strided!2(6) //multiplies stride by 6 and changes the corresponding length | .swapped!(1, 2) //swaps dimensions `1` and `2` | ._stride!1 == -6); | } | | /++ | Multidimensional input range primitive. | +/ | bool empty(size_t dimension = 0)() @safe @property scope const | if (dimension < N) | { 0000000| return _lengths[dimension] == 0; | } | | static if (N == 1) | { | ///ditto | auto ref front(size_t dimension = 0)() scope return @trusted @property | if (dimension == 0) | { 0000000| assert(!empty!dimension); 0000000| return *_iterator; | } | | ///ditto | auto ref front(size_t dimension = 0)() scope return @trusted @property const | if (dimension == 0) | { | assert(!empty!dimension); | return *_iterator.lightScope; | } | | ///ditto | auto ref front(size_t dimension = 0)() scope return @trusted @property immutable | if (dimension == 0) | { | assert(!empty!dimension); | return *_iterator.lightScope; | } | } | else | { | /// ditto | Element!dimension front(size_t dimension = 0)() scope return @property | if (dimension < N) | { | typeof(return)._Structure structure_ = typeof(return)._Structure.init; | | foreach (i; Iota!(typeof(return).N)) | { | enum j = i >= dimension ? i + 1 : i; | structure_[0][i] = _lengths[j]; | } | | static if (!typeof(return).S || typeof(return).S + 1 == S) | alias s = _strides; | else | auto s = strides; | | foreach (i; Iota!(typeof(return).S)) | { | enum j = i >= dimension ? i + 1 : i; | structure_[1][i] = s[j]; | } | | return typeof(return)(structure_, _iterator); | } | | ///ditto | auto front(size_t dimension = 0)() scope return @trusted @property const | if (dimension < N) | { | assert(!empty!dimension); | return this.lightConst.front!dimension; | } | | ///ditto | auto front(size_t dimension = 0)() scope return @trusted @property immutable | if (dimension < N) | { | assert(!empty!dimension); | return this.lightImmutable.front!dimension; | } | } | | static if (N == 1 && isMutable!DeepElement && !hasAccessByRef) | { | ///ditto | auto ref front(size_t dimension = 0, T)(T value) scope return @trusted @property | if (dimension == 0) | { | // check assign safety | static auto ref fun(ref DeepElement t, ref T v) @safe | { | return t = v; | } | assert(!empty!dimension); | static if (__traits(compiles, *_iterator = value)) | return *_iterator = value; | else | return _iterator[0] = value; | } | } | | ///ditto | static if (N == 1) | auto ref Element!dimension | back(size_t dimension = 0)() scope return @trusted @property | if (dimension < N) | { 0000000| assert(!empty!dimension); 0000000| return _iterator[backIndex]; | } | else | auto ref Element!dimension | back(size_t dimension = 0)() scope return @trusted @property | if (dimension < N) | { | assert(!empty!dimension); | auto structure_ = typeof(return)._Structure.init; | | foreach (i; Iota!(typeof(return).N)) | { | enum j = i >= dimension ? i + 1 : i; | structure_[0][i] = _lengths[j]; | } | | static if (!typeof(return).S || typeof(return).S + 1 == S) | alias s =_strides; | else | auto s = strides; | | foreach (i; Iota!(typeof(return).S)) | { | enum j = i >= dimension ? i + 1 : i; | structure_[1][i] = s[j]; | } | | return typeof(return)(structure_, _iterator + backIndex!dimension); | } | | static if (N == 1 && isMutable!DeepElement && !hasAccessByRef) | { | ///ditto | auto ref back(size_t dimension = 0, T)(T value) scope return @trusted @property | if (dimension == 0) | { | // check assign safety | static auto ref fun(ref DeepElement t, ref T v) @safe | { | return t = v; | } | assert(!empty!dimension); | return _iterator[backIndex] = value; | } | } | | ///ditto | void popFront(size_t dimension = 0)() @trusted | if (dimension < N && (dimension == 0 || kind != Contiguous)) | { 0000000| assert(_lengths[dimension], __FUNCTION__ ~ ": length!" ~ dimension.stringof ~ " should be greater than 0."); 0000000| _lengths[dimension]--; | static if ((kind == Contiguous || kind == Canonical) && dimension + 1 == N) 0000000| ++_iterator; | else | static if (kind == Canonical || kind == Universal) | _iterator += _strides[dimension]; | else | _iterator += _stride!dimension; | } | | ///ditto | void popBack(size_t dimension = 0)() @safe scope | if (dimension < N && (dimension == 0 || kind != Contiguous)) | { 0000000| assert(_lengths[dimension], __FUNCTION__ ~ ": length!" ~ dimension.stringof ~ " should be greater than 0."); 0000000| --_lengths[dimension]; | } | | ///ditto | void popFrontExactly(size_t dimension = 0)(size_t n) @trusted scope | if (dimension < N && (dimension == 0 || kind != Contiguous)) | { | assert(n <= _lengths[dimension], | __FUNCTION__ ~ ": n should be less than or equal to length!" ~ dimension.stringof); | _lengths[dimension] -= n; | _iterator += _stride!dimension * n; | } | | ///ditto | void popBackExactly(size_t dimension = 0)(size_t n) @safe scope | if (dimension < N && (dimension == 0 || kind != Contiguous)) | { | assert(n <= _lengths[dimension], | __FUNCTION__ ~ ": n should be less than or equal to length!" ~ dimension.stringof); | _lengths[dimension] -= n; | } | | ///ditto | void popFrontN(size_t dimension = 0)(size_t n) @trusted scope | if (dimension < N && (dimension == 0 || kind != Contiguous)) | { | popFrontExactly!dimension(min(n, _lengths[dimension])); | } | | ///ditto | void popBackN(size_t dimension = 0)(size_t n) @safe scope | if (dimension < N && (dimension == 0 || kind != Contiguous)) | { | popBackExactly!dimension(min(n, _lengths[dimension])); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import std.range.primitives; | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota, canonical; | auto slice = iota(10, 20, 30).canonical; | | static assert(isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(slice))); | static assert(hasSlicing!(typeof(slice))); | static assert(hasLength!(typeof(slice))); | | assert(slice.shape == cast(size_t[3])[10, 20, 30]); | slice.popFront; | slice.popFront!1; | slice.popBackExactly!2(4); | assert(slice.shape == cast(size_t[3])[9, 19, 26]); | | auto matrix = slice.front!1; | assert(matrix.shape == cast(size_t[2])[9, 26]); | | auto column = matrix.back!1; | assert(column.shape == cast(size_t[1])[9]); | | slice.popFrontExactly!1(slice.length!1); | assert(slice.empty == false); | assert(slice.empty!1 == true); | assert(slice.empty!2 == false); | assert(slice.shape == cast(size_t[3])[9, 0, 26]); | | assert(slice.back.front!1.empty); | | slice.popFrontN!0(40); | slice.popFrontN!2(40); | assert(slice.shape == cast(size_t[3])[0, 0, 0]); | } | | package(mir) ptrdiff_t lastIndex()() @safe @property scope const | { | static if (kind == Contiguous) | { 0000000| return elementCount - 1; | } | else | { | auto strides = strides; | ptrdiff_t shift = 0; | foreach(i; Iota!N) | shift += strides[i] * (_lengths[i] - 1); | return shift; | } | } | | static if (N > 1) | { | /// Accesses the first deep element of the slice. | auto ref first()() scope return @trusted @property | { | assert(!anyEmpty); | return *_iterator; | } | | static if (isMutable!DeepElement && !hasAccessByRef) | ///ditto | auto ref first(T)(T value) scope return @trusted @property | { | assert(!anyEmpty); | static if (__traits(compiles, *_iterator = value)) | return *_iterator = value; | else | return _iterator[0] = value; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, universal, canonical; | auto f = 5; | assert([2, 3].iota(f).first == f); | } | | /// Accesses the last deep element of the slice. | auto ref last()() @trusted scope return @property | { | assert(!anyEmpty); | return _iterator[lastIndex]; | } | | static if (isMutable!DeepElement && !hasAccessByRef) | ///ditto | auto ref last(T)(T value) @trusted scope return @property | { | assert(!anyEmpty); | return _iterator[lastIndex] = value; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | auto f = 5; | assert([2, 3].iota(f).last == f + 2 * 3 - 1); | } | | static if (kind_ != SliceKind.contiguous) | /// Peforms `popFrontAll` for all dimensions | void popFrontAll() | { | assert(!anyEmpty); | foreach(d; Iota!N_) | popFront!d; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, canonical; | auto v = [2, 3].iota.canonical; | v.popFrontAll; | assert(v == [[4, 5]]); | } | | static if (kind_ != SliceKind.contiguous) | /// Peforms `popBackAll` for all dimensions | void popBackAll() | { | assert(!anyEmpty); | foreach(d; Iota!N_) | popBack!d; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, canonical; | auto v = [2, 3].iota.canonical; | v.popBackAll; | assert(v == [[0, 1]]); | } | } | else | { | alias first = front; | alias last = back; | alias popFrontAll = popFront; | alias popBackAll = popBack; | } | | /+ | Returns: `true` if for any dimension of completely unpacked slice the length equals to `0`, and `false` otherwise. | +/ | private bool anyRUEmpty()() @trusted @property scope const | { | static if (isInstanceOf!(SliceIterator, Iterator)) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: unpack; | return this.lightScope.unpack.anyRUEmpty; | } | else | return _lengths[0 .. N].anyEmptyShape; | } | | | /++ | Returns: `true` if for any dimension the length equals to `0`, and `false` otherwise. | +/ | bool anyEmpty()() @trusted @property scope const | { 0000000| return _lengths[0 .. N].anyEmptyShape; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota, canonical; | auto s = iota(2, 3).canonical; | assert(!s.anyEmpty); | s.popFrontExactly!1(3); | assert(s.anyEmpty); | } | | /++ | Convenience function for backward indexing. | | Returns: `this[$-index[0], $-index[1], ..., $-index[N-1]]` | +/ | auto ref backward()(size_t[N] index) scope return | { | foreach (i; Iota!N) | index[i] = _lengths[i] - index[i]; | return this[index]; | } | | /// ditto | auto ref backward()(size_t[N] index) scope return const | { | return this.lightConst.backward(index); | } | | /// ditto | auto ref backward()(size_t[N] index) scope return const | { | return this.lightConst.backward(index); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | auto s = iota(2, 3); | assert(s[$ - 1, $ - 2] == s.backward([1, 2])); | } | | /++ | Returns: Total number of elements in a slice | +/ | size_t elementCount()() @safe @property scope const | { 0000000| size_t len = 1; | foreach (i; Iota!N) 0000000| len *= _lengths[i]; 0000000| return len; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Regular slice | @safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | assert(iota(3, 4, 5).elementCount == 60); | } | | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Packed slice | @safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : pack, evertPack, iota; | auto slice = iota(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8); | auto p = slice.pack!2; | assert(p.elementCount == 360); | assert(p[0, 0, 0, 0].elementCount == 56); | assert(p.evertPack.elementCount == 56); | } | | /++ | Slice selected dimension. | Params: | begin = initial index of the sub-slice (inclusive) | end = final index of the sub-slice (noninclusive) | Returns: ndslice with `length!dimension` equal to `end - begin`. | +/ | auto select(size_t dimension)(size_t begin, size_t end) @trusted | { | static if (kind == Contiguous && dimension) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: canonical; | auto ret = this.canonical; | } | else | { | auto ret = this; | } | auto len = end - begin; | assert(len <= ret._lengths[dimension]); | ret._lengths[dimension] = len; | ret._iterator += ret._stride!dimension * begin; | return ret; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | auto sl = iota(3, 4); | assert(!1(1, 3) == sl[0 .. $, 1 .. 3]); | } | | /++ | Select the first n elements for the dimension. | Params: | dimension = Dimension to slice. | n = count of elements for the dimension | Returns: ndslice with `length!dimension` equal to `n`. | +/ | auto selectFront(size_t dimension)(size_t n) scope return | { | static if (kind == Contiguous && dimension) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: canonical; | auto ret = this.canonical; | } | else | { | auto ret = this; | } | assert(n <= ret._lengths[dimension]); | ret._lengths[dimension] = n; | return ret; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | auto sl = iota(3, 4); | assert(sl.selectFront!1(2) == sl[0 .. $, 0 .. 2]); | } | | /++ | Select the last n elements for the dimension. | Params: | dimension = Dimension to slice. | n = count of elements for the dimension | Returns: ndslice with `length!dimension` equal to `n`. | +/ | auto selectBack(size_t dimension)(size_t n) scope return | { | static if (kind == Contiguous && dimension) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: canonical; | auto ret = this.canonical; | } | else | { | auto ret = this; | } | assert(n <= ret._lengths[dimension]); | ret._iterator += ret._stride!dimension * (ret._lengths[dimension] - n); | ret._lengths[dimension] = n; | return ret; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | auto sl = iota(3, 4); | assert(sl.selectBack!1(2) == sl[0 .. $, $ - 2 .. $]); | } | | ///ditto | bool opEquals(IteratorR, SliceKind rkind)(auto ref const Slice!(IteratorR, N, rkind) rslice) @trusted scope const | { | static if ( | __traits(isPOD, Iterator) | && __traits(isPOD, IteratorR) | && __traits(compiles, this._iterator == rslice._iterator) | ) | { 0000000| if (this._lengths != rslice._lengths) 0000000| return false; 0000000| if (anyEmpty) 0000000| return true; 0000000| if (this._iterator == rslice._iterator) | { 0000000| auto ls = this.strides; 0000000| auto rs = rslice.strides; | foreach (i; Iota!N) | { 0000000| if (this._lengths[i] != 1 && ls[i] != rs[i]) 0000000| goto L; | } 0000000| return true; | } | } | L: | | static if (is(Iterator == IotaIterator!UL, UL) && is(IteratorR == Iterator)) | { 0000000| return false; | } | else | { | import mir.algorithm.iteration : equal; 0000000| return equal(this.lightScope, rslice.lightScope); | } | } | | /// ditto | bool opEquals(T)(scope const(T)[] arr) @trusted scope const | { | auto slice = this.lightConst; | if (slice.length != arr.length) | return false; | if (arr.length) do | { | if (slice.front != arr[0]) | return false; | slice.popFront; | arr = arr[1 .. $]; | } | while (arr.length); | return true; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow | version(mir_test) unittest | { | auto a = [1, 2, 3, 4].sliced(2, 2); | | assert(a != [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].sliced(2, 3)); | assert(a != [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]); | | assert(a == [1, 2, 3, 4].sliced(2, 2)); | assert(a == [[1, 2], [3, 4]]); | | assert(a != [9, 2, 3, 4].sliced(2, 2)); | assert(a != [[9, 2], [3, 4]]); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | assert(iota(2, 3).slice[0 .. $ - 2] == iota([4, 3], 2)[0 .. $ - 4]); | } | | /++ | `Slice!(IotaIterator!size_t)` is the basic type for `[a .. b]` syntax for all ndslice based code. | +/ | Slice!(IotaIterator!size_t) opSlice(size_t dimension)(size_t i, size_t j) @safe scope const | if (dimension < N) | in | { | assert(i <= j, | "Slice.opSlice!" ~ dimension.stringof ~ ": the left opSlice boundary must be less than or equal to the right bound."); | enum errorMsg = ": right opSlice boundary must be less than or equal to the length of the given dimension."; | assert(j <= _lengths[dimension], | "Slice.opSlice!" ~ dimension.stringof ~ errorMsg); | } | do | { | return typeof(return)(j - i, typeof(return).Iterator(i)); | } | | /++ | $(BOLD Fully defined index) | +/ | auto ref opIndex()(size_t[N] _indices...) scope return @trusted | { 0000000| return _iterator[indexStride(_indices)]; | } | | /// ditto | auto ref opIndex()(size_t[N] _indices...) scope return const @trusted | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[indexStride(_indices)]))) | return _iterator[indexStride(_indices)]; | else | return .lightConst(.lightScope(_iterator))[indexStride(_indices)]; | } | | /// ditto | auto ref opIndex()(size_t[N] _indices...) scope return immutable @trusted | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[indexStride(_indices)]))) | return _iterator[indexStride(_indices)]; | else | return .lightImmutable(.lightScope(_iterator))[indexStride(_indices)]; | } | | /++ | $(BOLD Partially defined index) | +/ | auto opIndex(size_t I)(size_t[I] _indices...) scope return @trusted | if (I && I < N) | { | enum size_t diff = N - I; | alias Ret = Slice!(Iterator, diff, diff == 1 && kind == Canonical ? Contiguous : kind); | static if (I < S) | return Ret(_lengths[I .. N], _strides[I .. S], _iterator + indexStride(_indices)); | else | return Ret(_lengths[I .. N], _iterator + indexStride(_indices)); | } | | /// ditto | auto opIndex(size_t I)(size_t[I] _indices...) scope return const | if (I && I < N) | { | return this.lightConst.opIndex(_indices); | } | | /// ditto | auto opIndex(size_t I)(size_t[I] _indices...) scope return immutable | if (I && I < N) | { | return this.lightImmutable.opIndex(_indices); | } | | /++ | $(BOLD Partially or fully defined slice.) | +/ | auto opIndex(Slices...)(Slices slices) scope return @trusted | if (isPureSlice!Slices) | { | static if (Slices.length) | { | enum size_t j(size_t n) = n - Filter!(isIndex, Slices[0 .. n]).length; | enum size_t F = PureIndexLength!Slices; | enum size_t S = Slices.length; | static assert(N - F > 0); | size_t stride; | static if (Slices.length == 1) | enum K = kind; | else | static if (kind == Universal || Slices.length == N && isIndex!(Slices[$-1])) | enum K = Universal; | else | static if (Filter!(isIndex, Slices[0 .. $-1]).length == Slices.length - 1 || N - F == 1) | enum K = Contiguous; | else | enum K = Canonical; | alias Ret = Slice!(Iterator, N - F, K); | auto structure_ = Ret._Structure.init; | | enum bool shrink = kind == Canonical && slices.length == N; | static if (shrink) | { | { | enum i = Slices.length - 1; | auto slice = slices[i]; | static if (isIndex!(Slices[i])) | { | assert(slice < _lengths[i], "Slice.opIndex: index must be less than length"); | stride += slice; | } | else | { | stride += slice._iterator._index; | structure_[0][j!i] = slice._lengths[0]; | } | } | } | static if (kind == Universal || kind == Canonical) | { | foreach_reverse (i, slice; slices[0 .. $ - shrink]) //static | { | static if (isIndex!(Slices[i])) | { | assert(slice < _lengths[i], "Slice.opIndex: index must be less than length"); | stride += _strides[i] * slice; | } | else | { | stride += _strides[i] * slice._iterator._index; | structure_[0][j!i] = slice._lengths[0]; | structure_[1][j!i] = _strides[i]; | } | } | } | else | { | ptrdiff_t ball = this._stride!(slices.length - 1); | foreach_reverse (i, slice; slices) //static | { | static if (isIndex!(Slices[i])) | { | assert(slice < _lengths[i], "Slice.opIndex: index must be less than length"); | stride += ball * slice; | } | else | { | stride += ball * slice._iterator._index; | structure_[0][j!i] = slice._lengths[0]; | static if (j!i < Ret.S) | structure_[1][j!i] = ball; | } | static if (i) | ball *= _lengths[i]; | } | } | foreach (i; Iota!(Slices.length, N)) | structure_[0][i - F] = _lengths[i]; | foreach (i; Iota!(Slices.length, N)) | static if (Ret.S > i - F) | structure_[1][i - F] = _strides[i]; | | return Ret(structure_, _iterator + stride); | } | else | { 0000000| return this; | } | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | auto slice = slice!int(5, 3); | | /// Fully defined slice | assert(slice[] == slice); | auto sublice = slice[0..$-2, 1..$]; | | /// Partially defined slice | auto row = slice[3]; | auto col = slice[0..$, 1]; | } | | /++ | $(BOLD Indexed slice.) | +/ | auto opIndex(Slices...)(scope return Slices slices) scope return | if (isIndexedSlice!Slices) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: indexed, cartesian; | static if (Slices.length == 1) | alias index = slices[0]; | else | auto index = slices.cartesian; | return this.indexed(index); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | auto sli = slice!int(4, 3); | auto idx = slice!(size_t[2])(3); | idx[] = [ | cast(size_t[2])[0, 2], | cast(size_t[2])[3, 1], | cast(size_t[2])[2, 0]]; | | // equivalent to: | // import mir.ndslice.topology: indexed; | // sli.indexed(indx)[] = 1; | sli[idx] = 1; | | assert(sli == [ | [0, 0, 1], | [0, 0, 0], | [1, 0, 0], | [0, 1, 0], | ]); | | foreach (row; sli[[1, 3].sliced]) | row[] += 2; | | assert(sli == [ | [0, 0, 1], | [2, 2, 2], // <-- += 2 | [1, 0, 0], | [2, 3, 2], // <-- += 2 | ]); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | auto sli = slice!int(5, 6); | | // equivalent to | // import mir.ndslice.topology: indexed, cartesian; | // auto a = [0, sli.length!0 / 2, sli.length!0 - 1].sliced; | // auto b = [0, sli.length!1 / 2, sli.length!1 - 1].sliced; | // auto c = cartesian(a, b); | // auto minor = sli.indexed(c); | auto minor = sli[[0, $ / 2, $ - 1].sliced, [0, $ / 2, $ - 1].sliced]; | | minor[] = iota!int([3, 3], 1); | | assert(sli == [ | // ↓ ↓ ↓︎ | [1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 3], // <--- | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], | [4, 0, 0, 5, 0, 6], // <--- | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], | [7, 0, 0, 8, 0, 9], // <--- | ]); | } | | /++ | Element-wise binary operator overloading. | Returns: | lazy slice of the same kind and the same structure | Note: | Does not allocate neither new slice nor a closure. | +/ | auto opUnary(string op)() scope return | if (op == "*" || op == "~" || op == "-" || op == "+") | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: map; | static if (op == "+") | return this; | else | return!(op ~ "a"); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology; | | auto payload = [1, 2, 3, 4]; | auto s = iota([payload.length], payload.ptr); // slice of references; | assert(s[1] == payload.ptr + 1); | | auto c = *s; // the same as!"*a" | assert(c[1] == *s[1]); | | *s[1] = 3; | assert(c[1] == *s[1]); | } | | /++ | Element-wise operator overloading for scalars. | Params: | value = a scalar | Returns: | lazy slice of the same kind and the same structure | Note: | Does not allocate neither new slice nor a closure. | +/ | auto opBinary(string op, T)(scope return T value) scope return | if(!isSlice!T) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: vmap; | return this.vmap(LeftOp!(op, ImplicitlyUnqual!T)(value)); | } | | /// ditto | auto opBinaryRight(string op, T)(scope return T value) scope return | if(!isSlice!T) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: vmap; | return this.vmap(RightOp!(op, ImplicitlyUnqual!T)(value)); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology; | | // 0 1 2 3 | auto s = iota([4]); | // 0 1 2 0 | assert(s % 3 == iota([4]).map!"a % 3"); | // 0 2 4 6 | assert(2 * s == iota([4], 0, 2)); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology; | | // 0 1 2 3 | auto s = iota([4]); | // 0 1 4 9 | assert(s ^^ 2.0 == iota([4]).map!"a ^^ 2.0"); | } | | /++ | Element-wise operator overloading for slices. | Params: | rhs = a slice of the same shape. | Returns: | lazy slice the same shape that has $(LREF Contiguous) kind | Note: | Binary operator overloading is allowed if both slices are contiguous or one-dimensional. | $(BR) | Does not allocate neither new slice nor a closure. | +/ | auto opBinary(string op, RIterator, size_t RN, SliceKind rkind) | (scope return Slice!(RIterator, RN, rkind) rhs) scope return | if(N == RN && (kind == Contiguous && rkind == Contiguous || N == 1) && op != "~") | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: zip, map; | return zip(this, rhs).map!("a " ~ op ~ " b"); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, map, zip; | | auto s = iota([2, 3]); | auto c = iota([2, 3], 5, 8); | assert(s * s + c ==!"a * a".zip(c).map!"a + b"); | } | | /++ | Duplicates slice. | Returns: GC-allocated Contiguous mutable slice. | See_also: $(LREF .Slice.idup) | +/ | Slice!(Unqual!DeepElement*, N) | dup()() scope @property | { | if (__ctfe) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: flattened; | import mir.array.allocation: array; | return this.flattened.array.dup.sliced(this.shape); | } | else | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation: uninitSlice; | import mir.conv: emplaceRef; | alias E = this.DeepElement; | | auto result = (() @trusted => this.shape.uninitSlice!(Unqual!E))(); | | import mir.algorithm.iteration: each; | each!(emplaceRef!(Unqual!E))(result, this); | | return result; | } | } | | /// ditto | Slice!(immutable(DeepElement)*, N) | dup()() scope const @property | { | this.lightScope.dup; | } | | /// ditto | Slice!(immutable(DeepElement)*, N) | dup()() scope immutable @property | { | this.lightScope.dup; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice; | auto x = 3.iota!int; | Slice!(immutable(int)*) imm = x.idup; | Slice!(int*) mut = imm.dup; | assert(imm == x); | assert(mut == x); | } | | /++ | Duplicates slice. | Returns: GC-allocated Contiguous immutable slice. | See_also: $(LREF .Slice.dup) | +/ | Slice!(immutable(DeepElement)*, N) | idup()() scope @property | { | if (__ctfe) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: flattened; | import mir.array.allocation: array; | return this.flattened.array.idup.sliced(this.shape); | } | else | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation: uninitSlice; | import mir.conv: emplaceRef; | alias E = this.DeepElement; | | auto result = (() @trusted => this.shape.uninitSlice!(Unqual!E))(); | | import mir.algorithm.iteration: each; | each!(emplaceRef!(immutable E))(result, this); | alias R = typeof(return); | return (() @trusted => cast(R) result)(); | } | } | | /// ditto | Slice!(immutable(DeepElement)*, N) | idup()() scope const @property | { | this.lightScope.idup; | } | | /// ditto | Slice!(immutable(DeepElement)*, N) | idup()() scope immutable @property | { | this.lightScope.idup; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice; | auto x = 3.iota!int; | Slice!(int*) mut = x.dup; | Slice!(immutable(int)*) imm = mut.idup; | assert(imm == x); | assert(mut == x); | } | | /++ | Provides the index location of a slice, taking into account | `Slice._strides`. Similar to `Slice.indexStride`, except the slice is | indexed by a value. Called by `Slice.accessFlat`. | | Params: | n = location in slice | Returns: | location in slice, adjusted for `Slice._strides` | See_also: | $(SUBREF topology, flattened), | $(LREF .Slice.indexStride), | $(LREF .Slice.accessFlat) | +/ | private | ptrdiff_t indexStrideValue(ptrdiff_t n) @safe scope const | { 0000000| assert(n < elementCount, "indexStrideValue: n must be less than elementCount"); 0000000| assert(n >= 0, "indexStrideValue: n must be greater than or equal to zero"); | | static if (kind == Contiguous) { 0000000| return n; | } else { | ptrdiff_t _shift; | foreach_reverse (i; Iota!(1, N)) | { | immutable v = n / ptrdiff_t(_lengths[i]); | n %= ptrdiff_t(_lengths[i]); | static if (i == S) | _shift += n; | else | _shift += n * _strides[i]; | n = v; | } | _shift += n * _strides[0]; | return _shift; | } | } | | /++ | Provides access to a slice as if it were `flattened`. | | Params: | index = location in slice | Returns: | value of flattened slice at `index` | See_also: $(SUBREF topology, flattened) | +/ | auto ref accessFlat(size_t index) scope return @trusted | { 0000000| return _iterator[indexStrideValue(index)]; | } | | /// | version(mir_test) | @safe pure @nogc nothrow | unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, flattened; | | auto x = iota(2, 3, 4); | assert(x.accessFlat(9) == x.flattened[9]); | } | | static if (isMutable!DeepElement) | { | private void opIndexOpAssignImplSlice(string op, RIterator, size_t RN, SliceKind rkind) | (Slice!(RIterator, RN, rkind) value) scope | { | static if (N > 1 && RN == N && kind == Contiguous && rkind == Contiguous) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : flattened; | this.flattened.opIndexOpAssignImplSlice!op(value.flattened); | } | else | { | auto ls = this; | do | { | static if (N > RN) | { | ls.front.opIndexOpAssignImplSlice!op(value); | } | else | { | static if (ls.N == 1) | { | static if (isInstanceOf!(SliceIterator, Iterator)) | { | static if (isSlice!(typeof(value.front))) | ls.front.opIndexOpAssignImplSlice!op(value.front); | else | static if (isDynamicArray!(typeof(value.front))) | ls.front.opIndexOpAssignImplSlice!op(value.front); | else | ls.front.opIndexOpAssignImplValue!op(value.front); | } | else | static if (op == "^^" && isFloatingPoint!(typeof(ls.front)) && isFloatingPoint!(typeof(value.front))) | { | import mir.math.common: pow; | ls.front = pow(ls.front, value.front); | } | else | mixin("ls.front " ~ op ~ "= value.front;"); | } | else | static if (RN == 1) | ls.front.opIndexOpAssignImplValue!op(value.front); | else | ls.front.opIndexOpAssignImplSlice!op(value.front); | value.popFront; | } | ls.popFront; | } | while (ls._lengths[0]); | } | } | | /++ | Assignment of a value of `Slice` type to a $(B fully defined slice). | +/ | void opIndexAssign(RIterator, size_t RN, SliceKind rkind, Slices...) | (Slice!(RIterator, RN, rkind) value, Slices slices) scope return | if (isFullPureSlice!Slices || isIndexedSlice!Slices) | { | auto sl = this.lightScope.opIndex(slices); | assert(_checkAssignLengths(sl, value)); | if(!sl.anyRUEmpty) | sl.opIndexOpAssignImplSlice!""(value); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | auto a = slice!int(2, 3); | auto b = [1, 2, 3, 4].sliced(2, 2); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] = b; | assert(a == [[1, 2, 0], [3, 4, 0]]); | | // fills both rows with b[0] | a[0..$, 0..$-1] = b[0]; | assert(a == [[1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 0]]); | | a[1, 0..$-1] = b[1]; | assert(a[1] == [3, 4, 0]); | | a[1, 0..$-1][] = b[0]; | assert(a[1] == [1, 2, 0]); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Left slice is packed | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : blocks, iota; | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | auto a = slice!int(4, 4); | a.blocks(2, 2)[] = iota!int(2, 2); | | assert(a == | [[0, 0, 1, 1], | [0, 0, 1, 1], | [2, 2, 3, 3], | [2, 2, 3, 3]]); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Both slices are packed | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : blocks, iota, pack; | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | auto a = slice!int(4, 4); | a.blocks(2, 2)[] = iota!int(2, 2, 2).pack!1; | | assert(a == | [[0, 1, 2, 3], | [0, 1, 2, 3], | [4, 5, 6, 7], | [4, 5, 6, 7]]); | } | | void opIndexOpAssignImplArray(string op, T, Slices...)(T[] value) scope | { | auto ls = this; | assert(ls.length == value.length, __FUNCTION__ ~ ": argument must have the same length."); | static if (N == 1) | { | do | { | static if (ls.N == 1) | { | static if (isInstanceOf!(SliceIterator, Iterator)) | { | static if (isSlice!(typeof(value[0]))) | ls.front.opIndexOpAssignImplSlice!op(value[0]); | else | static if (isDynamicArray!(typeof(value[0]))) | ls.front.opIndexOpAssignImplSlice!op(value[0]); | else | ls.front.opIndexOpAssignImplValue!op(value[0]); | } | else | static if (op == "^^" && isFloatingPoint!(typeof(ls.front)) && isFloatingPoint!(typeof(value[0]))) | { | import mir.math.common: pow; | ls.front = pow(ls.front, value[0]); | } | else | mixin("ls.front " ~ op ~ "= value[0];"); | } | else | mixin("ls.front[] " ~ op ~ "= value[0];"); | value = value[1 .. $]; | ls.popFront; | } | while (ls.length); | } | else | static if (N == DynamicArrayDimensionsCount!(T[])) | { | do | { | ls.front.opIndexOpAssignImplArray!op(value[0]); | value = value[1 .. $]; | ls.popFront; | } | while (ls.length); | } | else | { | do | { | ls.front.opIndexOpAssignImplArray!op(value); | ls.popFront; | } | while (ls.length); | } | } | | /++ | Assignment of a regular multidimensional array to a $(B fully defined slice). | +/ | void opIndexAssign(T, Slices...)(T[] value, Slices slices) scope return | if ((isFullPureSlice!Slices || isIndexedSlice!Slices) | && (!isDynamicArray!DeepElement || isDynamicArray!T) | && DynamicArrayDimensionsCount!(T[]) - DynamicArrayDimensionsCount!DeepElement <= typeof(this.opIndex(slices)).N) | { | auto sl = this.lightScope.opIndex(slices); | sl.opIndexOpAssignImplArray!""(value); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | auto a = slice!int(2, 3); | auto b = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]; | | a[] = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]; | assert(a == [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]; | assert(a == [[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 6]]); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] = [1, 2]; | assert(a == [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 6]]); | | a[1, 0..$-1] = [3, 4]; | assert(a[1] == [3, 4, 6]); | | a[1, 0..$-1][] = [3, 4]; | assert(a[1] == [3, 4, 6]); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Packed slices | pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : blocks; | auto a = slice!int(4, 4); | a.blocks(2, 2)[] = [[0, 1], [2, 3]]; | | assert(a == | [[0, 0, 1, 1], | [0, 0, 1, 1], | [2, 2, 3, 3], | [2, 2, 3, 3]]); | } | | | private void opIndexOpAssignImplConcatenation(string op, T)(T value) scope | { | auto sl = this; | static if (concatenationDimension!T) | { | if (!sl.empty) do | { | static if (op == "") | sl.front.opIndexAssign(value.front); | else | sl.front.opIndexOpAssign!op(value.front); | value.popFront; | sl.popFront; | } | while(!sl.empty); | } | else | { | foreach (ref slice; value._slices) | { | static if (op == "") | sl[0 .. slice.length].opIndexAssign(slice); | else | sl[0 .. slice.length].opIndexOpAssign!op(slice); | | sl = sl[slice.length .. $]; | } | assert(sl.empty); | } | } | | /// | void opIndexAssign(T, Slices...)(T concatenation, Slices slices) scope return | if ((isFullPureSlice!Slices || isIndexedSlice!Slices) && isConcatenation!T) | { | auto sl = this.lightScope.opIndex(slices); | static assert(typeof(sl).N == T.N, "incompatible dimension count"); | sl.opIndexOpAssignImplConcatenation!""(concatenation); | } | | /++ | Assignment of a value (e.g. a number) to a $(B fully defined slice). | +/ | void opIndexAssign(T, Slices...)(T value, Slices slices) scope return | if ((isFullPureSlice!Slices || isIndexedSlice!Slices) | && (!isDynamicArray!T || isDynamicArray!DeepElement) | && DynamicArrayDimensionsCount!T == DynamicArrayDimensionsCount!DeepElement | && !isSlice!T | && !isConcatenation!T) | { | auto sl = this.lightScope.opIndex(slices); | if(!sl.anyRUEmpty) | sl.opIndexOpAssignImplValue!""(value); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow | version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | auto a = slice!int(2, 3); | | a[] = 9; | assert(a == [[9, 9, 9], [9, 9, 9]]); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] = 1; | assert(a == [[1, 1, 9], [1, 1, 9]]); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] = 2; | assert(a == [[2, 2, 9], [2, 2, 9]]); | | a[1, 0..$-1] = 3; | //assert(a[1] == [3, 3, 9]); | | a[1, 0..$-1] = 4; | //assert(a[1] == [4, 4, 9]); | | a[1, 0..$-1][] = 5; | | assert(a[1] == [5, 5, 9]); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Packed slices have the same behavior. | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | import mir.ndslice.topology : pack; | auto a = slice!int(2, 3).pack!1; | | a[] = 9; | //assert(a == [[9, 9, 9], [9, 9, 9]]); | } | | /++ | Assignment of a value (e.g. a number) to a $(B fully defined index). | +/ | auto ref opIndexAssign(T)(T value, size_t[N] _indices...) scope return @trusted | { | // check assign safety | static auto ref fun(ref DeepElement t, ref T v) @safe | { 0000000| return t = v; | } 0000000| return _iterator[indexStride(_indices)] = value; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | auto a = slice!int(2, 3); | | a[1, 2] = 3; | assert(a[1, 2] == 3); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | auto a = new int[6].sliced(2, 3); | | a[[1, 2]] = 3; | assert(a[[1, 2]] == 3); | } | | /++ | Op Assignment `op=` of a value (e.g. a number) to a $(B fully defined index). | +/ | auto ref opIndexOpAssign(string op, T)(T value, size_t[N] _indices...) scope return @trusted | { | // check op safety | static auto ref fun(ref DeepElement t, ref T v) @safe | { | return mixin(`t` ~ op ~ `= v`); | } | auto str = indexStride(_indices); | static if (op == "^^" && isFloatingPoint!DeepElement && isFloatingPoint!(typeof(value))) | { | import mir.math.common: pow; | _iterator[str] = pow(_iterator[str], value); | } | else | return mixin (`_iterator[str] ` ~ op ~ `= value`); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | auto a = slice!int(2, 3); | | a[1, 2] += 3; | assert(a[1, 2] == 3); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | auto a = new int[6].sliced(2, 3); | | a[[1, 2]] += 3; | assert(a[[1, 2]] == 3); | } | | /++ | Op Assignment `op=` of a value of `Slice` type to a $(B fully defined slice). | +/ | void opIndexOpAssign(string op, RIterator, SliceKind rkind, size_t RN, Slices...) | (Slice!(RIterator, RN, rkind) value, Slices slices) scope return | if (isFullPureSlice!Slices || isIndexedSlice!Slices) | { | auto sl = this.lightScope.opIndex(slices); | assert(_checkAssignLengths(sl, value)); | if(!sl.anyRUEmpty) | sl.opIndexOpAssignImplSlice!op(value); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | auto a = slice!int(2, 3); | auto b = [1, 2, 3, 4].sliced(2, 2); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] += b; | assert(a == [[1, 2, 0], [3, 4, 0]]); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] += b[0]; | assert(a == [[2, 4, 0], [4, 6, 0]]); | | a[1, 0..$-1] += b[1]; | assert(a[1] == [7, 10, 0]); | | a[1, 0..$-1][] += b[0]; | assert(a[1] == [8, 12, 0]); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Left slice is packed | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : blocks, iota; | auto a = slice!size_t(4, 4); | a.blocks(2, 2)[] += iota(2, 2); | | assert(a == | [[0, 0, 1, 1], | [0, 0, 1, 1], | [2, 2, 3, 3], | [2, 2, 3, 3]]); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Both slices are packed | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : blocks, iota, pack; | auto a = slice!size_t(4, 4); | a.blocks(2, 2)[] += iota(2, 2, 2).pack!1; | | assert(a == | [[0, 1, 2, 3], | [0, 1, 2, 3], | [4, 5, 6, 7], | [4, 5, 6, 7]]); | } | | /++ | Op Assignment `op=` of a regular multidimensional array to a $(B fully defined slice). | +/ | void opIndexOpAssign(string op, T, Slices...)(T[] value, Slices slices) scope return | if (isFullPureSlice!Slices | && (!isDynamicArray!DeepElement || isDynamicArray!T) | && DynamicArrayDimensionsCount!(T[]) - DynamicArrayDimensionsCount!DeepElement <= typeof(this.opIndex(slices)).N) | { | auto sl = this.lightScope.opIndex(slices); | sl.opIndexOpAssignImplArray!op(value); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | auto a = slice!int(2, 3); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] += [[1, 2], [3, 4]]; | assert(a == [[1, 2, 0], [3, 4, 0]]); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] += [1, 2]; | assert(a == [[2, 4, 0], [4, 6, 0]]); | | a[1, 0..$-1] += [3, 4]; | assert(a[1] == [7, 10, 0]); | | a[1, 0..$-1][] += [1, 2]; | assert(a[1] == [8, 12, 0]); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Packed slices | @safe pure nothrow | version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : blocks; | auto a = slice!int(4, 4); | a.blocks(2, 2)[] += [[0, 1], [2, 3]]; | | assert(a == | [[0, 0, 1, 1], | [0, 0, 1, 1], | [2, 2, 3, 3], | [2, 2, 3, 3]]); | } | | private void opIndexOpAssignImplValue(string op, T)(T value) scope return | { | static if (N > 1 && kind == Contiguous) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology : flattened; | this.flattened.opIndexOpAssignImplValue!op(value); | } | else | { | auto ls = this; | do | { | static if (N == 1) | { | static if (isInstanceOf!(SliceIterator, Iterator)) | ls.front.opIndexOpAssignImplValue!op(value); | else | mixin (`ls.front ` ~ op ~ `= value;`); | } | else | ls.front.opIndexOpAssignImplValue!op(value); | ls.popFront; | } | while(ls._lengths[0]); | } | } | | /++ | Op Assignment `op=` of a value (e.g. a number) to a $(B fully defined slice). | +/ | void opIndexOpAssign(string op, T, Slices...)(T value, Slices slices) scope return | if ((isFullPureSlice!Slices || isIndexedSlice!Slices) | && (!isDynamicArray!T || isDynamicArray!DeepElement) | && DynamicArrayDimensionsCount!T == DynamicArrayDimensionsCount!DeepElement | && !isSlice!T | && !isConcatenation!T) | { | auto sl = this.lightScope.opIndex(slices); | if(!sl.anyRUEmpty) | sl.opIndexOpAssignImplValue!op(value); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | auto a = slice!int(2, 3); | | a[] += 1; | assert(a == [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] += 2; | assert(a == [[3, 3, 1], [3, 3, 1]]); | | a[1, 0..$-1] += 3; | assert(a[1] == [6, 6, 1]); | } | | /// | void opIndexOpAssign(string op,T, Slices...)(T concatenation, Slices slices) scope return | if ((isFullPureSlice!Slices || isIndexedSlice!Slices) && isConcatenation!T) | { | auto sl = this.lightScope.opIndex(slices); | static assert(typeof(sl).N == concatenation.N); | sl.opIndexOpAssignImplConcatenation!op(concatenation); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// Packed slices have the same behavior. | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | import mir.ndslice.topology : pack; | auto a = slice!int(2, 3).pack!1; | | a[] += 9; | assert(a == [[9, 9, 9], [9, 9, 9]]); | } | | | /++ | Increment `++` and Decrement `--` operators for a $(B fully defined index). | +/ | auto ref opIndexUnary(string op)(size_t[N] _indices...) scope return | @trusted | // @@@workaround@@@ for Issue 16473 | //if (op == `++` || op == `--`) | { | // check op safety | static auto ref fun(DeepElement t) @safe | { | return mixin(op ~ `t`); | } | return mixin (op ~ `_iterator[indexStride(_indices)]`); | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | auto a = slice!int(2, 3); | | ++a[1, 2]; | assert(a[1, 2] == 1); | } | | // Issue 16473 | static if (doUnittest) | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | auto sl = slice!double(2, 5); | auto d = -sl[0, 1]; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | @safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest | { | auto a = new int[6].sliced(2, 3); | | ++a[[1, 2]]; | assert(a[[1, 2]] == 1); | } | | private void opIndexUnaryImpl(string op, Slices...)(Slices slices) scope | { | auto ls = this; | do | { | static if (N == 1) | { | static if (isInstanceOf!(SliceIterator, Iterator)) | ls.front.opIndexUnaryImpl!op; | else | mixin (op ~ `ls.front;`); | } | else | ls.front.opIndexUnaryImpl!op; | ls.popFront; | } | while(ls._lengths[0]); | } | | /++ | Increment `++` and Decrement `--` operators for a $(B fully defined slice). | +/ | void opIndexUnary(string op, Slices...)(Slices slices) scope return | if (isFullPureSlice!Slices && (op == `++` || op == `--`)) | { | auto sl = this.lightScope.opIndex(slices); | if (!sl.anyRUEmpty) | sl.opIndexUnaryImpl!op; | } | | static if (doUnittest) | /// | @safe pure nothrow | version(mir_test) unittest | { | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | auto a = slice!int(2, 3); | | ++a[]; | assert(a == [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]); | | --a[1, 0..$-1]; | | assert(a[1] == [0, 0, 1]); | } | } |} | |/// ditto |alias Slice = mir_slice; | |/++ |Slicing, indexing, and arithmetic operations. |+/ |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic : transposed; | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota, universal; | auto tensor = iota(3, 4, 5).slice; | | assert(tensor[1, 2] == tensor[1][2]); | assert(tensor[1, 2, 3] == tensor[1][2][3]); | | assert( tensor[0..$, 0..$, 4] == tensor.universal.transposed!2[4]); | assert(&tensor[0..$, 0..$, 4][1, 2] is &tensor[1, 2, 4]); | | tensor[1, 2, 3]++; //`opIndex` returns value by reference. | --tensor[1, 2, 3]; //`opUnary` | | ++tensor[]; | tensor[] -= 1; | | // `opIndexAssing` accepts only fully defined indices and slices. | // Use an additional empty slice `[]`. | static assert(!__traits(compiles, tensor[0 .. 2] *= 2)); | | tensor[0 .. 2][] *= 2; //OK, empty slice | tensor[0 .. 2, 3, 0..$] /= 2; //OK, 3 index or slice positions are defined. | | //fully defined index may be replaced by a static array | size_t[3] index = [1, 2, 3]; | assert(tensor[index] == tensor[1, 2, 3]); |} | |/++ |Operations with rvalue slices. |+/ |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | import mir.ndslice.topology: universal; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic: transposed, everted; | | auto tensor = slice!int(3, 4, 5).universal; | auto matrix = slice!int(3, 4).universal; | auto vector = slice!int(3); | | foreach (i; 0..3) | vector[i] = i; | | // fills matrix columns | matrix.transposed[] = vector; | | // fills tensor with vector | // transposed tensor shape is (4, 5, 3) | // vector shape is ( 3) | tensor.transposed!(1, 2)[] = vector; | | // transposed tensor shape is (5, 3, 4) | // matrix shape is ( 3, 4) | tensor.transposed!2[] += matrix; | | // transposed tensor shape is (5, 4, 3) | // transposed matrix shape is ( 4, 3) | tensor.everted[] ^= matrix.transposed; // XOR |} | |/++ |Creating a slice from text. |See also $(MREF std, format). |+/ |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.algorithm.iteration: filter, all; | import mir.array.allocation; | import mir.exception; | import mir.functional: not; | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | import mir.parse; | import mir.primitives: empty; | | import std.algorithm: map; | import std.string: lineSplitter, split; | | // std.functional, std.string, std.range; | | Slice!(int*, 2) toMatrix(string str) | { | string[][] data = str.lineSplitter.filter!(not!empty).map!split.array; | | size_t rows = data .length.enforce!"empty input"; | size_t columns = data[0].length.enforce!"empty first row"; | | data.all!(a => a.length == columns).enforce!"rows have different lengths"; | auto slice = slice!int(rows, columns); | foreach (i, line; data) | foreach (j, num; line) | slice[i, j] = num.fromString!int; | return slice; | } | | auto input = "\r1 2 3\r\n 4 5 6\n"; | | auto matrix = toMatrix(input); | assert(matrix == [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]); | | // back to text | import std.format; | auto text2 = format("%(%(%s %)\n%)\n", matrix); | assert(text2 == "1 2 3\n4 5 6\n"); |} | |// Slicing |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | auto a = iota(10, 20, 30, 40); | auto b = a[0..$, 10, 4 .. 27, 4]; | auto c = b[2 .. 9, 5 .. 10]; | auto d = b[3..$, $-2]; | assert(b[4, 17] == a[4, 10, 21, 4]); | assert(c[1, 2] == a[3, 10, 11, 4]); | assert(d[3] == a[6, 10, 25, 4]); |} | |// Operator overloading. # 1 |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | | auto fun(ref sizediff_t x) { x *= 3; } | | auto tensor = iota(8, 9, 10).slice; | | ++tensor[]; | fun(tensor[0, 0, 0]); | | assert(tensor[0, 0, 0] == 3); | | tensor[0, 0, 0] *= 4; | tensor[0, 0, 0]--; | assert(tensor[0, 0, 0] == 11); |} | |// Operator overloading. # 2 |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: map, iota; | import mir.array.allocation : array; | //import std.bigint; | | auto matrix = 72 | .iota | //.map!(i => BigInt(i)) | .array | .sliced(8, 9); | | matrix[3 .. 6, 2] += 100; | foreach (i; 0 .. 8) | foreach (j; 0 .. 9) | if (i >= 3 && i < 6 && j == 2) | assert(matrix[i, j] >= 100); | else | assert(matrix[i, j] < 100); |} | |// Operator overloading. # 3 |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | | auto matrix = iota(8, 9).slice; | matrix[] = matrix; | matrix[] += matrix; | assert(matrix[2, 3] == (2 * 9 + 3) * 2); | | auto vec = iota([9], 100); | matrix[] = vec; | foreach (v; matrix) | assert(v == vec); | | matrix[] += vec; | foreach (vector; matrix) | foreach (elem; vector) | assert(elem >= 200); |} | |// Type deduction |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | // Arrays | foreach (T; AliasSeq!(int, const int, immutable int)) | static assert(is(typeof((T[]).init.sliced(3, 4)) == Slice!(T*, 2))); | | // Container Array | import std.container.array; | Array!int ar; | ar.length = 12; | auto arSl = ar[].slicedField(3, 4); |} | |// Test for map #1 |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: map, byDim; | auto slice = [1, 2, 3, 4].sliced(2, 2); | | auto r = slice.byDim!!(a =>!(a => a * 6)); | assert(r.front.front == 6); | assert(r.front.back == 12); | assert(r.back.front == 18); | assert(r.back.back == 24); | assert(r[0][0] == 6); | assert(r[0][1] == 12); | assert(r[1][0] == 18); | assert(r[1][1] == 24); | | import std.range.primitives; | static assert(hasSlicing!(typeof(r))); | static assert(isForwardRange!(typeof(r))); | static assert(isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(r))); |} | |// Test for map #2 |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: map, byDim; | import std.range.primitives; | auto data = [1, 2, 3, 4]; | static assert(hasSlicing!(typeof(data))); | static assert(isForwardRange!(typeof(data))); | static assert(isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(data))); | auto slice = data.sliced(2, 2); | static assert(hasSlicing!(typeof(slice))); | static assert(isForwardRange!(typeof(slice))); | static assert(isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(slice))); | auto r = slice.byDim!!(a =>!(a => a * 6)); | static assert(hasSlicing!(typeof(r))); | static assert(isForwardRange!(typeof(r))); | static assert(isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(r))); | assert(r.front.front == 6); | assert(r.front.back == 12); | assert(r.back.front == 18); | assert(r.back.back == 24); | assert(r[0][0] == 6); | assert(r[0][1] == 12); | assert(r[1][0] == 18); | assert(r[1][1] == 24); |} | |private enum bool isType(alias T) = false; | |private enum bool isType(T) = true; | |private enum isStringValue(alias T) = is(typeof(T) : string); | | |private bool _checkAssignLengths( | LIterator, RIterator, | size_t LN, size_t RN, | SliceKind lkind, SliceKind rkind, | ) | (Slice!(LIterator, LN, lkind) ls, | Slice!(RIterator, RN, rkind) rs) |{ | static if (isInstanceOf!(SliceIterator, LIterator)) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: unpack; | return _checkAssignLengths(ls.unpack, rs); | } | else | static if (isInstanceOf!(SliceIterator, RIterator)) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: unpack; | return _checkAssignLengths(ls, rs.unpack); | } | else | { | foreach (i; Iota!(0, RN)) | if (ls._lengths[i + LN - RN] != rs._lengths[i]) | return false; | return true; | } |} | |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | | assert(_checkAssignLengths(iota(2, 2), iota(2, 2))); | assert(!_checkAssignLengths(iota(2, 2), iota(2, 3))); | assert(!_checkAssignLengths(iota(2, 2), iota(3, 2))); | assert(!_checkAssignLengths(iota(2, 2), iota(3, 3))); |} | |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto slice = new int[15].slicedField(5, 3); | | /// Fully defined slice | assert(slice[] == slice); | auto sublice = slice[0..$-2, 1..$]; | | /// Partially defined slice | auto row = slice[3]; | auto col = slice[0..$, 1]; |} | |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto a = new int[6].slicedField(2, 3); | auto b = [1, 2, 3, 4].sliced(2, 2); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] = b; | assert(a == [[1, 2, 0], [3, 4, 0]]); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] = b[0]; | assert(a == [[1, 2, 0], [1, 2, 0]]); | | a[1, 0..$-1] = b[1]; | assert(a[1] == [3, 4, 0]); | | a[1, 0..$-1][] = b[0]; | assert(a[1] == [1, 2, 0]); |} | |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto a = new int[6].slicedField(2, 3); | auto b = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]; | | a[] = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]; | assert(a == [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]; | assert(a == [[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 6]]); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] = [1, 2]; | assert(a == [[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 6]]); | | a[1, 0..$-1] = [3, 4]; | assert(a[1] == [3, 4, 6]); | | a[1, 0..$-1][] = [3, 4]; | assert(a[1] == [3, 4, 6]); |} | |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto a = new int[6].slicedField(2, 3); | | a[] = 9; | //assert(a == [[9, 9, 9], [9, 9, 9]]); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] = 1; | //assert(a == [[1, 1, 9], [1, 1, 9]]); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] = 2; | //assert(a == [[2, 2, 9], [2, 2, 9]]); | | a[1, 0..$-1] = 3; | //assert(a[1] == [3, 3, 9]); | | a[1, 0..$-1] = 4; | //assert(a[1] == [4, 4, 9]); | | a[1, 0..$-1][] = 5; | //assert(a[1] == [5, 5, 9]); |} | |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto a = new int[6].slicedField(2, 3); | | a[1, 2] = 3; | assert(a[1, 2] == 3); |} | |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto a = new int[6].slicedField(2, 3); | | a[[1, 2]] = 3; | assert(a[[1, 2]] == 3); |} | |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto a = new int[6].slicedField(2, 3); | | a[1, 2] += 3; | assert(a[1, 2] == 3); |} | |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto a = new int[6].slicedField(2, 3); | | a[[1, 2]] += 3; | assert(a[[1, 2]] == 3); |} | |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto a = new int[6].slicedField(2, 3); | auto b = [1, 2, 3, 4].sliced(2, 2); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] += b; | assert(a == [[1, 2, 0], [3, 4, 0]]); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] += b[0]; | assert(a == [[2, 4, 0], [4, 6, 0]]); | | a[1, 0..$-1] += b[1]; | assert(a[1] == [7, 10, 0]); | | a[1, 0..$-1][] += b[0]; | assert(a[1] == [8, 12, 0]); |} | |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto a = new int[6].slicedField(2, 3); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] += [[1, 2], [3, 4]]; | assert(a == [[1, 2, 0], [3, 4, 0]]); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] += [1, 2]; | assert(a == [[2, 4, 0], [4, 6, 0]]); | | a[1, 0..$-1] += [3, 4]; | assert(a[1] == [7, 10, 0]); | | a[1, 0..$-1][] += [1, 2]; | assert(a[1] == [8, 12, 0]); |} | |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto a = new int[6].slicedField(2, 3); | | a[] += 1; | assert(a == [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]); | | a[0..$, 0..$-1] += 2; | assert(a == [[3, 3, 1], [3, 3, 1]]); | | a[1, 0..$-1] += 3; | assert(a[1] == [6, 6, 1]); |} | |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto a = new int[6].slicedField(2, 3); | | ++a[1, 2]; | assert(a[1, 2] == 1); |} | |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto a = new int[6].slicedField(2, 3); | | ++a[[1, 2]]; | assert(a[[1, 2]] == 1); |} | |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto a = new int[6].slicedField(2, 3); | | ++a[]; | assert(a == [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]); | | --a[1, 0..$-1]; | assert(a[1] == [0, 0, 1]); |} | |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, universal; | | auto sl = iota(3, 4).universal; | assert(sl[0 .. $] == sl); |} | |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: canonical, iota; | static assert(kindOf!(typeof(iota([1, 2]).canonical[1])) == Contiguous); |} | |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | auto s = iota(2, 3); | assert(s.front!1 == [0, 3]); | assert(s.back!1 == [2, 5]); |} | |/++ |Assignment utility for generic code that works both with scalars and with ndslices. |Params: | op = assign operation (generic, optional) | lside = left side | rside = right side |Returns: | expression value |+/ |auto ndassign(string op = "", L, R)(ref L lside, auto ref R rside) @property | if (!isSlice!L && (op.length == 0 || op[$-1] != '=')) |{ | return mixin(`lside ` ~ op ~ `= rside`); |} | |/// ditto |auto ndassign(string op = "", L, R)(L lside, auto ref R rside) @property | if (isSlice!L && (op.length == 0 || op[$-1] != '=')) |{ | static if (op == "") | return lside.opIndexAssign(rside); | else | return lside.opIndexOpAssign!op(rside); |} | |/// |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | auto scalar = 3; | auto vector = 3.iota.slice; // [0, 1, 2] | | // scalar = 5; | scalar.ndassign = 5; | assert(scalar == 5); | | // vector[] = vector * 2; | vector.ndassign = vector * 2; | assert(vector == [0, 2, 4]); | | // vector[] += scalar; | vector.ndassign!"+"= scalar; | assert(vector == [5, 7, 9]); |} | |version(mir_test) pure nothrow unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: universal; | | auto df = slice!(double, int, int)(2, 3).universal; | df.label[] = [1, 2]; | df.label!1[] = [1, 2, 3]; | auto lsdf = df.lightScope; | assert(lsdf.label!0[0] == 1); | assert(lsdf.label!1[1] == 2); | | auto immdf = (cast(immutable)df).lightImmutable; | assert(immdf.label!0[0] == 1); | assert(immdf.label!1[1] == 2); | | auto constdf = df.lightConst; | assert(constdf.label!0[0] == 1); | assert(constdf.label!1[1] == 2); | | auto constdf2 = df.toConst; | assert(constdf2.label!0[0] == 1); | assert(constdf2.label!1[1] == 2); | | auto immdf2 = (cast(immutable)df).toImmutable; | assert(immdf2.label!0[0] == 1); | assert(immdf2.label!1[1] == 2); |} | |version(mir_test) pure nothrow unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: universal; | | auto df = slice!(double, int, int)(2, 3).universal; | df[] = 5; | | Slice!(double*, 2, Universal) values = df.values; | assert(values[0][0] == 5); | Slice!(LightConstOf!(double*), 2, Universal) constvalues = df.values; | assert(constvalues[0][0] == 5); | Slice!(LightImmutableOf!(double*), 2, Universal) immvalues = (cast(immutable)df).values; | assert(immvalues[0][0] == 5); |} | |version(mir_test) @safe unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | auto a = rcslice!double([2, 3], 0); | auto b = rcslice!double([2, 3], 0); | a[1, 2] = 3; | b[] = a; | assert(a == b); |} | |version(mir_test) |@safe pure @nogc nothrow |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, flattened; | | auto m = iota(2, 3, 4); // Contiguous Matrix | auto mFlat = m.flattened; | | for (size_t i = 0; i < m.elementCount; i++) { | assert(m.accessFlat(i) == mFlat[i]); | } |} | |version(mir_test) |@safe pure @nogc nothrow |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, flattened; | | auto m = iota(3, 4); // Contiguous Matrix | auto x = m.front; // Contiguous Vector | | for (size_t i = 0; i < x.elementCount; i++) { | assert(x.accessFlat(i) == m[0, i]); | } |} | |version(mir_test) |@safe pure @nogc nothrow |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, flattened; | | auto m = iota(3, 4); // Contiguous Matrix | auto x = m[0 .. $, 0 .. $ - 1]; // Canonical Matrix | auto xFlat = x.flattened; | | for (size_t i = 0; i < x.elementCount; i++) { | assert(x.accessFlat(i) == xFlat[i]); | } |} | | |version(mir_test) |@safe pure @nogc nothrow |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, flattened; | | auto m = iota(2, 3, 4); // Contiguous Matrix | auto x = m[0 .. $, 0 .. $, 0 .. $ - 1]; // Canonical Matrix | auto xFlat = x.flattened; | | for (size_t i = 0; i < x.elementCount; i++) { | assert(x.accessFlat(i) == xFlat[i]); | } |} | | |version(mir_test) |@safe pure @nogc nothrow |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, flattened; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic: transposed; | | auto m = iota(2, 3, 4); // Contiguous Matrix | auto x = m.transposed!(2, 1, 0); // Universal Matrix | auto xFlat = x.flattened; | | for (size_t i = 0; i < x.elementCount; i++) { | assert(x.accessFlat(i) == xFlat[i]); | } |} | |version(mir_test) |@safe pure @nogc nothrow |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, flattened; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic: transposed; | | auto m = iota(3, 4); // Contiguous Matrix | auto x = m.transposed; // Universal Matrix | auto xFlat = x.flattened; | | for (size_t i = 0; i < x.elementCount; i++) { | assert(x.accessFlat(i) == xFlat[i]); | } |} | |version(mir_test) |@safe pure @nogc nothrow |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, flattened, diagonal; | | auto m = iota(3, 4); // Contiguous Matrix | auto x = m.diagonal; // Universal Vector | | for (size_t i = 0; i < x.elementCount; i++) { | assert(x.accessFlat(i) == m[i, i]); | } |} | |version(mir_test) |@safe pure @nogc nothrow |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, flattened; | | auto m = iota(3, 4); // Contiguous Matrix | auto x = m.front!1; // Universal Vector | | for (size_t i = 0; i < x.elementCount; i++) { | assert(x.accessFlat(i) == m[i, 0]); | } |} | |version(mir_test) |@safe pure @nogc nothrow |unittest // check it can be compiled |{ | import mir.algebraic; | alias S = Slice!(double*, 2); | alias D = Variant!S; |} ../../../.dub/packages/mir-algorithm-3.10.60/mir-algorithm/source/mir/ndslice/slice.d is 0% covered <<<<<< EOF # path=./source-mir-sparse-blas-dot.lst |/** |License: $(LINK2, Boost License 1.0). | |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko |*/ |module; | |import std.traits; |import mir.ndslice.slice; |import mir.sparse; |import mir.series; | |/++ |Dot product of two vectors | |Params: | x = sparse vector | y = sparse vector |Returns: | scalar `xᵀ × y` |+/ |Unqual!(CommonType!(T1, T2)) dot( | V1 : Series!(I1*, T1*), | V2 : Series!(I2*, T2*), | T1, T2, I1, I2) |(V1 x, V2 y) |{ 1| return dot!(typeof(return))(x, y); |} | |/// ditto |D dot( | D, | V1 : Series!(I1*, T1*), | V2 : Series!(I2*, T2*), | T1, T2, I1, I2) |(V1 x, V2 y) |{ | 2| typeof(return) s = 0; | 2| uint done = 2; 2| Unqual!I1 ai0 = void; 2| Unqual!I2 bi0 = void; | 4| if (x.length && y.length) for (;;) | { 8| bi0 = y.index[0]; 8| if (x.index[0] < bi0) | { | do | { 4| x.popFront; 4| if (x.length == 0) | { 0000000| break; | } | } 4| while (x.index[0] < bi0); 4| done = 2; | } 8| if (--done == 0) | { 2| goto L; | } 6| ai0 = x.index[0]; 6| if (y.index[0] < ai0) | { | do | { 4| y.popFront; 4| if (y.length == 0) | { 0000000| break; | } | } 4| while (y.index[0] < ai0); 4| done = 2; | } 6| if (--done == 0) | { 2| goto L; | } 4| continue; | L: 4| s = x.value[0] * y.value[0] + s; 4| x.popFront; 4| if (x.length == 0) | { 0000000| break; | } 4| y.popFront; 4| if (y.length == 0) | { 2| break; | } | } | 2| return s; |} | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.series; | 1| auto x = series([0u, 3, 5, 9, 100], [1, 3, 4, 9, 10]); 1| auto y = series([1u, 3, 4, 9], [1, 10, 100, 1000]); | // x = [1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 9, ... ,10] | // y = [0, 1, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1000] 1| assert(dot(x, y) == 9030); 1| assert(dot!double(x, y) == 9030); |} | |/++ |Dot product of two vectors. |Params: | x = sparse vector | y = dense vector |Returns: | scalar `x × y` |+/ |Unqual!(CommonType!(T1, ForeachType!V2)) dot( | V1 : Series!(I1*, T1*), | T1, I1, V2) |(V1 x, V2 y) | if (isDynamicArray!V2 || isSlice!V2) |{ 21| return dot!(typeof(return))(x, y); |} | |///ditto |D dot( | D, | V1 : Series!(I1*, T1*), | T1, I1, V2) |(V1 x, V2 y) | if (isDynamicArray!V2 || isSlice!V2) |in |{ 21| if (x.length) 21| assert(x.index[$-1] < y.length); |} |body |{ | | import mir.internal.utility; | | alias T2 = ForeachType!V2; | | alias F = Unqual!(CommonType!(T1, T2)); 21| F s = 0; 324| foreach (size_t i; 0 .. x.index.length) | { 87| s = y[x.index[i]] * x.value[i] + s; | } | 21| return s; |} | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.series; | 1| auto x = [0u, 3, 5, 9, 10].series([1.0, 3, 4, 9, 13]); 1| auto y = [0.0, 1.0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]; | // x: [1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 9, 13, 0, 0, 0] | // y: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] 1| auto r = 0 + 3 * 3 + 4 * 5 + 9 * 9 + 13 * 10; 1| assert(dot(x, y) == r); 1| assert(dot(x, y.sliced) == r); 1| assert(dot(x, y.slicedField) == r); |} source/mir/sparse/blas/dot.d is 94% covered <<<<<< EOF # path=./source-mir-glas-l2.lst |/++ |$(H2 Level 2) | |$(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;) | |This is a submodule of $(MREF mir,glas). | |The Level 2 BLAS perform matrix-vector operations. | |Note: GLAS is singe thread for now. | |$(BOOKTABLE $(H2 Matrix-vector operations), | |$(TR $(TH Function Name) $(TH Description)) |$(T2 gemv, general matrix-vector multiplication, $(RED partially optimized)) |) | |License: $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0). |Copyright: Copyright © 2016-, Ilya Yaroshenko |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko | |Macros: |T2=$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1)) $(TD $+)) |SUBMODULE = $(MREF_ALTTEXT $1, mir, glas, $1) |SUBREF = $(REF_ALTTEXT $(TT $2), $2, mir, glas, $1)$(NBSP) |NDSLICEREF = $(REF_ALTTEXT $(TT $2), $2, mir, ndslice, $1)$(NBSP) |+/ |module mir.glas.l2; | |import std.traits; |import std.meta; | |import mir.math.common; |import mir.internal.utility; |import mir.ndslice.slice; | |import mir.glas.l1; | |import mir.math.common: fastmath; | |@fastmath: | |/++ |$(RED DRAFT) |Performs general matrix-vector multiplication. | |Pseudo_code: `y := alpha A × x + beta y`. | |Params: | alpha = scalar | asl = `m ⨉ n` matrix | xsl = `n ⨉ 1` vector | beta = scalar. When `beta` is supplied as zero then the vector `ysl` need not be set on input. | ysl = `m ⨉ 1` vector | |Note: | GLAS does not require transposition parameters. | Use $(NDSLICEREF iteration, transposed) | to perform zero cost `Slice` transposition. | |BLAS: SGEMV, DGEMV, (CGEMV, ZGEMV are not implemented for now) |+/ |nothrow @nogc @system |void gemv(A, B, C, | SliceKind kindA, | SliceKind kindB, | SliceKind kindC, | ) |( | C alpha, | Slice!(const(A)*, 2, kindA) asl, | Slice!(const(B)*, 1, kindB) xsl, | C beta, | Slice!(C*, 1, kindC) ysl, |) | if (allSatisfy!(isNumeric, A, B, C)) |in |{ 1| assert(asl.length!0 == ysl.length, "constraint: asl.length!0 == ysl.length"); 1| assert(asl.length!1 == xsl.length, "constraint: asl.length!1 == xsl.length"); |} |body |{ | import mir.ndslice.dynamic: reversed; | static assert(is(Unqual!C == C), msgWrongType); 1| if (ysl.empty) 0000000| return; 1| if (beta == 0) | { 1| ysl[] = 0; | } | else 0000000| if (beta == 1) | { 0000000| ysl[] *= beta; | } 1| if (xsl.empty) 0000000| return; | do | { 3| ysl.front += alpha * dot(asl.front, xsl); 3| asl.popFront; 3| ysl.popFront; | } 3| while (ysl.length); |} | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice; | 1| auto a = slice!double(3, 5); 1| a[] = | [[-5, 1, 7, 7, -4], | [-1, -5, 6, 3, -3], | [-5, -2, -3, 6, 0]]; | 1| auto b = slice!double(5); 1| b[] = | [-5.0, | 4.0, | -4.0, | -1.0, | 9.0]; | 1| auto c = slice!double(3); | 1| gemv!(double, double, double)(1.0, a, b, 0.0, c); | 1| assert(c == | [-42.0, | -69.0, | 23.0]); |} source/mir/glas/l2.d is 80% covered <<<<<< EOF # path=./..-..-..-.dub-packages-mir-algorithm-3.10.60-mir-algorithm-source-mir-ndslice-topology.lst |/++ |This is a submodule of $(MREF mir,ndslice). | |Selectors create new views and iteration patterns over the same data, without copying. | |$(BOOKTABLE $(H2 Sequence Selectors), |$(TR $(TH Function Name) $(TH Description)) | |$(T2 cycle, Cycle repeates 1-dimensional field/range/array/slice in a fixed length 1-dimensional slice) |$(T2 iota, Contiguous Slice with initial flattened (contiguous) index.) |$(T2 linspace, Evenly spaced numbers over a specified interval.) |$(T2 magic, Magic square.) |$(T2 ndiota, Contiguous Slice with initial multidimensional index.) |$(T2 repeat, Slice with identical values) |) | |$(BOOKTABLE $(H2 Shape Selectors), |$(TR $(TH Function Name) $(TH Description)) | |$(T2 blocks, n-dimensional slice composed of n-dimensional non-overlapping blocks. If the slice has two dimensions, it is a block matrix.) |$(T2 diagonal, 1-dimensional slice composed of diagonal elements) |$(T2 dropBorders, Drops borders for all dimensions.) |$(T2 reshape, New slice view with changed dimensions) |$(T2 squeeze, New slice view of an n-dimensional slice with dimension removed) |$(T2 unsqueeze, New slice view of an n-dimensional slice with a dimension added) |$(T2 windows, n-dimensional slice of n-dimensional overlapping windows. If the slice has two dimensions, it is a sliding window.) | |) | | |$(BOOKTABLE $(H2 Subspace Selectors), |$(TR $(TH Function Name) $(TH Description)) | |$(T2 alongDim , Returns a slice that can be iterated along dimension.) |$(T2 byDim , Returns a slice that can be iterated by dimension.) |$(T2 pack , Returns slice of slices.) |$(T2 ipack , Returns slice of slices.) |$(T2 unpack , Merges two hight dimension packs. See also $(SUBREF fuse, fuse).) |$(T2 evertPack, Reverses dimension packs.) | |) | |$(BOOKTABLE $(H2 SliceKind Selectors), |$(TR $(TH Function Name) $(TH Description)) | |$(T2 asKindOf, Converts a slice to a user provied kind $(SUBREF slice, SliceKind).) |$(T2 universal, Converts a slice to universal $(SUBREF slice, SliceKind).) |$(T2 canonical, Converts a slice to canonical $(SUBREF slice, SliceKind).) |$(T2 assumeCanonical, Converts a slice to canonical $(SUBREF slice, SliceKind). Does only `assert` checks.) |$(T2 assumeContiguous, Converts a slice to contiguous $(SUBREF slice, SliceKind). Does only `assert` checks.) |$(T2 assumeHypercube, Helps the compiler to use optimisations related to the shape form. Does only `assert` checks.) |$(T2 assumeSameShape, Helps the compiler to use optimisations related to the shape form. Does only `assert` checks.) | |) | |$(BOOKTABLE $(H2 Products), |$(TR $(TH Function Name) $(TH Description)) | |$(T2 cartesian, Cartesian product.) |$(T2 kronecker, Kronecker product.) | |) | |$(BOOKTABLE $(H2 Representation Selectors), |$(TR $(TH Function Name) $(TH Description)) | |$(T2 as, Convenience function that creates a lazy view, |where each element of the original slice is converted to a type `T`.) |$(T2 bitpack, Bitpack slice over an unsigned integral slice.) |$(T2 bitwise, Bitwise slice over an unsigned integral slice.) |$(T2 bytegroup, Groups existing slice into fixed length chunks and uses them as data store for destination type.) |$(T2 cached, Random access cache. It is usefull in combiation with $(LREF map) and $(LREF vmap).) |$(T2 cachedGC, Random access cache auto-allocated in GC heap. It is usefull in combiation with $(LREF map) and $(LREF vmap).) |$(T2 diff, Differences between vector elements.) |$(T2 flattened, Contiguous 1-dimensional slice of all elements of a slice.) |$(T2 map, Multidimensional functional map.) |$(T2 member, Field (element's member) projection.) |$(T2 orthogonalReduceField, Functional deep-element wise reduce of a slice composed of fields or iterators.) |$(T2 pairwise, Pairwise map for vectors.) |$(T2 pairwiseMapSubSlices, Maps pairwise index pairs to subslices.) |$(T2 retro, Reverses order of iteration for all dimensions.) |$(T2 slide, Lazy convolution for tensors.) |$(T2 slideAlong, Lazy convolution for tensors.) |$(T2 stairs, Two functions to pack, unpack, and iterate triangular and symmetric matrix storage.) |$(T2 stride, Strides 1-dimensional slice.) |$(T2 subSlices, Maps index pairs to subslices.) |$(T2 triplets, Constructs a lazy view of triplets with `left`, `center`, and `right` members. The topology is usefull for Math and Physics.) |$(T2 unzip, Selects a slice from a zipped slice.) |$(T2 withNeighboursSum, Zip view of elements packed with sum of their neighbours.) |$(T2 zip, Zips slices into a slice of refTuples.) |) | |Subspace selectors serve to generalize and combine other selectors easily. |For a slice of `Slice!(Iterator, N, kind)` type `slice.pack!K` creates a slice of |slices of `Slice!(kind, [N - K, K], Iterator)` type by packing |the last `K` dimensions of the top dimension pack, |and the type of element of $(LREF flattened) is `Slice!(Iterator, K)`. |Another way to use $(LREF pack) is transposition of dimension packs using |$(LREF evertPack). |Examples of use of subspace selectors are available for selectors, |$(SUBREF slice, Slice.shape), and $(SUBREF slice, Slice.elementCount). | |License: $(HTTP, Apache-2.0) |Copyright: 2020 Ilya Yaroshenko, Kaleidic Associates Advisory Limited, Symmetry Investments |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko, John Michael Hall, Shigeki Karita (original numir code) | |Sponsors: Part of this work has been sponsored by $(LINK2, Symmetry Investments) and Kaleidic Associates. | |Macros: |SUBREF = $(REF_ALTTEXT $(TT $2), $2, mir, ndslice, $1)$(NBSP) |T2=$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1)) $(TD $+)) |T4=$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1)) $(TD $2) $(TD $3) $(TD $4)) |+/ |module mir.ndslice.topology; | |import mir.internal.utility; |import mir.math.common: optmath; |import mir.ndslice.field; |import mir.ndslice.internal; |import mir.ndslice.iterator; |import mir.ndslice.ndfield; |import mir.ndslice.slice; |import mir.primitives; |import mir.qualifier; |import mir.utility: min; |import std.meta: AliasSeq, allSatisfy, staticMap, templateOr, Repeat; | |private immutable choppedExceptionMsg = "bounds passed to chopped are out of sliceable bounds."; |version (D_Exceptions) private immutable choppedException = new Exception(choppedExceptionMsg); | |@optmath: | |/++ |Converts a slice to user provided kind. | |Contiguous slices can be converted to any kind. |Canonical slices can't be converted to contiguous slices. |Universal slices can be converted only to the same kind. | |See_also: | $(LREF canonical), | $(LREF universal), | $(LREF assumeCanonical), | $(LREF assumeContiguous). |+/ |template asKindOf(SliceKind kind) |{ | static if (kind == Contiguous) | { | auto asKindOf(Iterator, size_t N, Labels...)(Slice!(Iterator, N, Contiguous, Labels) slice) | { | return slice; | } | } | else | static if (kind == Canonical) | { | alias asKindOf = canonical; | } | else | { | alias asKindOf = universal; | } |} | |/// Universal |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: Universal; | auto slice = iota(2, 3).asKindOf!Universal; | assert(slice == [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]); | assert(slice._lengths == [2, 3]); | assert(slice._strides == [3, 1]); |} | |/// Canonical |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: Canonical; | auto slice = iota(2, 3).asKindOf!Canonical; | assert(slice == [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]); | assert(slice._lengths == [2, 3]); | assert(slice._strides == [3]); |} | |/// Contiguous |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: Contiguous; | auto slice = iota(2, 3).asKindOf!Contiguous; | assert(slice == [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]); | assert(slice._lengths == [2, 3]); | assert(slice._strides == []); |} | |/++ |Converts a slice to universal kind. | |Params: | slice = a slice |Returns: | universal slice |See_also: | $(LREF canonical), | $(LREF assumeCanonical), | $(LREF assumeContiguous). |+/ |auto universal(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, Labels...)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind, Labels) slice) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | | static if (kind == Universal) | { | return slice; | } | else | static if (is(Iterator : RetroIterator!It, It)) | { | return slice.move.retro.universal.retro; | } | else | { | alias Ret = Slice!(Iterator, N, Universal, Labels); | size_t[Ret.N] lengths; | auto strides = sizediff_t[Ret.S].init; | foreach (i; Iota!(slice.N)) | lengths[i] = slice._lengths[i]; | static if (kind == Canonical) | { | foreach (i; Iota!(slice.S)) | strides[i] = slice._strides[i]; | strides[$-1] = 1; | } | else | { | ptrdiff_t ball = 1; | foreach_reverse (i; Iota!(Ret.S)) | { | strides[i] = ball; | static if (i) | ball *= slice._lengths[i]; | } | } | return Ret(lengths, strides, slice._iterator.move, slice._labels); | } |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto slice = iota(2, 3).universal; | assert(slice == [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]); | assert(slice._lengths == [2, 3]); | assert(slice._strides == [3, 1]); |} | |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto slice = iota(2, 3).canonical.universal; | assert(slice == [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]); | assert(slice._lengths == [2, 3]); | assert(slice._strides == [3, 1]); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice; | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | | auto dataframe = slice!(double, int, string)(2, 3); | dataframe.label[] = [1, 2]; | dataframe.label!1[] = ["Label1", "Label2", "Label3"]; | | auto universaldf = dataframe.universal; | assert(universaldf._lengths == [2, 3]); | assert(universaldf._strides == [3, 1]); | | assert(is(typeof(universaldf) == | Slice!(double*, 2, Universal, int*, string*))); | assert(universaldf.label!0[0] == 1); | assert(universaldf.label!1[1] == "Label2"); |} | |/++ |Converts a slice to canonical kind. | |Params: | slice = contiguous or canonical slice |Returns: | canonical slice |See_also: | $(LREF universal), | $(LREF assumeCanonical), | $(LREF assumeContiguous). |+/ |Slice!(Iterator, N, N == 1 ? Contiguous : Canonical, Labels) | canonical | (Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, Labels...) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind, Labels) slice) | if (kind == Contiguous || kind == Canonical) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | | static if (kind == Canonical || N == 1) | return slice; | else | { | alias Ret = typeof(return); | size_t[Ret.N] lengths; | auto strides = sizediff_t[Ret.S].init; | foreach (i; Iota!(slice.N)) | lengths[i] = slice._lengths[i]; | ptrdiff_t ball = 1; | foreach_reverse (i; Iota!(Ret.S)) | { | ball *= slice._lengths[i + 1]; | strides[i] = ball; | } | return Ret(lengths, strides, slice._iterator.move, slice._labels); | } |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto slice = iota(2, 3).canonical; | assert(slice == [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]); | assert(slice._lengths == [2, 3]); | assert(slice._strides == [3]); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice; | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | | auto dataframe = slice!(double, int, string)(2, 3); | dataframe.label[] = [1, 2]; | dataframe.label!1[] = ["Label1", "Label2", "Label3"]; | | auto canonicaldf = dataframe.canonical; | assert(canonicaldf._lengths == [2, 3]); | assert(canonicaldf._strides == [3]); | | assert(is(typeof(canonicaldf) == | Slice!(double*, 2, Canonical, int*, string*))); | assert(canonicaldf.label!0[0] == 1); | assert(canonicaldf.label!1[1] == "Label2"); |} | |/++ |Converts a slice to canonical kind (unsafe). | |Params: | slice = a slice |Returns: | canonical slice |See_also: | $(LREF universal), | $(LREF canonical), | $(LREF assumeContiguous). |+/ |Slice!(Iterator, N, Canonical, Labels) | assumeCanonical | (Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, Labels...) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind, Labels) slice) |{ | static if (kind == Contiguous) | return slice.canonical; | else | static if (kind == Canonical) | return slice; | else | { | import mir.utility: swap; | assert(slice._lengths[N - 1] <= 1 || slice._strides[N - 1] == 1); | typeof(return) ret; | ret._lengths = slice._lengths; | ret._strides = slice._strides[0 .. $ - 1]; | swap(ret._iterator, slice._iterator); | foreach(i, _; Labels) | swap(ret._labels[i], slice._labels[i]); | return ret; | } |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto slice = iota(2, 3).universal.assumeCanonical; | assert(slice == [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]); | assert(slice._lengths == [2, 3]); | assert(slice._strides == [3]); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice; | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | | auto dataframe = slice!(double, int, string)(2, 3); | dataframe.label[] = [1, 2]; | dataframe.label!1[] = ["Label1", "Label2", "Label3"]; | | auto assmcanonicaldf = dataframe.assumeCanonical; | assert(assmcanonicaldf._lengths == [2, 3]); | assert(assmcanonicaldf._strides == [3]); | | assert(is(typeof(assmcanonicaldf) == | Slice!(double*, 2, Canonical, int*, string*))); | assert(assmcanonicaldf.label!0[0] == 1); | assert(assmcanonicaldf.label!1[1] == "Label2"); |} | |/++ |Converts a slice to contiguous kind (unsafe). | |Params: | slice = a slice |Returns: | canonical slice |See_also: | $(LREF universal), | $(LREF canonical), | $(LREF assumeCanonical). |+/ |Slice!(Iterator, N, Contiguous, Labels) | assumeContiguous | (Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, Labels...) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind, Labels) slice) |{ | static if (kind == Contiguous) | return slice; | else | { | import mir.utility: swap; | typeof(return) ret; | ret._lengths = slice._lengths; | swap(ret._iterator, slice._iterator); | foreach(i, _; Labels) | swap(ret._labels[i], slice._labels[i]); | return ret; | } |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto slice = iota(2, 3).universal.assumeContiguous; | assert(slice == [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]); | assert(slice._lengths == [2, 3]); | static assert(slice._strides.length == 0); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice; | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | | auto dataframe = slice!(double, int, string)(2, 3); | dataframe.label[] = [1, 2]; | dataframe.label!1[] = ["Label1", "Label2", "Label3"]; | | auto assmcontdf = dataframe.canonical.assumeContiguous; | assert(assmcontdf._lengths == [2, 3]); | static assert(assmcontdf._strides.length == 0); | | assert(is(typeof(assmcontdf) == | Slice!(double*, 2, Contiguous, int*, string*))); | assert(assmcontdf.label!0[0] == 1); | assert(assmcontdf.label!1[1] == "Label2"); |} | |/++ |Helps the compiler to use optimisations related to the shape form |+/ |void assumeHypercube | (Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, Labels...) | (ref scope Slice!(Iterator, N, kind, Labels) slice) |{ | foreach (i; Iota!(1, N)) | { | assert(slice._lengths[i] == slice._lengths[0]); | slice._lengths[i] = slice._lengths[0]; | } |} | |/// |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto b = iota(5, 5); | | assumeHypercube(b); | | assert(b == iota(5, 5)); |} | |/++ |Helps the compiler to use optimisations related to the shape form |+/ |void assumeSameShape(T...) | (ref scope T slices) | if (allSatisfy!(isSlice, T)) |{ | foreach (i; Iota!(1, T.length)) | { | assert(slices[i]._lengths == slices[0]._lengths); | slices[i]._lengths = slices[0]._lengths; | } |} | |/// |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto a = iota(5, 5); | auto b = iota(5, 5); | | assumeHypercube(a); // first use this one, if applicable | assumeSameShape(a, b); // | | assert(a == iota(5, 5)); | assert(b == iota(5, 5)); |} | |/++ |+/ |auto assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | if (__traits(hasMember, Iterator, "assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift")) |{ | return slice._iterator.assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift.slicedField(slice._lengths); |} | |/++ |Creates a packed slice, i.e. slice of slices. |Packs the last `P` dimensions. |The function does not allocate any data. | |Params: | P = size of dimension pack | slice = a slice to pack |Returns: | `slice.pack!p` returns `Slice!(kind, [N - p, p], Iterator)` |See_also: $(LREF ipack) |+/ |Slice!(SliceIterator!(Iterator, P, P == 1 && kind == Canonical ? Contiguous : kind), N - P, Universal) |pack(size_t P, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | if (P && P < N) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | return slice.move.ipack!(N - P); |} | |/// |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced, Slice; | | auto a = iota(3, 4, 5, 6); | auto b = a.pack!2; | | static immutable res1 = [3, 4]; | static immutable res2 = [5, 6]; | assert(b.shape == res1); | assert(b[0, 0].shape == res2); | assert(a == b.unpack); | assert(a.pack!2 == b); | static assert(is(typeof(b) == typeof(a.pack!2))); |} | |/++ |Creates a packed slice, i.e. slice of slices. |Packs the last `N - P` dimensions. |The function does not allocate any data. | |Params: | + = size of dimension pack | slice = a slice to pack |See_also: $(LREF pack) |+/ |Slice!(SliceIterator!(Iterator, N - P, N - P == 1 && kind == Canonical ? Contiguous : kind), P, Universal) |ipack(size_t P, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | if (P && P < N) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | alias Ret = typeof(return); | alias It = Ret.Iterator; | alias EN = It.Element.N; | alias ES = It.Element.S; | auto sl = slice.move.universal; | static if (It.Element.kind == Contiguous) | return Ret( | cast( size_t[P]) sl._lengths[0 .. P], | cast(ptrdiff_t[P]) sl._strides[0 .. P], | It( | cast(size_t[EN]) sl._lengths[P .. $], | sl._iterator.move)); | else | return Ret( | cast( size_t[P]) sl._lengths[0 .. P], | cast(ptrdiff_t[P]) sl._strides[0 .. P], | It( | cast( size_t[EN]) sl._lengths[P .. $], | cast(ptrdiff_t[ES]) sl._strides[P .. $ - (It.Element.kind == Canonical)], | sl._iterator.move)); |} | |/// |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced, Slice; | | auto a = iota(3, 4, 5, 6); | auto b = a.ipack!2; | | static immutable res1 = [3, 4]; | static immutable res2 = [5, 6]; | assert(b.shape == res1); | assert(b[0, 0].shape == res2); | assert(a.ipack!2 == b); | static assert(is(typeof(b) == typeof(a.ipack!2))); |} | |/++ |Unpacks a packed slice. | |The functions does not allocate any data. | |Params: | slice = packed slice |Returns: | unpacked slice, that is a view on the same data. | |See_also: $(LREF pack), $(LREF evertPack) |+/ |Slice!(Iterator, N + M, min(innerKind, Canonical)) | unpack(Iterator, size_t M, SliceKind innerKind, size_t N, SliceKind outerKind) | (Slice!(SliceIterator!(Iterator, M, innerKind), N, outerKind) slice) |{ | alias Ret = typeof(return); | size_t[N + M] lengths; | auto strides = sizediff_t[Ret.S].init; | auto outerStrides = slice.strides; | auto innerStrides = Slice!(Iterator, M, innerKind)( | slice._iterator._structure, | slice._iterator._iterator, | ).strides; | foreach(i; Iota!N) | lengths[i] = slice._lengths[i]; | foreach(i; Iota!N) | strides[i] = outerStrides[i]; | foreach(i; Iota!M) | lengths[N + i] = slice._iterator._structure[0][i]; | foreach(i; Iota!(Ret.S - N)) | strides[N + i] = innerStrides[i]; | return Ret(lengths, strides, slice._iterator._iterator); |} | |/++ |Reverses the order of dimension packs. |This function is used in a functional pipeline with other selectors. | |Params: | slice = packed slice |Returns: | packed slice | |See_also: $(LREF pack), $(LREF unpack) |+/ |Slice!(SliceIterator!(Iterator, N, outerKind), M, innerKind) |evertPack(Iterator, size_t M, SliceKind innerKind, size_t N, SliceKind outerKind) | (Slice!(SliceIterator!(Iterator, M, innerKind), N, outerKind) slice) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | return typeof(return)( | slice._iterator._structure, | typeof(return).Iterator( | slice._structure, | slice._iterator._iterator.move)); |} | |/// |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.dynamic : transposed; | auto slice = iota(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11).universal; | assert(slice | .pack!2 | .evertPack | .unpack | == slice.transposed!( | slice.shape.length-2, | slice.shape.length-1)); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.iterator: SliceIterator; | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced, Slice, Universal; | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | static assert(is(typeof( | slice!int(6) | .sliced(1,2,3) | .pack!1 | .evertPack | ) | == Slice!(SliceIterator!(int*, 2, Universal), 1))); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto a = iota(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11); | auto b = a.pack!2.unpack; | static assert(is(typeof(a.canonical) == typeof(b))); | assert(a == b); |} | |/++ |Returns a slice, the elements of which are equal to the initial flattened index value. | |Params: | N = dimension count | lengths = list of dimension lengths | start = value of the first element in a slice (optional for integer `I`) | stride = value of the stride between elements (optional) |Returns: | n-dimensional slice composed of indices |See_also: $(LREF ndiota) |+/ |Slice!(IotaIterator!I, N) |iota | (I = sizediff_t, size_t N)(size_t[N] lengths...) | if (__traits(isIntegral, I)) |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | return IotaIterator!I(I.init).sliced(lengths); |} | |///ditto |Slice!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t, N) |iota | (size_t N)(size_t[N] lengths, sizediff_t start) |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | return IotaIterator!sizediff_t(start).sliced(lengths); |} | |///ditto |Slice!(StrideIterator!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t), N) |iota | (size_t N)(size_t[N] lengths, sizediff_t start, size_t stride) |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | return StrideIterator!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t)(stride, IotaIterator!sizediff_t(start)).sliced(lengths); |} | |///ditto |template iota(I) | if (__traits(isIntegral, I)) |{ | /// | Slice!(IotaIterator!I, N) | iota | (size_t N)(size_t[N] lengths, I start) | if (__traits(isIntegral, I)) | { | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | return IotaIterator!I(start).sliced(lengths); | } | | ///ditto | Slice!(StrideIterator!(IotaIterator!I), N) | iota | (size_t N)(size_t[N] lengths, I start, size_t stride) | if (__traits(isIntegral, I)) | { | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | return StrideIterator!(IotaIterator!I)(stride, IotaIterator!I(start)).sliced(lengths); | } |} | |///ditto |Slice!(IotaIterator!I, N) |iota | (I, size_t N)(size_t[N] lengths, I start) | if (is(I P : P*)) |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | return IotaIterator!I(start).sliced(lengths); |} | |///ditto |Slice!(StrideIterator!(IotaIterator!I), N) |iota | (I, size_t N)(size_t[N] lengths, I start, size_t stride) | if (is(I P : P*)) |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | return StrideIterator!(IotaIterator!I)(stride, IotaIterator!I(start)).sliced(lengths); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.primitives: DeepElementType; | auto slice = iota(2, 3); | static immutable array = | [[0, 1, 2], | [3, 4, 5]]; | | assert(slice == array); | | static assert(is(DeepElementType!(typeof(slice)) == sizediff_t)); |} | |/// |pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | int[6] data; | auto slice = iota([2, 3], data.ptr); | assert(slice[0, 0] == data.ptr); | assert(slice[0, 1] == data.ptr + 1); | assert(slice[1, 0] == data.ptr + 3); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto im = iota([10, 5], 100); | assert(im[2, 1] == 111); // 100 + 2 * 5 + 1 | | //slicing works correctly | auto cm = im[1 .. $, 3 .. $]; | assert(cm[2, 1] == 119); // 119 = 100 + (1 + 2) * 5 + (3 + 1) |} | |/// `iota` with step |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto sl = iota([2, 3], 10, 10); | | assert(sl == [[10, 20, 30], | [40, 50, 60]]); |} | |/++ |Returns a 1-dimensional slice over the main diagonal of an n-dimensional slice. |`diagonal` can be generalized with other selectors such as |$(LREF blocks) (diagonal blocks) and $(LREF windows) (multi-diagonal slice). | |Params: | slice = input slice |Returns: | 1-dimensional slice composed of diagonal elements |See_also: $(LREF antidiagonal) |+/ |Slice!(Iterator, 1, N == 1 ? kind : Universal) | diagonal | (Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) |{ | static if (N == 1) | { | return slice; | } | else | { | alias Ret = typeof(return); | size_t[Ret.N] lengths; | auto strides = sizediff_t[Ret.S].init; | lengths[0] = slice._lengths[0]; | foreach (i; Iota!(1, N)) | if (lengths[0] > slice._lengths[i]) | lengths[0] = slice._lengths[i]; | foreach (i; Iota!(1, Ret.N)) | lengths[i] = slice._lengths[i + N - 1]; | auto rstrides = slice.strides; | strides[0] = rstrides[0]; | foreach (i; Iota!(1, N)) | strides[0] += rstrides[i]; | foreach (i; Iota!(1, Ret.S)) | strides[i] = rstrides[i + N - 1]; | return Ret(lengths, strides, slice._iterator); | } |} | |/// Matrix, main diagonal |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | // ------- | // | 0 1 2 | | // | 3 4 5 | | // ------- | //-> | // | 0 4 | | static immutable d = [0, 4]; | assert(iota(2, 3).diagonal == d); |} | |/// Non-square matrix |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | // ------- | // | 0 1 | | // | 2 3 | | // | 4 5 | | // ------- | //-> | // | 0 3 | | | assert(iota(3, 2).diagonal == iota([2], 0, 3)); |} | |/// Loop through diagonal |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice; | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | | auto slice = slice!int(3, 3); | int i; | foreach (ref e; slice.diagonal) | e = ++i; | assert(slice == [ | [1, 0, 0], | [0, 2, 0], | [0, 0, 3]]); |} | |/// Matrix, subdiagonal |@safe @nogc pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | // ------- | // | 0 1 2 | | // | 3 4 5 | | // ------- | //-> | // | 1 5 | | static immutable d = [1, 5]; | auto a = iota(2, 3).canonical; | a.popFront!1; | assert(a.diagonal == d); |} | |/// 3D, main diagonal |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | // ----------- | // | 0 1 2 | | // | 3 4 5 | | // - - - - - - | // | 6 7 8 | | // | 9 10 11 | | // ----------- | //-> | // | 0 10 | | static immutable d = [0, 10]; | assert(iota(2, 2, 3).diagonal == d); |} | |/// 3D, subdiagonal |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | // ----------- | // | 0 1 2 | | // | 3 4 5 | | // - - - - - - | // | 6 7 8 | | // | 9 10 11 | | // ----------- | //-> | // | 1 11 | | static immutable d = [1, 11]; | auto a = iota(2, 2, 3).canonical; | a.popFront!2; | assert(a.diagonal == d); |} | |/// 3D, diagonal plain |@nogc @safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | // ----------- | // | 0 1 2 | | // | 3 4 5 | | // | 6 7 8 | | // - - - - - - | // | 9 10 11 | | // | 12 13 14 | | // | 15 16 17 | | // - - - - - - | // | 18 20 21 | | // | 22 23 24 | | // | 24 25 26 | | // ----------- | //-> | // ----------- | // | 0 4 8 | | // | 9 13 17 | | // | 18 23 26 | | // ----------- | | static immutable d = | [[ 0, 4, 8], | [ 9, 13, 17], | [18, 22, 26]]; | | auto slice = iota(3, 3, 3) | .pack!2 | .evertPack | .diagonal | .evertPack; | | assert(slice == d); |} | |/++ |Returns a 1-dimensional slice over the main antidiagonal of an 2D-dimensional slice. |`antidiagonal` can be generalized with other selectors such as |$(LREF blocks) (diagonal blocks) and $(LREF windows) (multi-diagonal slice). | |It runs from the top right corner to the bottom left corner. | |Pseudo_code: |------ |auto antidiagonal = slice.dropToHypercube.reversed!1.diagonal; |------ | |Params: | slice = input slice |Returns: | 1-dimensional slice composed of antidiagonal elements. |See_also: $(LREF diagonal) |+/ |Slice!(Iterator, 1, Universal) | antidiagonal | (Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | if (N == 2) |{ | import mir.ndslice.dynamic : dropToHypercube, reversed; | return slice.dropToHypercube.reversed!1.diagonal; |} | |/// |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | // ----- | // | 0 1 | | // | 2 3 | | // ----- | //-> | // | 1 2 | | static immutable c = [1, 2]; | import std.stdio; | assert(iota(2, 2).antidiagonal == c); |} | |/// |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | // ------- | // | 0 1 2 | | // | 3 4 5 | | // ------- | //-> | // | 1 3 | | static immutable d = [1, 3]; | assert(iota(2, 3).antidiagonal == d); |} | |/++ |Returns an n-dimensional slice of n-dimensional non-overlapping blocks. |`blocks` can be generalized with other selectors. |For example, `blocks` in combination with $(LREF diagonal) can be used to get a slice of diagonal blocks. |For overlapped blocks, combine $(LREF windows) with $(SUBREF dynamic, strided). | |Params: | N = dimension count | slice = slice to be split into blocks | rlengths_ = dimensions of block, residual blocks are ignored |Returns: | packed `N`-dimensional slice composed of `N`-dimensional slices | |See_also: $(SUBREF chunks, ._chunks) |+/ |Slice!(SliceIterator!(Iterator, N, N == 1 ? Universal : min(kind, Canonical)), N, Universal) | blocks | (Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice, size_t[N] rlengths_...) |in |{ | foreach (i, length; rlengths_) | assert(length > 0, "length of dimension = " ~ i.stringof ~ " must be positive" | ~ tailErrorMessage!()); |} |do |{ | size_t[N] lengths; | size_t[N] rlengths = rlengths_; | sizediff_t[N] strides; | foreach (dimension; Iota!N) | lengths[dimension] = slice._lengths[dimension] / rlengths[dimension]; | auto rstrides = slice.strides; | foreach (i; Iota!N) | { | strides[i] = rstrides[i]; | if (lengths[i]) //do not remove `if (...)` | strides[i] *= rlengths[i]; | } | return typeof(return)( | lengths, | strides, | typeof(return).Iterator( | rlengths, | rstrides[0 .. typeof(return).DeepElement.S], | slice._iterator)); |} | |/// |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice; | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | auto slice = slice!int(5, 8); | auto blocks = slice.blocks(2, 3); | int i; | foreach (blocksRaw; blocks) | foreach (block; blocksRaw) | block[] = ++i; | | assert(blocks == | [[[[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]], | [[2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2]]], | [[[3, 3, 3], [3, 3, 3]], | [[4, 4, 4], [4, 4, 4]]]]); | | assert( slice == | [[1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0], | [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0], | | [3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0], | [3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0], | | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]); |} | |/// Diagonal blocks |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice; | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | auto slice = slice!int(5, 8); | auto blocks = slice.blocks(2, 3); | auto diagonalBlocks = blocks.diagonal.unpack; | | diagonalBlocks[0][] = 1; | diagonalBlocks[1][] = 2; | | assert(diagonalBlocks == | [[[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]], | [[2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2]]]); | | assert(blocks == | [[[[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]], | [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]], | [[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], | [[2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 2]]]]); | | assert(slice == | [[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], | [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], | | [0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0], | | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]); |} | |/// Matrix divided into vertical blocks |@safe pure version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | import mir.ndslice.slice; | auto slice = slice!int(5, 13); | auto blocks = slice | .pack!1 | .evertPack | .blocks(3) | .unpack; | | int i; | foreach (block; blocks) | block[] = ++i; | | assert(slice == | [[1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 0], | [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 0], | [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 0], | [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 0], | [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 0]]); |} | |/++ |Returns an n-dimensional slice of n-dimensional overlapping windows. |`windows` can be generalized with other selectors. |For example, `windows` in combination with $(LREF diagonal) can be used to get a multi-diagonal slice. | |Params: | N = dimension count | slice = slice to be iterated | rlengths = dimensions of windows |Returns: | packed `N`-dimensional slice composed of `N`-dimensional slices |+/ |Slice!(SliceIterator!(Iterator, N, N == 1 ? kind : min(kind, Canonical)), N, Universal) | windows | (Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice, size_t[N] rlengths...) |in |{ | foreach (i, length; rlengths) | assert(length > 0, "length of dimension = " ~ i.stringof ~ " must be positive" | ~ tailErrorMessage!()); |} |do |{ | size_t[N] rls = rlengths; | size_t[N] lengths; | foreach (dimension; Iota!N) | lengths[dimension] = slice._lengths[dimension] >= rls[dimension] ? | slice._lengths[dimension] - rls[dimension] + 1 : 0; | auto rstrides = slice.strides; | static if (typeof(return).DeepElement.S) | return typeof(return)( | lengths, | rstrides, | typeof(return).Iterator( | rls, | rstrides[0 .. typeof(return).DeepElement.S], | slice._iterator)); | else | return typeof(return)( | lengths, | rstrides, | typeof(return).Iterator( | rls, | slice._iterator)); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | import mir.ndslice.slice; | auto slice = slice!int(5, 8); | auto windows =, 3); | | int i; | foreach (windowsRaw; windows) | foreach (window; windowsRaw) | ++window[]; | | assert(slice == | [[1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1], | | [2, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 2], | [2, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 2], | [2, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 2], | | [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1]]); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | import mir.ndslice.slice; | auto slice = slice!int(5, 8); | auto windows =, 3); | windows[1, 2][] = 1; | windows[1, 2][0, 1] += 1; | windows.unpack[1, 2, 0, 1] += 1; | | assert(slice == | [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], | | [0, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], | | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]); |} | |/// Multi-diagonal matrix |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | import mir.ndslice.slice; | auto slice = slice!int(8, 8); | auto windows =, 3); | | auto multidiagonal = windows | .diagonal | .unpack; | foreach (window; multidiagonal) | window[] += 1; | | assert(slice == | [[ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], | [ 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], | [ 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0], | [0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0], | [0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1], | [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1], | [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]]); |} | |/// Sliding window over matrix columns |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | import mir.ndslice.slice; | auto slice = slice!int(5, 8); | auto windows = slice | .pack!1 | .evertPack | .windows(3) | .unpack; | | foreach (window; windows) | window[] += 1; | | assert(slice == | [[1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1], | [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1], | [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1], | [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1], | [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1]]); |} | |/// Overlapping blocks using windows |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | // ---------------- | // | 0 1 2 3 4 | | // | 5 6 7 8 9 | | // | 10 11 12 13 14 | | // | 15 16 17 18 19 | | // | 20 21 22 23 24 | | // ---------------- | //-> | // --------------------- | // | 0 1 2 | 2 3 4 | | // | 5 6 7 | 7 8 9 | | // | 10 11 12 | 12 13 14 | | // | - - - - - - - - - - | | // | 10 11 13 | 12 13 14 | | // | 15 16 17 | 17 18 19 | | // | 20 21 22 | 22 23 24 | | // --------------------- | | import mir.ndslice.slice; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic : strided; | | auto overlappingBlocks = iota(5, 5) | .windows(3, 3) | .universal | .strided!(0, 1)(2, 2); | | assert(overlappingBlocks == | [[[[ 0, 1, 2], [ 5, 6, 7], [10, 11, 12]], | [[ 2, 3, 4], [ 7, 8, 9], [12, 13, 14]]], | [[[10, 11, 12], [15, 16, 17], [20, 21, 22]], | [[12, 13, 14], [17, 18, 19], [22, 23, 24]]]]); |} | |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto w = iota(9, 9).windows(3, 3); | assert(w.front == w[0]); |} | |/++ |Error codes for $(LREF reshape). |+/ |enum ReshapeError |{ | /// No error | none, | /// Slice should be not empty | empty, | /// Total element count should be the same | total, | /// Structure is incompatible with new shape | incompatible, |} | |/++ |Returns a new slice for the same data with different dimensions. | |Params: | slice = slice to be reshaped | rlengths = list of new dimensions. One of the lengths can be set to `-1`. | In this case, the corresponding dimension is inferable. | err = $(LREF ReshapeError) code |Returns: | reshaped slice |+/ |Slice!(Iterator, M, kind) reshape | (Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, size_t M) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice, ptrdiff_t[M] rlengths, ref int err) |{ | static if (kind == Canonical) | { | auto r = slice.universal.reshape(rlengths, err); | assert(err || r._strides[$-1] == 1); | r._strides[$-1] = 1; | return r.assumeCanonical; | } | else | { | alias Ret = typeof(return); | auto structure = Ret._Structure.init; | alias lengths = structure[0]; | foreach (i; Iota!M) | lengths[i] = rlengths[i]; | | /// Code size optimization | immutable size_t eco = slice.elementCount; | size_t ecn = lengths[0 .. rlengths.length].iota.elementCount; | if (eco == 0) | { | err = ReshapeError.empty; | goto R; | } | foreach (i; Iota!M) | if (lengths[i] == -1) | { | ecn = -ecn; | lengths[i] = eco / ecn; | ecn *= lengths[i]; | break; | } | if (eco != ecn) | { | err =; | goto R; | } | static if (kind == Universal) | { | for (size_t oi, ni, oj, nj; oi < N && ni < M; oi = oj, ni = nj) | { | size_t op = slice._lengths[oj++]; | size_t np = lengths[nj++]; | | for (;;) | { | if (op < np) | op *= slice._lengths[oj++]; | if (op > np) | np *= lengths[nj++]; | if (op == np) | break; | } | while (oj < N && slice._lengths[oj] == 1) oj++; | while (nj < M && lengths[nj] == 1) nj++; | | for (size_t l = oi, r = oi + 1; r < oj; r++) | if (slice._lengths[r] != 1) | { | if (slice._strides[l] != slice._lengths[r] * slice._strides[r]) | { | err = ReshapeError.incompatible; | goto R; | } | l = r; | } | assert((oi == N) == (ni == M)); | | structure[1][nj - 1] = slice._strides[oj - 1]; | foreach_reverse (i; ni .. nj - 1) | structure[1][i] = lengths[i + 1] * structure[1][i + 1]; | } | } | foreach (i; Iota!(M, Ret.N)) | lengths[i] = slice._lengths[i + N - M]; | static if (M < Ret.S) | foreach (i; Iota!(M, Ret.S)) | structure[1][i] = slice._strides[i + N - M]; | err = 0; | return Ret(structure, slice._iterator); | R: | return Ret(structure, slice._iterator.init); | } |} | |/// |@safe nothrow pure |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.dynamic : allReversed; | int err; | auto slice = iota(3, 4) | .universal | .allReversed | .reshape([-1, 3], err); | assert(err == 0); | assert(slice == | [[11, 10, 9], | [ 8, 7, 6], | [ 5, 4, 3], | [ 2, 1, 0]]); |} | |/// Reshaping with memory allocation |@safe pure version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic : reversed; | | auto reshape2(S, size_t M)(S sl, ptrdiff_t[M] lengths) | { | int err; | // Tries to reshape without allocation | auto ret = sl.reshape(lengths, err); | if (!err) | return ret; | if (err == ReshapeError.incompatible) | // allocates, flattens, reshapes with `sliced`, converts to universal kind | return sl.slice.flattened.sliced(cast(size_t[M])lengths).universal; | throw new Exception("total elements count is different or equals to zero"); | } | | auto sl = iota!int(3, 4) | .slice | .universal | .reversed!0; | | assert(reshape2(sl, [4, 3]) == | [[ 8, 9, 10], | [11, 4, 5], | [ 6, 7, 0], | [ 1, 2, 3]]); |} | |nothrow @safe pure version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.dynamic : allReversed; | auto slice = iota(1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1).universal.allReversed; | int err; | assert(slice.reshape([1, -1, 1, 1, 3, 1], err) == | [[[[[[11], [10], [9]]]], | [[[[ 8], [ 7], [6]]]], | [[[[ 5], [ 4], [3]]]], | [[[[ 2], [ 1], [0]]]]]]); | assert(err == 0); |} | |// Issue 15919 |nothrow @nogc @safe pure |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | int err; | assert(iota(3, 4, 5, 6, 7).pack!2.reshape([4, 3, 5], err)[0, 0, 0].shape == cast(size_t[2])[6, 7]); | assert(err == 0); |} | |nothrow @nogc @safe pure version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice; | | int err; | auto e = iota(1); | // resize to the wrong dimension | auto s = e.reshape([2], err); | assert(err ==; | e.popFront; | // test with an empty slice | e.reshape([1], err); | assert(err == ReshapeError.empty); |} | |nothrow @nogc @safe pure |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto pElements = iota(3, 4, 5, 6, 7) | .pack!2 | .flattened; | assert(pElements[0][0] == iota(7)); | assert(pElements[$-1][$-1] == iota([7], 2513)); |} | |/++ |A contiguous 1-dimensional slice of all elements of a slice. |`flattened` iterates existing data. |The order of elements is preserved. | |`flattened` can be generalized with other selectors. | |Params: | slice = slice to be iterated |Returns: | contiguous 1-dimensional slice of elements of the `slice` |+/ |Slice!(FlattenedIterator!(Iterator, N, kind)) | flattened | (Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | if (N != 1 && kind != Contiguous) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | size_t[typeof(return).N] lengths; | sizediff_t[typeof(return)._iterator._indices.length] indices; | lengths[0] = slice.elementCount; | return typeof(return)(lengths, FlattenedIterator!(Iterator, N, kind)(indices, slice.move)); |} | |/// ditto |Slice!Iterator | flattened | (Iterator, size_t N) | (Slice!(Iterator, N) slice) |{ | static if (N == 1) | { | return slice; | } | else | { | import core.lifetime: move; 0000000| size_t[typeof(return).N] lengths; 0000000| lengths[0] = slice.elementCount; 0000000| return typeof(return)(lengths, slice._iterator.move); | } |} | |/// ditto |Slice!(StrideIterator!Iterator) | flattened | (Iterator) | (Slice!(Iterator, 1, Universal) slice) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | return slice.move.hideStride; |} | |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | auto sl1 = iota(2, 3).slice.universal.pack!1.flattened; | auto sl2 = iota(2, 3).slice.canonical.pack!1.flattened; | auto sl3 = iota(2, 3).slice.pack!1.flattened; |} | |/// Regular slice |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | assert(iota(4, 5).flattened == iota(20)); | assert(iota(4, 5).canonical.flattened == iota(20)); | assert(iota(4, 5).universal.flattened == iota(20)); |} | |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | assert(iota(4).flattened == iota(4)); | assert(iota(4).canonical.flattened == iota(4)); | assert(iota(4).universal.flattened == iota(4)); |} | |/// Packed slice |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic; | assert(iota(3, 4, 5, 6, 7).pack!2.flattened[1] == iota([6, 7], 6 * 7)); |} | |/// Properties |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto elems = iota(3, 4).universal.flattened; | | elems.popFrontExactly(2); | assert(elems.front == 2); | /// `_index` is available only for canonical and universal ndslices. | assert(elems._iterator._indices == [0, 2]); | | elems.popBackExactly(2); | assert(elems.back == 9); | assert(elems.length == 8); |} | |/// Index property |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice; | auto slice = new long[20].sliced(5, 4); | | for (auto elems = slice.universal.flattened; !elems.empty; elems.popFront) | { | ptrdiff_t[2] index = elems._iterator._indices; | elems.front = index[0] * 10 + index[1] * 3; | } | assert(slice == | [[ 0, 3, 6, 9], | [10, 13, 16, 19], | [20, 23, 26, 29], | [30, 33, 36, 39], | [40, 43, 46, 49]]); |} | |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto elems = iota(3, 4).universal.flattened; | assert(elems.front == 0); | assert([1] == 1); |} | |/++ |Random access and slicing |+/ |nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | | auto elems = iota(4, 5).slice.flattened; | | elems = elems[11 .. $ - 2]; | | assert(elems.length == 7); | assert(elems.front == 11); | assert(elems.back == 17); | | foreach (i; 0 .. 7) | assert(elems[i] == i + 11); | | // assign an element | elems[2 .. 6] = -1; | assert(elems[2 .. 6] == repeat(-1, 4)); | | // assign an array | static ar = [-1, -2, -3, -4]; | elems[2 .. 6] = ar; | assert(elems[2 .. 6] == ar); | | // assign a slice | ar[] *= 2; | auto sl = ar.sliced(ar.length); | elems[2 .. 6] = sl; | assert(elems[2 .. 6] == sl); |} | |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.dynamic : allReversed; | | auto slice = iota(3, 4, 5); | | foreach (ref e; slice.universal.flattened.retro) | { | //... | } | | foreach_reverse (ref e; slice.universal.flattened) | { | //... | } | | foreach (ref e; slice.universal.allReversed.flattened) | { | //... | } |} | |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import std.range.primitives : isRandomAccessRange, hasSlicing; | auto elems = iota(4, 5).flattened; | static assert(isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(elems))); | static assert(hasSlicing!(typeof(elems))); |} | |// Checks strides |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.dynamic; | import std.range.primitives : isRandomAccessRange; | auto elems = iota(4, 5).universal.everted.flattened; | static assert(isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(elems))); | | elems = elems[11 .. $ - 2]; | auto elems2 = elems; | foreach (i; 0 .. 7) | { | assert(elems[i] == elems2.front); | elems2.popFront; | } |} | |@safe @nogc pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic; | import std.range.primitives : isRandomAccessRange, hasLength; | | auto range = (3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7).iota; | auto slice0 = range.sliced(3, 4, 5, 6, 7).universal; | auto slice1 = slice0.transposed!(2, 1).pack!2; | auto elems0 = slice0.flattened; | auto elems1 = slice1.flattened; | | foreach (S; AliasSeq!(typeof(elems0), typeof(elems1))) | { | static assert(isRandomAccessRange!S); | static assert(hasLength!S); | } | | assert(elems0.length == slice0.elementCount); | assert(elems1.length == 5 * 4 * 3); | | auto elems2 = elems1; | foreach (q; slice1) | foreach (w; q) | foreach (e; w) | { | assert(!elems2.empty); | assert(e == elems2.front); | elems2.popFront; | } | assert(elems2.empty); | | elems0.popFront(); | elems0.popFrontExactly(slice0.elementCount - 14); | assert(elems0.length == 13); | assert(elems0 == range[slice0.elementCount - 13 .. slice0.elementCount]); | | foreach (elem; elems0) {} |} | |// Issue 15549 |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import std.range.primitives; | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | alias A = typeof(iota(1, 2, 3, 4).pack!1); | static assert(isRandomAccessRange!A); | static assert(hasLength!A); | static assert(hasSlicing!A); | alias B = typeof(slice!int(1, 2, 3, 4).pack!3); | static assert(isRandomAccessRange!B); | static assert(hasLength!B); | static assert(hasSlicing!B); |} | |// Issue 16010 |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto s = iota(3, 4).flattened; | foreach (_; 0 .. s.length) | s = s[1 .. $]; |} | |/++ |Returns a slice, the elements of which are equal to the initial multidimensional index value. |For a flattened (contiguous) index, see $(LREF iota). | |Params: | N = dimension count | lengths = list of dimension lengths |Returns: | `N`-dimensional slice composed of indices |See_also: $(LREF iota) |+/ |Slice!(FieldIterator!(ndIotaField!N), N) | ndiota | (size_t N) | (size_t[N] lengths...) | if (N) |{ | return FieldIterator!(ndIotaField!N)(0, ndIotaField!N(lengths[1 .. $])).sliced(lengths); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto slice = ndiota(2, 3); | static immutable array = | [[[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2]], | [[1, 0], [1, 1], [1, 2]]]; | | assert(slice == array); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto im = ndiota(7, 9); | | assert(im[2, 1] == [2, 1]); | | //slicing works correctly | auto cm = im[1 .. $, 4 .. $]; | assert(cm[2, 1] == [3, 5]); |} | |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto r = ndiota(1); | auto d = r.front; | r.popFront; | import std.range.primitives; | static assert(isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(r))); |} | |/++ |Evenly spaced numbers over a specified interval. | |Params: | T = floating point or complex numbers type | lengths = list of dimension lengths. Each length must be greater then 1. | intervals = list of [start, end] pairs. |Returns: | `n`-dimensional grid of evenly spaced numbers over specified intervals. |See_also: $(LREF) |+/ |auto linspace(T, size_t N)(size_t[N] lengths, T[2][N] intervals...) | if (N && (isFloatingPoint!T || isComplex!T)) |{ 0000000| Repeat!(N, LinspaceField!T) fields; | foreach(i; Iota!N) | { 0000000| assert(lengths[i] > 1, "linspace: all lengths must be greater then 1."); 0000000| fields[i] = LinspaceField!T(lengths[i], intervals[i][0], intervals[i][1]); | } | static if (N == 1) 0000000| return slicedField(fields); | else | return cartesian(fields); |} | |// example from readme |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice; | // import std.stdio: writefln; | | enum fmt = "%(%(%.2f %)\n%)\n"; | | auto a = magic(5).as!float; | // writefln(fmt, a); | | auto b = linspace!float([5, 5], [1f, 2f], [0f, 1f]).map!"a * a + b"; | // writefln(fmt, b); | | auto c = slice!float(5, 5); | c[] = transposed(a + b / 2); |} | |/// 1D |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto s = linspace!double([5], [1.0, 2.0]); | assert(s == [1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0]); | | // reverse order | assert(linspace!double([5], [2.0, 1.0]) == s.retro); | | // remove endpoint | s.popBack; | assert(s == [1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75]); |} | |/// 2D |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.functional: refTuple; | | auto s = linspace!double([5, 3], [1.0, 2.0], [0.0, 1.0]); | | assert(s == [ | [refTuple(1.00, 0.00), refTuple(1.00, 0.5), refTuple(1.00, 1.0)], | [refTuple(1.25, 0.00), refTuple(1.25, 0.5), refTuple(1.25, 1.0)], | [refTuple(1.50, 0.00), refTuple(1.50, 0.5), refTuple(1.50, 1.0)], | [refTuple(1.75, 0.00), refTuple(1.75, 0.5), refTuple(1.75, 1.0)], | [refTuple(2.00, 0.00), refTuple(2.00, 0.5), refTuple(2.00, 1.0)], | ]); | | assert(!"a * b" == [ | [0.0, 0.500, 1.00], | [0.0, 0.625, 1.25], | [0.0, 0.750, 1.50], | [0.0, 0.875, 1.75], | [0.0, 1.000, 2.00], | ]); |} | |/// Complex numbers |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto s = linspace!cdouble([3], [1.0 + 0i, 2.0 + 4i]); | assert(s == [1.0 + 0i, 1.5 + 2i, 2.0 + 4i]); |} | |/++ |Returns a slice with identical elements. |`RepeatSlice` stores only single value. |Params: | lengths = list of dimension lengths |Returns: | `n`-dimensional slice composed of identical values, where `n` is dimension count. |+/ |Slice!(FieldIterator!(RepeatField!T), M, Universal) | repeat(T, size_t M)(T value, size_t[M] lengths...) @trusted | if (M && !isSlice!T) |{ | size_t[M] ls = lengths; | return typeof(return)( | ls, | sizediff_t[M].init, | typeof(return).Iterator(0, RepeatField!T(cast(RepeatField!T.UT) value))); |} | |/// ditto |Slice!(SliceIterator!(Iterator, N, kind), M, Universal) | repeat | (SliceKind kind, size_t N, Iterator, size_t M) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice, size_t[M] lengths...) | if (M) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | size_t[M] ls = lengths; | return typeof(return)( | ls, | sizediff_t[M].init, | typeof(return).Iterator( | slice._structure, | move(slice._iterator))); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto sl = iota(3).repeat(4); | assert(sl == [[0, 1, 2], | [0, 1, 2], | [0, 1, 2], | [0, 1, 2]]); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.dynamic : transposed; | | auto sl = iota(3) | .repeat(4) | .unpack | .universal | .transposed; | | assert(sl == [[0, 0, 0, 0], | [1, 1, 1, 1], | [2, 2, 2, 2]]); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | | auto sl = iota([3], 6).slice; | auto slC = sl.repeat(2, 3); | sl[1] = 4; | assert(slC == [[[6, 4, 8], | [6, 4, 8], | [6, 4, 8]], | [[6, 4, 8], | [6, 4, 8], | [6, 4, 8]]]); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.primitives: DeepElementType; | | auto sl = repeat(4.0, 2, 3); | assert(sl == [[4.0, 4.0, 4.0], | [4.0, 4.0, 4.0]]); | | static assert(is(DeepElementType!(typeof(sl)) == double)); | | sl[1, 1] = 3; | assert(sl == [[3.0, 3.0, 3.0], | [3.0, 3.0, 3.0]]); |} | |/++ |Cycle repeates 1-dimensional field/range/array/slice in a fixed length 1-dimensional slice. |+/ |auto cycle(Field)(Field field, size_t loopLength, size_t length) | if (!isSlice!Field && !is(Field : T[], T)) |{ | return CycleField!Field(loopLength, field).slicedField(length); |} | |/// ditto |auto cycle(size_t loopLength, Field)(Field field, size_t length) | if (!isSlice!Field && !is(Field : T[], T)) |{ | static assert(loopLength); | return CycleField!(Field, loopLength)(field).slicedField(length); |} | |/// ditto |auto cycle(Iterator, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, 1, kind) slice, size_t length) |{ | assert(slice.length); | static if (kind == Universal) | return slice.hideStride.cycle(length); | else | return CycleField!Iterator(slice._lengths[0], slice._iterator).slicedField(length); |} | |/// ditto |auto cycle(size_t loopLength, Iterator, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, 1, kind) slice, size_t length) |{ | static assert(loopLength); | assert(loopLength <= slice.length); | static if (kind == Universal) | return slice.hideStride.cycle!loopLength(length); | else | return CycleField!(Iterator, loopLength)(slice._iterator).slicedField(length); |} | |/// ditto |auto cycle(T)(T[] array, size_t length) |{ | return cycle(array.sliced, length); |} | |/// ditto |auto cycle(size_t loopLength, T)(T[] array, size_t length) |{ | return cycle!loopLength(array.sliced, length); |} | |/// ditto |auto cycle(size_t loopLength, T)(T withAsSlice, size_t length) | if (hasAsSlice!T) |{ | return cycle!loopLength(withAsSlice.asSlice, length); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto slice = iota(3); | assert(slice.cycle(7) == [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0]); | assert(slice.cycle!2(7) == [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]); | assert([0, 1, 2].cycle(7) == [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0]); | assert([4, 3, 2, 1].cycle!4(7) == [4, 3, 2, 1, 4, 3, 2]); |} | |/++ |Strides 1-dimensional slice. |Params: | slice = 1-dimensional unpacked slice. | factor = positive stride size. |Returns: | Contiguous slice with strided iterator. |See_also: $(SUBREF dynamic, strided) |+/ |auto stride | (Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice, ptrdiff_t factor) | if (N == 1) |in |{ | assert (factor > 0, "factor must be positive."); |} |do |{ | static if (kind == Contiguous) | return slice.universal.stride(factor); | else | { | import mir.ndslice.dynamic: strided; | return slice.strided!0(factor).hideStride; | } |} | |///ditto |template stride(size_t factor = 2) | if (factor > 1) |{ | auto stride | (Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | { | import core.lifetime: move; | static if (N > 1) | { | return stride(slice.move.ipack!!(.stride!factor)); | } | else | static if (kind == Contiguous) | { | immutable rem = slice._lengths[0] % factor; | slice._lengths[0] /= factor; | if (rem) | slice._lengths[0]++; | return Slice!(StrideIterator!(Iterator, factor), 1, kind)(slice._structure, StrideIterator!(Iterator, factor)(move(slice._iterator))); | } | else | { | return .stride(slice.move, factor); | } | } | | /// ditto | auto stride(T)(T[] array) | { | return stride(array.sliced); | } | | /// ditto | auto stride(T)(T withAsSlice) | if (hasAsSlice!T) | { | return stride(withAsSlice.asSlice); | } |} | |/// ditto |auto stride(T)(T[] array, ptrdiff_t factor) |{ | return stride(array.sliced, factor); |} | |/// ditto |auto stride(T)(T withAsSlice, ptrdiff_t factor) | if (hasAsSlice!T) |{ | return stride(withAsSlice.asSlice, factor); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto slice = iota(6); | static immutable str = [0, 2, 4]; | assert(slice.stride(2) == str); // runtime factor | assert(slice.stride!2 == str); // compile time factor | assert(slice.stride == str); // default compile time factor is 2 | assert(slice.universal.stride(2) == str); |} | |/// ND-compile time |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto slice = iota(4, 6); | static immutable str = [[0, 2, 4], [12, 14, 16]]; | assert(slice.stride!2 == str); // compile time factor | assert(slice.stride == str); // default compile time factor is 2 |} | |/++ |Reverses order of iteration for all dimensions. |Params: | slice = slice, range, or array. |Returns: | Slice/range with reversed order of iteration for all dimensions. |See_also: $(SUBREF dynamic, reversed), $(SUBREF dynamic, allReversed). |+/ |auto retro | (Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | @trusted |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | static if (kind == Contiguous || kind == Canonical) | { 0000000| size_t[slice.N] lengths; | foreach (i; Iota!(slice.N)) 0000000| lengths[i] = slice._lengths[i]; | static if (slice.S) | { | sizediff_t[slice.S] strides; | foreach (i; Iota!(slice.S)) | strides[i] = slice._strides[i]; | alias structure = AliasSeq!(lengths, strides); | } | else | { | alias structure = lengths; | } | static if (is(Iterator : RetroIterator!It, It)) | { | alias Ret = Slice!(It, N, kind); | slice._iterator._iterator -= slice.lastIndex; | return Ret(structure, slice._iterator._iterator.move); | } | else | { | alias Ret = Slice!(RetroIterator!Iterator, N, kind); 0000000| slice._iterator += slice.lastIndex; 0000000| return Ret(structure, RetroIterator!Iterator(slice._iterator.move)); | } | } | else | { | import mir.ndslice.dynamic: allReversed; | return slice.move.allReversed; | } |} | |/// ditto |auto retro(T)(T[] array) |{ | return retro(array.sliced); |} | |/// ditto |auto retro(T)(T withAsSlice) | if (hasAsSlice!T) |{ | return retro(withAsSlice.asSlice); |} | |/// ditto |auto retro(Range)(Range r) | if (!hasAsSlice!Range && !isSlice!Range && !is(Range : T[], T)) |{ | import std.traits: Unqual; | | static if (is(Unqual!Range == Range)) | { | import core.lifetime: move; | static if (is(Range : RetroRange!R, R)) | { | return move(r._source); | } | else | { | return RetroRange!Range(move(r)); | } | } | else | { | return .retro!(Unqual!Range)(r); | } |} | |/// ditto |struct RetroRange(Range) |{ | import mir.primitives: hasLength; | | /// | Range _source; | | private enum hasAccessByRef = __traits(compiles, &_source.front); | | @property | { | bool empty()() const { return _source.empty; } | static if (hasLength!Range) | auto length()() const { return _source.length; } | auto ref front()() { return _source.back; } | auto ref back()() { return _source.front; } | static if (__traits(hasMember, Range, "save")) | auto save()() { return RetroRange(; } | alias opDollar = length; | | static if (!hasAccessByRef) | { | import std.traits: ForeachType; | | void front()(ForeachType!R val) | { | import mir.functional: forward; | _source.back = forward!val; | } | | void back()(ForeachType!R val) | { | import mir.functional: forward; | _source.front = forward!val; | } | } | } | | void popFront()() { _source.popBack(); } | void popBack()() { _source.popFront(); } | | static if (is(typeof(_source.moveBack()))) | auto moveFront()() { return _source.moveBack(); } | | static if (is(typeof(_source.moveFront()))) | auto moveBack()() { return _source.moveFront(); } |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto slice = iota(2, 3); | static immutable reversed = [[5, 4, 3], [2, 1, 0]]; | assert(slice.retro == reversed); | assert(slice.canonical.retro == reversed); | assert(slice.universal.retro == reversed); | | static assert(is(typeof(slice.retro.retro) == typeof(slice))); | static assert(is(typeof(slice.canonical.retro.retro) == typeof(slice.canonical))); | static assert(is(typeof(slice.universal.retro) == typeof(slice.universal))); |} | |/// Ranges |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.algorithm.iteration: equal; | import std.range: std_iota = iota; | | assert(std_iota(4).retro.equal(iota(4).retro)); | static assert(is(typeof(std_iota(4).retro.retro) == typeof(std_iota(4)))); |} | |/++ |Bitwise slice over an integral slice. |Params: | slice = a contiguous or canonical slice on top of integral iterator. |Returns: A bitwise slice. |+/ |auto bitwise | (Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, I = typeof(Iterator.init[size_t.init])) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | if (__traits(isIntegral, I) && (kind != Universal || N == 1)) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | static if (kind == Universal) | { | return slice.move.flattened.bitwise; | } | else | { | static if (is(Iterator : FieldIterator!Field, Field)) | { | enum simplified = true; | alias It = FieldIterator!(BitField!Field); | } | else | { | enum simplified = false; | alias It = FieldIterator!(BitField!Iterator); | } | alias Ret = Slice!(It, N, kind); | auto structure_ = Ret._Structure.init; | foreach(i; Iota!(Ret.N)) | structure_[0][i] = slice._lengths[i]; | structure_[0][$ - 1] *= I.sizeof * 8; | foreach(i; Iota!(Ret.S)) | structure_[1][i] = slice._strides[i]; | static if (simplified) | return Ret(structure_, It(slice._iterator._index * I.sizeof * 8, BitField!Field(slice._iterator._field.move))); | else | return Ret(structure_, It(0, BitField!Iterator(slice._iterator.move))); | } |} | |/// ditto |auto bitwise(T)(T[] array) |{ | return bitwise(array.sliced); |} | |/// ditto |auto bitwise(T)(T withAsSlice) | if (hasAsSlice!T) |{ | return bitwise(withAsSlice.asSlice); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | size_t[10] data; | auto bits = data[].bitwise; | assert(bits.length == data.length * size_t.sizeof * 8); | bits[111] = true; | assert(bits[111]); | | bits.popFront; | assert(bits[110]); | bits[] = true; | bits[110] = false; | bits = bits[10 .. $]; | assert(bits[100] == false); |} | |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | size_t[10] data; | auto slice = FieldIterator!(size_t[])(0, data[]).sliced(10); | slice.popFrontExactly(2); | auto bits_normal = data[].sliced.bitwise; | auto bits = slice.bitwise; | assert(bits.length == (data.length - 2) * size_t.sizeof * 8); | bits[111] = true; | assert(bits[111]); | assert(bits_normal[111 + size_t.sizeof * 2 * 8]); | auto ubits = slice.universal.bitwise; | assert(!"~a" ==!"!a"); | static assert (is(typeof(!"~a") == typeof(!"!a"))); | assert(!"~a" ==!"!!!a"); | static assert (!is(typeof(!"~a") == typeof(!"!!!a"))); | assert(bits == ubits); | | bits.popFront; | assert(bits[110]); | bits[] = true; | bits[110] = false; | bits = bits[10 .. $]; | assert(bits[100] == false); |} | |/++ |Bitwise field over an integral field. |Params: | field = an integral field. |Returns: A bitwise field. |+/ |auto bitwiseField(Field, I = typeof(Field.init[size_t.init]))(Field field) | if (__traits(isUnsigned, I)) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | return BitField!(Field, I)(field.move); |} | |/++ |Bitpack slice over an integral slice. | |Bitpack is used to represent unsigned integer slice with fewer number of bits in integer binary representation. | |Params: | pack = counts of bits in the integer. | slice = a contiguous or canonical slice on top of integral iterator. |Returns: A bitpack slice. |+/ |auto bitpack | (size_t pack, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, I = typeof(Iterator.init[size_t.init])) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | if (__traits(isIntegral, I) && (kind == Contiguous || kind == Canonical) && pack > 1) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | static if (is(Iterator : FieldIterator!Field, Field) && I.sizeof * 8 % pack == 0) | { | enum simplified = true; | alias It = FieldIterator!(BitpackField!(Field, pack)); | } | else | { | enum simplified = false; | alias It = FieldIterator!(BitpackField!(Iterator, pack)); | } | alias Ret = Slice!(It, N, kind); | auto structure = Ret._Structure.init; | foreach(i; Iota!(Ret.N)) | structure[0][i] = slice._lengths[i]; | structure[0][$ - 1] *= I.sizeof * 8; | structure[0][$ - 1] /= pack; | foreach(i; Iota!(Ret.S)) | structure[1][i] = slice._strides[i]; | static if (simplified) | return Ret(structure, It(slice._iterator._index * I.sizeof * 8 / pack, BitpackField!(Field, pack)(slice._iterator._field.move))); | else | return Ret(structure, It(0, BitpackField!(Iterator, pack)(slice._iterator.move))); |} | |/// ditto |auto bitpack(size_t pack, T)(T[] array) |{ | return bitpack!pack(array.sliced); |} | |/// ditto |auto bitpack(size_t pack, T)(T withAsSlice) | if (hasAsSlice!T) |{ | return bitpack!pack(withAsSlice.asSlice); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | size_t[10] data; | // creates a packed unsigned integer slice with max allowed value equal to `2^^6 - 1 == 63`. | auto packs = data[].bitpack!6; | assert(packs.length == data.length * size_t.sizeof * 8 / 6); | packs[$ - 1] = 24; | assert(packs[$ - 1] == 24); | | packs.popFront; | assert(packs[$ - 1] == 24); |} | |/++ |Bytegroup slice over an integral slice. | |Groups existing slice into fixed length chunks and uses them as data store for destination type. | |Correctly handles scalar types on both little-endian and big-endian platforms. | |Params: | group = count of iterator items used to store the destination type. | DestinationType = deep element type of the result slice. | slice = a contiguous or canonical slice. |Returns: A bytegroup slice. |+/ |Slice!(BytegroupIterator!(Iterator, group, DestinationType), N, kind) |bytegroup | (size_t group, DestinationType, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | if ((kind == Contiguous || kind == Canonical) && group) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | auto structure = slice._structure; | structure[0][$ - 1] /= group; | return typeof(return)(structure, BytegroupIterator!(Iterator, group, DestinationType)(slice._iterator.move)); |} | |/// ditto |auto bytegroup(size_t pack, DestinationType, T)(T[] array) |{ | return bytegroup!(pack, DestinationType)(array.sliced); |} | |/// ditto |auto bytegroup(size_t pack, DestinationType, T)(T withAsSlice) | if (hasAsSlice!T) |{ | return bytegroup!(pack, DestinationType)(withAsSlice.asSlice); |} | |/// 24 bit integers |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: DeepElementType, sliced; | | ubyte[20] data; | // creates a packed unsigned integer slice with max allowed value equal to `2^^6 - 1 == 63`. | auto int24ar = data[].bytegroup!(3, int); // 24 bit integers | assert(int24ar.length == data.length / 3); | | enum checkInt = ((1 << 20) - 1); | | int24ar[3] = checkInt; | assert(int24ar[3] == checkInt); | | int24ar.popFront; | assert(int24ar[2] == checkInt); | | static assert(is(DeepElementType!(typeof(int24ar)) == int)); |} | |/// 48 bit integers |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: DeepElementType, sliced; | ushort[20] data; | // creates a packed unsigned integer slice with max allowed value equal to `2^^6 - 1 == 63`. | auto int48ar = data[].sliced.bytegroup!(3, long); // 48 bit integers | assert(int48ar.length == data.length / 3); | | enum checkInt = ((1L << 44) - 1); | | int48ar[3] = checkInt; | assert(int48ar[3] == checkInt); | | int48ar.popFront; | assert(int48ar[2] == checkInt); | | static assert(is(DeepElementType!(typeof(int48ar)) == long)); |} | |/++ |Implements the homonym function (also known as `transform`) present |in many languages of functional flavor. The call `map!(fun)(slice)` |returns a slice of which elements are obtained by applying `fun` |for all elements in `slice`. The original slices are |not changed. Evaluation is done lazily. | |Note: | $(SUBREF dynamic, transposed) and | $(SUBREF topology, pack) can be used to specify dimensions. |Params: | fun = One or more functions. |See_Also: | $(LREF cached), $(LREF vmap), $(LREF indexed), | $(LREF pairwise), $(LREF subSlices), $(LREF slide), $(LREF zip), | $(HTTP, Map (higher-order function)) |+/ |template map(fun...) | if (fun.length) |{ | import mir.functional: adjoin, naryFun, pipe; | static if (fun.length == 1) | { | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!(fun[0]), fun[0])) | { | alias f = fun[0]; | @optmath: | /++ | Params: | slice = An ndslice, array, or an input range. | Returns: | ndslice or an input range with each fun applied to all the elements. If there is more than one | fun, the element type will be `Tuple` containing one element for each fun. | +/ | auto map(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | { | import core.lifetime: move; | alias MIterator = typeof(_mapIterator!f(slice._iterator)); | import mir.ndslice.traits: isIterator; | alias testIter = typeof(MIterator.init[0]); | static assert(isIterator!MIterator, " probably the lambda function contains a compile time bug."); | return Slice!(MIterator, N, kind)(slice._structure, _mapIterator!f(slice._iterator.move)); | } | | /// ditto | auto map(T)(T[] array) | { | return map(array.sliced); | } | | /// ditto | auto map(T)(T withAsSlice) | if (hasAsSlice!T) | { | return map(withAsSlice.asSlice); | } | | /// ditto | auto map(Range)(Range r) | if (!hasAsSlice!Range && !isSlice!Range && !is(Range : T[], T)) | { | import core.lifetime: forward; | import std.range.primitives: isInputRange; | static assert (isInputRange!Range, "map can work with ndslice, array, or an input range."); | return MapRange!(f, ImplicitlyUnqual!Range)(forward!r); | } | } | else alias map = .map!(staticMap!(naryFun, fun)); | } | else alias map = .map!(adjoin!fun); |} | |/// ditto |struct MapRange(alias fun, Range) |{ | import std.range.primitives; | | Range _input; | | static if (isInfinite!Range) | { | enum bool empty = false; | } | else | { | bool empty() @property | { | return _input.empty; | } | } | | void popFront() | { | assert(!empty, "Attempting to popFront an empty map."); | _input.popFront(); | } | | auto ref front() @property | { | assert(!empty, "Attempting to fetch the front of an empty map."); | return fun(_input.front); | } | | static if (isBidirectionalRange!Range) | auto ref back()() @property | { | assert(!empty, "Attempting to fetch the back of an empty map."); | return fun(_input.back); | } | | static if (isBidirectionalRange!Range) | void popBack()() | { | assert(!empty, "Attempting to popBack an empty map."); | _input.popBack(); | } | | static if (hasLength!Range) | auto length() @property | { | return _input.length; | } | | static if (isForwardRange!Range) | auto save()() @property | { | return typeof(this)(; | } |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | auto s = iota(2, 3).map!(a => a * 3); | assert(s == [[ 0, 3, 6], | [ 9, 12, 15]]); |} | |/// String lambdas |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | assert(iota(2, 3).map!"a * 2" == [[0, 2, 4], [6, 8, 10]]); |} | |/// Input ranges |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.algorithm.iteration: filter, equal; | assert (6.iota.filter!"a % 2".map!"a * 10".equal([10, 30, 50])); |} | |/// Packed tensors |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota, windows; | import mir.math.sum: sum; | | // iota windows map sums ( reduce!"a + b" ) | // -------------- | // ------- | --- --- | ------ | // | 0 1 2 | => || 0 1 || 1 2 || => | 8 12 | | // | 3 4 5 | || 3 4 || 4 5 || ------ | // ------- | --- --- | | // -------------- | auto s = iota(2, 3) | .windows(2, 2) | .map!sum; | | assert(s == [[8, 12]]); |} | |/// Zipped tensors |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota, zip; | | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | auto sl1 = iota(2, 3); | // 1 2 3 | // 4 5 6 | auto sl2 = iota([2, 3], 1); | | auto z = zip(sl1, sl2); | | assert(zip(sl1, sl2).map!"a + b" == sl1 + sl2); | assert(zip(sl1, sl2).map!((a, b) => a + b) == sl1 + sl2); |} | |/++ |Multiple functions can be passed to `map`. |In that case, the element type of `map` is a refTuple containing |one element for each function. |+/ |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | | auto sl = iota(2, 3); | auto s =!("a + a", "a * a"); | | auto sums = [[0, 2, 4], [6, 8, 10]]; | auto products = [[0, 1, 4], [9, 16, 25]]; | | assert(!"a[0]" == sl + sl); | assert(!"a[1]" == sl * sl); |} | |/++ |`map` can be aliased to a symbol and be used separately: |+/ |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | | alias halfs = map!"double(a) / 2"; | assert(halfs(iota(2, 3)) == [[0.0, 0.5, 1], [1.5, 2, 2.5]]); |} | |/++ |Type normalization |+/ |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.functional : pipe; | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | auto a = iota(2, 3).map!"a + 10".map!(pipe!("a * 2", "a + 1")); | auto b = iota(2, 3).map!(pipe!("a + 10", "a * 2", "a + 1")); | assert(a == b); | static assert(is(typeof(a) == typeof(b))); |} | |/// Use map with byDim/alongDim to apply functions to each dimension |version(mir_test) |@safe pure |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: byDim, alongDim; | import mir.ndslice.fuse: fuse; | import mir.math.stat: mean; | import mir.algorithm.iteration: all; | import mir.math.common: approxEqual; | | auto x = [ | [0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.5, 4.25], | [2.0, 7.5, 5.0, 1.0, 1.5, 0.0] | ].fuse; | | // Use byDim/alongDim with map to compute mean of row/column. | assert(x.byDim!!mean.all!approxEqual([12.25 / 6, 17.0 / 6])); | assert(x.byDim!!mean.all!approxEqual([1, 4.25, 3.25, 1.5, 2.5, 2.125])); | assert(x.alongDim!!mean.all!approxEqual([12.25 / 6, 17.0 / 6])); | assert(x.alongDim!!mean.all!approxEqual([1, 4.25, 3.25, 1.5, 2.5, 2.125])); |} | |/++ |Use map with a lambda and with byDim/alongDim, but may need to allocate result. |This example uses fuse, which allocates. Note: fuse!1 will transpose the result. |+/ |version(mir_test) |@safe pure |unittest { | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, byDim, alongDim, map; | import mir.ndslice.fuse: fuse; | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | | auto x = [1, 2, 3].sliced; | auto y = [1, 2].sliced; | | auto s1 = iota(2, 3).byDim!!(a => a * x).fuse; | assert(s1 == [[ 0, 2, 6], | [ 3, 8, 15]]); | auto s2 = iota(2, 3).byDim!!(a => a * y).fuse!1; | assert(s2 == [[ 0, 1, 2], | [ 6, 8, 10]]); | auto s3 = iota(2, 3).alongDim!!(a => a * x).fuse; | assert(s1 == [[ 0, 2, 6], | [ 3, 8, 15]]); | auto s4 = iota(2, 3).alongDim!!(a => a * y).fuse!1; | assert(s2 == [[ 0, 1, 2], | [ 6, 8, 10]]); |} | |/// |pure version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.algorithm.iteration: reduce; | import mir.math.common: fmax; | import mir.math.stat: mean; | import mir.math.sum; | /// Returns maximal column average. | auto maxAvg(S)(S matrix) { | return reduce!fmax(0.0, matrix.alongDim!!mean); | } | // 1 2 | // 3 4 | auto matrix = iota([2, 2], 1); | assert(maxAvg(matrix) == 3.5); |} | |/++ |Implements the homonym function (also known as `transform`) present |in many languages of functional flavor. The call `slice.vmap(fun)` |returns a slice of which elements are obtained by applying `fun` |for all elements in `slice`. The original slices are |not changed. Evaluation is done lazily. | |Note: | $(SUBREF dynamic, transposed) and | $(SUBREF topology, pack) can be used to specify dimensions. |Params: | slice = ndslice | callable = callable object, structure, delegate, or function pointer. |See_Also: | $(LREF cached), $(LREF map), $(LREF indexed), | $(LREF pairwise), $(LREF subSlices), $(LREF slide), $(LREF zip), | $(HTTP, Map (higher-order function)) |+/ |@optmath auto vmap(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, Callable) | ( | Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice, | Callable callable, | ) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | alias It = VmapIterator!(Iterator, Callable); | return Slice!(It, N, kind)(slice._structure, It(slice._iterator.move, callable.move)); |} | |/// ditto |auto vmap(T, Callable)(T[] array, Callable callable) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | return vmap(array.sliced, callable.move); |} | |/// ditto |auto vmap(T, Callable)(T withAsSlice, Callable callable) | if (hasAsSlice!T) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | return vmap(withAsSlice.asSlice, callable.move); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | | static struct Mul { | double factor; this(double f) { factor = f; } | auto opCall(long x) const {return x * factor; } | auto lightConst()() const @property { return Mul(factor); } | } | | auto callable = Mul(3); | auto s = iota(2, 3).vmap(callable); | | assert(s == [[ 0, 3, 6], | [ 9, 12, 15]]); |} | |/// Packed tensors. |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.math.sum: sum; | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota, windows; | | // iota windows vmap scaled sums | // -------------- | // ------- | --- --- | ----- | // | 0 1 2 | => || 0 1 || 1 2 || => | 4 6 | | // | 3 4 5 | || 3 4 || 4 5 || ----- | // ------- | --- --- | | // -------------- | | struct Callable | { | double factor; | this(double f) {factor = f;} | auto opCall(S)(S x) { return x.sum * factor; } | | auto lightConst()() const @property { return Callable(factor); } | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property { return Callable(factor); } | } | | auto callable = Callable(0.5); | | auto s = iota(2, 3) | .windows(2, 2) | .vmap(callable); | | assert(s == [[4, 6]]); |} | |/// Zipped tensors |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota, zip; | | struct Callable | { | double factor; | this(double f) {factor = f;} | auto opCall(S, T)(S x, T y) { return x + y * factor; } | | auto lightConst()() const { return Callable(factor); } | auto lightImmutable()() immutable { return Callable(factor); } | } | | auto callable = Callable(10); | | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | auto sl1 = iota(2, 3); | // 1 2 3 | // 4 5 6 | auto sl2 = iota([2, 3], 1); | | auto z = zip(sl1, sl2); | | assert(zip(sl1, sl2).vmap(callable) == | [[10, 21, 32], | [43, 54, 65]]); |} | |// TODO |/+ |Multiple functions can be passed to `vmap`. |In that case, the element type of `vmap` is a refTuple containing |one element for each function. |+/ |@safe pure nothrow |version(none) version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | | auto s = iota(2, 3).vmap!("a + a", "a * a"); | | auto sums = [[0, 2, 4], [6, 8, 10]]; | auto products = [[0, 1, 4], [9, 16, 25]]; | | foreach (i; 0..s.length!0) | foreach (j; 0..s.length!1) | { | auto values = s[i, j]; | assert(values.a == sums[i][j]); | assert(values.b == products[i][j]); | } |} | |/// Use map with byDim/alongDim to apply functions to each dimension |version(mir_test) |@safe pure |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.fuse: fuse; | import mir.math.stat: mean; | import mir.algorithm.iteration: all; | import mir.math.common: approxEqual; | | auto x = [ | [0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.5, 4.25], | [2.0, 7.5, 5.0, 1.0, 1.5, 0.0] | ].fuse; | | static struct Callable | { | double factor; | this(double f) {factor = f;} | auto opCall(U)(U x) const {return x.mean + factor; } | auto lightConst()() const @property { return Callable(factor); } | } | | auto callable = Callable(0.0); | | // Use byDim/alongDim with map to compute callable of row/column. | assert(x.byDim!0.vmap(callable).all!approxEqual([12.25 / 6, 17.0 / 6])); | assert(x.byDim!1.vmap(callable).all!approxEqual([1, 4.25, 3.25, 1.5, 2.5, 2.125])); | assert(x.alongDim!1.vmap(callable).all!approxEqual([12.25 / 6, 17.0 / 6])); | assert(x.alongDim!0.vmap(callable).all!approxEqual([1, 4.25, 3.25, 1.5, 2.5, 2.125])); |} | |/++ |Use map with a lambda and with byDim/alongDim, but may need to allocate result. |This example uses fuse, which allocates. Note: fuse!1 will transpose the result. |+/ |version(mir_test) |@safe pure |unittest { | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, alongDim, map; | import mir.ndslice.fuse: fuse; | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | | static struct Mul(T) | { | T factor; | this(T f) { factor = f; } | auto opCall(U)(U x) {return x * factor; } | auto lightConst()() const @property { return Mul!(typeof(factor.lightConst))(factor.lightConst); } | } | | auto a = [1, 2, 3].sliced; | auto b = [1, 2].sliced; | auto A = Mul!(typeof(a))(a); | auto B = Mul!(typeof(b))(b); | | auto x = [ | [0, 1, 2], | [3, 4, 5] | ].fuse; | | auto s1 = x.byDim!0.vmap(A).fuse; | assert(s1 == [[ 0, 2, 6], | [ 3, 8, 15]]); | auto s2 = x.byDim!1.vmap(B).fuse!1; | assert(s2 == [[ 0, 1, 2], | [ 6, 8, 10]]); | auto s3 = x.alongDim!1.vmap(A).fuse; | assert(s1 == [[ 0, 2, 6], | [ 3, 8, 15]]); | auto s4 = x.alongDim!0.vmap(B).fuse!1; | assert(s2 == [[ 0, 1, 2], | [ 6, 8, 10]]); |} | |private auto hideStride | (Iterator, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, 1, kind) slice) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | static if (kind == Universal) | return Slice!(StrideIterator!Iterator)( | slice._lengths, | StrideIterator!Iterator(slice._strides[0], move(slice._iterator))); | else | return slice; |} | |private auto unhideStride | (Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) |{ | static if (is(Iterator : StrideIterator!It, It)) | { | import core.lifetime: move; | static if (kind == Universal) | { | alias Ret = SliceKind!(It, N, Universal); | auto strides = slice._strides; | foreach(i; Iota!(Ret.S)) | strides[i] = slice._strides[i] * slice._iterator._stride; | return Slice!(It, N, Universal)(slice._lengths, strides, slice._iterator._iterator.move); | } | else | return slice.move.universal.unhideStride; | } | else | return slice; |} | |/++ |Creates a random access cache for lazyly computed elements. |Params: | original = original ndslice | caches = cached values | flags = array composed of flags that indicates if values are already computed |Returns: | ndslice, which is internally composed of three ndslices: `original`, allocated cache and allocated bit-ndslice. |See_also: $(LREF cachedGC), $(LREF map), $(LREF vmap), $(LREF indexed) |+/ |Slice!(CachedIterator!(Iterator, CacheIterator, FlagIterator), N, kind) | cached(Iterator, SliceKind kind, size_t N, CacheIterator, FlagIterator)( | Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) original, | Slice!(CacheIterator, N, kind) caches, | Slice!(FlagIterator, N, kind) flags, | ) |{ | assert(original.shape == caches.shape, "caches.shape should be equal to original.shape"); | assert(original.shape == flags.shape, "flags.shape should be equal to original.shape"); | return typeof(return)( | original._structure, | IteratorOf!(typeof(return))( | original._iterator, | caches._iterator, | flags._iterator, | )); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: cached, iota, map; | import mir.ndslice.allocation: bitSlice, uninitSlice; | | int[] funCalls; | | auto v = 5.iota!int | .map!((i) { | funCalls ~= i; | return 2 ^^ i; | }); | auto flags = v.length.bitSlice; | auto cache = v.length.uninitSlice!int; | // cached lazy slice: 1 2 4 8 16 | auto sl = v.cached(cache, flags); | | assert(funCalls == []); | assert(sl[1] == 2); // remember result | assert(funCalls == [1]); | assert(sl[1] == 2); // reuse result | assert(funCalls == [1]); | | assert(sl[0] == 1); | assert(funCalls == [1, 0]); | funCalls = []; | | // set values directly | sl[1 .. 3] = 5; | assert(sl[1] == 5); | assert(sl[2] == 5); | // no function calls | assert(funCalls == []); |} | |/// Cache of immutable elements |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: DeepElementType; | import mir.ndslice.topology: cached, iota, map, as; | import mir.ndslice.allocation: bitSlice, uninitSlice; | | int[] funCalls; | | auto v = 5.iota!int | .map!((i) { | funCalls ~= i; | return 2 ^^ i; | }) | .as!(immutable int); | auto flags = v.length.bitSlice; | auto cache = v.length.uninitSlice!(immutable int); | | // cached lazy slice: 1 2 4 8 16 | auto sl = v.cached(cache, flags); | | static assert(is(DeepElementType!(typeof(sl)) == immutable int)); | | assert(funCalls == []); | assert(sl[1] == 2); // remember result | assert(funCalls == [1]); | assert(sl[1] == 2); // reuse result | assert(funCalls == [1]); | | assert(sl[0] == 1); | assert(funCalls == [1, 0]); |} | |/++ |Creates a random access cache for lazyly computed elements. |Params: | original = ND Contiguous or 1D Universal ndslice. |Returns: | ndslice, which is internally composed of three ndslices: `original`, allocated cache and allocated bit-ndslice. |See_also: $(LREF cached), $(LREF map), $(LREF vmap), $(LREF indexed) |+/ |Slice!(CachedIterator!(Iterator, typeof(Iterator.init[0])*, FieldIterator!(BitField!(size_t*))), N) | cachedGC(Iterator, size_t N)(Slice!(Iterator, N) original) @trusted |{ | import std.traits: hasElaborateAssign, Unqual; | import mir.ndslice.allocation: bitSlice, slice, uninitSlice; | alias C = typeof(Iterator.init[0]); | alias UC = Unqual!C; | static if (hasElaborateAssign!UC) | alias newSlice = slice; | else | alias newSlice = uninitSlice; | return typeof(return)( | original._structure, | IteratorOf!(typeof(return))( | original._iterator, | newSlice!C(original._lengths)._iterator, | original._lengths.bitSlice._iterator, | )); |} | |/// ditto |auto cachedGC(Iterator)(Slice!(Iterator, 1, Universal) from) |{ | return from.flattened.cachedGC; |} | |/// ditto |auto cachedGC(T)(T withAsSlice) | if (hasAsSlice!T) |{ | return cachedGC(withAsSlice.asSlice); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: cachedGC, iota, map; | | int[] funCalls; | | // cached lazy slice: 1 2 4 8 16 | auto sl = 5.iota!int | .map!((i) { | funCalls ~= i; | return 2 ^^ i; | }) | .cachedGC; | | assert(funCalls == []); | assert(sl[1] == 2); // remember result | assert(funCalls == [1]); | assert(sl[1] == 2); // reuse result | assert(funCalls == [1]); | | assert(sl[0] == 1); | assert(funCalls == [1, 0]); | funCalls = []; | | // set values directly | sl[1 .. 3] = 5; | assert(sl[1] == 5); | assert(sl[2] == 5); | // no function calls | assert(funCalls == []); |} | |/// Cache of immutable elements |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: DeepElementType; | import mir.ndslice.topology: cachedGC, iota, map, as; | | int[] funCalls; | | // cached lazy slice: 1 2 4 8 16 | auto sl = 5.iota!int | .map!((i) { | funCalls ~= i; | return 2 ^^ i; | }) | .as!(immutable int) | .cachedGC; | | static assert(is(DeepElementType!(typeof(sl)) == immutable int)); | | assert(funCalls == []); | assert(sl[1] == 2); // remember result | assert(funCalls == [1]); | assert(sl[1] == 2); // reuse result | assert(funCalls == [1]); | | assert(sl[0] == 1); | assert(funCalls == [1, 0]); |} | |/++ |Convenience function that creates a lazy view, |where each element of the original slice is converted to the type `T`. |It uses $(LREF map) and $(REF_ALTTEXT $(TT to), to, mir,conv)$(NBSP) |composition under the hood. |Params: | slice = a slice to create a view on. |Returns: | A lazy slice with elements converted to the type `T`. |See_also: $(LREF map), $(LREF vmap) |+/ |template as(T) |{ | /// | @optmath auto as(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | { | static if (is(slice.DeepElement == T)) | return slice; | else | static if (is(Iterator : T*)) | return slice.toConst; | else | { | import core.lifetime: move; | import mir.conv: to; | return map!(to!T)(slice.move); | } | } | | /// ditto | auto as(S)(S[] array) | { | return as(array.sliced); | } | | /// ditto | auto as(S)(S withAsSlice) | if (hasAsSlice!S) | { | return as(withAsSlice.asSlice); | } | | /// ditto | auto as(Range)(Range r) | if (!hasAsSlice!Range && !isSlice!Range && !is(Range : T[], T)) | { | static if (is(ForeachType!Range == T)) | return r; | else | { | import core.lifetime: move; | import mir.conv: to; | return map!(to!T)(r.move); | } | } |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: Slice; | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : diagonal, as; | | auto matrix = slice!double([2, 2], 0); | auto stringMatrixView =!int; | assert(stringMatrixView == | [[0, 0], | [0, 0]]); | | matrix.diagonal[] = 1; | assert(stringMatrixView == | [[1, 0], | [0, 1]]); | | /// allocate new slice composed of strings | Slice!(int*, 2) stringMatrix = stringMatrixView.slice; |} | |/// Special behavior for pointers to a constant data. |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.slice: Contiguous, Slice; | | Slice!(double*, 2) matrix = slice!double([2, 2], 0); | Slice!(const(double)*, 2) const_matrix =!(const double); |} | |/// Ranges |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.algorithm.iteration: filter, equal; | assert(5.iota.filter!"a % 2".as!!"a / 2".equal([0.5, 1.5])); |} | |/++ |Takes a field `source` and a slice `indices`, and creates a view of source as if its elements were reordered according to indices. |`indices` may include only a subset of the elements of `source` and may also repeat elements. | |Params: | source = a filed, source of data. `source` must be an array or a pointer, or have `opIndex` primitive. Full random access range API is not required. | indices = a slice, source of indices. |Returns: | n-dimensional slice with the same kind, shape and strides. | |See_also: `indexed` is similar to $(LREF vmap), but a field (`[]`) is used instead of a function (`()`), and order of arguments is reversed. |+/ |Slice!(IndexIterator!(Iterator, Field), N, kind) | indexed(Field, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Field source, Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) indices) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | return typeof(return)( | indices._structure, | IndexIterator!(Iterator, Field)( | indices._iterator.move, | source)); |} | |/// ditto |auto indexed(Field, S)(Field source, S[] indices) |{ | return indexed(source, indices.sliced); |} | |/// ditto |auto indexed(Field, S)(Field source, S indices) | if (hasAsSlice!S) |{ | return indexed(source, indices.asSlice); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto source = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; | auto indices = [4, 3, 1, 2, 0, 4]; | auto ind = source.indexed(indices); | assert(ind == [5, 4, 2, 3, 1, 5]); | | assert(ind.retro == source.indexed(indices.retro)); | | ind[3] += 10; // for index 2 | // 0 1 2 3 4 | assert(source == [1, 2, 13, 4, 5]); |} | |/++ |Maps index pairs to subslices. |Params: | sliceable = pointer, array, ndslice, series, or something sliceable with `[a .. b]`. | slices = ndslice composed of index pairs. |Returns: | ndslice composed of subslices. |See_also: $(LREF chopped), $(LREF pairwise). |+/ |Slice!(SubSliceIterator!(Iterator, Sliceable), N, kind) | subSlices(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, Sliceable)( | Sliceable sliceable, | Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slices, | ) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | return typeof(return)( | slices._structure, | SubSliceIterator!(Iterator, Sliceable)(slices._iterator.move, sliceable.move) | ); |} | |/// ditto |auto subSlices(S, Sliceable)(Sliceable sliceable, S[] slices) |{ | return subSlices(sliceable, slices.sliced); |} | |/// ditto |auto subSlices(S, Sliceable)(Sliceable sliceable, S slices) | if (hasAsSlice!S) |{ | return subSlices(sliceable, slices.asSlice); |} | |/// |@safe pure version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.functional: staticArray; | auto subs =[ | staticArray(2, 4), | staticArray(2, 10), | ]; | auto sliceable = 10.iota; | | auto r = sliceable.subSlices(subs); | assert(r == [ | iota([4 - 2], 2), | iota([10 - 2], 2), | ]); |} | |/++ |Maps index pairs to subslices. |Params: | bounds = ndslice composed of consequent (`a_i <= a_(i+1)`) pairwise index bounds. | sliceable = pointer, array, ndslice, series, or something sliceable with `[a_i .. a_(i+1)]`. |Returns: | ndslice composed of subslices. |See_also: $(LREF pairwise), $(LREF subSlices). |+/ |Slice!(ChopIterator!(Iterator, Sliceable)) chopped(Iterator, Sliceable)( | Sliceable sliceable, | Slice!Iterator bounds, | ) |in |{ | debug(mir) | foreach(b; bounds.pairwise!"a <= b") | assert(b); |} |do { | import core.lifetime: move; | sizediff_t length = bounds._lengths[0] <= 1 ? 0 : bounds._lengths[0] - 1; | static if (hasLength!Sliceable) | { | if (length && bounds[length - 1] > sliceable.length) | { | version (D_Exceptions) | throw choppedException; | else | assert(0, choppedExceptionMsg); | } | } | | return typeof(return)([size_t(length)], ChopIterator!(Iterator, Sliceable)(bounds._iterator.move, sliceable.move)); |} | |/// ditto |auto chopped(S, Sliceable)(Sliceable sliceable, S[] bounds) |{ | return chopped(sliceable, bounds.sliced); |} | |/// ditto |auto chopped(S, Sliceable)(Sliceable sliceable, S bounds) | if (hasAsSlice!S) |{ | return chopped(sliceable, bounds.asSlice); |} | |/// |@safe pure version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.functional: staticArray; | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | auto pairwiseIndexes = [2, 4, 10].sliced; | auto sliceable = 10.iota; | | auto r = sliceable.chopped(pairwiseIndexes); | assert(r == [ | iota([4 - 2], 2), | iota([10 - 4], 4), | ]); |} | |/++ |Groups slices into a slice of refTuples. The slices must have identical strides or be 1-dimensional. |Params: | sameStrides = if `true` assumes that all slices has the same strides. | slices = list of slices |Returns: | n-dimensional slice of elements refTuple |See_also: $(SUBREF slice, Slice.strides). |+/ |template zip(bool sameStrides = false) |{ | /++ | Groups slices into a slice of refTuples. The slices must have identical strides or be 1-dimensional. | Params: | slices = list of slices | Returns: | n-dimensional slice of elements refTuple | See_also: $(SUBREF slice, Slice.strides). | +/ | @optmath | auto zip(Slices...)(Slices slices) | if (Slices.length > 1 && allSatisfy!(isConvertibleToSlice, Slices)) | { | static if (allSatisfy!(isSlice, Slices)) | { | enum N = Slices[0].N; | foreach(i, S; Slices[1 .. $]) | { | static assert(S.N == N, "zip: all Slices must have the same dimension count"); | assert(slices[i + 1]._lengths == slices[0]._lengths, "zip: all slices must have the same lengths"); | static if (sameStrides) | assert(slices[i + 1].strides == slices[0].strides, "zip: all slices must have the same strides when unpacked"); | } | static if (!sameStrides && minElem(staticMap!(kindOf, Slices)) != Contiguous) | { | static assert(N == 1, "zip: cannot zip canonical and universal multidimensional slices if `sameStrides` is false"); | mixin(`return .zip(` ~ _iotaArgs!(Slices.length, "slices[", "].hideStride, ") ~`);`); | } | else | { | enum kind = maxElem(staticMap!(kindOf, Slices)); | alias Iterator = ZipIterator!(staticMap!(_IteratorOf, Slices)); | alias Ret = Slice!(Iterator, N, kind); | auto structure = Ret._Structure.init; | structure[0] = slices[0]._lengths; | foreach (i; Iota!(Ret.S)) | structure[1][i] = slices[0]._strides[i]; | return Ret(structure, mixin("Iterator(" ~ _iotaArgs!(Slices.length, "slices[", "]._iterator, ") ~ ")")); | } | } | else | { | return .zip(toSlices!slices); | } | } |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : flattened, iota; | | auto alpha = iota!int(4, 3); | auto beta = slice!int(4, 3).universal; | | auto m = zip!true(alpha, beta); | foreach (r; m) | foreach (e; r) | e.b = e.a; | assert(alpha == beta); | | beta[] = 0; | foreach (e; m.flattened) | e.b = cast(int)e.a; | assert(alpha == beta); |} | |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : flattened, iota; | | auto alpha = iota!int(4).universal; | auto beta = new int[4]; | | auto m = zip(alpha, beta); | foreach (e; m) | e.b = e.a; | assert(alpha == beta); |} | |/++ |Selects a slice from a zipped slice. |Params: | name = name of a slice to unzip. | slice = zipped slice |Returns: | unzipped slice |+/ |auto unzip | (char name, size_t N, SliceKind kind, Iterators...) | (Slice!(ZipIterator!Iterators, N, kind) slice) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | enum size_t i = name - 'a'; | static assert(i < Iterators.length, `unzip: constraint: size_t(name - 'a') < Iterators.length`); | return Slice!(Iterators[i], N, kind)(slice._structure, slice._iterator._iterators[i].move).unhideStride; |} | |/// ditto |auto unzip | (char name, size_t N, SliceKind kind, Iterators...) | (ref Slice!(ZipIterator!Iterators, N, kind) slice) |{ | enum size_t i = name - 'a'; | static assert(i < Iterators.length, `unzip: constraint: size_t(name - 'a') < Iterators.length`); | return Slice!(Iterators[i], N, kind)(slice._structure, slice._iterator._iterators[i]).unhideStride; |} | |/// |pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | | auto alpha = iota!int(4, 3); | auto beta = iota!int([4, 3], 1).slice; | | auto m = zip(alpha, beta); | | static assert(is(typeof(unzip!'a'(m)) == typeof(alpha))); | static assert(is(typeof(unzip!'b'(m)) == typeof(beta))); | | assert(m.unzip!'a' == alpha); | assert(m.unzip!'b' == beta); |} | |private enum TotalDim(NdFields...) = [staticMap!(DimensionCount, NdFields)].sum; | |private template applyInner(alias fun, size_t N) |{ | static if (N == 0) | alias applyInner = fun; | else | { | import mir.functional: pipe; | alias applyInner = pipe!(zip!true, map!(.applyInner!(fun, N - 1))); | } |} | |/++ |Lazy convolution for tensors. | |Suitable for advanced convolution algorithms. | |Params: | params = convolution windows length. | fun = one dimensional convolution function with `params` arity. | SDimensions = dimensions to perform lazy convolution along. Negative dimensions are supported. |See_also: $(LREF slide), $(LREF pairwise), $(LREF diff). |+/ |template slideAlong(size_t params, alias fun, SDimensions...) | if (params <= 'z' - 'a' + 1 && SDimensions.length > 0) |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | | static if (allSatisfy!(isSizediff_t, SDimensions) && params > 1 && __traits(isSame, naryFun!fun, fun)) | { | @optmath: | /++ | Params: slice = ndslice or array | Returns: lazy convolution result | +/ | auto slideAlong(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | { | import core.lifetime: move; | static if (N > 1 && kind == Contiguous) | { | return slideAlong(slice.move.canonical); | } | else | static if (N == 1 && kind == Universal) | { | return slideAlong(slice.move.flattened); | } | else | { | alias Dimensions = staticMap!(ShiftNegativeWith!N, SDimensions); | enum dimension = Dimensions[$ - 1]; | size_t len = slice._lengths[dimension] - (params - 1); | if (sizediff_t(len) <= 0) // overfow | len = 0; | slice._lengths[dimension] = len; | static if (dimension + 1 == N || kind == Universal) | { | alias I = SlideIterator!(Iterator, params, fun); | auto ret = Slice!(I, N, kind)(slice._structure, I(move(slice._iterator))); | } | else | { | alias Z = ZipIterator!(Repeat!(params, Iterator)); | Z z; | foreach_reverse (p; Iota!(1, params)) | z._iterators[p] = slice._iterator + slice._strides[dimension] * p; | z._iterators[0] = move(slice._iterator); | alias M = MapIterator!(Z, fun); | auto ret = Slice!(M, N, kind)(slice._structure, M(move(z))); | } | static if (Dimensions.length == 1) | { | return ret; | } | else | { | return .slideAlong!(params, fun, Dimensions[0 .. $ - 1])(ret); | } | } | } | | /// ditto | auto slideAlong(S)(S[] slice) | { | return slideAlong(slice.sliced); | } | | /// ditto | auto slideAlong(S)(S slice) | if (hasAsSlice!S) | { | return slideAlong(slice.asSlice); | } | } | else | static if (params == 1) | alias slideAlong = .map!(naryFun!fun); | else alias slideAlong = .slideAlong!(params, naryFun!fun, staticMap!(toSizediff_t, SDimensions)); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto data = [4, 5].iota; | | alias scaled = a => a * 0.25; | | auto v = data.slideAlong!(3, "a + 2 * b + c", 0).map!scaled; | auto h = data.slideAlong!(3, "a + 2 * b + c", 1).map!scaled; | | assert(v == [4, 5].iota[1 .. $ - 1, 0 .. $]); | assert(h == [4, 5].iota[0 .. $, 1 .. $ - 1]); |} | |/++ |Lazy convolution for tensors. | |Suitable for simple convolution algorithms. | |Params: | params = windows length. | fun = one dimensional convolution function with `params` arity. |See_also: $(LREF slideAlong), $(LREF withNeighboursSum), $(LREF pairwise), $(LREF diff). |+/ |template slide(size_t params, alias fun) | if (params <= 'z' - 'a' + 1) |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | | static if (params > 1 && __traits(isSame, naryFun!fun, fun)) | { | @optmath: | /++ | Params: slice = ndslice or array | Returns: lazy convolution result | +/ | auto slide(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | { | import core.lifetime: move; | return slice.move.slideAlong!(params, fun, Iota!N); | } | | /// ditto | auto slide(S)(S[] slice) | { | return slide(slice.sliced); | } | | /// ditto | auto slide(S)(S slice) | if (hasAsSlice!S) | { | return slide(slice.asSlice); | } | } | else | static if (params == 1) | alias slide = .map!(naryFun!fun); | else alias slide = .slide!(params, naryFun!fun); |} | |/// |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto data = 10.iota; | auto sw = data.slide!(3, "a + 2 * b + c"); | | import mir.utility: max; | assert(sw.length == max(0, cast(ptrdiff_t)data.length - 3 + 1)); | assert(sw ==!"(a + 1) * 4"); | assert(sw == [4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32]); |} | |/++ |ND-use case |+/ |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto data = [4, 5].iota; | | enum factor = 1.0 / 4 ^^ data.shape.length; | alias scaled = a => a * factor; | | auto sw = data.slide!(3, "a + 2 * b + c").map!scaled; | | assert(sw == [4, 5].iota[1 .. $ - 1, 1 .. $ - 1]); |} | |/++ |Pairwise map for tensors. | |The computation is performed on request, when the element is accessed. | |Params: | fun = function to accumulate | lag = an integer indicating which lag to use |Returns: lazy ndslice composed of `fun(a_n, a_n+1)` values. | |See_also: $(LREF slide), $(LREF slideAlong), $(LREF subSlices). |+/ |alias pairwise(alias fun, size_t lag = 1) = slide!(lag + 1, fun); | |/// |@safe pure nothrow version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | assert([2, 4, 3, -1].sliced.pairwise!"a + b" == [6, 7, 2]); |} | |/// N-dimensional |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | // performs pairwise along each dimension | // 0 1 2 3 | // 4 5 6 7 | // 8 9 10 11 | assert([3, 4].iota.pairwise!"a + b" == [[10, 14, 18], [26, 30, 34]]); |} | |/++ |Differences between tensor elements. | |The computation is performed on request, when the element is accessed. | |Params: | lag = an integer indicating which lag to use |Returns: lazy differences. | |See_also: $(LREF slide), $(LREF slide). |+/ |alias diff(size_t lag = 1) = pairwise!(('a' + lag) ~ " - a", lag); | |/// |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | assert([2, 4, 3, -1].sliced.diff == [2, -1, -4]); |} | |/// N-dimensional |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | // 0 1 2 3 | // 4 5 6 7 => | // 8 9 10 11 | | // 1 1 1 | // 1 1 1 => | // 1 1 1 | | // 0 0 0 | // 0 0 0 | | assert([3, 4].iota.diff == repeat(0, [2, 3])); |} | |/// packed slices |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | // 0 1 2 3 | // 4 5 6 7 | // 8 9 10 11 | auto s = iota(3, 4); | import std.stdio; | assert(iota(3, 4).byDim!0.diff == [ | [4, 4, 4, 4], | [4, 4, 4, 4]]); | assert(iota(3, 4).byDim!1.diff == [ | [1, 1, 1], | [1, 1, 1], | [1, 1, 1]]); |} | |/++ |Drops borders for all dimensions. | |Params: | slice = ndslice |Returns: | Tensors with striped borders |See_also: | $(LREF universal), | $(LREF assumeCanonical), | $(LREF assumeContiguous). |+/ |Slice!(Iterator, N, N > 1 && kind == Contiguous ? Canonical : kind, Labels) | dropBorders | (Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, Labels...) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind, Labels) slice) |{ | static if (N > 1 && kind == Contiguous) | { | import core.lifetime: move; | auto ret = slice.move.canonical; | } | else | { | alias ret = slice; | } | ret.popFrontAll; | ret.popBackAll; | return ret; |} | |/// |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | assert([4, 5].iota.dropBorders == [[6, 7, 8], [11, 12, 13]]); |} | |/++ |Lazy zip view of elements packed with sum of their neighbours. | |Params: | fun = neighbours accumulation function. |See_also: $(LREF slide), $(LREF slideAlong). |+/ |template withNeighboursSum(alias fun = "a + b") |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!fun, fun)) | { | @optmath: | /++ | Params: | slice = ndslice or array | Returns: | Lazy zip view of elements packed with sum of their neighbours. | +/ | auto withNeighboursSum(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | { | import core.lifetime: move; | static if (N > 1 && kind == Contiguous) | { | return withNeighboursSum(slice.move.canonical); | } | else | static if (N == 1 && kind == Universal) | { | return withNeighboursSum(slice.move.flattened); | } | else | { | enum around = kind != Universal; | alias Z = NeighboursIterator!(Iterator, N - around, fun, around); | | size_t shift; | foreach (dimension; Iota!N) | { | slice._lengths[dimension] -= 2; | if (sizediff_t(slice._lengths[dimension]) <= 0) // overfow | slice._lengths[dimension] = 0; | shift += slice._stride!dimension; | } | | Z z; | z._iterator = move(slice._iterator); | z._iterator += shift; | foreach (dimension; Iota!(N - around)) | { | z._neighbours[dimension][0] = z._iterator - slice._strides[dimension]; | z._neighbours[dimension][1] = z._iterator + slice._strides[dimension]; | } | return Slice!(Z, N, kind)(slice._structure, move(z)); | } | } | | /// ditto | auto withNeighboursSum(S)(S[] slice) | { | return withNeighboursSum(slice.sliced); | } | | /// ditto | auto withNeighboursSum(S)(S slice) | if (hasAsSlice!S) | { | return withNeighboursSum(slice.asSlice); | } | } | else alias withNeighboursSum = .withNeighboursSum!(naryFun!fun); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.algorithm.iteration: all; | | auto wn = [4, 5].iota.withNeighboursSum; | assert(wn.all!"a[0] == a[1] * 0.25"); | assert(!"a" ==!"b * 0.25"); |} | |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.algorithm.iteration: all; | | auto wn = [4, 5].iota.withNeighboursSum.universal; | assert(wn.all!"a[0] == a[1] * 0.25"); | assert(!"a" ==!"b * 0.25"); |} | |/++ |Cartesian product. | |Constructs lazy cartesian product $(SUBREF slice, Slice) without memory allocation. | |Params: | fields = list of fields with lengths or ndFields with shapes |Returns: $(SUBREF ndfield, Cartesian)`!NdFields(fields).`$(SUBREF slice, slicedNdField)`;` |+/ |auto cartesian(NdFields...)(NdFields fields) | if (NdFields.length > 1 && allSatisfy!(templateOr!(hasShape, hasLength), NdFields)) |{ | return Cartesian!NdFields(fields).slicedNdField; |} | |/// 1D x 1D |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto a = [10, 20, 30]; | auto b = [ 1, 2, 3]; | | auto c = cartesian(a, b) | .map!"a + b"; | | assert(c == [ | [11, 12, 13], | [21, 22, 23], | [31, 32, 33]]); |} | |/// 1D x 2D |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto a = [10, 20, 30]; | auto b = iota([2, 3], 1); | | auto c = cartesian(a, b) | .map!"a + b"; | | assert(c.shape == [3, 2, 3]); | | assert(c == [ | [ | [11, 12, 13], | [14, 15, 16], | ], | [ | [21, 22, 23], | [24, 25, 26], | ], | [ | [31, 32, 33], | [34, 35, 36], | ]]); |} | |/// 1D x 1D x 1D |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto u = [100, 200]; | auto v = [10, 20, 30]; | auto w = [1, 2]; | | auto c = cartesian(u, v, w) | .map!"a + b + c"; | | assert(c.shape == [2, 3, 2]); | | assert(c == [ | [ | [111, 112], | [121, 122], | [131, 132], | ], | [ | [211, 212], | [221, 222], | [231, 232], | ]]); |} | |/++ |$(LINK2, Kronecker product). | |Constructs lazy kronecker product $(SUBREF slice, Slice) without memory allocation. |+/ |template kronecker(alias fun = product) |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!fun, fun)) | | /++ | Params: | fields = list of either fields with lengths or ndFields with shapes. | All ndFields must have the same dimension count. | Returns: | $(SUBREF ndfield, Kronecker)`!(fun, NdFields)(fields).`$(SUBREF slice, slicedNdField) | +/ | @optmath auto kronecker(NdFields...)(NdFields fields) | if (allSatisfy!(hasShape, NdFields) || allSatisfy!(hasLength, NdFields)) | { | return Kronecker!(fun, NdFields)(fields).slicedNdField; | } | else | alias kronecker = .kronecker!(naryFun!fun); |} | |/// 2D |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | | // eye | auto a = slice!double([4, 4], 0); | a.diagonal[] = 1; | | auto b = [ 1, -1, | -1, 1].sliced(2, 2); | | auto c = kronecker(a, b); | | assert(c == [ | [ 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], | [-1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], | [ 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0], | [ 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], | [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0], | [ 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0], | [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1], | [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1]]); |} | |/// 1D |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | auto a = iota([3], 1); | | auto b = [ 1, -1]; | | auto c = kronecker(a, b); | | assert(c == [1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3]); |} | |/// 2D with 3 arguments |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | | auto a = [ 1, 2, | 3, 4].sliced(2, 2); | | auto b = [ 1, 0, | 0, 1].sliced(2, 2); | | auto c = [ 1, -1, | -1, 1].sliced(2, 2); | | auto d = kronecker(a, b, c); | | assert(d == [ | [ 1, -1, 0, 0, 2, -2, 0, 0], | [-1, 1, 0, 0, -2, 2, 0, 0], | [ 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 2, -2], | [ 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, -2, 2], | [ 3, -3, 0, 0, 4, -4, 0, 0], | [-3, 3, 0, 0, -4, 4, 0, 0], | [ 0, 0, 3, -3, 0, 0, 4, -4], | [ 0, 0, -3, 3, 0, 0, -4, 4]]); |} | |/++ |$(HTTPS, Magic square). |Params: | length = square matrix length. |Returns: | Lazy magic matrix. |+/ |auto magic(size_t length) |{ 0000000| assert(length > 0); | static if (is(size_t == ulong)) 0000000| assert(length <= uint.max); | else | assert(length <= ushort.max); | import mir.ndslice.field: MagicField; 0000000| return MagicField(length).slicedField(length, length); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.math.sum; | import mir.ndslice: slice, magic, byDim, map, as, repeat, diagonal, antidiagonal; | | bool isMagic(S)(S matrix) | { | auto n = matrix.length; | auto c = n * (n * n + 1) / 2; // magic number | return // check shape | matrix.length!0 > 0 && matrix.length!0 == matrix.length!1 | && // each row sum should equal magic number | matrix.byDim!!sum == c.repeat(n) | && // each columns sum should equal magic number | matrix.byDim!!sum == c.repeat(n) | && // diagonal sum should equal magic number | matrix.diagonal.sum == c | && // antidiagonal sum should equal magic number | matrix.antidiagonal.sum == c; | } | | assert(isMagic(magic(1))); | assert(!isMagic(magic(2))); // 2x2 magic square does not exist | foreach(n; 3 .. 24) | assert(isMagic(magic(n))); | assert(isMagic(magic(3).as!double.slice)); |} | |/++ |Chops 1D input slice into n chunks with ascending or descending lengths. | |`stairs` can be used to pack and unpack symmetric and triangular matrix storage. | |Note: `stairs` is defined for 1D (packet) input and 2D (general) input. | This part of documentation is for 1D input. | |Params: | type = $(UL | $(LI `"-"` for stairs with lengths `n, n-1, ..., 1`.) | $(LI `"+"` for stairs with lengths `1, 2, ..., n`;) | ) | slice = input slice with length equal to `n * (n + 1) / 2` | n = stairs count |Returns: | 1D contiguous slice composed of 1D contiguous slices. | |See_also: $(LREF triplets) $(LREF ._stairs.2) |+/ |Slice!(StairsIterator!(Iterator, type)) stairs(string type, Iterator)(Slice!Iterator slice, size_t n) | if (type == "+" || type == "-") |{ | assert(slice.length == (n + 1) * n / 2, "stairs: slice length must be equal to n * (n + 1) / 2, where n is stairs count."); | static if (type == "+") | size_t length = 1; | else | size_t length = n; | return StairsIterator!(Iterator, type)(length, slice._iterator).sliced(n); |} | |/// ditto |Slice!(StairsIterator!(S*, type)) stairs(string type, S)(S[] slice, size_t n) | if (type == "+" || type == "-") |{ | return stairs!type(slice.sliced, n); |} | |/// ditto |auto stairs(string type, S)(S slice, size_t n) | if (hasAsSlice!S && (type == "+" || type == "-")) |{ | return stairs!type(slice.asSlice, n); |} | |/// |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, stairs; | | auto pck = 15.iota; | auto inc = pck.stairs!"+"(5); | auto dec = pck.stairs!"-"(5); | | assert(inc == [ | [0], | [1, 2], | [3, 4, 5], | [6, 7, 8, 9], | [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]]); | assert(inc[1 .. $][2] == [6, 7, 8, 9]); | | assert(dec == [ | [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], | [5, 6, 7, 8], | [9, 10, 11], | [12, 13], | [14]]); | assert(dec[1 .. $][2] == [12, 13]); | | static assert(is(typeof(inc.front) == typeof(pck))); | static assert(is(typeof(dec.front) == typeof(pck))); |} | |/++ |Slice composed of rows of lower or upper triangular matrix. | |`stairs` can be used to pack and unpack symmetric and triangular matrix storage. | |Note: `stairs` is defined for 1D (packet) input and 2D (general) input. | This part of documentation is for 2D input. | |Params: | type = $(UL | $(LI `"+"` for stairs with lengths `1, 2, ..., n`, lower matrix;) | $(LI `"-"` for stairs with lengths `n, n-1, ..., 1`, upper matrix.) | ) | slice = input slice with length equal to `n * (n + 1) / 2` |Returns: | 1D slice composed of 1D contiguous slices. | |See_also: $(LREF _stairs) $(SUBREF dynamic, transposed), $(LREF universal) |+/ |auto stairs(string type, Iterator, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) slice) | if (type == "+" || type == "-") |{ | assert(slice.length!0 == slice.length!1, "stairs: input slice must be a square matrix."); | static if (type == "+") | { | return slice | .pack!1 | .map!"a" | .zip([slice.length].iota!size_t(1)) | .map!"a[0 .. b]"; | } | else | { | return slice | .pack!1 | .map!"a" | .zip([slice.length].iota!size_t) | .map!"a[b .. $]"; | } |} | |/// |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, as, stairs; | | auto gen = [3, 3]!double; | auto inc = gen.stairs!"+"; | auto dec = gen.stairs!"-"; | | assert(inc == [ | [0], | [3, 4], | [6, 7, 8]]); | | assert(dec == [ | [0, 1, 2], | [4, 5], | [8]]); | | static assert(is(typeof(inc.front) == typeof(gen.front))); | static assert(is(typeof(dec.front) == typeof(gen.front))); | | ///////////////////////////////////////// | // Pack lower and upper matrix parts | auto n = gen.length; | auto m = n * (n + 1) / 2; | // allocate memory | import mir.ndslice.allocation: uninitSlice; | auto lowerData = m.uninitSlice!double; | auto upperData = m.uninitSlice!double; | // construct packed stairs | auto lower = lowerData.stairs!"+"(n); | auto upper = upperData.stairs!"-"(n); | // copy data | import mir.algorithm.iteration: each; | each!"a[] = b"(lower, inc); | each!"a[] = b"(upper, dec); | | assert(&lower[0][0] is &lowerData[0]); | assert(&upper[0][0] is &upperData[0]); | | assert(lowerData == [0, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8]); | assert(upperData == [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8]); |} | |/++ |Returns a slice that can be iterated along dimension. Transposes other dimensions on top and then packs them. | |Combines $(LREF byDim) and $(LREF evertPack). | |Params: | SDimensions = dimensions to iterate along, length of d, `1 <= d < n`. Negative dimensions are supported. |Returns: | `(n-d)`-dimensional slice composed of d-dimensional slices |See_also: | $(LREF byDim), | $(LREF iota), | $(SUBREF allocation, slice), | $(LREF ipack), | $(SUBREF dynamic, transposed). |+/ |template alongDim(SDimensions...) | if (SDimensions.length > 0) |{ | static if (allSatisfy!(isSizediff_t, SDimensions)) | { | /++ | Params: | slice = input n-dimensional slice, n > d | Returns: | `(n-d)`-dimensional slice composed of d-dimensional slices | +/ | @optmath auto alongDim(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | if (N > SDimensions.length) | { | import core.lifetime: move; | return slice.move.byDim!SDimensions.evertPack; | } | } | else | { | alias alongDim = .alongDim!(staticMap!(toSizediff_t, SDimensions)); | } |} | |/// 2-dimensional slice support |@safe @nogc pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice; | | // ------------ | // | 0 1 2 3 | | // | 4 5 6 7 | | // | 8 9 10 11 | | // ------------ | auto slice = iota(3, 4); | //-> | // | 3 | | //-> | // | 4 | | size_t[1] shape3 = [3]; | size_t[1] shape4 = [4]; | | // ------------ | // | 0 1 2 3 | | // | 4 5 6 7 | | // | 8 9 10 11 | | // ------------ | auto x = slice.alongDim!(-1); // -1 is the last dimension index, the same as 1 for this case. | static assert(is(typeof(x) == Slice!(SliceIterator!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t), 1, Universal))); | | assert(x.shape == shape3); | assert(x.front.shape == shape4); | assert(x.front == iota(4)); | x.popFront; | assert(x.front == iota([4], 4)); | | // --------- | // | 0 4 8 | | // | 1 5 9 | | // | 2 6 10 | | // | 3 7 11 | | // --------- | auto y = slice.alongDim!0; // alongDim!(-2) is the same for matrices. | static assert(is(typeof(y) == Slice!(SliceIterator!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t, 1, Universal)))); | | assert(y.shape == shape4); | assert(y.front.shape == shape3); | assert(y.front == iota([3], 0, 4)); | y.popFront; | assert(y.front == iota([3], 1, 4)); |} | |/// 3-dimensional slice support, N-dimensional also supported |@safe @nogc pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice; | | // ---------------- | // | 0 1 2 3 4 | | // | 5 6 7 8 9 | | // | 10 11 12 13 14 | | // | 15 16 17 18 19 | | // - - - - - - - - | // | 20 21 22 23 24 | | // | 25 26 27 28 29 | | // | 30 31 32 33 34 | | // | 35 36 37 38 39 | | // - - - - - - - - | // | 40 41 42 43 44 | | // | 45 46 47 48 49 | | // | 50 51 52 53 54 | | // | 55 56 57 58 59 | | // ---------------- | auto slice = iota(3, 4, 5); | | size_t[2] shape45 = [4, 5]; | size_t[2] shape35 = [3, 5]; | size_t[2] shape34 = [3, 4]; | size_t[2] shape54 = [5, 4]; | size_t[1] shape3 = [3]; | size_t[1] shape4 = [4]; | size_t[1] shape5 = [5]; | | // ---------- | // | 0 20 40 | | // | 5 25 45 | | // | 10 30 50 | | // | 15 35 55 | | // - - - - - | // | 1 21 41 | | // | 6 26 46 | | // | 11 31 51 | | // | 16 36 56 | | // - - - - - | // | 2 22 42 | | // | 7 27 47 | | // | 12 32 52 | | // | 17 37 57 | | // - - - - - | // | 3 23 43 | | // | 8 28 48 | | // | 13 33 53 | | // | 18 38 58 | | // - - - - - | // | 4 24 44 | | // | 9 29 49 | | // | 14 34 54 | | // | 19 39 59 | | // ---------- | auto a = slice.alongDim!0.transposed; | static assert(is(typeof(a) == Slice!(SliceIterator!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t, 1, Universal), 2, Universal))); | | assert(a.shape == shape54); | assert(a.front.shape == shape4); | assert(a.front.unpack == iota([3, 4], 0, 5).universal.transposed); | a.popFront; | assert(a.front.front == iota([3], 1, 20)); | | // ---------------- | // | 0 1 2 3 4 | | // | 5 6 7 8 9 | | // | 10 11 12 13 14 | | // | 15 16 17 18 19 | | // - - - - - - - - | // | 20 21 22 23 24 | | // | 25 26 27 28 29 | | // | 30 31 32 33 34 | | // | 35 36 37 38 39 | | // - - - - - - - - | // | 40 41 42 43 44 | | // | 45 46 47 48 49 | | // | 50 51 52 53 54 | | // | 55 56 57 58 59 | | // ---------------- | auto x = slice.alongDim!(1, 2); | static assert(is(typeof(x) == Slice!(SliceIterator!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t, 2), 1, Universal))); | | assert(x.shape == shape3); | assert(x.front.shape == shape45); | assert(x.front == iota([4, 5])); | x.popFront; | assert(x.front == iota([4, 5], (4 * 5))); | | // ---------------- | // | 0 1 2 3 4 | | // | 20 21 22 23 24 | | // | 40 41 42 43 44 | | // - - - - - - - - | // | 5 6 7 8 9 | | // | 25 26 27 28 29 | | // | 45 46 47 48 49 | | // - - - - - - - - | // | 10 11 12 13 14 | | // | 30 31 32 33 34 | | // | 50 51 52 53 54 | | // - - - - - - - - | // | 15 16 17 18 19 | | // | 35 36 37 38 39 | | // | 55 56 57 58 59 | | // ---------------- | auto y = slice.alongDim!(0, 2); | static assert(is(typeof(y) == Slice!(SliceIterator!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t, 2, Canonical), 1, Universal))); | | assert(y.shape == shape4); | assert(y.front.shape == shape35); | int err; | assert(y.front == slice.universal.strided!1(4).reshape([3, -1], err)); | y.popFront; | assert(y.front.front == iota([5], 5)); | | // ------------- | // | 0 5 10 15 | | // | 20 25 30 35 | | // | 40 45 50 55 | | // - - - - - - - | // | 1 6 11 16 | | // | 21 26 31 36 | | // | 41 46 51 56 | | // - - - - - - - | // | 2 7 12 17 | | // | 22 27 32 37 | | // | 42 47 52 57 | | // - - - - - - - | // | 3 8 13 18 | | // | 23 28 33 38 | | // | 43 48 53 58 | | // - - - - - - - | // | 4 9 14 19 | | // | 24 29 34 39 | | // | 44 49 54 59 | | // ------------- | auto z = slice.alongDim!(0, 1); | static assert(is(typeof(z) == Slice!(SliceIterator!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t, 2, Universal)))); | | assert(z.shape == shape5); | assert(z.front.shape == shape34); | assert(z.front == iota([3, 4], 0, 5)); | z.popFront; | assert(z.front.front == iota([4], 1, 5)); |} | |/// Use alongDim to calculate column mean/row mean of 2-dimensional slice |version(mir_test) |@safe pure |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: alongDim; | import mir.ndslice.fuse: fuse; | import mir.math.stat: mean; | import mir.algorithm.iteration: all; | import mir.math.common: approxEqual; | | auto x = [ | [0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.5, 4.25], | [2.0, 7.5, 5.0, 1.0, 1.5, 0.0] | ].fuse; | | // Use alongDim with map to compute mean of row/column. | assert(x.alongDim!!mean.all!approxEqual([12.25 / 6, 17.0 / 6])); | assert(x.alongDim!!mean.all!approxEqual([1, 4.25, 3.25, 1.5, 2.5, 2.125])); | | // FIXME | // Without using map, computes the mean of the whole slice | // assert(x.alongDim!1.mean == x.sliced.mean); | // assert(x.alongDim!0.mean == x.sliced.mean); |} | |/++ |Use alongDim and map with a lambda, but may need to allocate result. This example |uses fuse, which allocates. Note: fuse!1 will transpose the result. |+/ |version(mir_test) |@safe pure |unittest { | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, alongDim, map; | import mir.ndslice.fuse: fuse; | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | | auto x = [1, 2, 3].sliced; | auto y = [1, 2].sliced; | | auto s1 = iota(2, 3).alongDim!!(a => a * x).fuse; | assert(s1 == [[ 0, 2, 6], | [ 3, 8, 15]]); | auto s2 = iota(2, 3).alongDim!!(a => a * y).fuse!1; | assert(s2 == [[ 0, 1, 2], | [ 6, 8, 10]]); |} | |/++ |Returns a slice that can be iterated by dimension. Transposes dimensions on top and then packs them. | |Combines $(SUBREF dynamic, transposed), $(LREF ipack), and SliceKind Selectors. | |Params: | SDimensions = dimensions to perform iteration on, length of d, `1 <= d <= n`. Negative dimensions are supported. |Returns: | d-dimensional slice composed of `(n-d)`-dimensional slices |See_also: | $(LREF alongDim), | $(SUBREF allocation, slice), | $(LREF ipack), | $(SUBREF dynamic, transposed). |+/ |template byDim(SDimensions...) | if (SDimensions.length > 0) |{ | static if (allSatisfy!(isSizediff_t, SDimensions)) | { | /++ | Params: | slice = input n-dimensional slice, n >= d | Returns: | d-dimensional slice composed of `(n-d)`-dimensional slices | +/ | @optmath auto byDim(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | if (N >= SDimensions.length) | { | | alias Dimensions = staticMap!(ShiftNegativeWith!N, SDimensions); | | mixin DimensionsCountCTError; | | static if (N == 1) | { | return slice; | } | else | { | import core.lifetime: move; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic: transposed; | import mir.algorithm.iteration: all; | | auto trans = slice | .move | .transposed!Dimensions; | static if (Dimensions.length == N) | { | return trans; | } | else | { | auto ret = trans.move.ipack!(Dimensions.length); | static if ((kind == Contiguous || kind == Canonical && N - Dimensions.length == 1) && [Dimensions].all!(a => a < Dimensions.length)) | { | return ret | .move | .evertPack | .assumeContiguous | .evertPack; | } | else | static if (kind == Canonical && [Dimensions].all!(a => a < N - 1)) | { | return ret | .move | .evertPack | .assumeCanonical | .evertPack; | } | else | static if ((kind == Contiguous || kind == Canonical && Dimensions.length == 1) && [Dimensions] == [Iota!(N - Dimensions.length, N)]) | { | return ret.assumeContiguous; | } | else | static if ((kind == Contiguous || kind == Canonical) && Dimensions[$-1] == N - 1) | { | return ret.assumeCanonical; | } | else | { | return ret; | } | } | } | } | } | else | { | alias byDim = .byDim!(staticMap!(toSizediff_t, SDimensions)); | } |} | |/// 2-dimensional slice support |@safe @nogc pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice; | | // ------------ | // | 0 1 2 3 | | // | 4 5 6 7 | | // | 8 9 10 11 | | // ------------ | auto slice = iota(3, 4); | //-> | // | 3 | | //-> | // | 4 | | size_t[1] shape3 = [3]; | size_t[1] shape4 = [4]; | | // ------------ | // | 0 1 2 3 | | // | 4 5 6 7 | | // | 8 9 10 11 | | // ------------ | auto x = slice.byDim!0; // byDim!(-2) is the same for matrices. | static assert(is(typeof(x) == Slice!(SliceIterator!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t), 1, Universal))); | | assert(x.shape == shape3); | assert(x.front.shape == shape4); | assert(x.front == iota(4)); | x.popFront; | assert(x.front == iota([4], 4)); | | // --------- | // | 0 4 8 | | // | 1 5 9 | | // | 2 6 10 | | // | 3 7 11 | | // --------- | auto y = slice.byDim!(-1); // -1 is the last dimension index, the same as 1 for this case. | static assert(is(typeof(y) == Slice!(SliceIterator!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t, 1, Universal)))); | | assert(y.shape == shape4); | assert(y.front.shape == shape3); | assert(y.front == iota([3], 0, 4)); | y.popFront; | assert(y.front == iota([3], 1, 4)); |} | |/// 3-dimensional slice support, N-dimensional also supported |@safe @nogc pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice; | | // ---------------- | // | 0 1 2 3 4 | | // | 5 6 7 8 9 | | // | 10 11 12 13 14 | | // | 15 16 17 18 19 | | // - - - - - - - - | // | 20 21 22 23 24 | | // | 25 26 27 28 29 | | // | 30 31 32 33 34 | | // | 35 36 37 38 39 | | // - - - - - - - - | // | 40 41 42 43 44 | | // | 45 46 47 48 49 | | // | 50 51 52 53 54 | | // | 55 56 57 58 59 | | // ---------------- | auto slice = iota(3, 4, 5); | | size_t[2] shape45 = [4, 5]; | size_t[2] shape35 = [3, 5]; | size_t[2] shape34 = [3, 4]; | size_t[2] shape54 = [5, 4]; | size_t[1] shape3 = [3]; | size_t[1] shape4 = [4]; | size_t[1] shape5 = [5]; | | // ---------------- | // | 0 1 2 3 4 | | // | 5 6 7 8 9 | | // | 10 11 12 13 14 | | // | 15 16 17 18 19 | | // - - - - - - - - | // | 20 21 22 23 24 | | // | 25 26 27 28 29 | | // | 30 31 32 33 34 | | // | 35 36 37 38 39 | | // - - - - - - - - | // | 40 41 42 43 44 | | // | 45 46 47 48 49 | | // | 50 51 52 53 54 | | // | 55 56 57 58 59 | | // ---------------- | auto x = slice.byDim!0; | static assert(is(typeof(x) == Slice!(SliceIterator!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t, 2), 1, Universal))); | | assert(x.shape == shape3); | assert(x.front.shape == shape45); | assert(x.front == iota([4, 5])); | x.popFront; | assert(x.front == iota([4, 5], (4 * 5))); | | // ---------------- | // | 0 1 2 3 4 | | // | 20 21 22 23 24 | | // | 40 41 42 43 44 | | // - - - - - - - - | // | 5 6 7 8 9 | | // | 25 26 27 28 29 | | // | 45 46 47 48 49 | | // - - - - - - - - | // | 10 11 12 13 14 | | // | 30 31 32 33 34 | | // | 50 51 52 53 54 | | // - - - - - - - - | // | 15 16 17 18 19 | | // | 35 36 37 38 39 | | // | 55 56 57 58 59 | | // ---------------- | auto y = slice.byDim!1; | static assert(is(typeof(y) == Slice!(SliceIterator!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t, 2, Canonical), 1, Universal))); | | assert(y.shape == shape4); | assert(y.front.shape == shape35); | int err; | assert(y.front == slice.universal.strided!1(4).reshape([3, -1], err)); | y.popFront; | assert(y.front.front == iota([5], 5)); | | // ------------- | // | 0 5 10 15 | | // | 20 25 30 35 | | // | 40 45 50 55 | | // - - - - - - - | // | 1 6 11 16 | | // | 21 26 31 36 | | // | 41 46 51 56 | | // - - - - - - - | // | 2 7 12 17 | | // | 22 27 32 37 | | // | 42 47 52 57 | | // - - - - - - - | // | 3 8 13 18 | | // | 23 28 33 38 | | // | 43 48 53 58 | | // - - - - - - - | // | 4 9 14 19 | | // | 24 29 34 39 | | // | 44 49 54 59 | | // ------------- | auto z = slice.byDim!2; | static assert(is(typeof(z) == Slice!(SliceIterator!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t, 2, Universal)))); | | assert(z.shape == shape5); | assert(z.front.shape == shape34); | assert(z.front == iota([3, 4], 0, 5)); | z.popFront; | assert(z.front.front == iota([4], 1, 5)); | | // ---------- | // | 0 20 40 | | // | 5 25 45 | | // | 10 30 50 | | // | 15 35 55 | | // - - - - - | // | 1 21 41 | | // | 6 26 46 | | // | 11 31 51 | | // | 16 36 56 | | // - - - - - | // | 2 22 42 | | // | 7 27 47 | | // | 12 32 52 | | // | 17 37 57 | | // - - - - - | // | 3 23 43 | | // | 8 28 48 | | // | 13 33 53 | | // | 18 38 58 | | // - - - - - | // | 4 24 44 | | // | 9 29 49 | | // | 14 34 54 | | // | 19 39 59 | | // ---------- | auto a = slice.byDim!(2, 1); | static assert(is(typeof(a) == Slice!(SliceIterator!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t, 1, Universal), 2, Universal))); | | assert(a.shape == shape54); | assert(a.front.shape == shape4); | assert(a.front.unpack == iota([3, 4], 0, 5).universal.transposed); | a.popFront; | assert(a.front.front == iota([3], 1, 20)); |} | |/// Use byDim to calculate column mean/row mean of 2-dimensional slice |version(mir_test) |@safe pure |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: byDim; | import mir.ndslice.fuse: fuse; | import mir.math.stat: mean; | import mir.algorithm.iteration: all; | import mir.math.common: approxEqual; | | auto x = [ | [0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.5, 4.25], | [2.0, 7.5, 5.0, 1.0, 1.5, 0.0] | ].fuse; | | // Use byDim with map to compute mean of row/column. | assert(x.byDim!!mean.all!approxEqual([12.25 / 6, 17.0 / 6])); | assert(x.byDim!!mean.all!approxEqual([1, 4.25, 3.25, 1.5, 2.5, 2.125])); | | // FIXME | // Without using map, computes the mean of the whole slice | // assert(x.byDim!0.mean == x.sliced.mean); | // assert(x.byDim!1.mean == x.sliced.mean); |} | |/++ |Use byDim and map with a lambda, but may need to allocate result. This example |uses fuse, which allocates. Note: fuse!1 will transpose the result. |+/ |version(mir_test) |@safe pure |unittest { | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, byDim, map; | import mir.ndslice.fuse: fuse; | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | | auto x = [1, 2, 3].sliced; | auto y = [1, 2].sliced; | | auto s1 = iota(2, 3).byDim!!(a => a * x).fuse; | assert(s1 == [[ 0, 2, 6], | [ 3, 8, 15]]); | auto s2 = iota(2, 3).byDim!!(a => a * y).fuse!1; | assert(s2 == [[ 0, 1, 2], | [ 6, 8, 10]]); |} | |// Ensure works on canonical |@safe @nogc pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota, canonical; | // ------------ | // | 0 1 2 3 | | // | 4 5 6 7 | | // | 8 9 10 11 | | // ------------ | auto slice = iota(3, 4).canonical; | //-> | // | 3 | | //-> | // | 4 | | size_t[1] shape3 = [3]; | size_t[1] shape4 = [4]; | | // ------------ | // | 0 1 2 3 | | // | 4 5 6 7 | | // | 8 9 10 11 | | // ------------ | auto x = slice.byDim!0; | static assert(is(typeof(x) == Slice!(SliceIterator!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t), 1, Universal))); | | assert(x.shape == shape3); | assert(x.front.shape == shape4); | assert(x.front == iota(4)); | x.popFront; | assert(x.front == iota([4], 4)); | | // --------- | // | 0 4 8 | | // | 1 5 9 | | // | 2 6 10 | | // | 3 7 11 | | // --------- | auto y = slice.byDim!1; | static assert(is(typeof(y) == Slice!(SliceIterator!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t, 1, Universal)))); | | assert(y.shape == shape4); | assert(y.front.shape == shape3); | assert(y.front == iota([3], 0, 4)); | y.popFront; | assert(y.front == iota([3], 1, 4)); |} | |// Ensure works on universal |@safe @nogc pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota, universal; | // ------------ | // | 0 1 2 3 | | // | 4 5 6 7 | | // | 8 9 10 11 | | // ------------ | auto slice = iota(3, 4).universal; | //-> | // | 3 | | //-> | // | 4 | | size_t[1] shape3 = [3]; | size_t[1] shape4 = [4]; | | // ------------ | // | 0 1 2 3 | | // | 4 5 6 7 | | // | 8 9 10 11 | | // ------------ | auto x = slice.byDim!0; | static assert(is(typeof(x) == Slice!(SliceIterator!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t, 1, Universal), 1, Universal))); | | assert(x.shape == shape3); | assert(x.front.shape == shape4); | assert(x.front == iota(4)); | x.popFront; | assert(x.front == iota([4], 4)); | | // --------- | // | 0 4 8 | | // | 1 5 9 | | // | 2 6 10 | | // | 3 7 11 | | // --------- | auto y = slice.byDim!1; | static assert(is(typeof(y) == Slice!(SliceIterator!(IotaIterator!sizediff_t, 1, Universal), 1, Universal))); | | assert(y.shape == shape4); | assert(y.front.shape == shape3); | assert(y.front == iota([3], 0, 4)); | y.popFront; | assert(y.front == iota([3], 1, 4)); |} | |// 1-dimensional slice support |@safe @nogc pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | // ------- | // | 0 1 2 | | // ------- | auto slice = iota(3); | auto x = slice.byDim!0; | static assert (is(typeof(x) == typeof(slice))); | assert(x == slice); |} | |/++ |Constructs a new view of an n-dimensional slice with dimension `axis` removed. | |Throws: | `AssertError` if the length of the corresponding dimension doesn' equal 1. |Params: | axis = dimension to remove, if it is single-dimensional | slice = n-dimensional slice |Returns: | new view of a slice with dimension removed |See_also: $(LREF unsqueeze), $(LREF iota). |+/ |template squeeze(sizediff_t axis = 0) |{ | Slice!(Iterator, N - 1, kind != Canonical ? kind : ((axis == N - 1 || axis == -1) ? Universal : (N == 2 ? Contiguous : kind))) | squeeze(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | if (-sizediff_t(N) <= axis && axis < sizediff_t(N) && N > 1) | in { | assert(slice._lengths[axis < 0 ? N + axis : axis] == 1); | } | do { | import mir.utility: swap; | enum sizediff_t a = axis < 0 ? N + axis : axis; | typeof(return) ret; | foreach (i; Iota!(0, a)) | ret._lengths[i] = slice._lengths[i]; | foreach (i; Iota!(a + 1, N)) | ret._lengths[i - 1] = slice._lengths[i]; | static if (kind == Universal) | { | foreach (i; Iota!(0, a)) | ret._strides[i] = slice._strides[i]; | foreach (i; Iota!(a + 1, N)) | ret._strides[i - 1] = slice._strides[i]; | } | else | static if (kind == Canonical) | { | static if (a == N - 1) | { | foreach (i; Iota!(0, N - 1)) | ret._strides[i] = slice._strides[i]; | } | else | { | foreach (i; Iota!(0, a)) | ret._strides[i] = slice._strides[i]; | foreach (i; Iota!(a + 1, N - 1)) | ret._strides[i - 1] = slice._strides[i]; | } | } | swap(ret._iterator, slice._iterator); | return ret; | } |} | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | | // [[0, 1, 2]] -> [0, 1, 2] | assert([1, 3].iota.squeeze == [3].iota); | // [[0], [1], [2]] -> [0, 1, 2] | assert([3, 1].iota.squeeze!1 == [3].iota); | assert([3, 1].iota.squeeze!(-1) == [3].iota); | | assert([1, 3].iota.canonical.squeeze == [3].iota); | assert([3, 1].iota.canonical.squeeze!1 == [3].iota); | assert([3, 1].iota.canonical.squeeze!(-1) == [3].iota); | | assert([1, 3].iota.universal.squeeze == [3].iota); | assert([3, 1].iota.universal.squeeze!1 == [3].iota); | assert([3, 1].iota.universal.squeeze!(-1) == [3].iota); | | assert([1, 3, 4].iota.squeeze == [3, 4].iota); | assert([3, 1, 4].iota.squeeze!1 == [3, 4].iota); | assert([3, 4, 1].iota.squeeze!(-1) == [3, 4].iota); | | assert([1, 3, 4].iota.canonical.squeeze == [3, 4].iota); | assert([3, 1, 4].iota.canonical.squeeze!1 == [3, 4].iota); | assert([3, 4, 1].iota.canonical.squeeze!(-1) == [3, 4].iota); | | assert([1, 3, 4].iota.universal.squeeze == [3, 4].iota); | assert([3, 1, 4].iota.universal.squeeze!1 == [3, 4].iota); | assert([3, 4, 1].iota.universal.squeeze!(-1) == [3, 4].iota); |} | |/++ |Constructs a view of an n-dimensional slice with a dimension added at `axis`. Used |to unsqueeze a squeezed slice. | |Params: | slice = n-dimensional slice | axis = dimension to be unsqueezed (add new dimension), default values is 0, the first dimension |Returns: | unsqueezed n+1-dimensional slice of the same slice kind |See_also: $(LREF squeeze), $(LREF iota). |+/ |Slice!(Iterator, N + 1, kind) unsqueeze(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice, sizediff_t axis) |in { | assert(-sizediff_t(N + 1) <= axis && axis <= sizediff_t(N)); |} |do { | import mir.utility: swap; | typeof(return) ret; | auto a = axis < 0 ? axis + N + 1 : axis; | foreach (i; 0 .. a) | ret._lengths[i] = slice._lengths[i]; | ret._lengths[a] = 1; | foreach (i; a .. N) | ret._lengths[i + 1] = slice._lengths[i]; | static if (kind == Universal) | { | foreach (i; 0 .. a) | ret._strides[i] = slice._strides[i]; | foreach (i; a .. N) | ret._strides[i + 1] = slice._strides[i]; | } | else | static if (kind == Canonical) | { | if (a == N) | { | foreach (i; Iota!(0, N - 1)) | ret._strides[i] = slice._strides[i]; | ret._strides[N - 1] = 1; | } | else | { | foreach (i; 0 .. a) | ret._strides[i] = slice._strides[i]; | foreach (i; a .. N - 1) | ret._strides[i + 1] = slice._strides[i]; | } | } | swap(ret._iterator, slice._iterator); | return ret; |} | |/// ditto |template unsqueeze(sizediff_t axis = 0) |{ | Slice!(Iterator, N + 1, kind) unsqueeze(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | (Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | in { | assert(-sizediff_t(N + 1) <= axis && axis <= sizediff_t(N)); | } | do { | import mir.utility: swap; | typeof(return) ret; | enum a = axis < 0 ? axis + N + 1 : axis; | foreach (i; Iota!a) | ret._lengths[i] = slice._lengths[i]; | ret._lengths[a] = 1; | foreach (i; Iota!(a, N)) | ret._lengths[i + 1] = slice._lengths[i]; | static if (kind == Universal) | { | foreach (i; Iota!a) | ret._strides[i] = slice._strides[i]; | foreach (i; Iota!(a, N)) | ret._strides[i + 1] = slice._strides[i]; | } | else | static if (kind == Canonical) | { | static if (a == N) | { | foreach (i; Iota!(0, N - 1)) | ret._strides[i] = slice._strides[i]; | ret._strides[N - 1] = 1; | } | else | { | foreach (i; Iota!(0, a)) | ret._strides[i] = slice._strides[i]; | foreach (i; Iota!(a, N - 1)) | ret._strides[i + 1] = slice._strides[i]; | } | } | swap(ret._iterator, slice._iterator); | return ret; | } |} | |/// |version (mir_test) |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |unittest |{ | // [0, 1, 2] -> [[0, 1, 2]] | assert([3].iota.unsqueeze == [1, 3].iota); | | assert([3].iota.universal.unsqueeze == [1, 3].iota); | assert([3, 4].iota.unsqueeze == [1, 3, 4].iota); | assert([3, 4].iota.canonical.unsqueeze == [1, 3, 4].iota); | assert([3, 4].iota.universal.unsqueeze == [1, 3, 4].iota); | | // [0, 1, 2] -> [[0], [1], [2]] | assert([3].iota.unsqueeze(-1) == [3, 1].iota); | assert([3].iota.unsqueeze!(-1) == [3, 1].iota); | | assert([3].iota.universal.unsqueeze(-1) == [3, 1].iota); | assert([3].iota.universal.unsqueeze!(-1) == [3, 1].iota); | assert([3, 4].iota.unsqueeze(-1) == [3, 4, 1].iota); | assert([3, 4].iota.unsqueeze!(-1) == [3, 4, 1].iota); | assert([3, 4].iota.canonical.unsqueeze(-1) == [3, 4, 1].iota); | assert([3, 4].iota.canonical.unsqueeze!(-1) == [3, 4, 1].iota); | assert([3, 4].iota.universal.unsqueeze(-1) == [3, 4, 1].iota); | assert([3, 4].iota.universal.unsqueeze!(-1) == [3, 4, 1].iota); |} | |/++ |Field (element's member) projection. | |Params: | name = element's member name |Returns: | lazy n-dimensional slice of the same shape |See_also: | $(LREF map) |+/ | |template member(string name) | if (name.length) |{ | /++ | Params: | slice = n-dimensional slice composed of structs, classes or unions | Returns: | lazy n-dimensional slice of the same shape | +/ | Slice!(MemberIterator!(Iterator, name), N, kind) member(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | { | return typeof(return)(slice._structure, MemberIterator!(Iterator, name)(slice._iterator)); | } | | /// ditto | Slice!(MemberIterator!(T*, name)) member(T)(T[] array) | { | return member(array.sliced); | } | | /// ditto | auto member(T)(T withAsSlice) | if (hasAsSlice!T) | { | return member(withAsSlice.asSlice); | } |} | |/// |version(mir_test) |@safe pure unittest |{ | // struct, union or class | struct S | { | // Property support | // Getter always must be defined. | double _x; | double x() @property | { | return x; | } | void x(double x) @property | { | _x = x; | } | | /// Field support | double y; | | /// Zero argument function support | double f() | { | return _x * 2; | } | } | | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | auto matrix = slice!S(2, 3); | matrix.member!"x"[] = [2, 3].iota; | matrix.member!"y"[] = matrix.member!"f"; | assert(matrix.member!"y" == [2, 3].iota * 2); |} | |/++ |Functional deep-element wise reduce of a slice composed of fields or iterators. |+/ |template orthogonalReduceField(alias fun) |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!fun, fun)) | { | @optmath: | /++ | Params: | slice = Non empty input slice composed of fields or iterators. | Returns: | a lazy field with each element of which is reduced value of element of the same index of all iterators. | +/ | OrthogonalReduceField!(Iterator, fun, I) orthogonalReduceField(I, Iterator)(I initialValue, Slice!Iterator slice) | { | return typeof(return)(slice, initialValue); | } | | /// ditto | OrthogonalReduceField!(T*, fun, I) orthogonalReduceField(I, T)(I initialValue, T[] array) | { | return orthogonalReduceField(initialValue, array.sliced); | } | | /// ditto | auto orthogonalReduceField(I, T)(I initialValue, T withAsSlice) | if (hasAsSlice!T) | { | return orthogonalReduceField(initialValue, withAsSlice.asSlice); | } | } | else alias orthogonalReduceField = .orthogonalReduceField!(naryFun!fun); |} | |/// bit array operations |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: slicedField; | import mir.ndslice.allocation: bitSlice; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic: strided; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, orthogonalReduceField; | auto len = 100; | auto a = len.bitSlice; | auto b = len.bitSlice; | auto c = len.bitSlice; | a[len.iota.strided!0(7)][] = true; | b[len.iota.strided!0(11)][] = true; | c[len.iota.strided!0(13)][] = true; | | // this is valid since bitslices above are oroginal slices of allocated memory. | auto and = | orthogonalReduceField!"a & b"(size_t.max, [ | a.iterator._field._field, // get raw data pointers | b.iterator._field._field, | c.iterator._field._field, | ]) // operation on size_t | .bitwiseField | .slicedField(len); | | assert(and == (a & b & c)); |} | |/++ |Constructs a lazy view of triplets with `left`, `center`, and `right` members. | |Returns: Slice of the same length composed of $(SUBREF iterator, Triplet) triplets. |The `center` member is type of a slice element. |The `left` and `right` members has the same type as slice. | |The module contains special function $(LREF collapse) to handle |left and right side of triplets in one expression. | |Params: | slice = a slice or an array to iterate over | |Example: |------ |triplets(eeeeee) => | |||c|lllll| ||r|c|llll| ||rr|c|lll| ||rrr|c|ll| ||rrrr|c|l| ||rrrrr|c|| |------ | |See_also: $(LREF stairs). |+/ |Slice!(TripletIterator!(Iterator, kind)) triplets(Iterator, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, 1, kind) slice) |{ | return typeof(return)(slice.length, typeof(return).Iterator(0, slice)); |} | |/// ditto |Slice!(TripletIterator!(T*)) triplets(T)(scope return T[] slice) |{ | return .triplets(slice.sliced); |} | |/// ditto |auto triplets(string type, S)(S slice, size_t n) | if (hasAsSlice!S) |{ | return .triplets(slice.asSlice); |} | |/// |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | import mir.ndslice.topology: triplets, member, iota; | | auto a = [4, 5, 2, 8]; | auto h = a.triplets; | | assert(h[1].center == 5); | assert(h[1].left == [4]); | assert(h[1].right == [2, 8]); | | h[1].center = 9; | assert(a[1] == 9); | | assert(h.member!"center" == a); | | // `triplets` topology can be used with iota to index a slice | auto s = a.sliced; | auto w = s.length.iota.triplets[1]; | | assert(&s[] == &a[1]); | assert(s[w.left].field is a[0 .. 1]); | assert(s[w.right].field is a[2 .. $]); |} ../../../.dub/packages/mir-algorithm-3.10.60/mir-algorithm/source/mir/ndslice/topology.d is 0% covered <<<<<< EOF # path=./..-..-..-.dub-packages-mir-algorithm-3.10.60-mir-algorithm-source-mir-ndslice-iterator.lst |/++ |This is a submodule of $(MREF mir,ndslice). | |Iterator is a type with a pointer like behavior. |An ndslice can be created on top of an iterator using $(SUBREF slice, sliced). | |$(BOOKTABLE $(H2 Iterators), |$(TR $(TH Iterator Name) $(TH Used By)) |$(T2 BytegroupIterator, $(SUBREF topology, bytegroup).) |$(T2 CachedIterator, $(SUBREF topology, cached), $(SUBREF topology, cachedGC).) |$(T2 ChopIterator, $(SUBREF topology, chopped)) |$(T2 FieldIterator, $(SUBREF slice, slicedField), $(SUBREF topology, bitwise), $(SUBREF topology, ndiota), and others.) |$(T2 FlattenedIterator, $(SUBREF topology, flattened)) |$(T2 IndexIterator, $(SUBREF topology, indexed)) |$(T2 IotaIterator, $(SUBREF topology, iota)) |$(T2 MapIterator, $(SUBREF topology, map)) |$(T2 MemberIterator, $(SUBREF topology, member)) |$(T2 NeighboursIterator, $(SUBREF topology, withNeighboursSum)) |$(T2 RetroIterator, $(SUBREF topology, retro)) |$(T2 SliceIterator, $(SUBREF topology, map) in composition with $(LREF MapIterator) for packed slices.) |$(T2 SlideIterator, $(SUBREF topology, diff), $(SUBREF topology, pairwise), and $(SUBREF topology, slide).) |$(T2 StairsIterator, $(SUBREF topology, stairs)) |$(T2 StrideIterator, $(SUBREF topology, stride)) |$(T2 SubSliceIterator, $(SUBREF topology, subSlices)) |$(T2 TripletIterator, $(SUBREF topology, triplets)) |$(T2 ZipIterator, $(SUBREF topology, zip)) |) | |License: $(HTTP, Apache-2.0) |Copyright: 2020 Ilya Yaroshenko, Kaleidic Associates Advisory Limited, Symmetry Investments |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko | |Macros: |SUBREF = $(REF_ALTTEXT $(TT $2), $2, mir, ndslice, $1)$(NBSP) |T2=$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1)) $(TD $+)) |+/ |module mir.ndslice.iterator; | |import mir.internal.utility: Iota; |import mir.math.common: optmath; |import mir.ndslice.field; |import mir.ndslice.internal; |import mir.ndslice.slice: SliceKind, Slice, Universal, Canonical, Contiguous, isSlice; |import mir.qualifier; |import mir.conv; |import std.traits; | |private static immutable assumeZeroShiftExceptionMsg = "*.assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift: shift is not zero!"; |version(D_Exceptions) | private static immutable assumeZeroShiftException = new Exception(assumeZeroShiftExceptionMsg); | |@optmath: | |enum std_ops = q{ | void opUnary(string op)() scope | if (op == "--" || op == "++") | { mixin(op ~ "_iterator;"); } | | void opOpAssign(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) scope | if (op == "-" || op == "+") | { mixin("_iterator " ~ op ~ "= index;"); } | | auto opBinary(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | if (op == "+" || op == "-") | { | auto ret = this; | mixin(`ret ` ~ op ~ `= index;`); | return ret; | } | | ptrdiff_t opBinary(string op : "-")(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { return this._iterator - right._iterator; } | | bool opEquals()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { return this._iterator == right._iterator; } | | ptrdiff_t opCmp()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { | static if (isPointer!Iterator) | return this._iterator - right._iterator; | else | return this._iterator.opCmp(right._iterator); | } |}; | |/++ |Step counter. | |`IotaIterator` is used by $(SUBREF topology, iota). |+/ |struct IotaIterator(I) | if (isIntegral!I || isPointer!I) |{ |@optmath: | | /// | I _index; | | static if (isPointer!I) | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | static if (isIntegral!I) | return IotaIterator!I(_index); | else | return IotaIterator!(LightConstOf!I)(_index); | } | | static if (isPointer!I) | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | static if (isIntegral!I) | return IotaIterator!I(_index); | else | return IotaIterator!(LightImmutableOf!I)(_index); | } | |pure: | | I opUnary(string op : "*")() | { return _index; } | | void opUnary(string op)() | if (op == "--" || op == "++") | { mixin(op ~ `_index;`); } | | I opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index) const 0000000| { return cast(I)(_index + index); } | | void opOpAssign(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | if (op == `+` || op == `-`) | { mixin(`_index ` ~ op ~ `= index;`); } | | auto opBinary(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | if (op == "+" || op == "-") | { | auto ret = this; | mixin(`ret ` ~ op ~ `= index;`); | return ret; | } | | ptrdiff_t opBinary(string op : "-")(const typeof(this) right) const | { return cast(ptrdiff_t)(this._index - right._index); } | | bool opEquals()(const typeof(this) right) const 0000000| { return this._index == right._index; } | | auto opCmp()(const typeof(this) right) const 0000000| { return this._index - right._index; } |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | IotaIterator!int iota; | assert(*iota == 0); | | // iteration | ++iota; | assert(*iota == 1); | | assert(iota[2] == 3); | assert(iota[-1] == 0); | | --iota; | assert(*iota == 0); | | // opBinary | assert(*(iota + 2) == 2); | assert(*(iota - 3) == -3); | assert((iota - 3) - iota == -3); | | // construction | assert(*IotaIterator!int(3) == 3); | assert(iota - 1 < iota); |} | |/// |pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | int[32] data; | auto iota = IotaIterator!(int*)(data.ptr); | assert(*iota == data.ptr); | | // iteration | ++iota; | assert(*iota == 1 + data.ptr); | | assert(iota[2] == 3 + data.ptr); | assert(iota[-1] == 0 + data.ptr); | | --iota; | assert(*iota == 0 + data.ptr); | | // opBinary | assert(*(iota + 2) == 2 + data.ptr); | assert(*(iota - 3) == -3 + data.ptr); | assert((iota - 3) - iota == -3); | | // construction | assert(*IotaIterator!(int*)(data.ptr) == data.ptr); | assert(iota - 1 < iota); |} | |auto RetroIterator__map(Iterator, alias fun)(ref RetroIterator!Iterator it) |{ | auto iterator = it._iterator._mapIterator!fun; | return RetroIterator!(typeof(iterator))(iterator); |} | |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology; | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | auto v = iota(9)!(a => a).slice; | uint r; | auto w = iota(9)!(a => a).map!(a => a * r).slice; |} | |/++ |Reverse directions for an iterator. | |`RetroIterator` is used by $(SUBREF topology, retro). |+/ |struct RetroIterator(Iterator) |{ |@optmath: | /// | Iterator _iterator; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { 0000000| return RetroIterator!(LightConstOf!Iterator)(.lightConst(_iterator)); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return RetroIterator!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator)(.lightImmutable(_iterator)); | } | | /// | static alias __map(alias fun) = RetroIterator__map!(Iterator, fun); | | auto ref opUnary(string op : "*")() 0000000| { return *_iterator; } | | void opUnary(string op : "--")() | { ++_iterator; } | | void opUnary(string op : "++")() pure 0000000| { --_iterator; } | | auto ref opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index) 0000000| { return _iterator[-index]; } | | void opOpAssign(string op : "-")(ptrdiff_t index) scope | { _iterator += index; } | | void opOpAssign(string op : "+")(ptrdiff_t index) scope | { _iterator -= index; } | | auto opBinary(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | if (op == "+" || op == "-") | { | auto ret = this; | mixin(`ret ` ~ op ~ `= index;`); | return ret; | } | | ptrdiff_t opBinary(string op : "-")(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { return right._iterator - this._iterator; } | | bool opEquals()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const 0000000| { return right._iterator == this._iterator; } | | ptrdiff_t opCmp()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { | static if (isPointer!Iterator) 0000000| return right._iterator - this._iterator; | else | return right._iterator.opCmp(this._iterator); | } |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | IotaIterator!int iota; | RetroIterator!(IotaIterator!int) retro; | | ++iota; | --retro; | assert(*retro == *iota); | | --iota; | ++retro; | assert(*retro == *iota); | | assert(retro[-7] == iota[7]); | | iota += 100; | retro -= 100; | assert(*retro == *iota); | | iota -= 100; | retro += 100; | assert(*retro == *iota); | | assert(*(retro + 10) == *(iota - 10)); | | assert(retro - 1 < retro); | | assert((retro - 5) - retro == -5); | | iota = IotaIterator!int(3); | retro = RetroIterator!(IotaIterator!int)(iota); | assert(*retro == *iota); |} | |auto StrideIterator__map(Iterator, alias fun)(StrideIterator!Iterator it) |{ | auto iterator = it._iterator._mapIterator!fun; | return StrideIterator!(typeof(iterator))(it._stride, iterator); |} | |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology; | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | auto v = iota([3], 0, 3).map!(a => a).slice; | uint r; | auto w = iota([3], 0, 3).map!(a => a).map!(a => a * r).slice; |} | |/++ |Iterates an iterator with a fixed strides. | |`StrideIterator` is used by $(SUBREF topology, stride). |+/ |struct StrideIterator(Iterator) |{ |@optmath: | /// | ptrdiff_t _stride; | /// | Iterator _iterator; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return StrideIterator!(LightConstOf!Iterator)(_stride, .lightConst(_iterator)); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return StrideIterator!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator)(_stride, .lightImmutable(_iterator)); | } | | /// | static alias __map(alias fun) = StrideIterator__map!(Iterator, fun); | | auto ref opUnary(string op : "*")() | { return *_iterator; } | | void opUnary(string op)() scope | if (op == "--" || op == "++") | { mixin("_iterator " ~ op[0] ~ "= _stride;"); } | | auto ref opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index) | { return _iterator[index * _stride]; } | | void opOpAssign(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) scope | if (op == "-" || op == "+") | { mixin("_iterator " ~ op ~ "= index * _stride;"); } | | auto opBinary(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | if (op == "+" || op == "-") | { | auto ret = this; | mixin(`ret ` ~ op ~ `= index;`); | return ret; | } | | ptrdiff_t opBinary(string op : "-")(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { return (this._iterator - right._iterator) / _stride; } | | bool opEquals()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { return this._iterator == right._iterator; } | | ptrdiff_t opCmp()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { | static if (isPointer!Iterator) | ptrdiff_t ret = this._iterator - right._iterator; | else | ptrdiff_t ret = this._iterator.opCmp(right._iterator); | return _stride >= 0 ? ret : -ret; | } |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | IotaIterator!int iota; | StrideIterator!(IotaIterator!int) stride; | stride._stride = -3; | | iota -= stride._stride; | --stride; | assert(*stride == *iota); | | iota += stride._stride; | ++stride; | assert(*stride == *iota); | | assert(stride[7] == iota[7 * stride._stride]); | | iota -= 100 * stride._stride; | stride -= 100; | assert(*stride == *iota); | | iota += 100 * stride._stride; | stride += 100; | assert(*stride == *iota); | | assert(*(stride + 10) == *(iota + 10 * stride._stride)); | | assert(stride - 1 < stride); | | assert((stride - 5) - stride == -5); | | iota = IotaIterator!int(3); | stride = StrideIterator!(IotaIterator!int)(3, iota); | assert(*stride == *iota); |} | |auto StrideIterator__map(Iterator, size_t factor, alias fun)(StrideIterator!(Iterator, factor) it) |{ | auto iterator = it._iterator._mapIterator!fun; | return StrideIterator!(typeof(iterator), factor)(iterator); |} | |/++ |Iterates an iterator with a fixed strides. | |`StrideIterator` is used by $(SUBREF topology, stride). |+/ |struct StrideIterator(Iterator, ptrdiff_t factor) |{ |@optmath: | /// | enum _stride = factor; | | /// | Iterator _iterator; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return StrideIterator!(LightConstOf!Iterator, _stride)(.lightConst(_iterator)); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return StrideIterator!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, _stride)(.lightImmutable(_iterator)); | } | | /// | static alias __map(alias fun) = StrideIterator__map!(Iterator, _stride, fun); | | auto ref opUnary(string op : "*")() | { return *_iterator; } | | void opUnary(string op)() scope | if (op == "--" || op == "++") | { mixin("_iterator " ~ op[0] ~ "= _stride;"); } | | auto ref opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index) | { return _iterator[index * _stride]; } | | void opOpAssign(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) scope | if (op == "-" || op == "+") | { mixin("_iterator " ~ op ~ "= index * _stride;"); } | | auto opBinary(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | if (op == "+" || op == "-") | { | auto ret = this; | mixin(`ret ` ~ op ~ `= index;`); | return ret; | } | | ptrdiff_t opBinary(string op : "-")(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { return (this._iterator - right._iterator) / _stride; } | | bool opEquals()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { return this._iterator == right._iterator; } | | ptrdiff_t opCmp()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { | static if (isPointer!Iterator) | ptrdiff_t ret = this._iterator - right._iterator; | else | ptrdiff_t ret = this._iterator.opCmp(right._iterator); | return _stride >= 0 ? ret : -ret; | } |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | IotaIterator!int iota; | StrideIterator!(IotaIterator!int, -3) stride; | | iota -= stride._stride; | --stride; | assert(*stride == *iota); | | iota += stride._stride; | ++stride; | assert(*stride == *iota); | | assert(stride[7] == iota[7 * stride._stride]); | | iota -= 100 * stride._stride; | stride -= 100; | assert(*stride == *iota); | | iota += 100 * stride._stride; | stride += 100; | assert(*stride == *iota); | | assert(*(stride + 10) == *(iota + 10 * stride._stride)); | | assert(stride - 1 < stride); | | assert((stride - 5) - stride == -5); |} | |package template _zip_types(Iterators...) |{ | alias AliasSeq(T...) = T; | static if (Iterators.length) | { | enum i = Iterators.length - 1; | alias T = typeof(Iterators[i].init[sizediff_t.init]); | static if (__traits(compiles, &Iterators[i].init[sizediff_t.init])) | { | import mir.functional: Ref; | alias _zip_types = AliasSeq!(_zip_types!(Iterators[0 .. i]), Ref!T); | } | else | alias _zip_types = AliasSeq!(_zip_types!(Iterators[0 .. i]), T); | } | else | alias _zip_types = AliasSeq!(); |} | |package template _zip_fronts(Iterators...) |{ | static if (Iterators.length) | { | enum i = Iterators.length - 1; | static if (__traits(compiles, &Iterators[i].init[sizediff_t.init])) | enum _zip_fronts = _zip_fronts!(Iterators[0 .. i]) ~ "_ref(*_iterators[" ~ i.stringof ~ "]), "; | else | enum _zip_fronts = _zip_fronts!(Iterators[0 .. i]) ~ "*_iterators[" ~ i.stringof ~ "], "; | } | else | enum _zip_fronts = ""; |} | |package template _zip_index(Iterators...) |{ | static if (Iterators.length) | { | enum i = Iterators.length - 1; | static if (__traits(compiles, &Iterators[i].init[sizediff_t.init])) | enum _zip_index = _zip_index!(Iterators[0 .. i]) ~ "_ref(_iterators[" ~ i.stringof ~ "][index]), "; | else | enum _zip_index = _zip_index!(Iterators[0 .. i]) ~ "_iterators[" ~ i.stringof ~ "][index], "; | } | else | enum _zip_index = ""; |} | |/++ |Iterates multiple iterators in lockstep. | |`ZipIterator` is used by $(SUBREF topology, zip). |+/ |struct ZipIterator(Iterators...) | if (Iterators.length > 1) |{ |@optmath: | import std.traits: ConstOf, ImmutableOf; | import std.meta: staticMap; | import mir.functional: RefTuple, Ref, _ref; | /// | Iterators _iterators; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | import std.format; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | import std.meta: staticMap; | alias Ret = ZipIterator!(staticMap!(LightConstOf, Iterators)); | enum ret = "Ret(%(.lightConst(_iterators[%s]),%)]))".format(_iterators.length.iota); | return mixin(ret); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | import std.format; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | import std.meta: staticMap; | alias Ret = ZipIterator!(staticMap!(LightImmutableOf, Iterators)); | enum ret = "Ret(%(.lightImmutable(_iterators[%s]),%)]))".format(_iterators.length.iota); | return mixin(ret); | } | | auto opUnary(string op : "*")() | { return mixin("RefTuple!(_zip_types!Iterators)(" ~ _zip_fronts!Iterators ~ ")"); } | | | auto opUnary(string op : "*")() const | { return mixin("RefTuple!(_zip_types!Iterators)(" ~ _zip_fronts!Iterators ~ ")"); } | | auto opUnary(string op : "*")() immutable | { return mixin("RefTuple!(_zip_types!Iterators)(" ~ _zip_fronts!Iterators ~ ")"); } | | void opUnary(string op)() scope | if (op == "++" || op == "--") | { | foreach (ref _iterator; _iterators) | mixin(op ~ `_iterator;`); | } | | auto opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index) | { return mixin("RefTuple!(_zip_types!Iterators)(" ~ _zip_index!Iterators ~ ")"); } | | auto opIndexAssign(Types...)(RefTuple!(Types) value, ptrdiff_t index) | if (Types.length == Iterators.length) | { | foreach(i, ref val; value.expand) | { | import mir.functional: unref; | _iterators[i][index] = unref(val); | } | return opIndex(index); | } | | void opOpAssign(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) scope | if (op == "+" || op == "-") | { | foreach (ref _iterator; _iterators) | mixin(`_iterator ` ~ op ~ `= index;`); | } | | auto opBinary(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | if (op == "+" || op == "-") | { | auto ret = this; | mixin(`ret ` ~ op ~ `= index;`); | return ret; | } | | ptrdiff_t opBinary(string op : "-")(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { return this._iterators[0] - right._iterators[0]; } | | bool opEquals()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { return this._iterators[0] == right._iterators[0]; } | | ptrdiff_t opCmp()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { | static if (isPointer!(Iterators[0])) | return this._iterators[0] - right._iterators[0]; | else | return this._iterators[0].opCmp(right._iterators[0]); | } | | import std.meta: anySatisfy; | static if (anySatisfy!(hasZeroShiftFieldMember, Iterators)) | /// Defined if at least one of `Iterators` has member `assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift`. | auto assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift() @property | { | import std.meta: staticMap; | alias _fields = _iterators; | return mixin("ZipField!(staticMap!(ZeroShiftField, Iterators))(" ~ applyAssumeZeroShift!Iterators ~ ")"); | } |} | |/// |pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.traits: isIterator; | | double[10] data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; | alias ItA = IotaIterator!int; | alias ItB = double*; | alias ItZ = ZipIterator!(ItA, ItB); | auto zip = ItZ(ItA(3), data.ptr); | assert((*zip).a == 3); | assert((*zip).b == 1); | | // iteration | ++zip; | assert((*zip).a == 3 + 1); | assert((*zip).b == 1 + 1); | assert(&(*zip).b() == data.ptr + 1); | | assert(zip[4].a == 3 + 5); | assert(zip[4].b == 1 + 5); | assert(&zip[4].b() == data.ptr + 5); | | --zip; | assert((*zip).a == 3); | assert((*zip).b == 1); | | assert((*(zip + 2)).a == 3 + 2); | assert((*(zip - 3)).a == 3 + -3); | assert((*(zip + 2)).b == 1 + 2); | assert((*(zip + 3 - 3)).b == 1); | assert((zip - 3).opBinary!"-"(zip) == -3); | | assert(zip == zip); | assert(zip - 1 < zip); | | static assert(isIterator!(ZipIterator!(double*, int*))); | static assert(isIterator!(ZipIterator!(immutable(double)*, immutable(int)*))); |} | |/// |struct CachedIterator(Iterator, CacheIterator, FlagIterator) |{ | /// | Iterator _iterator; | /// | CacheIterator _caches; | /// | FlagIterator _flags; | |@optmath: | | /// | auto lightScope()() scope @property | { | return CachedIterator!(LightScopeOf!Iterator, LightScopeOf!CacheIterator, LightScopeOf!FlagIterator)( | .lightScope(_iterator), | .lightScope(_caches), | .lightScope(_flags), | ); | } | | /// | auto lightScope()() scope const @property | { | return lightConst.lightScope; | } | | /// | auto lightScope()() scope immutable @property | { | return lightImmutable.lightScope; | } | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return CachedIterator!(LightConstOf!Iterator, CacheIterator, FlagIterator)( | .lightConst(_iterator), | *cast(CacheIterator*)&_caches, | *cast(FlagIterator*)&_flags, | ); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property @trusted | { | return CachedIterator!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, CacheIterator, FlagIterator)( | .lightImmutable(_iterator), | *cast(CacheIterator*)&_caches, | *cast(FlagIterator*)&_flags, | ); | } | | private alias T = typeof(Iterator.init[0]); | private alias UT = Unqual!T; | | auto opUnary(string op : "*")() | { | if (_expect(!*_flags, false)) | { | _flags[0] = true; | emplaceRef!T(*cast(UT*)&*_caches, *_iterator); | } | return *_caches; | } | | auto opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index) | { | if (_expect(!_flags[index], false)) | { | _flags[index] = true; | emplaceRef!T(*cast(UT*)&(_caches[index]), _iterator[index]); | } | return _caches[index]; | } | | auto ref opIndexAssign(T)(auto ref T val, ptrdiff_t index) | { | _flags[index] = true; | return _caches[index] = val; | } | | void opUnary(string op)() scope | if (op == "--" || op == "++") | { | mixin(op ~ "_iterator;"); | mixin(op ~ "_caches;"); | mixin(op ~ "_flags;"); | } | | void opOpAssign(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) scope | if (op == "-" || op == "+") | { | mixin("_iterator" ~ op ~ "= index;"); | mixin("_caches" ~ op ~ "= index;"); | mixin("_flags" ~ op ~ "= index;"); | } | | auto opBinary(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | if (op == "+" || op == "-") | { | auto ret = this; | mixin(`ret ` ~ op ~ `= index;`); | return ret; | } | | ptrdiff_t opBinary(string op : "-")(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { return this._iterator - right._iterator; } | | bool opEquals()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { return this._iterator == right._iterator; } | | ptrdiff_t opCmp()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { | static if (isPointer!Iterator) | return this._iterator - right._iterator; | else | return this._iterator.opCmp(right._iterator); | } |} | |private enum map_primitives = q{ | | import mir.functional: RefTuple, unref; | | auto ref opUnary(string op : "*")() | { | static if (is(typeof(*_iterator) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = *_iterator; | return mixin("_fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ ")"); | } | else | return _fun(*_iterator); | } | | auto ref opIndex(ptrdiff_t index) scope | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[0]) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = _iterator[index]; | return mixin("_fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ ")"); | } | else | return _fun(_iterator[index]); | } | | static if (!__traits(compiles, &opIndex(ptrdiff_t.init))) | { | auto ref opIndexAssign(T)(auto ref T value, ptrdiff_t index) scope | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[0]) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = _iterator[index]; | return mixin("_fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ ") = value"); | } | else | return _fun(_iterator[index]) = value; | } | | auto ref opIndexUnary(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[0]) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = _iterator[index]; | return mixin(op ~ "_fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ ")"); | } | else | return mixin(op ~ "_fun(_iterator[index])"); | } | | auto ref opIndexOpAssign(string op, T)(T value, ptrdiff_t index) | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[0]) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = _iterator[index]; | return mixin("_fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ ")" ~ op ~ "= value"); | } | else | return mixin("_fun(_iterator[index])" ~ op ~ "= value"); | } | } |}; | |/++ |`VmapIterator` is used by $(SUBREF topology, map). |+/ |struct VmapIterator(Iterator, Fun) |{ |@optmath: | | /// | Iterator _iterator; | /// | Fun _fun; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return VmapIterator!(LightConstOf!Iterator, LightConstOf!Fun)(.lightConst(_iterator), .lightConst(_fun)); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return VmapIterator!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, LightImmutableOf!Fun)(.lightImmutable(_iterator), .lightImmutable(_fun)); | } | | import mir.functional: RefTuple, unref; | | auto ref opUnary(string op : "*")() | { | static if (is(typeof(*_iterator) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = *_iterator; | return mixin("_fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ ")"); | } | else | return _fun(*_iterator); | } | | auto ref opIndex(ptrdiff_t index) scope | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[0]) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = _iterator[index]; | return mixin("_fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ ")"); | } | else | return _fun(_iterator[index]); | } | | static if (!__traits(compiles, &opIndex(ptrdiff_t.init))) | { | auto ref opIndexAssign(T)(auto ref T value, ptrdiff_t index) scope | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[0]) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = _iterator[index]; | return mixin("_fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ ") = value"); | } | else | return _fun(_iterator[index]) = value; | } | | auto ref opIndexUnary(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[0]) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = _iterator[index]; | return mixin(op ~ "_fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ ")"); | } | else | return mixin(op ~ "_fun(_iterator[index])"); | } | | auto ref opIndexOpAssign(string op, T)(T value, ptrdiff_t index) | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[0]) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = _iterator[index]; | return mixin("_fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ ")" ~ op ~ "= value"); | } | else | return mixin("_fun(_iterator[index])" ~ op ~ "= value"); | } | } | | mixin(std_ops); | | static if (hasZeroShiftFieldMember!Iterator) | /// | auto assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift() @property | { | return _vmapField(_iterator.assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift, _fun); | } |} | |auto MapIterator__map(Iterator, alias fun0, alias fun)(ref MapIterator!(Iterator, fun0) it) |{ | return MapIterator!(Iterator, fun)(it._iterator); |} | |/++ |`MapIterator` is used by $(SUBREF topology, map). |+/ |struct MapIterator(Iterator, alias _fun) |{ |@optmath: | /// | Iterator _iterator; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return MapIterator!(LightConstOf!Iterator, _fun)(.lightConst(_iterator)); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return MapIterator!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, _fun)(.lightImmutable(_iterator)); | } | | import mir.functional: pipe; | /// | static alias __map(alias fun1) = MapIterator__map!(Iterator, _fun, pipe!(_fun, fun1)); | | import mir.functional: RefTuple, unref; | | auto ref opUnary(string op : "*")() | { | static if (is(typeof(*_iterator) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = *_iterator; | return mixin("_fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ ")"); | } | else | return _fun(*_iterator); | } | | auto ref opIndex(ptrdiff_t index) scope | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[0]) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = _iterator[index]; | return mixin("_fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ ")"); | } | else | return _fun(_iterator[index]); | } | | static if (!__traits(compiles, &opIndex(ptrdiff_t.init))) | { | auto ref opIndexAssign(T)(auto ref T value, ptrdiff_t index) scope | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[0]) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = _iterator[index]; | return mixin("_fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ ") = value"); | } | else | return _fun(_iterator[index]) = value; | } | | auto ref opIndexUnary(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[0]) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = _iterator[index]; | return mixin(op ~ "_fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ ")"); | } | else | return mixin(op ~ "_fun(_iterator[index])"); | } | | auto ref opIndexOpAssign(string op, T)(T value, ptrdiff_t index) | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[0]) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = _iterator[index]; | return mixin("_fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ ")" ~ op ~ "= value"); | } | else | return mixin("_fun(_iterator[index])" ~ op ~ "= value"); | } | } | | mixin(std_ops); | | static if (hasZeroShiftFieldMember!Iterator) | /// | auto assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift() @property | { | return _mapField!_fun(_iterator.assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift); | } |} | |/+ |Creates a mapped iterator. Uses `__map` if possible. |+/ |auto _mapIterator(alias fun, Iterator)(Iterator iterator) |{ | import core.lifetime: move; | static if (__traits(hasMember, Iterator, "__map")) | { | static if (is(Iterator : MapIterator!(Iter0, fun0), Iter0, alias fun0) | && !__traits(compiles, Iterator.__map!fun(iterator))) | { | // | debug(mir) pragma(msg, __FUNCTION__~" not coalescing chained map calls into a single lambda, possibly because of multiple embedded context pointers"); | return MapIterator!(Iterator, fun)(move(iterator)); | } | else | return Iterator.__map!fun(iterator); | } | else | return MapIterator!(Iterator, fun)(move(iterator)); |} | | |/+ |Creates a mapped iterator. Uses `__vmap` if possible. |+/ |auto _vmapIterator(Iterator, Fun)(Iterator iterator, Fun fun) |{ | static if (__traits(hasMember, Iterator, "__vmap")) | return Iterator.__vmap(iterator, fun); | else | return MapIterator!(Iterator, fun)(iterator); |} | |@safe pure nothrow @nogc version(mir_test) unittest |{ | // | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota, map; | import mir.functional : pipe; | | static auto foo(T)(T x) | { | return!(a => a + 1); | } | | static auto bar(T)(T x) | { | return foo(x).map!(a => a + 2); | } | | auto data = iota(5); | auto result = iota([5], 3); | | auto x =!(a => a + 1).map!(a => a + 2); | assert(x == result); | | auto y = bar(data); | assert(y == result); |} | |/++ |`NeighboursIterator` is used by $(SUBREF topology, map). |+/ |struct NeighboursIterator(Iterator, size_t N, alias _fun, bool around) |{ | import std.meta: AliasSeq; |@optmath: | /// | Iterator _iterator; | static if (N) | Iterator[2][N] _neighbours; | else alias _neighbours = AliasSeq!(); | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | LightConstOf!Iterator[2][N] neighbours; | foreach (i; 0 .. N) | { | neighbours[i][0] = .lightConst(_neighbours[i][0]); | neighbours[i][1] = .lightConst(_neighbours[i][1]); | } | return NeighboursIterator!(LightConstOf!Iterator, N, _fun, around)(.lightConst(_iterator), neighbours); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | LightImmutableOf!Iterator[2][N] neighbours; | foreach (i; 0 .. N) | { | neighbours[i][0] = .lightImmutable(_neighbours[i][0]); | neighbours[i][1] = .lightImmutable(_neighbours[i][1]); | } | return NeighboursIterator!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, N, _fun, around)(.lightImmutable(_iterator), neighbours); | } | | import mir.functional: RefTuple, _ref; | | private alias RA = Unqual!(typeof(_fun(_iterator[-1], _iterator[+1]))); | private alias Result = RefTuple!(_zip_types!Iterator, RA); | | auto ref opUnary(string op : "*")() | { | return opIndex(0); | } | | auto ref opIndex(ptrdiff_t index) scope | { | static if (around) | RA result = _fun(_iterator[index - 1], _iterator[index + 1]); | | foreach (i; Iota!N) | { | static if (i == 0 && !around) | RA result = _fun(_neighbours[i][0][index], _neighbours[i][1][index]); | else | result = _fun(result, _fun(_neighbours[i][0][index], _neighbours[i][1][index])); | } | static if (__traits(compiles, &_iterator[index])) | return Result(_ref(_iterator[index]), result); | else | return Result(_iterator[index], result); | } | | void opUnary(string op)() scope | if (op == "--" || op == "++") | { | mixin(op ~ "_iterator;"); | foreach (i; Iota!N) | { | mixin(op ~ "_neighbours[i][0];"); | mixin(op ~ "_neighbours[i][1];"); | } | } | | void opOpAssign(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) scope | if (op == "-" || op == "+") | { | | mixin("_iterator " ~ op ~ "= index;"); | foreach (i; Iota!N) | { | mixin("_neighbours[i][0] " ~ op ~ "= index;"); | mixin("_neighbours[i][1] " ~ op ~ "= index;"); | } | } | | auto opBinary(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | if (op == "+" || op == "-") | { | auto ret = this; | mixin(`ret ` ~ op ~ `= index;`); | return ret; | } | | ptrdiff_t opBinary(string op : "-")(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { return this._iterator - right._iterator; } | | bool opEquals()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { return this._iterator == right._iterator; } | | ptrdiff_t opCmp()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { | static if (isPointer!Iterator) | return this._iterator - right._iterator; | else | return this._iterator.opCmp(right._iterator); | } |} | |/++ |`MemberIterator` is used by $(SUBREF topology, member). |+/ |struct MemberIterator(Iterator, string member) |{ |@optmath: | /// | Iterator _iterator; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return MemberIterator!(LightConstOf!Iterator, member)(.lightConst(_iterator)); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return MemberIterator!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, member)(.lightImmutable(_iterator)); | } | | auto ref opUnary(string op : "*")() | { | return __traits(getMember, *_iterator, member); | } | | auto ref opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index) | { | return __traits(getMember, _iterator[index], member); | } | | static if (!__traits(compiles, &opIndex(ptrdiff_t.init))) | { | auto ref opIndexAssign(T)(auto ref T value, ptrdiff_t index) scope | { | return __traits(getMember, _iterator[index], member) = value; | } | | auto ref opIndexUnary(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | { | return mixin(op ~ "__traits(getMember, _iterator[index], member)"); | } | | auto ref opIndexOpAssign(string op, T)(T value, ptrdiff_t index) | { | return mixin("__traits(getMember, _iterator[index], member)" ~ op ~ "= value"); | } | } | | mixin(std_ops); |} | |/++ |`BytegroupIterator` is used by $(SUBREF topology, Bytegroup) and $(SUBREF topology, bytegroup). |+/ |struct BytegroupIterator(Iterator, size_t count, DestinationType) | if (count) |{ |@optmath: | /// | Iterator _iterator; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return BytegroupIterator!(LightConstOf!Iterator, count, DestinationType)(.lightConst(_iterator)); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return BytegroupIterator!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, count, DestinationType)(.lightImmutable(_iterator)); | } | | package(mir) alias Byte = Unqual!(typeof(_iterator[0])); | | version(LittleEndian) | private enum BE = false; | else | private enum BE = true; | | private union U | { | DestinationType value; | static if (DestinationType.sizeof > Byte[count].sizeof && BE && isScalarType!DestinationType) | { | struct | { | ubyte[DestinationType.sizeof - Byte[count].sizeof] shiftPayload; | Byte[count] bytes; | } | } | else | { | Byte[count] bytes; | } | } | | DestinationType opUnary(string op : "*")() | { | U ret = { value: DestinationType.init }; | foreach (i; Iota!count) | ret.bytes[i] = _iterator[i]; | return ret.value; | } | | DestinationType opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index) | { | return *(this + index); | } | | DestinationType opIndexAssign(T)(T val, ptrdiff_t index) scope | { | auto it = this + index; | U ret = { value: val }; | foreach (i; Iota!count) | it._iterator[i] = ret.bytes[i]; | return ret.value; | } | | void opUnary(string op)() scope | if (op == "--" || op == "++") | { mixin("_iterator " ~ op[0] ~ "= count;"); } | | void opOpAssign(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) scope | if (op == "-" || op == "+") | { mixin("_iterator " ~ op ~ "= index * count;"); } | | auto opBinary(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | if (op == "+" || op == "-") | { | auto ret = this; | mixin(`ret ` ~ op ~ `= index;`); | return ret; | } | | ptrdiff_t opBinary(string op : "-")(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { return (this._iterator - right._iterator) / count; } | | bool opEquals()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { return this._iterator == right._iterator; } | | ptrdiff_t opCmp()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { | static if (isPointer!Iterator) | return this._iterator - right._iterator; | else | return this._iterator.opCmp(right._iterator); | } |} | |auto SlideIterator__map(Iterator, size_t params, alias fun0, alias fun)(SlideIterator!(Iterator, params, fun0) it) |{ | return SlideIterator!(Iterator, params, fun)(it._iterator); |} | |/++ |`SlideIterator` is used by $(SUBREF topology, diff) and $(SUBREF topology, slide). |+/ |struct SlideIterator(Iterator, size_t params, alias fun) | if (params > 1) |{ |@optmath: | /// | Iterator _iterator; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return SlideIterator!(LightConstOf!Iterator, params, fun)(.lightConst(_iterator)); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return SlideIterator!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, params, fun)(.lightImmutable(_iterator)); | } | | import mir.functional: pipe; | /// | static alias __map(alias fun1) = SlideIterator__map!(Iterator, params, fun, pipe!(fun, fun1)); | | auto ref opUnary(string op : "*")() | { | return mixin("fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(params, "_iterator[", "], ") ~ ")"); | } | | auto ref opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index) | { | return mixin("fun(" ~ _iotaArgs!(params, "_iterator[index + ", "], ") ~ ")"); | } | | mixin(std_ops); |} | |/// |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | auto data = [1, 3, 8, 18]; | auto diff = SlideIterator!(int*, 2, naryFun!"b - a")(data.ptr); | assert(*diff == 2); | assert(diff[1] == 5); | assert(diff[2] == 10); |} | |auto IndexIterator__map(Iterator, Field, alias fun)(ref IndexIterator!(Iterator, Field) it) |{ | auto field = it._field._mapField!fun; | return IndexIterator!(Iterator, typeof(field))(it._iterator, field); |} | |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology; | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | import mir.ndslice.slice; | auto indices = [4, 3, 1, 2, 0, 4].sliced; | auto v = iota(5).indexed(indices).map!(a => a).slice; | uint r; | auto w = iota(5).indexed(indices).map!(a => a).map!(a => a * r).slice; |} | |/++ |Iterates a field using an iterator. | |`IndexIterator` is used by $(SUBREF topology, indexed). |+/ |struct IndexIterator(Iterator, Field) |{ | import mir.functional: RefTuple, unref; | |@optmath: | /// | Iterator _iterator; | /// | Field _field; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return IndexIterator!(LightConstOf!Iterator, LightConstOf!Field)(.lightConst(_iterator), .lightConst(_field)); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return IndexIterator!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, LightImmutableOf!Field)(.lightImmutable(_iterator), _field.lightImmutable); | } | | /// | static alias __map(alias fun) = IndexIterator__map!(Iterator, Field, fun); | | auto ref opUnary(string op : "*")() | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[0]) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = *_iterator; | return mixin("_field[" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ "]"); | } | else | return _field[*_iterator]; | } | | auto ref opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index) | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[0]) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = _iterator[index]; | return mixin("_field[" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ "]"); | } | else | return _field[_iterator[index]]; | } | | static if (!__traits(compiles, &opIndex(ptrdiff_t.init))) | { | auto ref opIndexAssign(T)(auto ref T value, ptrdiff_t index) scope | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[0]) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = _iterator[index]; | return mixin("_field[" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ "] = value"); | } | else | return _field[_iterator[index]] = value; | } | | auto ref opIndexUnary(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[0]) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = _iterator[index]; | return mixin(op ~ "_field[" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ "]"); | } | else | return mixin(op ~ "_field[_iterator[index]]"); | } | | auto ref opIndexOpAssign(string op, T)(T value, ptrdiff_t index) | { | static if (is(typeof(_iterator[0]) : RefTuple!T, T...)) | { | auto t = _iterator[index]; | return mixin("_field[" ~ _iotaArgs!(T.length, "t.expand[", "].unref, ") ~ "]" ~ op ~ "= value"); | } | else | return mixin("_field[_iterator[index]]" ~ op ~ "= value"); | } | } | | mixin(std_ops); |} | |/++ |Iterates chunks in a sliceable using an iterator composed of indices. | |Definition: |---- |auto index = iterator[i]; |auto elem = sliceable[index[0] .. index[1]]; |---- |+/ |struct SubSliceIterator(Iterator, Sliceable) |{ |@optmath: | /// | Iterator _iterator; | /// | Sliceable _sliceable; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return SubSliceIterator!(LightConstOf!Iterator, LightConstOf!Sliceable)(.lightConst(_iterator), _sliceable.lightConst); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return SubSliceIterator!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, LightImmutableOf!Sliceable)(.lightImmutable(_iterator), _sliceable.lightImmutable); | } | | auto ref opUnary(string op : "*")() | { | auto i = *_iterator; | return _sliceable[i[0] .. i[1]]; | } | | auto ref opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index) | { | auto i = _iterator[index]; | return _sliceable[i[0] .. i[1]]; | } | | mixin(std_ops); |} | |/++ |Iterates chunks in a sliceable using an iterator composed of indices stored consequently. | |Definition: |---- |auto elem = _sliceable[_iterator[index] .. _iterator[index + 1]]; |---- |+/ |struct ChopIterator(Iterator, Sliceable) |{ |@optmath: | /// | Iterator _iterator; | /// | Sliceable _sliceable; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return ChopIterator!(LightConstOf!Iterator, LightConstOf!Sliceable)(.lightConst(_iterator), _sliceable.lightConst); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return ChopIterator!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, LightImmutableOf!Sliceable)(.lightImmutable(_iterator), _sliceable.lightImmutable); | } | | auto ref opUnary(string op : "*")() | { | return _sliceable[*_iterator .. _iterator[1]]; | } | | auto ref opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index) | { | return _sliceable[_iterator[index] .. _iterator[index + 1]]; | } | | mixin(std_ops); |} | |/++ |Iterates on top of another iterator and returns a slice |as a multidimensional window at the current position. | |`SliceIterator` is used by $(SUBREF topology, map) for packed slices. |+/ |struct SliceIterator(Iterator, size_t N = 1, SliceKind kind = Contiguous) |{ |@optmath: | /// | alias Element = Slice!(Iterator, N, kind); | /// | Element._Structure _structure; | /// | Iterator _iterator; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return SliceIterator!(LightConstOf!Iterator, N, kind)(_structure, .lightConst(_iterator)); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return SliceIterator!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, N, kind)(_structure, .lightImmutable(_iterator)); | } | | auto opUnary(string op : "*")() | { | return Element(_structure, _iterator); | } | | auto opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index) | { | return Element(_structure, _iterator + index); | } | | mixin(std_ops); |} | |public auto FieldIterator__map(Field, alias fun)(FieldIterator!(Field) it) |{ | import mir.ndslice.field: _mapField; | auto field = it._field._mapField!fun; | return FieldIterator!(typeof(field))(it._index, field); |} | |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology; | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | auto v = ndiota(3, 3).map!(a => a).slice; | uint r; | auto w = ndiota(3, 3).map!(a => a).map!(a => a[0] * r).slice; |} | |/++ |Creates an iterator on top of a field. | |`FieldIterator` is used by $(SUBREF slice, slicedField), $(SUBREF topology, bitwise), $(SUBREF topology, ndiota), and others. |+/ |struct FieldIterator(Field) |{ |@optmath: | /// | ptrdiff_t _index; | /// | Field _field; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { 0000000| return FieldIterator!(LightConstOf!Field)(_index, .lightConst(_field)); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return FieldIterator!(LightImmutableOf!Field)(_index, .lightImmutable(_field)); | } | | /// | static alias __map(alias fun) = FieldIterator__map!(Field, fun); | | /// | Slice!(IotaIterator!size_t) opSlice(size_t dimension)(size_t i, size_t j) scope const | { | assert(i <= j); | return typeof(return)(j - i, typeof(return).Iterator(i)); | } | | /++ | Returns: | `_field[_index + sl.i .. _index + sl.j]`. | +/ | auto opIndex()(Slice!(IotaIterator!size_t) sl) | { | auto idx = _index + sl._iterator._index; | return _field[idx .. idx + sl.length]; | } | | auto ref opUnary(string op : "*")() 0000000| { return _field[_index]; } | | void opUnary(string op)() scope | if (op == "++" || op == "--") | { mixin(op ~ `_index;`); } | | auto ref opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index) 0000000| { return _field[_index + index]; } | | static if (!__traits(compiles, &_field[_index])) | { | auto ref opIndexAssign(T)(auto ref T value, ptrdiff_t index) | { return _field[_index + index] = value; } | | auto ref opIndexUnary(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | { mixin (`return ` ~ op ~ `_field[_index + index];`); } | | auto ref opIndexOpAssign(string op, T)(T value, ptrdiff_t index) | { mixin (`return _field[_index + index] ` ~ op ~ `= value;`); } | } | | void opOpAssign(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) scope | if (op == "+" || op == "-") | { mixin(`_index ` ~ op ~ `= index;`); } | | auto opBinary(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | if (op == "+" || op == "-") | { | auto ret = this; | mixin(`ret ` ~ op ~ `= index;`); | return ret; | } | | ptrdiff_t opBinary(string op : "-")(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { return this._index - right._index; } | | bool opEquals()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const 0000000| { return this._index == right._index; } | | ptrdiff_t opCmp()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const 0000000| { return this._index - right._index; } | | /// | auto assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift() @property | { 0000000| if (_expect(_index != 0, false)) | { | version (D_Exceptions) 0000000| throw assumeZeroShiftException; | else | assert(0, assumeZeroShiftExceptionMsg); | } | static if (hasZeroShiftFieldMember!Field) | return _field.assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift; | else 0000000| return _field; | } |} | |auto FlattenedIterator__map(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind, alias fun)(FlattenedIterator!(Iterator, N, kind) it) |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: map; | auto slice =!fun; | return FlattenedIterator!(TemplateArgsOf!(typeof(slice)))(it._indices, slice); |} | |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology; | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | auto v = iota(3, 3)!(a => a).slice; | uint r; | auto w = iota(3, 3)!(a => a).map!(a => a * r).slice; |} | |/++ |Creates an iterator on top of all elements in a slice. | |`FieldIterator` is used by $(SUBREF topology, bitwise), $(SUBREF topology, ndiota), and others. |+/ |struct FlattenedIterator(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind) | if (N > 1 && (kind == Universal || kind == Canonical)) |{ |@optmath: | /// | ptrdiff_t[N] _indices; | /// | Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) _slice; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return FlattenedIterator!(LightConstOf!Iterator, N, kind)(_indices, _slice.lightConst); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return FlattenedIterator!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, N, kind)(_indices, _slice.lightImmutable); | } | | /// | static alias __map(alias fun) = FlattenedIterator__map!(Iterator, N, kind, fun); | | private ptrdiff_t getShift()(ptrdiff_t n) | { | ptrdiff_t _shift; | n += _indices[$ - 1]; | foreach_reverse (i; Iota!(1, N)) | { | immutable v = n / ptrdiff_t(_slice._lengths[i]); | n %= ptrdiff_t(_slice._lengths[i]); | static if (i == _slice.S) | _shift += (n - _indices[i]); | else | _shift += (n - _indices[i]) * _slice._strides[i]; | n = _indices[i - 1] + v; | } | _shift += (n - _indices[0]) * _slice._strides[0]; | return _shift; | } | | auto ref opUnary(string op : "*")() | { | return *_slice._iterator; | } | | void opUnary(string op)() scope | if (op == "--" || op == "++") | { | foreach_reverse (i; Iota!N) | { | static if (i == _slice.S) | mixin(op ~ `_slice._iterator;`); | else | mixin(`_slice._iterator ` ~ op[0] ~ `= _slice._strides[i];`); | mixin (op ~ `_indices[i];`); | static if (i) | { | static if (op == "++") | { | if (_indices[i] < _slice._lengths[i]) | return; | static if (i == _slice.S) | _slice._iterator -= _slice._lengths[i]; | else | _slice._iterator -= _slice._lengths[i] * _slice._strides[i]; | _indices[i] = 0; | } | else | { | if (_indices[i] >= 0) | return; | static if (i == _slice.S) | _slice._iterator += _slice._lengths[i]; | else | _slice._iterator += _slice._lengths[i] * _slice._strides[i]; | _indices[i] = _slice._lengths[i] - 1; | } | } | } | } | | auto ref opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index) | { | return _slice._iterator[getShift(index)]; | } | | static if (isMutable!(_slice.DeepElement) && !_slice.hasAccessByRef) | /// | auto ref opIndexAssign(E)(scope ref E elem, size_t index) scope return | { | return _slice._iterator[getShift(index)] = elem; | } | | void opOpAssign(string op : "+")(ptrdiff_t n) scope | { | ptrdiff_t _shift; | n += _indices[$ - 1]; | foreach_reverse (i; Iota!(1, N)) | { | immutable v = n / ptrdiff_t(_slice._lengths[i]); | n %= ptrdiff_t(_slice._lengths[i]); | static if (i == _slice.S) | _shift += (n - _indices[i]); | else | _shift += (n - _indices[i]) * _slice._strides[i]; | _indices[i] = n; | n = _indices[i - 1] + v; | } | _shift += (n - _indices[0]) * _slice._strides[0]; | _indices[0] = n; | foreach_reverse (i; Iota!(1, N)) | { | if (_indices[i] >= 0) | break; | _indices[i] += _slice._lengths[i]; | _indices[i - 1]--; | } | _slice._iterator += _shift; | } | | void opOpAssign(string op : "-")(ptrdiff_t n) scope | { this += -n; } | | auto opBinary(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | if (op == "+" || op == "-") | { | auto ret = this; | mixin(`ret ` ~ op ~ `= index;`); | return ret; | } | | ptrdiff_t opBinary(string op : "-")(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { | ptrdiff_t ret = this._indices[0] - right._indices[0]; | foreach (i; Iota!(1, N)) | { | ret *= _slice._lengths[i]; | ret += this._indices[i] - right._indices[i]; | } | return ret; | } | | bool opEquals()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { | foreach_reverse (i; Iota!N) | if (this._indices[i] != right._indices[i]) | return false; | return true; | } | | ptrdiff_t opCmp()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { | foreach (i; Iota!(N - 1)) | if (auto ret = this._indices[i] - right._indices[i]) | return ret; | return this._indices[$ - 1] - right._indices[$ - 1]; | } |} | |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology; | import mir.ndslice.slice; | | auto it0 = iota(3, 4).universal.flattened._iterator; | auto it1 = it0; | assert(it0 == it1); | it0 += 5; | assert(it0 > it1); | it0 -= 5; | assert(*it0 == *it1); | assert(it0 == it1); | it0 += 5; | it0 += 7; | it0 -= 9; | assert(it0 > it1); | it1 += 3; | assert(*it0 == *it1); | assert(it0 == it1); | assert(it0 <= it1); | assert(it0 >= it1); | | ++it0; | ++it0; | ++it0; | ++it0; | ++it0; | ++it0; | ++it0; | ++it0; | ++it0; | | assert(it0 - it1 == 9); | assert(it1 - it0 == -9); | | ++it0; | | assert(it0 - it1 == 10); | assert(it1 - it0 == -10); | | --it0; | | assert(it0 - it1 == 9); | assert(it1 - it0 == -9); | assert(it0[-9] == *it1); | assert(*it0 == it1[9]); | | --it0; | --it0; | --it0; | --it0; | --it0; | --it0; | --it0; | --it0; | --it0; | assert(*it0 == *it1); | assert(it0 == it1); | assert(it0 <= it1); | assert(it0 >= it1); |} | |/++ |`StairsIterator` is used by $(SUBREF topology, stairs). |+/ |struct StairsIterator(Iterator, string direction) | if (direction == "+" || direction == "-") |{ | /// | size_t _length; | | /// | Iterator _iterator; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return StairsIterator!(LightConstOf!Iterator, direction)(_length, .lightConst(_iterator)); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return StairsIterator!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, direction)(_length, .lightImmutable(_iterator)); | } | |@optmath: | | /// | Slice!Iterator opUnary(string op : "*")() | { | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | return _iterator.sliced(_length); | } | | /// | Slice!Iterator opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index) | { | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | static if (direction == "+") | { | auto newLength = _length + index; | auto shift = ptrdiff_t(_length + newLength - 1) * index / 2; | } | else | { | auto newLength = _length - index; | auto shift = ptrdiff_t(_length + newLength + 1) * index / 2; | } | assert(ptrdiff_t(newLength) >= 0); | return (_iterator + shift).sliced(newLength); | } | | void opUnary(string op)() scope | if (op == "--" || op == "++") | { | static if (op == "++") | { | _iterator += _length; | static if (direction == "+") | ++_length; | else | --_length; | } | else | { | assert(_length); | static if (direction == "+") | --_length; | else | ++_length; | _iterator -= _length; | } | } | | void opOpAssign(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) scope | if (op == "-" || op == "+") | { | static if (op == direction) | auto newLength = _length + index; | else | auto newLength = _length - index; | static if (direction == "+") | auto shift = ptrdiff_t(_length + newLength - 1) * index / 2; | else | auto shift = ptrdiff_t(_length + newLength + 1) * index / 2; | assert(ptrdiff_t(newLength) >= 0); | _length = newLength; | static if (op == "+") | _iterator += shift; | else | _iterator -= shift; | } | | auto opBinary(string op)(ptrdiff_t index) | if (op == "+" || op == "-") | { | auto ret = this; | mixin(`ret ` ~ op ~ `= index;`); | return ret; | } | | ptrdiff_t opBinary(string op : "-")(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { | static if (direction == "+") | return this._length - right._length; | else | return right._length - this._length; | } | | bool opEquals()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { return this._length == right._length; } | | ptrdiff_t opCmp()(scope ref const typeof(this) right) scope const | { return this - right; } |} | |/// |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | // 0 | // 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | // 6 7 8 9 | // 10 11 12 13 14 | auto it = StairsIterator!(IotaIterator!size_t, "+")(1, IotaIterator!size_t()); | assert(*it == [0]); | assert(it[4] == [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]); | assert(*(it + 4) == [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]); | ++it; | assert(*it == [1, 2]); | it += 3; | assert(*it == [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]); | assert(it[-3] == [1, 2]); | assert(*(it - 3) == [1, 2]); | assert(it + 1 > it); | assert(it + 1 - 1 == it); | assert(it - 3 - it == -3); | --it; | assert(*it == [6, 7, 8, 9]); |} | |/// |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], | // [5, 6, 7, 8], | // [9, 10, 11], | // [12, 13], | // [14]]); | | auto it = StairsIterator!(IotaIterator!size_t, "-")(5, IotaIterator!size_t()); | assert(*it == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]); | assert(it[4] == [14]); | assert(*(it + 4) == [14]); | ++it; | assert(*it == [5, 6, 7, 8]); | it += 3; | assert(*it == [14]); | assert(it[-3] == [5, 6, 7, 8]); | assert(*(it - 3) == [5, 6, 7, 8]); | assert(it + 1 > it); | assert(it + 1 - 1 == it); | assert(it - 3 - it == -3); | --it; | assert(*it == [12, 13]); |} | |/++ |Element type of $(LREF TripletIterator). |+/ |struct Triplet(Iterator, SliceKind kind = Contiguous) |{ |@optmath: | /// | size_t _iterator; | /// | Slice!(Iterator, 1, kind) _slice; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return Triplet!(LightConstOf!Iterator, kind)(_iterator, slice.lightConst); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return Triplet!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, kind)(_iterator, slice.lightImmutable); | } | | @property | { | /// | auto ref center() | { | assert(_iterator < _slice.length); | return _slice[_iterator]; | } | | /// | Slice!(Iterator, 1, kind) left() | { | assert(_iterator < _slice.length); | return _slice[0 .. _iterator]; | } | | /// | Slice!(Iterator, 1, kind) right() | { | assert(_iterator < _slice.length); | return _slice[_iterator + 1 .. $]; | } | } |} | |/++ |Iterates triplets position in a slice. | |`TripletIterator` is used by $(SUBREF topology, triplets). |+/ |struct TripletIterator(Iterator, SliceKind kind = Contiguous) |{ |@optmath: | | /// | size_t _iterator; | /// | Slice!(Iterator, 1, kind) _slice; | | /// | auto lightConst()() const @property | { | return TripletIterator!(LightConstOf!Iterator, kind)(_iterator, _slice.lightConst); | } | | /// | auto lightImmutable()() immutable @property | { | return TripletIterator!(LightImmutableOf!Iterator, kind)(_iterator, _slice.lightImmutable); | } | | /// | Triplet!(Iterator, kind) opUnary(string op : "*")() | { | return typeof(return)(_iterator, _slice); | } | | /// | Triplet!(Iterator, kind) opIndex()(ptrdiff_t index) | { | return typeof(return)(_iterator + index, _slice); | } | | mixin(std_ops); |} ../../../.dub/packages/mir-algorithm-3.10.60/mir-algorithm/source/mir/ndslice/iterator.d is 0% covered <<<<<< EOF # path=./..-..-..-.dub-packages-mir-random-2.2.17-mir-random-source-mir-random-engine-package.lst |/++ |$(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;) |Uniform random engines. | |$(B Sections:) | $(LINK2 #Convenience, Convenience) |• $(LINK2 #Entropy, Entropy) |• $(LINK2 #ThreadLocal, Thread-Local) |• $(LINK2 #Traits, Traits) |• $(LINK2 #CInterface, C Interface) | |$(BOOKTABLE | |$(LEADINGROW Convenience) |$(TR | $(RROW Random, Default random number _engine)) | $(RROW rne, Per-thread uniquely-seeded instance of default `Random`. Requires $(LINK2, TLS).) | |$(LEADINGROW Entropy) |$(TR | $(RROW unpredictableSeed, Seed of `size_t` using system entropy. May use `unpredictableSeed!UIntType` for unsigned integers of different sizes.) | $(RROW genRandomNonBlocking, Fills a buffer with system entropy, returning number of bytes copied or negative number on error) | $(RROW genRandomBlocking, Fills a buffer with system entropy, possibly waiting if the system believes it has insufficient entropy. Returns 0 on success.)) | |$(LEADINGROW Thread-Local (when $(LINK2, TLS) enabled)) |$(TR | $(TR $(TDNW $(LREF threadLocal)`!(Engine)`) $(TD Per-thread uniquely-seeded instance of any specified `Engine`. Requires $(LINK2, TLS).)) | $(TR $(TDNW $(LREF threadLocalPtr)`!(Engine)`) $(TD `@safe` pointer to `threadLocal!Engine`. Always initializes before return. $(I Warning: do not share between threads!))) | $(TR $(TDNW $(LREF threadLocalInitialized)`!(Engine)`) $(TD Explicitly manipulate "is seeded" flag for thread-local instance. Not needed by most library users.)) | $(TR $(TDNW $(LREF setThreadLocalSeed)`!(Engine, A...)`) $(TD Initialize thread-local `Engine` with a known seed rather than a random seed.)) | ) | |$(LEADINGROW Traits) |$(TR | $(RROW EngineReturnType, Get return type of random number _engine's `opCall()`) | $(RROW isRandomEngine, Check if is random number _engine) | $(RROW isSaturatedRandomEngine, Check if random number _engine `G` such that `G.max == EngineReturnType!(G).max`) | $(RROW preferHighBits, Are the high bits of the _engine's output known to have better statistical properties than the low bits?)) | |$(LEADINGROW C Interface) | $(RROW mir_random_engine_ctor, Perform any necessary setup. Automatically called by DRuntime.) | $(RROW mir_random_engine_dtor, Release any resources. Automatically called by DRuntime.) | $(RROW mir_random_genRandomNonBlocking, External name for $(LREF genRandomNonBlocking)) | $(RROW mir_random_genRandomBlocking, External name for $(LREF genRandomBlocking)) |) | |Copyright: Ilya Yaroshenko 2016-. |License: $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0). |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko | |Macros: | T2=$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1)) $(TD $+)) | RROW = $(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1)) $(TD $+)) |+/ |module mir.random.engine; | |version (OSX) | version = Darwin; |else version (iOS) | version = Darwin; |else version (TVOS) | version = Darwin; |else version (WatchOS) | version = Darwin; | |// A secure arc4random implementation that uses some modern algorithm rather |// than ARC4 may be used synonymously with non-blocking system entropy. |version (CRuntime_Bionic) | version = SecureARC4Random; // ChaCha20 |version (Darwin) | version = SecureARC4Random; // AES |version (OpenBSD) | version = SecureARC4Random; // ChaCha20 |version (NetBSD) | version = SecureARC4Random; // ChaCha20 | |// A legacy arc4random should not be used when cryptographic security |// is required but may used for `unpredictableSeed`. |version (CRuntime_UClibc) | version = LegacyARC4Random; // ARC4 |version (FreeBSD) | version = LegacyARC4Random; // ARC4 |version (DragonFlyBSD) | version = LegacyARC4Random; // ARC4 |version (BSD) | version = LegacyARC4Random; // Unknown implementation | |version (SecureARC4Random) | version = AnyARC4Random; |version (LegacyARC4Random) | version = AnyARC4Random; | |version (D_betterC) | private enum bool THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_AVAILABLE = false; |else | private enum bool THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_AVAILABLE = __traits(compiles, { static size_t x = 0; }); | |import std.traits; | |import mir.random.engine.mersenne_twister; | |/++ |Like `std.traits.ReturnType!T` but it works even if |T.opCall is a function template. |+/ |template EngineReturnType(T) |{ | import std.traits : ReturnType; | static if (is(ReturnType!T)) | alias EngineReturnType = ReturnType!T; | else | alias EngineReturnType = typeof(T.init()); |} | |/++ |Test if T is a random engine. |A type should define `enum isRandomEngine = true;` to be a random engine. |+/ |template isRandomEngine(T) |{ | static if (is(typeof(T.isRandomEngine) : bool) && is(typeof(T.init()))) | { | private alias R = typeof(T.init()); | static if (T.isRandomEngine && isUnsigned!R) | enum isRandomEngine = is(typeof({ | enum max = T.max; | static assert(is(typeof(T.max) == R)); | })); | else enum isRandomEngine = false; | } | else enum isRandomEngine = false; |} | |/++ |Test if T is a saturated random-bit generator. |A random number generator is saturated if `T.max == ReturnType!T.max`. |A type should define `enum isRandomEngine = true;` to be a random engine. |+/ |template isSaturatedRandomEngine(T) |{ | static if (isRandomEngine!T) | enum isSaturatedRandomEngine = T.max == EngineReturnType!T.max; | else | enum isSaturatedRandomEngine = false; |} | |/++ |Are the high bits of the engine's output known to have |better statistical properties than the low bits of the |output? This property is set by checking the value of |an optional enum named `preferHighBits`. If the property |is missing it is treated as false. | |This should be specified as true for: |
  • linear congruential generators with power-of-2 modulus
  • |
  • xorshift+ family
  • |
  • xorshift* family
  • |
  • in principle any generator whose final operation is something like |multiplication or addition in which the high bits depend on the low bits |but the low bits are unaffected by the high bits.
  • |
|+/ |template preferHighBits(G) | if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!G) |{ | static if (__traits(compiles, { enum bool e = G.preferHighBits; })) | private enum bool preferHighBits = G.preferHighBits; | else | private enum bool preferHighBits = false; |} | |/* | * Marker indicating it's safe to construct from void | * (i.e. the constructor doesn't depend on the struct | * being in an initially valid state). | * Either checks an explicit flag `_isVoidInitOkay` | * or tests to make sure that the structure contains | * nothing that looks like a pointer or an index into | * an array. Also ensures that there is not an elaborate | * destructor since it could be called when the struct | * is in an invalid state. | * Non-public because we don't want to commit to this | * design. | */ |package template _isVoidInitOkay(G) if (isRandomEngine!G && is(G == struct)) |{ | static if (is(typeof(G._isVoidInitOkay) : bool)) | enum bool _isVoidInitOkay = G._isVoidInitOkay; | else static if (!hasNested!G && !hasElaborateDestructor!G) | { | import std.meta : allSatisfy; | static if (allSatisfy!(isScalarType, FieldTypeTuple!G)) | //All members are scalars. | enum bool _isVoidInitOkay = true; | else static if (FieldTypeTuple!(G).length == 1 && isStaticArray!(FieldTypeTuple!(G)[0])) | //Only has one member which is a static array of scalars. | enum bool _isVoidInitOkay = isScalarType!(typeof(FieldTypeTuple!(G)[0].init[0])); | else | enum bool _isVoidInitOkay = false; | } | else | enum bool _isVoidInitOkay = false; |} |@nogc nothrow pure @safe version(mir_random_test) |{ | import mir.random.engine.mersenne_twister: Mt19937, Mt19937_64; | //Ensure that this property is set for the Mersenne Twister, | //whose internal state is huge enough for this to potentially | //matter: | static assert(_isVoidInitOkay!Mt19937); | static assert(_isVoidInitOkay!Mt19937_64); | //Check that the property is set for a moderately-sized PRNG. | import mir.random.engine.xorshift: Xorshift1024StarPhi; | static assert(_isVoidInitOkay!Xorshift1024StarPhi); | //Check that PRNGs not explicitly marked as void-init safe | //can be inferred as such if they only have scalar fields. | import mir.random.engine.pcg: pcg32, pcg32_oneseq; | import mir.random.engine.splitmix: SplitMix64; | static assert(_isVoidInitOkay!pcg32); | static assert(_isVoidInitOkay!pcg32_oneseq); | static assert(_isVoidInitOkay!SplitMix64); | //Check that PRNGs not explicitly marked as void-init safe | //can be inferred as such if their only field is a static | //array of scalars. | import mir.random.engine.xorshift: Xorshift128, Xoroshiro128Plus; | static assert(_isVoidInitOkay!Xorshift128); | static assert(_isVoidInitOkay!Xoroshiro128Plus); |} | |version (D_Ddoc) |{ | /++ | A "good" seed for initializing random number engines. Initializing | with $(D_PARAM unpredictableSeed) makes engines generate different | random number sequences every run. | | Returns: | A single unsigned integer seed value, different on each successive call | +/ | pragma(inline, true) | @property size_t unpredictableSeed() @trusted nothrow @nogc | { | return unpredictableSeed!size_t; | } |} | |/// ditto |pragma(inline, true) |@property T unpredictableSeed(T = size_t)() @trusted nothrow @nogc | if (isUnsigned!T) |{ | import mir.utility: _expect; 0000000| T seed = void; | version (AnyARC4Random) | { | // If we just need 32 bits it's faster to call arc4random() | // than arc4random_buf(&seed, seed.sizeof). | static if (T.sizeof <= uint.sizeof) | seed = cast(T) arc4random(); | else | arc4random_buf(&seed, seed.sizeof); | } 0000000| else if (_expect(genRandomNonBlocking(&seed, seed.sizeof) != T.sizeof, false)) | { | // fallback to old time/thread-based implementation in case of errors 0000000| seed = cast(T) fallbackSeed(); | } 0000000| return seed; |} | |// Old name of `unpredictableSeedOf!T`. Undocumented but |// defined so existing code using mir.random won't break. |deprecated("Use unpredictableSeed!T instead of unpredictableSeedOf!T") |public alias unpredictableSeedOf(T) = unpredictableSeed!T; | |version (mir_random_test) @nogc nothrow @safe unittest |{ | // Check unpredictableSeed syntax works with or without parentheses. | auto a = unpredictableSeed; | auto b = unpredictableSeed!uint; | auto c = unpredictableSeed!ulong; | static assert(is(typeof(a) == size_t)); | static assert(is(typeof(b) == uint)); | static assert(is(typeof(c) == ulong)); | | auto d = unpredictableSeed(); | auto f = unpredictableSeed!uint(); | auto g = unpredictableSeed!ulong(); | static assert(is(typeof(d) == size_t)); | static assert(is(typeof(f) == uint)); | static assert(is(typeof(g) == ulong)); |} | |// Is llvm_readcyclecounter supported on this platform? |// We need to whitelist platforms where it is known to work because if it |// isn't supported it will compile but always return 0. |// |version(LDC) |{ | // The only architectures the documentation says are supported are | // x86 and Alpha. x86 uses RDTSC and Alpha uses RPCC. | version(X86_64) version = LLVMReadCycleCounter; | // Do *not* support 32-bit x86 because some x86 processors don't | // support `rdtsc` and because on x86 (but not x86-64) Linux | // `prctl` can disable a process's ability to use `rdtsc`. | else version(Alpha) version = LLVMReadCycleCounter; |} | | |pragma(inline, false) |private ulong fallbackSeed()() |{ | // fallback to old time/thread-based implementation in case of errors | version(LLVMReadCycleCounter) | { | import ldc.intrinsics : llvm_readcyclecounter; 0000000| ulong ticks = llvm_readcyclecounter(); | } | else version(D_InlineAsm_X86_64) | { | // RDTSC takes around 22 clock cycles. | ulong ticks = void; | asm @nogc nothrow | { | rdtsc; | shl RDX, 32; | xor RDX, RAX; | mov ticks, RDX; | } | } | //else version(D_InlineAsm_X86) | //{ | // // We don't use `rdtsc` with version(D_InlineAsm_X86) because | // // some x86 processors don't support `rdtsc` and because on | // // x86 (but not x86-64) Linux `prctl` can disable a process's | // // ability to use `rdtsc`. | // static assert(0); | //} | else version(Windows) | { | import : QueryPerformanceCounter; | ulong ticks = void; | QueryPerformanceCounter(cast(long*)&ticks); | } | else version(Darwin) | { | import core.time : mach_absolute_time; | ulong ticks = mach_absolute_time(); | } | else version(Posix) | { | import core.sys.posix.time : clock_gettime, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, timespec; | timespec ts = void; | const tserr = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); | // Should never fail. Only allowed arror codes are | // EINVAL if the 1st argument is an invalid clock ID and | // EFAULT if the 2nd argument is an invalid address. | assert(tserr == 0, "Call to clock_gettime failed."); | ulong ticks = (cast(ulong) ts.tv_sec << 32) ^ ts.tv_nsec; | } | version(Posix) | { | import core.sys.posix.unistd : getpid; | import core.sys.posix.pthread : pthread_self; 0000000| auto pid = cast(uint) getpid; 0000000| auto tid = cast(uint) pthread_self(); | } | else | version(Windows) | { | import : GetCurrentProcessId, GetCurrentThreadId; | auto pid = cast(uint) GetCurrentProcessId; | auto tid = cast(uint) GetCurrentThreadId; | } 0000000| ulong k = ((cast(ulong)pid << 32) ^ tid) + ticks; 0000000| k ^= k >> 33; 0000000| k *= 0xff51afd7ed558ccd; 0000000| k ^= k >> 33; 0000000| k *= 0xc4ceb9fe1a85ec53; 0000000| k ^= k >> 33; 0000000| return k; |} | |/// |@safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | auto rnd = Random(unpredictableSeed); | auto n = rnd(); | static assert(is(typeof(n) == size_t)); |} | |/++ |The "default", "favorite", "suggested" random number generator type on |the current platform. It is an alias for one of the |generators. You may want to use it if (1) you need to generate some |nice random numbers, and (2) you don't care for the minutiae of the |method being used. |+/ |static if (is(size_t == uint)) | alias Random = Mt19937; |else | alias Random = Mt19937_64; | |/// |version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | import std.traits; | static assert(isSaturatedRandomEngine!Random); | static assert(is(EngineReturnType!Random == size_t)); |} | |static if (THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_AVAILABLE) |{ | /++ | Thread-local instance of the default $(LREF Random) allocated and seeded independently | for each thread. Requires $(LINK2, TLS). | +/ | alias rne = threadLocal!Random; | /// | @nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest | { | import mir.random; | import std.complex; | | auto c = complex(rne.rand!real, rne.rand!real); | | int[10] array; | foreach (ref e; array) | e = rne.rand!int; | auto picked = array[rne.randIndex(array.length)]; | } | | private static struct TL(Engine) | if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!Engine && is(Engine == struct)) | { | static bool initialized; | static if (_isVoidInitOkay!Engine) | static Engine engine = void; | else static if (__traits(compiles, { Engine defaultConstructed; })) | static Engine engine; | else | static Engine engine = Engine.init; | | static if (is(ucent) && is(typeof((ucent t) => Engine(t)))) | alias seed_t = ucent; | else static if (is(typeof((ulong t) => Engine(t)))) | alias seed_t = ulong; | else static if (is(typeof((uint t) => Engine(t)))) | alias seed_t = uint; | else | alias seed_t = EngineReturnType!Engine; | | pragma(inline, false) // Usually called only once per thread. | private static void reseed() | { 0000000| engine.__ctor(unpredictableSeed!(seed_t)); 0000000| initialized = true; | } | } | /++ | `threadLocal!Engine` returns a reference to a thread-local instance of | the specified random number generator allocated and seeded uniquely | for each thread. Requires $(LINK2, TLS). | | `threadLocalPtr!Engine` is a pointer to the area of thread-local | storage used by `threadLocal!Engine`. This function is provided because | the compiler can infer it is `@safe`, unlike `&(threadLocal!Engine)`. | Like `threadLocal!Engine` this function will auto-initialize the engine. | $(I Do not share pointers returned by threadLocalPtr between | threads!) | | `threadLocalInitialized!Engine` is a low-level way to explicitly change | the "initialized" flag used by `threadLocal!Engine` to determine whether | the Engine needs to be seeded. Setting this to `false` gives a way of | forcing the next call to `threadLocal!Engine` to reseed. In general this | is unnecessary but there are some specialized use cases where users have | requested this ability. | +/ | @property ref Engine threadLocal(Engine)() | if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!Engine && is(Engine == struct)) | { | version (DigitalMars) | pragma(inline);//DMD may fail to inline this. | else | pragma(inline, true); | import mir.utility: _expect; 0000000| if (_expect(!TL!Engine.initialized, false)) | { 0000000| TL!Engine.reseed(); | } 0000000| return TL!Engine.engine; | } | /// ditto | @property Engine* threadLocalPtr(Engine)() | if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!Engine && is(Engine == struct)) | { | version (DigitalMars) | pragma(inline);//DMD may fail to inline this. | else | pragma(inline, true); | import mir.utility: _expect; | if (_expect(!TL!Engine.initialized, false)) | { | TL!Engine.reseed(); | } | return &TL!Engine.engine; | } | /// ditto | @property ref bool threadLocalInitialized(Engine)() | if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!Engine && is(Engine == struct)) | { | version (DigitalMars) | pragma(inline);//DMD may fail to inline this. | else | pragma(inline, true); | return TL!Engine.initialized; | } | /// | @nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest | { | import mir.random; | import mir.random.engine.xorshift; | | alias gen = threadLocal!Xorshift1024StarPhi; | double x = gen.rand!double; | size_t i = gen.randIndex(100u); | ulong a = gen.rand!ulong; | } | /// | @nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest | { | import mir.random; | //If you need a pointer to the engine, getting it like this is @safe: | Random* ptr = threadLocalPtr!Random; | } | /// | @nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest | { | import mir.random; | import mir.random.engine.xorshift; | //If you need to mark the engine as uninitialized to force a reseed, | //you can do it like this: | threadLocalInitialized!Xorshift1024StarPhi = false; | } | /// | @nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest | { | import mir.random; | import mir.random.engine.mersenne_twister; | //You can mark the engine as already initialized to skip | //automatic seeding then initialize it yourself, for instance | //if you want to use a known seed rather than a random one. | threadLocalInitialized!Mt19937 = true; | immutable uint[4] customSeed = [0x123, 0x234, 0x345, 0x456]; | threadLocal!Mt19937.__ctor(customSeed); | foreach(_; 0..999) | threadLocal!Mt19937.rand!uint; | assert(3460025646u == threadLocal!Mt19937.rand!uint); | } | /// | @nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest | { | import mir.random; | import mir.random.engine.xorshift; | | alias gen = threadLocal!Xorshift1024StarPhi; | | //If you want to you can call the generator's opCall instead of using | //rand!T but it is somewhat clunky because of the ambiguity of | //@property syntax: () looks like optional function parentheses. | static assert(!__traits(compiles, {ulong x0 = gen();}));//<-- Won't work | static assert(is(typeof(gen()) == Xorshift1024StarPhi));//<-- because the type is this. | ulong x1 = gen.opCall();//<-- This works though. | ulong x2 = gen()();//<-- This also works. | | //But instead of any of those you should really just use gen.rand!T. | ulong x3 = gen.rand!ulong; | } |// /// |// @nogc nothrow pure @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |// { |// //If you want something like Phobos std.random.rndGen and |// //don't care about the specific algorithm you can do this: |// alias rndGen = threadLocal!Random; |// } | | @nogc nothrow @system version(mir_random_test) unittest | { | //Verify Returns same instance every time per thread. | import mir.random; | import mir.random.engine.xorshift; | | Xorshift1024StarPhi* addr = &(threadLocal!Xorshift1024StarPhi()); | Xorshift1024StarPhi* sameAddr = &(threadLocal!Xorshift1024StarPhi()); | assert(addr is sameAddr); | assert(sameAddr is threadLocalPtr!Xorshift1024StarPhi); | } | | /++ | Sets or resets the _seed of `threadLocal!Engine` using the given arguments. | It is not necessary to call this except if you wish to ensure the | PRNG uses a known _seed. | +/ | void setThreadLocalSeed(Engine, A...)(auto ref A seed) | if (isSaturatedRandomEngine!Engine && is(Engine == struct) | && A.length >= 1 && is(typeof((ref A a) => Engine(a)))) | { | TL!Engine.initialized = true; | TL!Engine.engine.__ctor(seed); | } | /// | @nogc nothrow @system version(mir_random_test) unittest | { | import mir.random; | | alias rnd = threadLocal!Random; | | setThreadLocalSeed!Random(123); | immutable float x = rnd.rand!float; | | assert(x != rnd.rand!float); | | setThreadLocalSeed!Random(123); | immutable float y = rnd.rand!float; | | assert(x == y); | } |} |else |{ | static assert(!THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_AVAILABLE); | | @property ref Random rne()() | { | static assert(0, "Thread-local storage not available!"); | } | | template threadLocal(T) | { | static assert(0, "Thread-local storage not available!"); | } | | template threadLocalPtr(T) | { | static assert(0, "Thread-local storage not available!"); | } | | template threadLocalInitialized(T) | { | static assert(0, "Thread-local storage not available!"); | } | | template setThreadLocalSeed(T, A...) | { | static assert(0, "Thread-local storage not available!"); | } |} | |version(linux) |{ | import mir.linux._asm.unistd; | enum bool LINUX_NR_GETRANDOM = (__traits(compiles, {enum e = NR_getrandom;})); | //If X86_64 or X86 are missing there is a problem with the library. | static if (!LINUX_NR_GETRANDOM) | { | version (X86_64) | static assert(0, "Missing linux syscall constants!"); | version (X86) | static assert(0, "Missing linux syscall constants!"); | } |} |else | enum bool LINUX_NR_GETRANDOM = false; | |static if (LINUX_NR_GETRANDOM) |{ | // getrandom was introduced in Linux 3.17 | private __gshared bool getRandomFailedENOSYS = false; | | private extern(C) int syscall(size_t ident, size_t n, size_t arg1, size_t arg2) @nogc nothrow; | | /* | * Flags for getrandom(2) | * | * GRND_NONBLOCK Don't block and return EAGAIN instead | * GRND_RANDOM Use the /dev/random pool instead of /dev/urandom | */ | private enum GRND_NONBLOCK = 0x0001; | private enum GRND_RANDOM = 0x0002; | | private enum GETRANDOM = NR_getrandom; | | /* | | If the urandom source has been initialized, reads of up to 256 bytes | will always return as many bytes as requested and will not be | interrupted by signals. No such guarantees apply for larger buffer | sizes. | */ | private ptrdiff_t genRandomImplSysBlocking()(scope void* ptr, size_t len) @nogc nothrow @system | { 0000000| while (len > 0) | { 0000000| auto res = syscall(GETRANDOM, cast(size_t) ptr, len, 0); 0000000| if (res >= 0) | { 0000000| len -= res; 0000000| ptr += res; | } | else | { 0000000| return res; | } | } 0000000| return 0; | } | | /* | * If the GRND_NONBLOCK flag is set, then | * getrandom() does not block in these cases, but instead | * immediately returns -1 with errno set to EAGAIN. | */ | private ptrdiff_t genRandomImplSysNonBlocking()(scope void* ptr, size_t len) @nogc nothrow @system | { 0000000| return syscall(GETRANDOM, cast(size_t) ptr, len, GRND_NONBLOCK); | } |} | |version(AnyARC4Random) |extern(C) private @nogc nothrow |{ | void arc4random_buf(scope void* buf, size_t nbytes) @system; | uint arc4random() @trusted; |} | |version(Darwin) |{ | //On Darwin /dev/random is identical to /dev/urandom (neither blocks | //when there is low system entropy) so there is no point mucking | //about with file descriptors. Just use arc4random_buf for both. |} |else version(Posix) |{ | import core.stdc.stdio : fclose, feof, ferror, fopen, fread; | alias IOType = typeof(fopen("a", "b")); | private __gshared IOType fdRandom; | version (SecureARC4Random) | { | //Don't need /dev/urandom if we have arc4random_buf. | } | else | private __gshared IOType fdURandom; | | | /* The /dev/random device is a legacy interface which dates back to a | time where the cryptographic primitives used in the implementation of | /dev/urandom were not widely trusted. It will return random bytes | only within the estimated number of bits of fresh noise in the | entropy pool, blocking if necessary. /dev/random is suitable for | applications that need high quality randomness, and can afford | indeterminate delays. | | When the entropy pool is empty, reads from /dev/random will block | until additional environmental noise is gathered. | */ | private ptrdiff_t genRandomImplFileBlocking()(scope void* ptr, size_t len) @nogc nothrow @system | { 0000000| if (fdRandom is null) | { 0000000| fdRandom = fopen("/dev/random", "r"); 0000000| if (fdRandom is null) 0000000| return -1; | } | 0000000| while (len > 0) | { 0000000| auto res = fread(ptr, 1, len, fdRandom); 0000000| len -= res; 0000000| ptr += res; | // check for possible permanent errors 0000000| if (len != 0) | { 0000000| if (fdRandom.ferror) 0000000| return -1; | 0000000| if (fdRandom.feof) 0000000| return -1; | } | } | 0000000| return 0; | } |} | |version (SecureARC4Random) |{ | //Don't need /dev/urandom if we have arc4random_buf. |} |else version(Posix) |{ | /** | When read, the /dev/urandom device returns random bytes using a | pseudorandom number generator seeded from the entropy pool. Reads | from this device do not block (i.e., the CPU is not yielded), but can | incur an appreciable delay when requesting large amounts of data. | When read during early boot time, /dev/urandom may return data prior | to the entropy pool being initialized. | */ | private ptrdiff_t genRandomImplFileNonBlocking()(scope void* ptr, size_t len) @nogc nothrow @system | { 0000000| if (fdURandom is null) | { 0000000| fdURandom = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r"); 0000000| if (fdURandom is null) 0000000| return -1; | } | 0000000| auto res = fread(ptr, 1, len, fdURandom); | // check for possible errors 0000000| if (res != len) | { 0000000| if (fdURandom.ferror) 0000000| return -1; | 0000000| if (fdURandom.feof) 0000000| return -1; | } 0000000| return res; | } |} | |version(Windows) |{ | // the wincrypt headers in druntime are broken for x64! | private alias ULONG_PTR = size_t; // uint in druntime | private alias BOOL = bool; | private alias DWORD = uint; | private alias LPCWSTR = wchar*; | private alias PBYTE = ubyte*; | private alias HCRYPTPROV = ULONG_PTR; | private alias LPCSTR = const(char)*; | | private extern(Windows) BOOL CryptGenRandom(HCRYPTPROV, DWORD, PBYTE) @nogc @safe nothrow; | private extern(Windows) BOOL CryptAcquireContextA(HCRYPTPROV*, LPCSTR, LPCSTR, DWORD, DWORD) @nogc nothrow; | private extern(Windows) BOOL CryptAcquireContextW(HCRYPTPROV*, LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, DWORD, DWORD) @nogc nothrow; | private extern(Windows) BOOL CryptReleaseContext(HCRYPTPROV, ULONG_PTR) @nogc nothrow; | | private __gshared ULONG_PTR hProvider; | | private auto initGetRandom()() @nogc @trusted nothrow | { | import : GetLastError; | import : NTE_BAD_KEYSET; | import : PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_NEWKEYSET, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT, CRYPT_SILENT; | | // | // For performance reasons, we recommend that you set the pszContainer | // parameter to NULL and the dwFlags parameter to CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT | // in all situations where you do not require a persisted key. | // CRYPT_SILENT is intended for use with applications for which the UI cannot be displayed by the CSP. | if (!CryptAcquireContextW(&hProvider, null, null, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT | CRYPT_SILENT)) | { | if (GetLastError() == NTE_BAD_KEYSET) | { | // Attempt to create default container | if (!CryptAcquireContextA(&hProvider, null, null, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_NEWKEYSET | CRYPT_SILENT)) | return 1; | } | else | { | return 1; | } | } | | return 0; | } |} | |/++ |Constructs the mir random seed generators. |This constructor needs to be called once $(I before) |other calls in `mir.random.engine`. | |Automatically called by DRuntime. |+/ |extern(C) void mir_random_engine_ctor() @system nothrow @nogc |{ | version(Windows) | { | if (hProvider == 0) | initGetRandom; | } |} | |/++ |Destructs the mir random seed generators. | |Automatically called by DRuntime. |+/ |extern(C) void mir_random_engine_dtor() @system nothrow @nogc |{ | version(Windows) | { | if (hProvider > 0) | CryptReleaseContext(hProvider, 0); | } | else | version(Darwin) | { | | } | else | version(Posix) | { 0000000| if (fdRandom !is null) 0000000| fdRandom.fclose; | | version (SecureARC4Random) | { | //Don't need /dev/urandom if we have arc4random_buf. | } 0000000| else if (fdURandom !is null) 0000000| fdURandom.fclose; | } |} | | |version(D_BetterC) |{ | pragma(crt_constructor) | extern(C) void mir_random_engine_ctor_() @system nothrow @nogc | { | mir_random_engine_ctor(); | } | | pragma(crt_destructor) | extern(C) void mir_random_engine_dtor_() @system nothrow @nogc | { | mir_random_engine_dtor(); | } |} |else |{ | /// Automatically calls the extern(C) module constructor | shared static this() | { 1| mir_random_engine_ctor(); | } | | /// Automatically calls the extern(C) module destructor | shared static ~this() | { 0000000| mir_random_engine_dtor(); | } |} | |/++ |Fills a buffer with random data. |If not enough entropy has been gathered, it will block. | |Note that on Mac OS X this method will never block. | |Params: | ptr = pointer to the buffer to fill | len = length of the buffer (in bytes) | |Returns: | A non-zero integer if an error occurred. |+/ |extern(C) ptrdiff_t mir_random_genRandomBlocking(scope void* ptr , size_t len) @nogc nothrow @system |{ | version(Windows) | { | static if (DWORD.max >= size_t.max) | while(!CryptGenRandom(hProvider, len, cast(PBYTE) ptr)) {} | else | while (len != 0) | { | import mir.utility : min; | const n = min(DWORD.max, len); | if (CryptGenRandom(hProvider, cast(DWORD) n, cast(PBYTE) ptr)) | { | len -= n; | } | } | return 0; | } | else version (Darwin) | { | arc4random_buf(ptr, len); | return 0; | } | else | { | static if (LINUX_NR_GETRANDOM) 0000000| if (!getRandomFailedENOSYS) // harmless data race | { | import core.stdc.errno; 0000000| ptrdiff_t result = genRandomImplSysBlocking(ptr, len); 0000000| if (result >= 0) 0000000| return result; 0000000| if (errno != ENOSYS) 0000000| return result; 0000000| getRandomFailedENOSYS = true; // harmless data race | } 0000000| return genRandomImplFileBlocking(ptr, len); | } |} | |/// ditto |alias genRandomBlocking = mir_random_genRandomBlocking; | |/// ditto |ptrdiff_t genRandomBlocking()(scope ubyte[] buffer) @nogc nothrow @trusted |{ | pragma(inline, true); | return mir_random_genRandomBlocking(buffer.ptr, buffer.length); |} | |/// |@safe nothrow version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | ubyte[] buf = new ubyte[10]; | genRandomBlocking(buf); | | int sum; | foreach (b; buf) | sum += b; | | assert(sum > 0, "Only zero points generated"); |} | |@nogc nothrow @safe version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | ubyte[10] buf; | genRandomBlocking(buf); | | int sum; | foreach (b; buf) | sum += b; | | assert(sum > 0, "Only zero points generated"); |} | |/++ |Fills a buffer with random data. |If not enough entropy has been gathered, it won't block. |Hence the error code should be inspected. | |On Linux >= 3.17 genRandomNonBlocking is guaranteed to succeed for 256 bytes and |fewer. | |On Mac OS X, OpenBSD, and NetBSD genRandomNonBlocking is guaranteed to |succeed for any number of bytes. | |Params: | buffer = the buffer to fill | len = length of the buffer (in bytes) | |Returns: | The number of bytes filled - a negative number if an error occurred |+/ |extern(C) size_t mir_random_genRandomNonBlocking(scope void* ptr, size_t len) @nogc nothrow @system |{ | version(Windows) | { | static if (DWORD.max < size_t.max) | if (len > DWORD.max) | len = DWORD.max; | if (!CryptGenRandom(hProvider, cast(DWORD) len, cast(PBYTE) ptr)) | return -1; | return len; | } | else version(SecureARC4Random) | { | arc4random_buf(ptr, len); | return len; | } | else | { | static if (LINUX_NR_GETRANDOM) 0000000| if (!getRandomFailedENOSYS) // harmless data race | { | import core.stdc.errno; 0000000| ptrdiff_t result = genRandomImplSysNonBlocking(ptr, len); 0000000| if (result >= 0) 0000000| return result; 0000000| if (errno != ENOSYS) 0000000| return result; 0000000| getRandomFailedENOSYS = true; // harmless data race | } 0000000| return genRandomImplFileNonBlocking(ptr, len); | } |} |/// ditto |alias genRandomNonBlocking = mir_random_genRandomNonBlocking; |/// ditto |size_t genRandomNonBlocking()(scope ubyte[] buffer) @nogc nothrow @trusted |{ | pragma(inline, true); | return mir_random_genRandomNonBlocking(buffer.ptr, buffer.length); |} | |/// |@safe nothrow version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | ubyte[] buf = new ubyte[10]; | genRandomNonBlocking(buf); | | int sum; | foreach (b; buf) | sum += b; | | assert(sum > 0, "Only zero points generated"); |} | |@nogc nothrow @safe |version(mir_random_test) unittest |{ | ubyte[10] buf; | genRandomNonBlocking(buf); | | int sum; | foreach (b; buf) | sum += b; | | assert(sum > 0, "Only zero points generated"); |} ../../../.dub/packages/mir-random-2.2.17/mir-random/source/mir/random/engine/package.d is 1% covered <<<<<< EOF # path=./source-mir-glas-package.lst |/++ | |$(H1 GLAS (Generic Linear Algebra Subprograms)) | |The GLAS are generic routines that provide standard building blocks for performing vector and matrix operations. |The Level 1 GLAS perform scalar, vector and vector-vector operations, |the Level 2 GLAS perform matrix-vector operations, and the Level 3 GLAS perform matrix-matrix operations. | |$(H2 Implemented Routines) | |The list of already implemented features. | |$(BOOKTABLE , | $(TR | $(TH Modules) | $(TH Description) | ) | $(TR | $(TDNW $(SUBMODULE l1)) | $(TD vector operations 100% done, partially optimized for now) | ) | $(TR | $(TDNW $(SUBMODULE l2)) | $(TD matrix-vector operations %3 done, partially optimized for now) | ) | $(TR | $(TDNW l3 was moved to $(HTTP, mir-glas)) | $(TD matrix-matrix operations 50% done) | ) |) | |GLAS is generalization of $(LINK2, BLAS) (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) |Because the BLAS are efficient, portable, and widely available, they are commonly used in the development of |high quality linear algebra or related software, such as |$(LINK2, LAPACK), |$(LINK2, NumPy), or $(LINK2, The Julia language). | |Efficient Level 3 BLAS implementation requires |$(LINK2, cache)-friendly matrix blocking. |In additional, $(LINK2, SIMD) instructions should be used for all levels on modern architectures. | |$(H2 Why GLAS) | |GLAS is ... |
  • fast to execute.
  • |
  • fast to compile.
  • |
  • fast to extend using $(MREF_ALTTEXT ndslices, mir, ndslice).
  • |
  • fast to add new instruction set targets.
  • |
| |$(H2 Optimization notes) | |GLAS requires recent $(LINK2, LDC) >= 1.1.0-beta2. | |License: $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0). |Copyright: Copyright © 2016-, Ilya Yaroshenko |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko | |Macros: |SUBMODULE = $(MREF_ALTTEXT $1, mir, glas, $1) |SUBREF = $(REF_ALTTEXT $(TT $2), $2, mir, glas, $1)$(NBSP) |+/ |module mir.glas; | |public import mir.glas.l1; |public import mir.glas.l2; source/mir/glas/package.d has no code <<<<<< EOF # path=./source-mir-glas-l1.lst |/++ |$(H2 Level 1) | |$(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;) | |This is a submodule of $(MREF mir,glas). | |The Level 1 GLAS perform vector and vector-vector operations. | |$(BOOKTABLE $(H2 Vector-vector operations), |$(T2 rot, apply Givens rotation) |$(T2 axpy, constant times a vector plus a vector) |$(T2 dot, dot product) |$(T2 dotc, dot product, conjugating the first vector) |) | |$(BOOKTABLE $(H2 Vector operations), |$(TR $(TH Function Name) $(TH Description)) |$(T2 nrm2, Euclidean norm) |$(T2 sqnrm2, square of Euclidean norm) |$(T2 asum, sum of absolute values) |$(T2 iamax, index of max abs value) |$(T2 amax, max abs value) |) | |All functions except $(LREF iamax) work with multidimensional tensors. | |GLAS does not provide `swap`, `scal`, and `copy` functions. |This functionality is part of $(MREF_ALTTEXT ndslice, mir, ndslice) package. Examples can be found below. | |License: $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0). |Copyright: Copyright © 2016-, Ilya Yaroshenko |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko | |Macros: |T2=$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1)) $(TD $+)) |SUBMODULE = $(MREF_ALTTEXT $1, mir, glas, $1) |SUBREF = $(REF_ALTTEXT $(TT $2), $2, mir, glas, $1)$(NBSP) |NDSLICEREF = $(REF_ALTTEXT $(TT $2), $2, mir, ndslice, $1)$(NBSP) |+/ |module mir.glas.l1; | |/// SWAP |unittest |{ | import std.algorithm.mutation: swap; | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.algorithm.iteration: each; | import std.typecons: Yes; 1| auto x = slice!double(4); 1| auto y = slice!double(4); 1| x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; 1| y[] = [4, 5, 6, 7]; 1| each!(swap)(x, y); 1| assert(x == [4, 5, 6, 7]); 1| assert(y == [0, 1, 2, 3]); |} | |/// SCAL |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import std.typecons: Yes; 1| auto x = slice!double(4); 1| x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; 1| x[] *= 2.0; 1| assert(x == [0, 2, 4, 6]); |} | |/// COPY |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; 1| auto x = slice!double(4); 1| auto y = slice!double(4); 1| x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; 1| y[] = x; 1| assert(y == [0, 1, 2, 3]); |} | |import mir.math.common; |import mir.internal.utility; |import mir.ndslice.slice; |import mir.algorithm.iteration : reduce, each; |import mir.math.common: fastmath; | |import std.traits: Unqual, isPointer; |import std.meta: allSatisfy; | |@fastmath: | |template _rot(alias c, alias s) |{ | @fastmath | void _rot(X, Y)(ref X xr, ref Y yr) | { 4| auto x = xr; 4| auto y = yr; 4| auto t1 = c * x + s * y; | static if (isComplex!(typeof(c))) | { | auto t2 = ( - * 1fi) * y; | } | else 4| auto t2 = c * y; | static if (isComplex!(typeof(s))) | { | t2 -= ( - * 1fi) * x; | } | else 4| t2 -= s * x; 4| xr = t1; 4| yr = t2; | } |} | |template _axpy(alias a) |{ | @fastmath | void _axpy(X, Y)(ref X x, ref Y y) | { 15| y += a * x; | } |} | |A _fmuladd(A, B, C)(A a, in B b, in C c) |{ 44| return a + b * c; |} | |A _fmuladdc(A, B, C)(A a, in B b, in C c) |{ | static if (isComplex!B) | { 2| return a + ( - * 1fi) * c; | } | else | return a + b * c; |} | |A _nrm2(A, B)(A a, in B b) |{ | static if (isComplex!B) 4| return a + * + *; | else 8| return a + b * b; |} | |A _asum(A, B)(A a, in B b) |{ | static if (isComplex!B) | { 2| return a + ( +; | } | else | static if (isFloatingPoint!B) | { 4| return a + b.fabs; | } | else | { | static if (isUnsigned!B) | return a + b; | else | return a + (b >= 0 ? b : -b); | } |} | |A _amax(A, B)(A a, in B b) |{ | static if (isComplex!B) | { 4| return a.fmax( +; | } | else | static if (isFloatingPoint!B) | { 6| return a.fmax(b.fabs); | } | else | { | static if (!isUnsigned!B) | b = (b >= 0 ? b : -b); | return a >= b ? a : b; | } |} | |private enum _shouldBeCastedToUnqual(T) = isPointer!T && !is(Unqual!T == T); | |/++ |Applies a plane rotation, where the `c` (cos) and `s` (sin) are scalars. |Uses unrolled loops for strides equal to one. |Params: | c = cos scalar | s = sin scalar | x = first n-dimensional tensor | y = second n-dimensional tensor |BLAS: SROT, DROT, CROT, ZROT, CSROT, ZDROTF |+/ |void rot(C, S, SliceKind kind1, SliceKind kind2, size_t N, Iterator1, Iterator2)(in C c, in S s, Slice!(Iterator1, N, kind1) x, Slice!(Iterator2, N, kind2) y) |{ 1| assert(x.shape == y.shape, "constraints: x and y must have equal shapes"); | pragma(inline, false); 1| each!(_rot!(c, s))(x, y); |} | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; 1| auto x = slice!double(4); 1| auto y = slice!double(4); 1| auto a = slice!double(4); 1| auto b = slice!double(4); 1| double cos = 3.0 / 5; 1| double sin = 4.0 / 5; 1| x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; 1| y[] = [4, 5, 6, 7]; 15| foreach (i; 0 .. 4) | { 4| a[i] = cos * x[i] + sin * y[i]; 4| b[i] = cos * y[i] - sin * x[i]; | } 1| rot(cos, sin, x, y); 1| assert(x == a); 1| assert(y == b); |} | |/++ |Constant times a vector plus a vector. |Uses unrolled loops for strides equal to one. |Params: | a = scale parameter | x = first n-dimensional tensor | y = second n-dimensional tensor |BLAS: SAXPY, DAXPY, CAXPY, ZAXPY |+/ |void axpy(A, SliceKind kind1, SliceKind kind2, size_t N, Iterator1, Iterator2)(in A a, Slice!(Iterator1, N, kind1) x, Slice!(Iterator2, N, kind2) y) |{ | static if (_shouldBeCastedToUnqual!Iterator2) | { | .axpy(a, cast(Slice!(N, Unqual!Iterator1))x, cast(Slice!(N, Unqual!Iterator2))y); | } | else | { 5| assert(x.shape == y.shape, "constraints: x and y must have equal shapes"); | pragma(inline, false); 5| each!(_axpy!a)(x, y); | } |} | |/// SAXPY, DAXPY |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; 1| auto x = slice!double(4); 1| auto y = slice!double(4); 1| x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; 1| y[] = [4, 5, 6, 7]; 1| axpy(2.0, x, y); 1| assert(y == [4, 7, 10, 13]); |} | |/// SAXPY, DAXPY |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | 1| auto a = 3 + 4i; 1| auto x = slice!cdouble(2); 1| auto y = slice!cdouble(2); 1| x[] = [0 + 1i, 2 + 3i]; 1| y[] = [4 + 5i, 6 + 7i]; 1| axpy(a, x, y); 1| assert(y == [a * (0 + 1i) + (4 + 5i), a * (2 + 3i) + (6 + 7i)]); |} | |/++ |Forms the dot product of two vectors. |Uses unrolled loops for strides equal to one. |Returns: dot product `conj(xᐪ) × y` |Params: | F = type for summation (optional template parameter) | x = first n-dimensional tensor | y = second n-dimensional tensor |BLAS: SDOT, DDOT, SDSDOT, DSDOT, CDOTC, ZDOTC |+/ |F dot(F, SliceKind kind1, SliceKind kind2, size_t N, Iterator1, Iterator2)(Slice!(Iterator1, N, kind1) x, Slice!(Iterator2, N, kind2) y) |{ | static if (allSatisfy!(_shouldBeCastedToUnqual, Iterator1, Iterator2)) | { | return .dot!F(cast(Slice!(Unqual!Iterator1, N, kind1))x, cast(Slice!(Unqual!Iterator2, N, kind2))y); | } | else | { 10| assert(x.shape == y.shape, "constraints: x and y must have equal shapes"); | pragma(inline, false); 10| return reduce!(_fmuladd)(cast(F)(0), x, y); | } |} | |/// SDOT, DDOT |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; 1| auto x = slice!double(4); 1| auto y = slice!double(4); 1| x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; 1| y[] = [4, 5, 6, 7]; 1| assert(dot(x, y) == 5 + 12 + 21); |} | |/// ditto |auto dot(SliceKind kind1, SliceKind kind2, size_t N, Iterator1, Iterator2)(Slice!(Iterator1, N, kind1) x, Slice!(Iterator2, N, kind2) y) |{ 9| return .dot!(Unqual!(typeof(x[0] * y[0])))(x, y); |} | |/// SDOT, DDOT |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; 1| auto x = slice!double(4); 1| auto y = slice!double(4); 1| x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; 1| y[] = [4, 5, 6, 7]; 1| assert(dot(x, y) == 5 + 12 + 21); |} | |/// SDSDOT, DSDOT |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; 1| auto x = slice!float(4); 1| auto y = slice!float(4); 1| x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; 1| y[] = [4, 5, 6, 7]; 1| assert(dot!real(x, y) == 5 + 12 + 21); // 80-bit FP for x86 CPUs |} | |/// CDOTU, ZDOTU |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | 1| auto x = slice!cdouble(2); 1| auto y = slice!cdouble(2); 1| x[] = [0 + 1i, 2 + 3i]; 1| y[] = [4 + 5i, 6 + 7i]; | version(LDC) // DMD Internal error: backend/cgxmm.c 628 1| assert(dot(x, y) == (0 + 1i) * (4 + 5i) + (2 + 3i) * (6 + 7i)); |} | |/++ |Forms the dot product of two complex vectors. |Uses unrolled loops for strides equal to one. |Returns: dot product `xᐪ × y` |Params: | F = type for summation (optional template parameter) | x = first n-dimensional tensor | y = second n-dimensional tensor |BLAS: CDOTU, ZDOTU |+/ |F dotc(F, SliceKind kind1, SliceKind kind2, size_t N, Iterator1, Iterator2)(Slice!(Iterator1, N, kind1) x, Slice!(Iterator2, N, kind2) y) | if (isComplex!(DeepElementType!(typeof(x))) && isComplex!(DeepElementType!(typeof(y)))) |{ | static if (allSatisfy!(_shouldBeCastedToUnqual, Iterator1, Iterator2)) | { | return .dotc!F(cast(Slice!(N, Unqual!Iterator1))x, cast(Slice!(N, Unqual!Iterator2))y); | } | else | { 1| assert(x.shape == y.shape, "constraints: x and y must have equal shapes"); | pragma(inline, false); 1| return reduce!(_fmuladdc)(cast(F)(0), x, y); | } |} | |/// ditto |auto dotc(SliceKind kind1, SliceKind kind2, size_t N, Iterator1, Iterator2)(Slice!(Iterator1, N, kind1) x, Slice!(Iterator2, N, kind2) y) |{ 1| return .dotc!(Unqual!(typeof(x[x.shape.init] * y[y.shape.init])))(x, y); |} | |/// CDOTC, ZDOTC |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | 1| auto x = slice!cdouble(2); 1| auto y = slice!cdouble(2); 1| x[] = [0 + 1i, 2 + 3i]; 1| y[] = [4 + 5i, 6 + 7i]; | version(LDC) // DMD Internal error: backend/cgxmm.c 628 1| assert(dotc(x, y) == (0 + -1i) * (4 + 5i) + (2 + -3i) * (6 + 7i)); |} | |/++ |Returns the euclidean norm of a vector. |Uses unrolled loops for stride equal to one. |Returns: euclidean norm `sqrt(conj(xᐪ) × x)` |Params: | F = type for summation (optional template parameter) | x = n-dimensional tensor |BLAS: SNRM2, DNRM2, SCNRM2, DZNRM2 |+/ |F nrm2(F, SliceKind kind, size_t N, Iterator)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) x) |{ | static if (_shouldBeCastedToUnqual!Iterator) | return .sqnrm2!F(cast(Slice!(N, Unqual!R))x).sqrt; | else 2| return .sqnrm2!F(x).sqrt; |} | |/// ditto |auto nrm2(SliceKind kind, size_t N, Iterator)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) x) |{ 2| return .nrm2!(realType!(typeof(x[x.shape.init] * x[x.shape.init])))(x); |} | |/// SNRM2, DNRM2 |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import std.math: sqrt, approxEqual; 1| auto x = slice!double(4); 1| x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; 1| assert(nrm2(x).approxEqual(sqrt(1.0 + 4 + 9))); |} | |/// SCNRM2, DZNRM2 |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import std.math: sqrt, approxEqual; | 1| auto x = slice!cdouble(2); 1| x[] = [0 + 1i, 2 + 3i]; | 1| assert(nrm2(x).approxEqual(sqrt(1.0 + 4 + 9))); |} | |/++ |Forms the square of the euclidean norm. |Uses unrolled loops for stride equal to one. |Returns: `conj(xᐪ) × x` |Params: | F = type for summation (optional template parameter) | x = n-dimensional tensor |+/ |F sqnrm2(F, SliceKind kind, size_t N, Iterator)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) x) |{ | static if (_shouldBeCastedToUnqual!Iterator) | { | return .sqnrm2!F(cast(Slice!(N, Unqual!R))x); | } | else | { | pragma(inline, false); 4| return reduce!(_nrm2)(F(0), x); | } |} | |/// ditto |auto sqnrm2(SliceKind kind, size_t N, Iterator)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) x) |{ 2| return .sqnrm2!(realType!(typeof(x[x.shape.init] * x[x.shape.init])))(x); |} | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; 1| auto x = slice!double(4); 1| x[] = [0, 1, 2, 3]; 1| assert(sqnrm2(x) == 1.0 + 4 + 9); |} | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | 1| auto x = slice!cdouble(2); 1| x[] = [0 + 1i, 2 + 3i]; | 1| assert(sqnrm2(x) == 1.0 + 4 + 9); |} | |/++ |Takes the sum of the `|Re(.)| + |Im(.)|`'s of a vector and | returns a single precision result. |Returns: sum of the `|Re(.)| + |Im(.)|`'s |Params: | F = type for summation (optional template parameter) | x = n-dimensional tensor |BLAS: SASUM, DASUM, SCASUM, DZASUM |+/ |F asum(F, SliceKind kind, size_t N, Iterator)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) x) |{ | static if (_shouldBeCastedToUnqual!Iterator) | { | return .asum!F(cast(Slice!(N, Unqual!R))x); | } | else | { | pragma(inline, false); 2| return reduce!(_asum)(F(0), x); | } |} | |/// ditto |auto asum(SliceKind kind, size_t N, Iterator)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) x) |{ | alias T = DeepElementType!(typeof(x)); 2| return .asum!(realType!T)(x); |} | |/// SASUM, DASUM |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; 1| auto x = slice!double(4); 1| x[] = [0, -1, -2, 3]; 1| assert(asum(x) == 1 + 2 + 3); |} | |/// SCASUM, DZASUM |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | 1| auto x = slice!cdouble(2); 1| x[] = [0 - 1i, -2 + 3i]; | 1| assert(asum(x) == 1 + 2 + 3); |} | |/++ |Finds the index of the first element having maximum `|Re(.)| + |Im(.)|`. |Return: index of the first element having maximum `|Re(.)| + |Im(.)|` |Params: x = 1-dimensional tensor |BLAS: ISAMAX, IDAMAX, ICAMAX, IZAMAX |+/ |sizediff_t iamax(Iterator, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, 1, kind) x) |{ | static if (_shouldBeCastedToUnqual!Iterator) | { | return .iamax(cast(Slice!(1, Unqual!R))x); | } | else | { | pragma(inline, false); 4| if (x.length == 0) 2| return -1; 2| if (x._stride == 0) 0000000| return 0; | alias T = Unqual!(DeepElementType!(typeof(x))); | alias F = realType!T; | static if (isFloatingPoint!F) 2| auto m = -double.infinity; | else | auto m = F.min; 2| sizediff_t l = x.length; 2| sizediff_t r = x.length; | do | { 10| auto f = x.front; | static if (isComplex!T) | { 4| auto e = +; | } | else | static if (isFloatingPoint!T) | { 6| auto e = f.fabs; | } | else | { | static if (isUnsigned!T) | auto e = f; | else | auto e = (f >= 0 ? f : -f); | } | 10| if (e > m) | { 6| m = e; 6| r = x.length; | } 10| x.popFront; | } 10| while (x.length); 2| return l - r; | } |} | |/// ISAMAX, IDAMAX |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; 1| auto x = slice!double(6); | // 0 1 2 3 4 5 1| x[] = [0, -1, -2, -3, 3, 2]; 1| assert(iamax(x) == 3); | // -1 for empty vectors 1| assert(iamax(x[0 .. 0]) == -1); |} | |/// ICAMAX, IZAMAX |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | 1| auto x = slice!cdouble(4); | // 0 1 2 3 1| x[] = [0 + -1i, -2 + 3i, 2 + 3i, 2 + 2i]; | 1| assert(iamax(x) == 1); | // -1 for empty vectors 1| assert(iamax(x[$ .. $]) == -1); |} | |/++ |Takes the sum of the `|Re(.)| + |Im(.)|`'s of a vector and | returns a single precision result. |Returns: sum of the `|Re(.)| + |Im(.)|`'s |Params: | x = n-dimensional tensor |BLAS: SASUM, DASUM, SCASUM, DZASUM |+/ |auto amax(SliceKind kind, size_t N, Iterator)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) x) |{ | static if (_shouldBeCastedToUnqual!Iterator) | { | return .amax(cast(Slice!(N, Unqual!R))x); | } | else | { | pragma(inline, false); | alias T = DeepElementType!(typeof(x)); | alias F = realType!T; 4| return reduce!(_amax)(F(0), x); | } |} | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; 1| auto x = slice!double(6); 1| x[] = [0, -1, -2, -7, 6, 2]; 1| assert(amax(x) == 7); | // 0 for empty vectors 1| assert(amax(x[0 .. 0]) == 0); |} | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | 1| auto x = slice!cdouble(4); 1| x[] = [0 + -1i, -7 + 3i, 2 + 3i, 2 + 2i]; | 1| assert(amax(x) == 10); | // 0 for empty vectors 1| assert(amax(x[$ .. $]) == 0); |} source/mir/glas/l1.d is 99% covered <<<<<< EOF # path=./source-mir-sparse-blas-gemv.lst |/++ |License: $(HTTP, Boost License 1.0). |Copyright: Copyright © 2016-, Ilya Yaroshenko |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko |+/ |module mir.sparse.blas.gemv; | | |import std.traits; |import mir.ndslice.slice; |import mir.ndslice.iterator; |import mir.internal.utility; |import mir.sparse; |import mir.series; | |/++ |General matrix-vector multiplication. | |Params: | alpha = scalar | a = sparse matrix (CSR format) | x = dense vector | beta = scalar | y = dense vector |Returns: | `y = alpha * a × x + beta * y` if beta does not equal null and `y = alpha * a × x` otherwise. |+/ |void gemv( | CR, | CL, | SliceKind kind1, T1, I1, J1, SliceKind kind2, Iterator2, SliceKind kind3, Iterator3) |( | in CR alpha, | Slice!(ChopIterator!(J1*, Series!(I1*, T1*)), 1, kind1) a, | Slice!(Iterator2, 1, kind2) x, | in CL beta, | Slice!(Iterator3, 1, kind3) y) |in |{ 6| assert(a.length == y.length); |} |body |{ 6| if (beta) | { 22| foreach (ref e; y) | { | import; 6| e = alpha * dot(a.front, x) + beta * e; 6| a.popFront; | } | } | else | { 44| foreach (ref e; y) | { | import; 12| e = alpha * dot(a.front, x); 12| a.popFront; | } | } |} | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice; | import mir.sparse; | 1| auto slice = sparse!double(3, 5); 1| slice[] = | [[ 0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0], | [ 6.0, 0.0, 30.0, 8.0, 0.0], | [ 6.0, 0.0, 30.0, 8.0, 0.0]]; 1| auto alpha = 3.0; 1| auto a = slice.compress; 1| auto x = [ 17.0, 19, 31, 3, 5].sliced; 1| auto beta = 2.0; 1| auto y = [1.0, 2, 3].sliced; 1| auto t = [131.0, 1056.0, 1056.0].sliced; 1| t[] *= alpha; | import mir.glas.l1: axpy; 1| axpy(beta, y, t); 1| gemv(alpha, a, x, beta, y); 1| assert(t == y); |} | |/++ |General matrix-vector multiplication with transposition. | |Params: | alpha = scalar | a = sparse matrix (CSR format) | x = dense vector | beta = scalar | y = dense vector |Returns: | `y = alpha * aᵀ × x + beta * y` if beta does not equal null and `y = alpha * aᵀ × x` otherwise. |+/ |void gemtv( | CR, | CL, | SliceKind kind1, T1, I1, J1, SliceKind kind2, Iterator2, SliceKind kind3, Iterator3) |( | in CR alpha, | Slice!(ChopIterator!(J1*, Series!(I1*, T1*)), 1, kind1) a, | Slice!(Iterator2, 1, kind2) x, | in CL beta, | Slice!(Iterator3, 1, kind3) y) |in |{ 5| assert(a.length == x.length); |} |body |{ | alias T3 = Unqual!(DeepElementType!(Slice!(Iterator3, 1, kind3))); | 5| if (beta == 0) | { 4| y[] = 0; | } 5| if (beta == 1) | { | } | else | { 5| y[] *= T3(beta); | } 85| foreach (ref t; x) | { | import mir.sparse.blas.axpy; 25| axpy(alpha * t, a.front, y); 25| a.popFront; | } |} | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice; | import mir.sparse; | 1| auto slice = sparse!double(5, 3); 1| slice[] = | [[0.0, 6.0, 6.0], | [2.0, 0.0, 0.0], | [3.0, 30.0, 30.0], | [0.0, 8.0, 8.0], | [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]; 1| auto alpha = 3.0; 1| auto a = slice.compress; 1| auto x = [ 17.0, 19, 31, 3, 5].sliced; 1| auto beta = 2.0; 1| auto y = [1.0, 2, 3].sliced; 1| auto t = [131.0, 1056.0, 1056.0].sliced; 1| t[] *= alpha; | import mir.glas.l1: axpy; 1| axpy(beta, y, t); 1| gemtv(alpha, a, x, beta, y); 1| assert(t == y); |} | |/++ |General matrix-vector multiplication for sparse vectors. | |Params: | alpha = scalar | a = dense matrix | x = sparse vector | beta = scalar | y = dense vector |Returns: | `y = alpha * a × x + beta * y` if beta does not equal null and `y = alpha * a × x` otherwise. |+/ |void gemv( | CR, | CL, | SliceKind kind1, Iterator1, | T2, I2, | SliceKind kind3, Iterator3, | ) |(in CR alpha, Slice!(Iterator1, 2, kind1) a, Series!(I2*, T2*) x, in CL beta, Slice!(Iterator3, 1, kind3) y) |in |{ | assert(a.length == y.length); |} |body |{ | if (beta) | { | foreach (ref e; y) | { | import; | e = alpha * dot(x, a.front) + beta * e; | a.popFront; | } | } | else | { | foreach (ref e; y) | { | import; | e = alpha * dot(x, a.front); | a.popFront; | } | } |} | |/// |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice; | import mir.sparse; | 1| auto slice = sparse!double(3, 5); 1| slice[] = | [[ 0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0], | [ 6.0, 0.0, 30.0, 8.0, 0.0], | [ 6.0, 0.0, 30.0, 8.0, 0.0]]; 1| auto alpha = 3.0; 1| auto a = slice.compress; 1| auto x = [ 17.0, 19, 31, 3, 5].sliced; 1| auto beta = 2.0; 1| auto y = [1.0, 2, 3].sliced; 1| auto t = [131.0, 1056.0, 1056.0].sliced; 1| t[] *= alpha; | import mir.glas.l1: axpy; 1| axpy(beta, y, t); 1| gemv(alpha, a, x, beta, y); 1| assert(t == y); |} | |/++ |Selective general matrix-vector multiplication with a selector sparse vector. | |Params: | a = dense matrix | x = dense vector | y = sparse vector (compressed) |Returns: | `y[available indexes] = (alpha * a × x)[available indexes]`. |+/ |void selectiveGemv(string op = "", SliceKind kind1, SliceKind kind2, T, T3, I3) |(Slice!(T*, 2, kind1) a, Slice!(T*, 1, kind2) x, Series!(I3*, T3*) y) |in |{ 3| assert(a.length!1 == x.length); 3| if (y.index.length) 2| assert(y.index[$-1] < a.length); |} |body |{ | import mir.ndslice.dynamic: transposed; | 21| foreach (i, j; y.index.field) | { | import mir.glas.l1 : dot; 3| auto d = dot(a[j], x); | mixin(`y.value[i] ` ~ op ~ `= d;`); | } |} source/mir/sparse/blas/gemv.d is 100% covered <<<<<< EOF # path=./..-..-..-.dub-packages-mir-algorithm-3.10.60-mir-algorithm-source-mir-algorithm-iteration.lst |// Written in the D programming language. |/** |This module contains generic _iteration algorithms. |$(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;) | |$(BOOKTABLE $(H2 Function), |$(TR $(TH Function Name) $(TH Description)) |$(T2 all, Checks if all elements satisfy to a predicate.) |$(T2 any, Checks if at least one element satisfy to a predicate.) |$(T2 cmp, Compares two slices.) |$(T2 count, Counts elements in a slices according to a predicate.) |$(T2 each, Iterates elements.) |$(T2 eachLower, Iterates lower triangle of matrix.) |$(T2 eachOnBorder, Iterates elementes on tensors borders and corners.) |$(T2 eachUploPair, Iterates upper and lower pairs of elements in square matrix.) |$(T2 eachUpper, Iterates upper triangle of matrix.) |$(T2 equal, Compares two slices for equality.) |$(T2 filter, Filters elements in a range or an ndslice.) |$(T2 find, Finds backward index.) |$(T2 findIndex, Finds index.) |$(T2 fold, Accumulates all elements (different parameter order than `reduce`).) |$(T2 isSymmetric, Checks if the matrix is symmetric.) |$(T2 maxIndex, Finds index of the maximum.) |$(T2 maxPos, Finds backward index of the maximum.) |$(T2 minIndex, Finds index of the minimum.) |$(T2 minmaxIndex, Finds indices of the minimum and the maximum.) |$(T2 minmaxPos, Finds backward indices of the minimum and the maximum.) |$(T2 minPos, Finds backward index of the minimum.) |$(T2 nBitsToCount, Сount bits until set bit count is reached.) |$(T2 reduce, Accumulates all elements.) |$(T2 Chequer, Chequer color selector to work with $(LREF each) .) |$(T2 uniq, Iterates over the unique elements in a range or an ndslice, which is assumed sorted.) |) | |Transform function is represented by $(NDSLICEREF topology, map). | |All operators are suitable to change slices using `ref` argument qualification in a function declaration. |Note, that string lambdas in Mir are `auto ref` functions. | |License: $(HTTP, Apache-2.0) |Copyright: 2020 Ilya Yaroshenko, Kaleidic Associates Advisory Limited, Symmetry Investments |Authors: Ilya Yaroshenko, John Michael Hall, Andrei Alexandrescu (original Phobos code) | |License: $(HTTP, Apache-2.0) |Copyright: 2020 Ilya Yaroshenko, Kaleidic Associates Advisory Limited, Symmetry Investments | |Authors: , Ilya Yaroshenko (Mir & BetterC rework). |Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/algorithm/_iteration.d) |Macros: | NDSLICEREF = $(REF_ALTTEXT $(TT $2), $2, mir, ndslice, $1)$(NBSP) | T2=$(TR $(TDNW $(LREF $1)) $(TD $+)) | */ |module mir.algorithm.iteration; | |import mir.functional: naryFun; |import mir.internal.utility; |import mir.math.common: optmath; |import mir.ndslice.field: BitField; |import mir.ndslice.internal; |import mir.ndslice.iterator: FieldIterator, RetroIterator; |import mir.ndslice.slice; |import mir.primitives; |import mir.qualifier; |import std.meta; |import std.range.primitives: isInputRange, isBidirectionalRange, isInfinite, isForwardRange, ElementType; |import std.traits; | |/++ |Chequer color selector to work with $(LREF each) |+/ |enum Chequer : bool |{ | /// Main diagonal color | black, | /// First sub-diagonal color | red, |} | |/// |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | auto s = [5, 4].slice!int; | |!"a = 1"(s); | assert(s == [ | [1, 0, 1, 0], | [0, 1, 0, 1], | [1, 0, 1, 0], | [0, 1, 0, 1], | [1, 0, 1, 0], | ]); | |!((ref b) => b = 2)(s); | assert(s == [ | [1, 2, 1, 2], | [2, 1, 2, 1], | [1, 2, 1, 2], | [2, 1, 2, 1], | [1, 2, 1, 2], | ]); | |} | |@optmath: | |/+ |Bitslice representation for accelerated bitwise algorithm. |1-dimensional contiguousitslice can be split into three chunks: head bits, body chunks, and tail bits. | |Bitslice can have head bits because it has slicing and the zero bit may not be aligned to the zero of a body chunk. |+/ |private struct BitSliceAccelerator(Field, I = typeof(Field.init[size_t.init])) | if (__traits(isUnsigned, I)) |{ | import mir.bitop; | import mir.qualifier: lightConst; | import mir.ndslice.traits: isIterator; | import mir.ndslice.iterator: FieldIterator; | import mir.ndslice.field: BitField; | | /// | alias U = typeof(I + 1u); | /// body bits chunks | static if (isIterator!Field) | Slice!Field bodyChunks; | else | Slice!(FieldIterator!Field) bodyChunks; | /// head length | int headLength; | /// tail length | int tailLength; | |@optmath: | | this(Slice!(FieldIterator!(BitField!(Field, I))) slice) | { | enum mask = bitShiftMask!I; | enum shift = bitElemShift!I; | size_t length = slice.length; | size_t index = slice._iterator._index; | if (auto hlen = index & mask) | { | auto l = I.sizeof * 8 - hlen; | if (l > length) | { | // central problem | headLength = -cast(int) length; | tailLength = cast(int) hlen; | goto F; | } | else | { | headLength = cast(uint) l; | length -= l; | index += l; | } | } | tailLength = cast(int) (length & mask); | F: | length >>= shift; | index >>= shift; | bodyChunks._lengths[0] = length; | static if (isIterator!Field) | { | bodyChunks._iterator = slice._iterator._field._field; | bodyChunks._iterator += index; | } | else | { | bodyChunks._iterator._index = index; | bodyChunks._iterator._field = slice._iterator._field._field; | } | } | |scope const: | | bool isCentralProblem() | { | return headLength < 0; | } | | U centralBits() | { | assert(isCentralProblem); | return *bodyChunks._iterator.lightConst >>> tailLength; | } | | uint centralLength() | { | assert(isCentralProblem); | return -headLength; | } | | /// head bits (last `headLength` bits are valid). | U headBits() | { | assert(!isCentralProblem); | if (headLength == 0) | return U.init; | static if (isIterator!Field) | return bodyChunks._iterator.lightConst[-1]; | else | return bodyChunks._iterator._field.lightConst[bodyChunks._iterator._index - 1]; | } | | /// tail bits (first `tailLength` bits are valid). | U tailBits() | { | assert(!isCentralProblem); | if (tailLength == 0) | return U.init; | static if (isIterator!Field) | return bodyChunks._iterator.lightConst[bodyChunks.length]; | else | return bodyChunks._iterator._field.lightConst[bodyChunks._iterator._index + bodyChunks.length]; | } | | U negCentralMask() | { | return U.max << centralLength; | } | | U negHeadMask() | { | return U.max << headLength; | } | | U negTailMask() | { | return U.max << tailLength; | } | | U negCentralMaskS() | { | return U.max >> centralLength; | } | | U negHeadMaskS() | { | return U.max >> headLength; | } | | U negTailMaskS() | { | return U.max >> tailLength; | } | | U centralBitsWithRemainingZeros() | { | return centralBits & ~negCentralMask; | } | | U centralBitsWithRemainingZerosS() | { | return centralBits << (U.sizeof * 8 - centralLength); | } | | U headBitsWithRemainingZeros() | { | return headBits >>> (I.sizeof * 8 - headLength); | } | | U headBitsWithRemainingZerosS() | { | static if (U.sizeof > I.sizeof) | return (headBits << (U.sizeof - I.sizeof) * 8) & ~negTailMaskS; | else | return headBits & ~negTailMaskS; | } | | U tailBitsWithRemainingZeros() | { | return tailBits & ~negTailMask; | } | | U tailBitsWithRemainingZerosS() | { | return tailBits << (U.sizeof * 8 - tailLength); | } | | U centralBitsWithRemainingOnes() | { | return centralBits | negCentralMask; | } | | U centralBitsWithRemainingOnesS() | { | return centralBitsWithRemainingZerosS | negCentralMaskS; | } | | U headBitsWithRemainingOnes() | { | return headBitsWithRemainingZeros | negHeadMask; | } | | U headBitsWithRemainingOnesS() | { | return headBitsWithRemainingZerosS | negHeadMaskS; | } | | U tailBitsWithRemainingOnes() | { | return tailBits | negTailMask; | } | | U tailBitsWithRemainingOnesS() | { | return tailBitsWithRemainingZerosS | negTailMaskS; | } | | size_t ctpop() | { | import mir.bitop: ctpop; | if (isCentralProblem) | return centralBitsWithRemainingZeros.ctpop; | size_t ret; | if (headLength) | ret = cast(size_t) headBitsWithRemainingZeros.ctpop; | if (bodyChunks.length) | { | auto bc = bodyChunks.lightConst; | do | { | ret += cast(size_t) bc.front.ctpop; | bc.popFront; | } | while(bc.length); | } | if (tailBits) | ret += cast(size_t) tailBitsWithRemainingZeros.ctpop; | return ret; | } | | bool any() | { | if (isCentralProblem) | return centralBitsWithRemainingZeros != 0; | if (headBitsWithRemainingZeros != 0) | return true; | if (bodyChunks.length) | { | auto bc = bodyChunks.lightConst; | do | { | if (bc.front != 0) | return true; | bc.popFront; | } | while(bc.length); | } | if (tailBitsWithRemainingZeros != 0) | return true; | return false; | } | | bool all() | { | if (isCentralProblem) | return centralBitsWithRemainingOnes != U.max; | size_t ret; | if (headBitsWithRemainingOnes != U.max) | return false; | if (bodyChunks.length) | { | auto bc = bodyChunks.lightConst; | do | { | if (bc.front != I.max) | return false; | bc.popFront; | } | while(bc.length); | } | if (tailBitsWithRemainingOnes != U.max) | return false; | return true; | } | | size_t cttz() | { | U v; | size_t ret; | if (isCentralProblem) | { | v = centralBitsWithRemainingOnes; | if (v) | goto R; | ret = centralLength; | goto L; | } | v = headBitsWithRemainingOnes; | if (v) | goto R; | ret = headLength; | if (bodyChunks.length) | { | auto bc = bodyChunks.lightConst; | do | { | v = bc.front; | if (v) | goto R; | ret += I.sizeof * 8; | bc.popFront; | } | while(bc.length); | } | v = tailBitsWithRemainingOnes; | if (v) | goto R; | ret += tailLength; | goto L; | R: | ret += v.cttz; | L: | return ret; | } | | size_t ctlz() | { | U v; | size_t ret; | if (isCentralProblem) | { | v = centralBitsWithRemainingOnes; | if (v) | goto R; | ret = centralLength; | goto L; | } | v = tailBitsWithRemainingOnesS; | if (v) | goto R; | ret = tailLength; | if (bodyChunks.length) | { | auto bc = bodyChunks.lightConst; | do | { | v = bc.back; | if (v) | goto R; | ret += I.sizeof * 8; | bc.popBack; | } | while(bc.length); | } | v = headBitsWithRemainingOnesS; | if (v) | goto R; | ret += headLength; | goto L; | R: | ret += v.ctlz; | L: | return ret; | } | | sizediff_t nBitsToCount(size_t count) | { | size_t ret; | if (count == 0) | return count; | U v, cnt; | if (isCentralProblem) | { | v = centralBitsWithRemainingZeros; | goto E; | } | v = headBitsWithRemainingZeros; | cnt = v.ctpop; | if (cnt >= count) | goto R; | ret += headLength; | count -= cast(size_t) cnt; | if (bodyChunks.length) | { | auto bc = bodyChunks.lightConst; | do | { | v = bc.front; | cnt = v.ctpop; | if (cnt >= count) | goto R; | ret += I.sizeof * 8; | count -= cast(size_t) cnt; | bc.popFront; | } | while(bc.length); | } | v = tailBitsWithRemainingZeros; | E: | cnt = v.ctpop; | if (cnt >= count) | goto R; | return -1; | R: | return ret + v.nTrailingBitsToCount(count); | } | | sizediff_t retroNBitsToCount(size_t count) | { | if (count == 0) | return count; | size_t ret; | U v, cnt; | if (isCentralProblem) | { | v = centralBitsWithRemainingZerosS; | goto E; | } | v = tailBitsWithRemainingZerosS; | cnt = v.ctpop; | if (cnt >= count) | goto R; | ret += tailLength; | count -= cast(size_t) cnt; | if (bodyChunks.length) | { | auto bc = bodyChunks.lightConst; | do | { | v = bc.back; | cnt = v.ctpop; | if (cnt >= count) | goto R; | ret += I.sizeof * 8; | count -= cast(size_t) cnt; | bc.popBack; | } | while(bc.length); | } | v = headBitsWithRemainingZerosS; | E: | cnt = v.ctpop; | if (cnt >= count) | goto R; | return -1; | R: | return ret + v.nLeadingBitsToCount(count); | } |} | |/++ |Сount bits until set bit count is reached. Works with ndslices created with $(REF bitwise, mir,ndslice,topology), $(REF bitSlice, mir,ndslice,allocation). |Returns: bit count if set bit count is reached or `-1` otherwise. |+/ |sizediff_t nBitsToCount(Field, I)(Slice!(FieldIterator!(BitField!(Field, I))) bitSlice, size_t count) |{ | return BitSliceAccelerator!(Field, I)(bitSlice).nBitsToCount(count); |} | |///ditto |sizediff_t nBitsToCount(Field, I)(Slice!(RetroIterator!(FieldIterator!(BitField!(Field, I)))) bitSlice, size_t count) |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: retro; | return BitSliceAccelerator!(Field, I)(bitSlice.retro).retroNBitsToCount(count); |} | |/// |pure unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: bitSlice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: retro; | auto s = bitSlice(1000); | s[50] = true; | s[100] = true; | s[200] = true; | s[300] = true; | s[400] = true; | assert(s.nBitsToCount(4) == 301); | assert(s.retro.nBitsToCount(4) == 900); |} | |private void checkShapesMatch( | string fun = __FUNCTION__, | string pfun = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, | Slices...) | (scope ref const Slices slices) | if (Slices.length > 1) |{ | enum msgShape = "all slices must have the same shape" ~ tailErrorMessage!(fun, pfun); | enum N = slices[0].shape.length; | foreach (i, Slice; Slices) | { | static if (i == 0) 0000000| continue; | else | static if (slices[i].shape.length == N) 0000000| assert(slices[i].shape == slices[0].shape, msgShape); | else | { | import mir.ndslice.fuse: fuseShape; | static assert(slices[i].fuseShape.length >= N); | assert(cast(size_t[N])slices[i].fuseShape[0 .. N] == slices[0].shape, msgShape); | } | } |} | | |package(mir) template allFlattened(args...) |{ | static if (args.length) | { | alias arg = args[0]; | @optmath @property ls()() | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: flattened; 0000000| return flattened(arg); | } | alias allFlattened = AliasSeq!(ls, allFlattened!(args[1..$])); | } | else | alias allFlattened = AliasSeq!(); |} | |private template areAllContiguousSlices(Slices...) |{ | import mir.ndslice.traits: isContiguousSlice; | static if (allSatisfy!(isContiguousSlice, Slices)) | enum areAllContiguousSlices = Slices[0].N > 1 && areAllContiguousSlicesImpl!(Slices[0].N, Slices[1 .. $]); | else | enum areAllContiguousSlices = false; |} | |private template areAllContiguousSlicesImpl(size_t N, Slices...) |{ | static if (Slices.length == 0) | enum areAllContiguousSlicesImpl = true; | else | enum areAllContiguousSlicesImpl = Slices[0].N == N && areAllContiguousSlicesImpl!(N, Slices[1 .. $]); |} | |version(LDC) {} |else version(GNU) {} |else version (Windows) {} |else version (X86_64) |{ | //Compiling with DMD for x86-64 for Linux & OS X with optimizations enabled, | //"Tensor mutation on-the-fly" unittest was failing. Disabling inlining | //caused it to succeed. | //TODO: Rework so this is unnecessary! | version = Mir_disable_inlining_in_reduce; |} | |version(Mir_disable_inlining_in_reduce) |{ | private enum Mir_disable_inlining_in_reduce = true; | | private template _naryAliases(size_t n) | { | static if (n == 0) | enum _naryAliases = ""; | else | { | enum i = n - 1; | enum _naryAliases = _naryAliases!i ~ "alias " ~ cast(char)('a' + i) ~ " = args[" ~ i.stringof ~ "];\n"; | } | } | | private template nonInlinedNaryFun(alias fun) | { | import mir.math.common : optmath; | static if (is(typeof(fun) : string)) | { | /// Specialization for string lambdas | @optmath auto ref nonInlinedNaryFun(Args...)(auto ref Args args) | if (args.length <= 26) | { | pragma(inline,false); | mixin(_naryAliases!(Args.length)); | return mixin(fun); | } | } | else static if (is(typeof(fun.opCall) == function)) | { | @optmath auto ref nonInlinedNaryFun(Args...)(auto ref Args args) | if (is(typeof(fun.opCall(args)))) | { | pragma(inline,false); | return fun.opCall(args); | } | } | else | { | @optmath auto ref nonInlinedNaryFun(Args...)(auto ref Args args) | if (is(typeof(fun(args)))) | { | pragma(inline,false); | return fun(args); | } | } | } |} |else |{ | private enum Mir_disable_inlining_in_reduce = false; |} | |S reduceImpl(alias fun, S, Slices...)(S seed, scope Slices slices) |{ | do | { | static if (DimensionCount!(Slices[0]) == 1) | seed = fun(seed, frontOf!slices); | else | seed = .reduceImpl!fun(seed, frontOf!slices); | foreach_reverse(ref slice; slices) | slice.popFront; | } | while(!slices[0].empty); | return seed; |} | |/++ |Implements the homonym function (also known as `accumulate`, |`compress`, `inject`, or `fold`) present in various programming |languages of functional flavor. The call `reduce!(fun)(seed, slice1, ..., sliceN)` |first assigns `seed` to an internal variable `result`, |also called the accumulator. Then, for each set of element `x1, ..., xN` in |`slice1, ..., sliceN`, `result = fun(result, x1, ..., xN)` gets evaluated. Finally, |`result` is returned. | |`reduce` allows to iterate multiple slices in the lockstep. | |Note: | $(NDSLICEREF topology, pack) can be used to specify dimensions. |Params: | fun = A function. |See_Also: | $(HTTP, LLVM IR: Fast Math Flags) | | $(HTTP, Fold (higher-order function)) |+/ |template reduce(alias fun) |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!fun, fun) | && !Mir_disable_inlining_in_reduce) | /++ | Params: | seed = An initial accumulation value. | slices = One or more slices, range, and arrays. | Returns: | the accumulated `result` | +/ | @optmath auto reduce(S, Slices...)(S seed, scope Slices slices) | if (Slices.length) | { | static if (Slices.length > 1) | slices.checkShapesMatch; | static if (areAllContiguousSlices!Slices) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: flattened; | return .reduce!fun(seed, allFlattened!(allLightScope!slices)); | } | else | { | if (slices[0].anyEmpty) | return cast(Unqual!S) seed; | static if (is(S : Unqual!S)) | alias UT = Unqual!S; | else | alias UT = S; | return reduceImpl!(fun, UT, Slices)(seed, allLightScope!slices); | } | } | else version(Mir_disable_inlining_in_reduce) | //As above, but with inlining disabled. | @optmath auto reduce(S, Slices...)(S seed, scope Slices slices) | if (Slices.length) | { | static if (Slices.length > 1) | slices.checkShapesMatch; | static if (areAllContiguousSlices!Slices) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: flattened; | return .reduce!fun(seed, allFlattened!(allLightScope!slices)); | } | else | { | if (slices[0].anyEmpty) | return cast(Unqual!S) seed; | static if (is(S : Unqual!S)) | alias UT = Unqual!S; | else | alias UT = S; | return reduceImpl!(nonInlinedNaryFun!fun, UT, Slices)(seed, allLightScope!slices); | } | } | else | alias reduce = .reduce!(naryFun!fun); |} | |/// Ranges and arrays |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | auto ar = [1, 2, 3]; | auto s = 0.reduce!"a + b"(ar); | assert (s == 6); |} | |/// Single slice |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | | //| 0 1 2 | => 3 | | //| 3 4 5 | => 12 | => 15 | auto sl = iota(2, 3); | | // sum of all element in the slice | auto res = size_t(0).reduce!"a + b"(sl); | | assert(res == 15); |} | |/// Multiple slices, dot product |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : as, iota; | | //| 0 1 2 | | //| 3 4 5 | | auto a = iota([2, 3], 0).as!double.slice; | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | auto b = iota([2, 3], 1).as!double.slice; | | alias dot = reduce!"a + b * c"; | auto res = dot(0.0, a, b); | | // check the result: | import mir.ndslice.topology : flattened; | import std.numeric : dotProduct; | assert(res == dotProduct(a.flattened, b.flattened)); |} | |/// Zipped slices, dot product |pure |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import std.typecons : Yes; | import std.numeric : dotProduct; | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : as, iota, zip, universal; | import mir.math.common : optmath; | | static @optmath T fmuladd(T, Z)(const T a, Z z) | { | return a + z.a * z.b; | } | | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | auto sl1 = iota(2, 3).as!double.slice.universal; | // 1 2 3 | // 4 5 6 | auto sl2 = iota([2, 3], 1).as!double.slice; | | // slices must have the same strides for `zip!true`. | assert(sl1.strides == sl2.strides); | | auto z = zip!true(sl1, sl2); | | auto dot = reduce!fmuladd(0.0, z); | | assert(dot == dotProduct(iota(6), iota([6], 1))); |} | |/// Tensor mutation on-the-fly |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : as, iota; | import mir.math.common : optmath; | | static @optmath T fun(T)(const T a, ref T b) | { | return a + b++; | } | | //| 0 1 2 | | //| 3 4 5 | | auto sl = iota(2, 3).as!double.slice; | | auto res = reduce!fun(double(0), sl); | | assert(res == 15); | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | assert(sl == iota([2, 3], 1)); |} | |/++ |Packed slices. | |Computes minimum value of maximum values for each row. |+/ |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.math.common; | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic : transposed; | import mir.ndslice.topology : as, iota, pack, map, universal; | | alias maxVal = (a) => reduce!fmax(-double.infinity, a); | alias minVal = (a) => reduce!fmin(double.infinity, a); | alias minimaxVal = (a) => minVal(a.pack!!maxVal); | | auto sl = iota(2, 3).as!double.slice; | | // Vectorized computation: row stride equals 1. | //| 0 1 2 | => | 2 | | //| 3 4 5 | => | 5 | => 2 | auto res = minimaxVal(sl); | assert(res == 2); | | // Common computation: row stride does not equal 1. | //| 0 1 2 | | 0 3 | => | 3 | | //| 3 4 5 | => | 1 4 | => | 4 | | // | 2 5 | => | 5 | => 3 | auto resT = minimaxVal(sl.universal.transposed); | assert(resT == 3); |} | |/// Dlang Range API support. |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.algorithm.iteration: each; | import std.range: phobos_iota = iota; | | int s; | // 0 1 2 3 | 4.phobos_iota.each!(i => s += i); | assert(s == 6); |} | |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | auto a = reduce!"a + b"(size_t(7), iota([0, 1], 1)); | assert(a == 7); |} | |void eachImpl(alias fun, Slices...)(scope Slices slices) |{ | foreach(ref slice; slices) | assert(!slice.empty); | do | { | static if (DimensionCount!(Slices[0]) == 1) | fun(frontOf!slices); | else | .eachImpl!fun(frontOf!slices); | foreach_reverse(i; Iota!(Slices.length)) | slices[i].popFront; | } | while(!slices[0].empty); |} | |void chequerEachImpl(alias fun, Slices...)(Chequer color, scope Slices slices) |{ | foreach(ref slice; slices) | assert(!slice.empty); | static if (DimensionCount!(Slices[0]) == 1) | { | if (color) | { | foreach_reverse(i; Iota!(Slices.length)) | slices[i].popFront; | if (slices[0].empty) | return; | } | eachImpl!fun(strideOf!slices); | } | else | { | do | { | .chequerEachImpl!fun(color, frontOf!slices); | color = cast(Chequer)!color; | foreach_reverse(i; Iota!(Slices.length)) | slices[i].popFront; | } | while(!slices[0].empty); | } |} | |/++ |The call `each!(fun)(slice1, ..., sliceN)` |evaluates `fun` for each set of elements `x1, ..., xN` in |the borders of `slice1, ..., sliceN` respectively. | |`each` allows to iterate multiple slices in the lockstep. | |Params: | fun = A function. |Note: | $(NDSLICEREF dynamic, transposed) and | $(NDSLICEREF topology, pack) can be used to specify dimensions. |+/ |template eachOnBorder(alias fun) |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!fun, fun)) | /++ | Params: | slices = One or more slices. | +/ | @optmath void eachOnBorder(Slices...)(Slices slices) | if (allSatisfy!(isSlice, Slices)) | { | import mir.ndslice.traits: isContiguousSlice; | static if (Slices.length > 1) | slices.checkShapesMatch; | if (!slices[0].anyEmpty) | { | alias N = DimensionCount!(Slices[0]); | static if (N == 1) | { | fun(frontOf!slices); | if (slices[0].length > 1) | fun(backOf!slices); | } | else | static if (anySatisfy!(isContiguousSlice, Slices)) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: canonical; | template f(size_t i) | { | static if (isContiguousSlice!(Slices[i])) | auto f () { return canonical(slices[i]); } | else | alias f = slices[i]; | } | eachOnBorder(staticMap!(f, Iota!(Slices.length))); | } | else | { | foreach (dimension; Iota!N) | { | eachImpl!fun(frontOfD!(dimension, slices)); | foreach_reverse(ref slice; slices) | slice.popFront!dimension; | if (slices[0].empty!dimension) | return; | eachImpl!fun(backOfD!(dimension, slices)); | foreach_reverse(ref slice; slices) | slice.popBack!dimension; | if (slices[0].empty!dimension) | return; | } | } | } | } | else | alias eachOnBorder = .eachOnBorder!(naryFun!fun); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : repeat, iota; | | auto sl = [3, 4].iota.slice; | auto zeros = repeat(0, [3, 4]); | | sl.eachOnBorder!"a = b"(zeros); | | assert(sl == | [[0, 0, 0 ,0], | [0, 5, 6, 0], | [0, 0, 0 ,0]]); | | sl.eachOnBorder!"a = 1"; | sl[0].eachOnBorder!"a = 2"; | | assert(sl == | [[2, 1, 1, 2], | [1, 5, 6, 1], | [1, 1, 1 ,1]]); |} | |/++ |The call `each!(fun)(slice1, ..., sliceN)` |evaluates `fun` for each set of elements `x1, ..., xN` in |`slice1, ..., sliceN` respectively. | |`each` allows to iterate multiple slices in the lockstep. |Params: | fun = A function. |Note: | $(NDSLICEREF dynamic, transposed) and | $(NDSLICEREF topology, pack) can be used to specify dimensions. |See_Also: | This is functionally similar to $(LREF reduce) but has not seed. |+/ |template each(alias fun) |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!fun, fun)) | { | /++ | Params: | slices = One or more slices, ranges, and arrays. | +/ | @optmath auto each(Slices...)(scope Slices slices) | if (Slices.length && !is(Slices[0] : Chequer)) | { | static if (Slices.length > 1) | slices.checkShapesMatch; | static if (areAllContiguousSlices!Slices) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: flattened; | .each!fun(allFlattened!(allLightScope!slices)); | } | else | { | if (slices[0].anyEmpty) | return; | eachImpl!fun(allLightScope!slices); | } | } | | /++ | Iterates elements of selected $(LREF Chequer) color. | Params: | color = $(LREF Chequer). | slices = One or more slices. | +/ | @optmath auto each(Slices...)(Chequer color, scope Slices slices) | if (Slices.length && allSatisfy!(isSlice, Slices)) | { | static if (Slices.length > 1) | slices.checkShapesMatch; | if (slices[0].anyEmpty) | return; | chequerEachImpl!fun(color, allLightScope!slices); | } | } | else | alias each = .each!(naryFun!fun); |} | |/// Ranges and arrays |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | auto ar = [1, 2, 3]; | ar.each!"a *= 2"; | assert (ar == [2, 4, 6]); |} | |/// Single slice, multiply-add |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : as, iota; | | //| 0 1 2 | | //| 3 4 5 | | auto sl = iota(2, 3).as!double.slice; | | sl.each!((ref a) { a = a * 10 + 5; }); | | assert(sl == | [[ 5, 15, 25], | [35, 45, 55]]); |} | |/// Swap two slices |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.utility : swap; | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : as, iota; | | //| 0 1 2 | | //| 3 4 5 | | auto a = iota([2, 3], 0).as!double.slice; | //| 10 11 12 | | //| 13 14 15 | | auto b = iota([2, 3], 10).as!double.slice; | | each!swap(a, b); | | assert(a == iota([2, 3], 10)); | assert(b == iota([2, 3], 0)); |} | |/// Swap two zipped slices |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.utility : swap; | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : as, zip, iota; | | //| 0 1 2 | | //| 3 4 5 | | auto a = iota([2, 3], 0).as!double.slice; | //| 10 11 12 | | //| 13 14 15 | | auto b = iota([2, 3], 10).as!double.slice; | | auto z = zip(a, b); | | z.each!(z => swap(z.a, z.b)); | | assert(a == iota([2, 3], 10)); | assert(b == iota([2, 3], 0)); |} | |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | size_t i; | iota(0, 2).each!((a){i++;}); | assert(i == 0); |} | |/++ |The call `eachUploPair!(fun)(matrix)` |evaluates `fun` for each pair (`matrix[j, i]`, `matrix[i, j]`), |for i <= j (default) or i < j (if includeDiagonal is false). | |Params: | fun = A function. | includeDiagonal = true if applying function to diagonal, | false (default) otherwise. |+/ |template eachUploPair(alias fun, bool includeDiagonal = false) |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!fun, fun)) | { | /++ | Params: | matrix = Square matrix. | +/ | auto eachUploPair(Iterator, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) matrix) | in | { | assert(matrix.length!0 == matrix.length!1, "matrix must be square."); | } | do | { | static if (kind == Contiguous) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: canonical; | .eachUploPair!(fun, includeDiagonal)(matrix.canonical); | } | else | { | static if (includeDiagonal == true) | { | if (matrix.length) do | { | eachImpl!fun(matrix.lightScope.front!0, matrix.lightScope.front!1); | matrix.popFront!1; | matrix.popFront!0; | // hint for optimizer | matrix._lengths[1] = matrix._lengths[0]; | } | while (matrix.length); | } | else | { | if (matrix.length) for(;;) | { | assert(!matrix.empty!0); | assert(!matrix.empty!1); | auto l = matrix.lightScope.front!1; | auto u = matrix.lightScope.front!0; | matrix.popFront!1; | matrix.popFront!0; | l.popFront; | u.popFront; | // hint for optimizer | matrix._lengths[1] = matrix._lengths[0] = l._lengths[0] = u._lengths[0]; | if (u.length == 0) | break; | eachImpl!fun(u, l); | } | } | } | } | } | else | { | alias eachUploPair = .eachUploPair!(naryFun!fun, includeDiagonal); | } |} | |/// Transpose matrix in place. |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, universal; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic: transposed; | import mir.utility: swap; | | auto m = iota(4, 4).slice; | | m.eachUploPair!swap; | | assert(m == iota(4, 4).universal.transposed); |} | |/// Reflect Upper matrix part to lower part. |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, universal; | import mir.ndslice.dynamic: transposed; | import mir.utility: swap; | | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | // 6 7 8 | auto m = iota(3, 3).slice; | | m.eachUploPair!((u, ref l) { l = u; }); | | assert(m == [ | [0, 1, 2], | [1, 4, 5], | [2, 5, 8]]); |} | |/// Fill lower triangle and diagonal with zeroes. |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | // 1 2 3 | // 4 5 6 | // 7 8 9 | auto m = iota([3, 3], 1).slice; | | m.eachUploPair!((u, ref l) { l = 0; }, true); | | assert(m == [ | [0, 2, 3], | [0, 0, 6], | [0, 0, 0]]); |} | |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | // 6 7 8 | auto m = iota(3, 3).slice; | m.eachUploPair!((u, ref l) { l = l + 1; }, true); | assert(m == [ | [1, 1, 2], | [4, 5, 5], | [7, 8, 9]]); |} | |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | // 6 7 8 | auto m = iota(3, 3).slice; | m.eachUploPair!((u, ref l) { l = l + 1; }, false); | | assert(m == [ | [0, 1, 2], | [4, 4, 5], | [7, 8, 8]]); |} | |/++ |Checks if the matrix is symmetric. |+/ |template isSymmetric(alias fun = "a == b") |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!fun, fun)) | /++ | Params: | matrix = 2D ndslice. | +/ | bool isSymmetric(Iterator, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, 2, kind) matrix) | { | static if (kind == Contiguous) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: canonical; | return .isSymmetric!fun(matrix.canonical); | } | else | { | if (matrix.length!0 != matrix.length!1) | return false; | if (matrix.length) do | { | if (!allImpl!fun(matrix.lightScope.front!0, matrix.lightScope.front!1)) | { | return false; | } | matrix.popFront!1; | matrix.popFront!0; | matrix._lengths[1] = matrix._lengths[0]; | } | while (matrix.length); | return true; | } | } | else | alias isSymmetric = .isSymmetric!(naryFun!fun); |} | |/// |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | assert(iota(2, 2).isSymmetric == false); | | assert( | [1, 2, | 2, 3].sliced(2, 2).isSymmetric == true); |} | |bool minPosImpl(alias fun, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(scope ref size_t[N] backwardIndex, scope ref Iterator iterator, Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) |{ | bool found; | do | { | static if (slice.shape.length == 1) | { | if (fun(*slice._iterator, *iterator)) | { | backwardIndex[0] = slice.length; | iterator = slice._iterator; | found = true; | } | } | else | { | if (minPosImpl!(fun, LightScopeOf!Iterator, N - 1, kind)(backwardIndex[1 .. $], iterator, lightScope(slice).front)) | { | backwardIndex[0] = slice.length; | found = true; | } | } | slice.popFront; | } | while(!slice.empty); | return found; |} | |bool[2] minmaxPosImpl(alias fun, Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(scope ref size_t[2][N] backwardIndex, scope ref Iterator[2] iterator, Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) |{ | bool[2] found; | do | { | static if (slice.shape.length == 1) | { | if (fun(*slice._iterator, *iterator[0])) | { | backwardIndex[0][0] = slice.length; | iterator[0] = slice._iterator; | found[0] = true; | } | else | if (fun(*iterator[1], *slice._iterator)) | { | backwardIndex[0][1] = slice.length; | iterator[1] = slice._iterator; | found[1] = true; | } | } | else | { | auto r = minmaxPosImpl!(fun, LightScopeOf!Iterator, N - 1, kind)(backwardIndex[1 .. $], iterator, lightScope(slice).front); | if (r[0]) | { | backwardIndex[0][0] = slice.length; | } | if (r[1]) | { | backwardIndex[0][1] = slice.length; | } | } | slice.popFront; | } | while(!slice.empty); | return found; |} | |/++ |Finds a positions (ndslices) such that |`position[0].first` is minimal and `position[1].first` is maximal elements in the slice. | |Position is sub-ndslice of the same dimension in the right-$(RPAREN)down-$(RPAREN)etc$(LPAREN)$(LPAREN) corner. | |Params: | pred = A predicate. | |See_also: | $(LREF minmaxIndex), | $(LREF minPos), | $(LREF maxPos), | $(NDSLICEREF slice, Slice.backward). |+/ |template minmaxPos(alias pred = "a < b") |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!pred, pred)) | /++ | Params: | slice = ndslice. | Returns: | 2 subslices with minimal and maximal `first` elements. | +/ | @optmath Slice!(Iterator, N, kind == Contiguous && N > 1 ? Canonical : kind)[2] | minmaxPos(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | { | typeof(return) pret; | if (!slice.anyEmpty) | { | size_t[2][N] ret; | auto scopeSlice = lightScope(slice); | auto it = scopeSlice._iterator; | LightScopeOf!Iterator[2] iterator = [it, it]; | minmaxPosImpl!(pred, LightScopeOf!Iterator, N, kind)(ret, iterator, scopeSlice); | foreach (i; Iota!N) | { | pret[0]._lengths[i] = ret[i][0]; | pret[1]._lengths[i] = ret[i][1]; | } | pret[0]._iterator = slice._iterator + (iterator[0] - scopeSlice._iterator); | pret[1]._iterator = slice._iterator + (iterator[1] - scopeSlice._iterator); | } | auto strides = slice.strides; | foreach(i; Iota!(0, pret[0].S)) | { | pret[0]._strides[i] = strides[i]; | pret[1]._strides[i] = strides[i]; | } | return pret; | } | else | alias minmaxPos = .minmaxPos!(naryFun!pred); |} | |/// |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | auto s = [ | 2, 6, 4, -3, | 0, -4, -3, 3, | -3, -2, 7, 2, | ].sliced(3, 4); | | auto pos = s.minmaxPos; | | assert(pos[0] == s[$ - 2 .. $, $ - 3 .. $]); | assert(pos[1] == s[$ - 1 .. $, $ - 2 .. $]); | | assert(pos[0].first == -4); | assert(s.backward(pos[0].shape) == -4); | assert(pos[1].first == 7); | assert(s.backward(pos[1].shape) == 7); |} | |/++ |Finds a backward indices such that |`slice[indices[0]]` is minimal and `slice[indices[1]]` is maximal elements in the slice. | |Params: | pred = A predicate. | |See_also: | $(LREF minmaxIndex), | $(LREF minPos), | $(LREF maxPos), | $(REF Slice.backward, mir,ndslice,slice). |+/ |template minmaxIndex(alias pred = "a < b") |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!pred, pred)) | /++ | Params: | slice = ndslice. | Returns: | Subslice with minimal (maximal) `first` element. | +/ | @optmath size_t[N][2] minmaxIndex(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | { | typeof(return) pret = size_t.max; | if (!slice.anyEmpty) | { | auto shape = slice.shape; | size_t[2][N] ret; | foreach (i; Iota!N) | { | ret[i][1] = ret[i][0] = shape[i]; | } | auto scopeSlice = lightScope(slice); | auto it = scopeSlice._iterator; | LightScopeOf!Iterator[2] iterator = [it, it]; | minmaxPosImpl!(pred, LightScopeOf!Iterator, N, kind)(ret, iterator, scopeSlice); | foreach (i; Iota!N) | { | pret[0][i] = slice._lengths[i] - ret[i][0]; | pret[1][i] = slice._lengths[i] - ret[i][1]; | } | } | return pret; | } | else | alias minmaxIndex = .minmaxIndex!(naryFun!pred); |} | |/// |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | auto s = [ | 2, 6, 4, -3, | 0, -4, -3, 3, | -3, -2, 7, 8, | ].sliced(3, 4); | | auto indices = s.minmaxIndex; | | assert(indices == [[1, 1], [2, 3]]); | assert(s[indices[0]] == -4); | assert(s[indices[1]] == 8); |} | |/++ |Finds a backward index such that |`slice.backward(index)` is minimal(maximal). | |Params: | pred = A predicate. | |See_also: | $(LREF minIndex), | $(LREF maxPos), | $(LREF maxIndex), | $(REF Slice.backward, mir,ndslice,slice). |+/ |template minPos(alias pred = "a < b") |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!pred, pred)) | /++ | Params: | slice = ndslice. | Returns: | Multidimensional backward index such that element is minimal(maximal). | Backward index equals zeros, if slice is empty. | +/ | @optmath Slice!(Iterator, N, kind == Contiguous && N > 1 ? Canonical : kind) | minPos(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | { | typeof(return) ret; | auto iterator = slice.lightScope._iterator; | if (!slice.anyEmpty) | { | minPosImpl!(pred, LightScopeOf!Iterator, N, kind)(ret._lengths, iterator, lightScope(slice)); | ret._iterator = slice._iterator + (iterator - slice.lightScope._iterator); | } | auto strides = slice.strides; | foreach(i; Iota!(0, ret.S)) | { | ret._strides[i] = strides[i]; | } | return ret; | } | else | alias minPos = .minPos!(naryFun!pred); |} | |/// ditto |template maxPos(alias pred = "a < b") |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun, reverseArgs; | alias maxPos = minPos!(reverseArgs!(naryFun!pred)); |} | |/// |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | auto s = [ | 2, 6, 4, -3, | 0, -4, -3, 3, | -3, -2, 7, 2, | ].sliced(3, 4); | | auto pos = s.minPos; | | assert(pos == s[$ - 2 .. $, $ - 3 .. $]); | assert(pos.first == -4); | assert(s.backward(pos.shape) == -4); | | pos = s.maxPos; | | assert(pos == s[$ - 1 .. $, $ - 2 .. $]); | assert(pos.first == 7); | assert(s.backward(pos.shape) == 7); |} | |/++ |Finds an index such that |`slice[index]` is minimal(maximal). | |Params: | pred = A predicate. | |See_also: | $(LREF minIndex), | $(LREF maxPos), | $(LREF maxIndex). |+/ |template minIndex(alias pred = "a < b") |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!pred, pred)) | /++ | Params: | slice = ndslice. | Returns: | Multidimensional index such that element is minimal(maximal). | Index elements equal to `size_t.max`, if slice is empty. | +/ | @optmath size_t[N] minIndex(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | { | size_t[N] ret = size_t.max; | if (!slice.anyEmpty) | { | ret = slice.shape; | auto scopeSlice = lightScope(slice); | auto iterator = scopeSlice._iterator; | minPosImpl!(pred, LightScopeOf!Iterator, N, kind)(ret, iterator, scopeSlice); | foreach (i; Iota!N) | ret[i] = slice._lengths[i] - ret[i]; | } | return ret; | } | else | alias minIndex = .minIndex!(naryFun!pred); |} | |/// ditto |template maxIndex(alias pred = "a < b") |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun, reverseArgs; | alias maxIndex = minIndex!(reverseArgs!(naryFun!pred)); |} | |/// |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | auto s = [ | 2, 6, 4, -3, | 0, -4, -3, 3, | -3, -2, 7, 8, | ].sliced(3, 4); | | auto index = s.minIndex; | | assert(index == [1, 1]); | assert(s[index] == -4); | | index = s.maxIndex; | | assert(index == [2, 3]); | assert(s[index] == 8); |} | |/// |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | auto s = [ | -8, 6, 4, -3, | 0, -4, -3, 3, | -3, -2, 7, 8, | ].sliced(3, 4); | | auto index = s.minIndex; | | assert(index == [0, 0]); | assert(s[index] == -8); |} | |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | auto s = [ | 0, 1, 2, 3, | 4, 5, 6, 7, | 8, 9, 10, 11 | ].sliced(3, 4); | | auto index = s.minIndex; | assert(index == [0, 0]); | assert(s[index] == 0); | | index = s.maxIndex; | assert(index == [2, 3]); | assert(s[index] == 11); |} | |bool findImpl(alias fun, size_t N, Slices...)(scope ref size_t[N] backwardIndex, Slices slices) | if (Slices.length) |{ | static if (__traits(isSame, fun, naryFun!"a") && is(S : Slice!(FieldIterator!(BitField!(Field, I))), Field, I)) | { | auto cnt = BitSliceAccelerator!(Field, I)(slices[0]).cttz; | if (cnt = -1) | return false; | backwardIndex[0] = slices[0].length - cnt; | } | else | static if (__traits(isSame, fun, naryFun!"a") && is(S : Slice!(RetroIterator!(FieldIterator!(BitField!(Field, I)))), Field, I)) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: retro; | auto cnt = BitSliceAccelerator!(Field, I)(slices[0].retro).ctlz; | if (cnt = -1) | return false; | backwardIndex[0] = slices[0].length - cnt; | } | else | { | do | { | static if (DimensionCount!(Slices[0]) == 1) | { | if (fun(frontOf!slices)) | { | backwardIndex[0] = slices[0].length; | return true; | } | } | else | { | if (findImpl!fun(backwardIndex[1 .. $], frontOf!slices)) | { | backwardIndex[0] = slices[0].length; | return true; | } | } | foreach_reverse(ref slice; slices) | slice.popFront; | } | while(!slices[0].empty); | return false; | } |} | |/++ |Finds an index such that |`pred(slices[0][index], ..., slices[$-1][index])` is `true`. | |Params: | pred = A predicate. | |See_also: | $(LREF find), | $(LREF any). |Optimization: | `findIndex!"a"` has accelerated specialization for slices created with $(REF bitwise, mir,ndslice,topology), $(REF bitSlice, mir,ndslice,allocation). |+/ |template findIndex(alias pred) |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!pred, pred)) | /++ | Params: | slices = One or more slices. | Returns: | Multidimensional index such that the predicate is true. | Index equals `size_t.max`, if the predicate evaluates `false` for all indices. | Constraints: | All slices must have the same shape. | +/ | @optmath Select!(DimensionCount!(Slices[0]) > 1, size_t[DimensionCount!(Slices[0])], size_t) findIndex(Slices...)(Slices slices) | if (Slices.length) | { | static if (Slices.length > 1) | slices.checkShapesMatch; | size_t[DimensionCount!(Slices[0])] ret = -1; | auto lengths = slices[0].shape; | if (!slices[0].anyEmpty && findImpl!pred(ret, allLightScope!slices)) | foreach (i; Iota!(DimensionCount!(Slices[0]))) | ret[i] = lengths[i] - ret[i]; | static if (DimensionCount!(Slices[0]) > 1) | return ret; | else | return ret[0]; | } | else | alias findIndex = .findIndex!(naryFun!pred); |} | |/// Ranges and arrays |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import std.range : iota; | // 0 1 2 3 4 5 | auto sl = iota(5); | size_t index = sl.findIndex!"a == 3"; | | assert(index == 3); | assert(sl[index] == 3); | | assert(sl.findIndex!(a => a == 8) == size_t.max); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | auto sl = iota(2, 3); | size_t[2] index = sl.findIndex!(a => a == 3); | | assert(sl[index] == 3); | | index = sl.findIndex!"a == 6"; | assert(index[0] == size_t.max); | assert(index[1] == size_t.max); |} | |/++ |Finds a backward index such that |`pred(slices[0].backward(index), ..., slices[$-1].backward(index))` is `true`. | |Params: | pred = A predicate. | |Optimization: | To check if any element was found | use the last dimension (row index). | This will slightly optimize the code. |-------- |if (backwardIndex) |{ | auto elem1 = slice1.backward(backwardIndex); | //... | auto elemK = sliceK.backward(backwardIndex); |} |else |{ | // not found |} |-------- | |See_also: | $(LREF findIndex), | $(LREF any), | $(REF Slice.backward, mir,ndslice,slice). | |Optimization: | `find!"a"` has accelerated specialization for slices created with $(REF bitwise, mir,ndslice,topology), $(REF bitSlice, mir,ndslice,allocation). |+/ |template find(alias pred) |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!pred, pred)) | /++ | Params: | slices = One or more slices. | Returns: | Multidimensional backward index such that the predicate is true. | Backward index equals zeros, if the predicate evaluates `false` for all indices. | Constraints: | All slices must have the same shape. | +/ | @optmath Select!(DimensionCount!(Slices[0]) > 1, size_t[DimensionCount!(Slices[0])], size_t) find(Slices...)(auto ref Slices slices) | if (Slices.length && allSatisfy!(hasShape, Slices)) | { | static if (Slices.length > 1) | slices.checkShapesMatch; | size_t[DimensionCount!(Slices[0])] ret; | if (!slices[0].anyEmpty) | findImpl!pred(ret, allLightScope!slices); | static if (DimensionCount!(Slices[0]) > 1) | return ret; | else | return ret[0]; | } | else | alias find = .find!(naryFun!pred); |} | |/// Ranges and arrays |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import std.range : iota; | | auto sl = iota(10); | size_t index = sl.find!"a == 3"; | | assert(sl[$ - index] == 3); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | auto sl = iota(2, 3); | size_t[2] bi = sl.find!"a == 3"; | assert(sl.backward(bi) == 3); | assert(sl[$ - bi[0], $ - bi[1]] == 3); | | bi = sl.find!"a == 6"; | assert(bi[0] == 0); | assert(bi[1] == 0); |} | |/// Multiple slices |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | auto a = iota(2, 3); | // 10 11 12 | // 13 14 15 | auto b = iota([2, 3], 10); | | size_t[2] bi = find!((a, b) => a * b == 39)(a, b); | assert(a.backward(bi) == 3); | assert(b.backward(bi) == 13); |} | |/// Zipped slices |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota, zip; | | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | auto a = iota(2, 3); | // 10 11 12 | // 13 14 15 | auto b = iota([2, 3], 10); | | size_t[2] bi = zip!true(a, b).find!"a.a * a.b == 39"; | | assert(a.backward(bi) == 3); | assert(b.backward(bi) == 13); |} | |/// Mutation on-the-fly |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : as, iota; | | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | auto sl = iota(2, 3).as!double.slice; | | static bool pred(T)(ref T a) | { | if (a == 5) | return true; | a = 8; | return false; | } | | size_t[2] bi = sl.find!pred; | | assert(bi == [1, 1]); | assert(sl.backward(bi) == 5); | | // sl was changed | assert(sl == [[8, 8, 8], | [8, 8, 5]]); |} | |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | size_t i; | size_t[2] bi = iota(2, 0).find!((elem){i++; return true;}); | assert(i == 0); | assert(bi == [0, 0]); |} | |size_t anyImpl(alias fun, Slices...)(scope Slices slices) | if (Slices.length) |{ | static if (__traits(isSame, fun, naryFun!"a") && is(S : Slice!(FieldIterator!(BitField!(Field, I))), Field, I)) | { | return BitSliceAccelerator!(Field, I)(slices[0]).any; | } | else | static if (__traits(isSame, fun, naryFun!"a") && is(S : Slice!(RetroIterator!(FieldIterator!(BitField!(Field, I)))), Field, I)) | { | // pragma(msg, S); | import mir.ndslice.topology: retro; | return .anyImpl!fun(lightScope(slices[0]).retro); | } | else | { | do | { | static if (DimensionCount!(Slices[0]) == 1) | { | if (fun(frontOf!slices)) | return true; | } | else | { | if (anyImpl!fun(frontOf!slices)) | return true; | } | foreach_reverse(ref slice; slices) | slice.popFront; | } | while(!slices[0].empty); | return false; | } |} | |/++ |Like $(LREF find), but only returns whether or not the search was successful. | |Params: | pred = The predicate. |Optimization: | `any!"a"` has accelerated specialization for slices created with $(REF bitwise, mir,ndslice,topology), $(REF bitSlice, mir,ndslice,allocation). |+/ |template any(alias pred = "a") |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!pred, pred)) | /++ | Params: | slices = One or more slices, ranges, and arrays. | Returns: | `true` if the search was successful and `false` otherwise. | Constraints: | All slices must have the same shape. | +/ | @optmath bool any(Slices...)(scope Slices slices) | if ((Slices.length == 1 || !__traits(isSame, pred, "a")) && Slices.length) | { | static if (Slices.length > 1) | slices.checkShapesMatch; | static if (areAllContiguousSlices!Slices) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: flattened; | return .any!pred(allFlattened!(allLightScope!slices)); | } | else | { | return !slices[0].anyEmpty && anyImpl!pred(allLightScope!slices); | } | } | else | alias any = .any!(naryFun!pred); |} | |/// Ranges and arrays |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import std.range : iota; | // 0 1 2 3 4 5 | auto r = iota(6); | | assert(r.any!"a == 3"); | assert(!r.any!"a == 6"); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | auto sl = iota(2, 3); | | assert(sl.any!"a == 3"); | assert(!sl.any!"a == 6"); |} | |/// Multiple slices |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | auto a = iota(2, 3); | // 10 11 12 | // 13 14 15 | auto b = iota([2, 3], 10); | | assert(any!((a, b) => a * b == 39)(a, b)); |} | |/// Zipped slices |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota, zip; | | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | auto a = iota(2, 3); | // 10 11 12 | // 13 14 15 | auto b = iota([2, 3], 10); | | // slices must have the same strides | | assert(zip!true(a, b).any!"a.a * a.b == 39"); |} | |/// Mutation on-the-fly |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : as, iota; | | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | auto sl = iota(2, 3).as!double.slice; | | static bool pred(T)(ref T a) | { | if (a == 5) | return true; | a = 8; | return false; | } | | assert(sl.any!pred); | | // sl was changed | assert(sl == [[8, 8, 8], | [8, 8, 5]]); |} | |size_t allImpl(alias fun, Slices...)(scope Slices slices) | if (Slices.length) |{ | static if (__traits(isSame, fun, naryFun!"a") && is(S : Slice!(FieldIterator!(BitField!(Field, I))), Field, I)) | { | return BitSliceAccelerator!(LightScopeOf!Field, I)(lightScope(slices[0])).all; | } | else | static if (__traits(isSame, fun, naryFun!"a") && is(S : Slice!(RetroIterator!(FieldIterator!(BitField!(Field, I)))), Field, I)) | { | // pragma(msg, S); | import mir.ndslice.topology: retro; | return .allImpl!fun(lightScope(slices[0]).retro); | } | else | { | do | { | static if (DimensionCount!(Slices[0]) == 1) | { 0000000| if (!fun(frontOf!slices)) 0000000| return false; | } | else | { | if (!allImpl!fun(frontOf!slices)) | return false; | } 0000000| foreach_reverse(ref slice; slices) 0000000| slice.popFront; | } 0000000| while(!slices[0].empty); 0000000| return true; | } |} | |/++ |Checks if all of the elements verify `pred`. | |Params: | pred = The predicate. |Optimization: | `all!"a"` has accelerated specialization for slices created with $(REF bitwise, mir,ndslice,topology), $(REF bitSlice, mir,ndslice,allocation). |+/ |template all(alias pred = "a") |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!pred, pred)) | /++ | Params: | slices = One or more slices. | Returns: | `true` all of the elements verify `pred` and `false` otherwise. | Constraints: | All slices must have the same shape. | +/ | @optmath bool all(Slices...)(scope Slices slices) | if ((Slices.length == 1 || !__traits(isSame, pred, "a")) && Slices.length) | { | static if (Slices.length > 1) 0000000| slices.checkShapesMatch; | static if (areAllContiguousSlices!Slices) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: flattened; 0000000| return .all!pred(allFlattened!(allLightScope!slices)); | } | else | { 0000000| return slices[0].anyEmpty || allImpl!pred(allLightScope!slices); | } | } | else | alias all = .all!(naryFun!pred); |} | |/// Ranges and arrays |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import std.range : iota; | // 0 1 2 3 4 5 | auto r = iota(6); | | assert(r.all!"a < 6"); | assert(!r.all!"a < 5"); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | auto sl = iota(2, 3); | | assert(sl.all!"a < 6"); | assert(!sl.all!"a < 5"); |} | |/// Multiple slices |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | auto sl = iota(2, 3); | | assert(all!"a - b == 0"(sl, sl)); |} | |/// Zipped slices |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota, zip; | | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | auto sl = iota(2, 3); | | | assert(zip!true(sl, sl).all!"a.a - a.b == 0"); |} | |/// Mutation on-the-fly |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : as, iota; | | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | auto sl = iota(2, 3).as!double.slice; | | static bool pred(T)(ref T a) | { | if (a < 4) | { | a = 8; | return true; | } | return false; | } | | assert(!sl.all!pred); | | // sl was changed | assert(sl == [[8, 8, 8], | [8, 4, 5]]); |} | |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | size_t i; | assert(iota(2, 0).all!((elem){i++; return true;})); | assert(i == 0); |} | |/++ |Counts elements in slices according to the `fun`. |Params: | fun = A predicate. | |Optimization: | `count!"a"` has accelerated specialization for slices created with $(REF bitwise, mir,ndslice,topology), $(REF bitSlice, mir,ndslice,allocation). |+/ |template count(alias fun) |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!fun, fun)) | /++ | Params: | slices = One or more slices, ranges, and arrays. | | Returns: The number elements according to the `fun`. | | Constraints: | All slices must have the same shape. | +/ | @optmath size_t count(Slices...)(scope Slices slices) | if (Slices.length) | { | static if (Slices.length > 1) | slices.checkShapesMatch; | static if (__traits(isSame, fun, naryFun!"true")) | { | return slices[0].elementCount; | } | else | static if (areAllContiguousSlices!Slices) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: flattened; | return .count!fun(allFlattened!(allLightScope!slices)); | } | else | { | if (slices[0].anyEmpty) | return 0; | return countImpl!(fun)(allLightScope!slices); | } | } | else | alias count = .count!(naryFun!fun); | |} | |/// Ranges and arrays |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import std.range : iota; | // 0 1 2 3 4 5 | auto r = iota(6); | | assert(r.count!"true" == 6); | assert(r.count!"a" == 5); | assert(r.count!"a % 2" == 3); |} | |/// Single slice |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | | //| 0 1 2 | | //| 3 4 5 | | auto sl = iota(2, 3); | | assert(sl.count!"true" == 6); | assert(sl.count!"a" == 5); | assert(sl.count!"a % 2" == 3); |} | |/// Accelerated set bit count |version(mir_test) |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: retro, iota, bitwise; | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | | //| 0 1 2 | | //| 3 4 5 | | auto sl = iota!size_t(2, 3).bitwise; | | assert(sl.count!"true" == 6 * size_t.sizeof * 8); | | assert(sl.slice.count!"a" == 7); | | // accelerated | assert(sl.count!"a" == 7); | assert(sl.retro.count!"a" == 7); | | auto sl2 = iota!ubyte([6], 128).bitwise; | // accelerated | assert(sl2.count!"a" == 13); | assert(sl2[4 .. $].count!"a" == 13); | assert(sl2[4 .. $ - 1].count!"a" == 12); | assert(sl2[4 .. $ - 1].count!"a" == 12); | assert(sl2[41 .. $ - 1].count!"a" == 1); |} | |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: bitwise, assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift; | auto sl = slice!uint([6]).bitwise; | auto slb = slice!ubyte([6]).bitwise; | slb[4] = true; | auto d = slb[4]; | auto c = assumeFieldsHaveZeroShift(slb & ~slb); | // pragma(msg, typeof(c)); | assert(!sl.any); | assert((~sl).all); | // pragma(msg, typeof(~slb)); | // pragma(msg, typeof(~slb)); | // assert(sl.findIndex); |} | |/++ |Compares two or more slices for equality, as defined by predicate `pred`. | |See_also: $(NDSLICEREF slice, Slice.opEquals) | |Params: | pred = The predicate. |+/ |template equal(alias pred = "a == b") |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!pred, pred)) | { | /++ | Params: | slices = Two or more ndslices, ranges, and arrays. | | Returns: | `true` any of the elements verify `pred` and `false` otherwise. | +/ | bool equal(Slices...)(scope Slices slices) | if (Slices.length >= 2) | { | import mir.internal.utility; | static if (allSatisfy!(hasShape, Slices)) | { 0000000| auto shape0 = slices[0].shape; | enum N = DimensionCount!(Slices[0]); 0000000| foreach (ref slice; slices[1 .. $]) | { 0000000| if (slice.shape != shape0) 0000000| goto False; | } 0000000| return all!pred(allLightScope!slices); | } | else | { | for(;;) | { | auto empty = slices[0].empty; | foreach (ref slice; slices[1 .. $]) | { | if (slice.empty != empty) | goto False; | } | if (empty) | return true; | if (!pred(frontOf!slices)) | goto False; | foreach (ref slice; slices) | slice.popFront; | } | } 0000000| False: return false; | } | } | else | alias equal = .equal!(naryFun!pred); |} | |/// Ranges and arrays |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import std.range : iota; | auto r = iota(6); | assert(r.equal([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | auto sl1 = iota(2, 3); | // 1 2 3 | // 4 5 6 | auto sl2 = iota([2, 3], 1); | | assert(equal(sl1, sl1)); | assert(sl1 == sl1); //can also use opEquals for two Slices | assert(equal!"2 * a == b + c"(sl1, sl1, sl1)); | | assert(equal!"a < b"(sl1, sl2)); | | assert(!equal(sl1[0 .. $ - 1], sl1)); | assert(!equal(sl1[0 .. $, 0 .. $ - 1], sl1)); |} | |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.math.common: approxEqual; | import mir.ndslice.allocation: rcslice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: as, iota; | | auto x =!double.rcslice; | auto y = x.rcslice; | | assert(equal(x, y)); | assert(equal!approxEqual(x, y)); |} | |ptrdiff_t cmpImpl(alias pred, A, B) | (scope A sl1, scope B sl2) | if (DimensionCount!A == DimensionCount!B) |{ | for (;;) | { | static if (DimensionCount!A == 1) | { | import mir.functional : naryFun; 0000000| if (naryFun!pred(sl1.front, sl2.front)) 0000000| return -1; 0000000| if (naryFun!pred(sl2.front, sl1.front)) 0000000| return 1; | } | else | { | if (auto res = .cmpImpl!pred(sl1.front, sl2.front)) | return res; | } 0000000| sl1.popFront; 0000000| if (sl1.empty) 0000000| return -cast(ptrdiff_t)(sl2.length > 1); 0000000| sl2.popFront; 0000000| if (sl2.empty) 0000000| return 1; | } |} | |/++ |Performs three-way recursive lexicographical comparison on two slices according to predicate `pred`. |Iterating `sl1` and `sl2` in lockstep, `cmp` compares each `N-1` dimensional element `e1` of `sl1` |with the corresponding element `e2` in `sl2` recursively. |If one of the slices has been finished,`cmp` returns a negative value if `sl1` has fewer elements than `sl2`, |a positive value if `sl1` has more elements than `sl2`, |and `0` if the ranges have the same number of elements. | |Params: | pred = The predicate. |+/ |template cmp(alias pred = "a < b") |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!pred, pred)) | /++ | Params: | sl1 = First slice, range, or array. | sl2 = Second slice, range, or array. | | Returns: | `0` if both ranges compare equal. | Negative value if the first differing element of `sl1` is less than the corresponding | element of `sl2` according to `pred`. | Positive value if the first differing element of `sl2` is less than the corresponding | element of `sl1` according to `pred`. | +/ | auto cmp(A, B) | (scope A sl1, scope B sl2) | if (DimensionCount!A == DimensionCount!B) | { 0000000| auto b = sl2.anyEmpty; 0000000| if (sl1.anyEmpty) | { 0000000| if (!b) 0000000| return -1; 0000000| auto sh1 = sl1.shape; 0000000| auto sh2 = sl2.shape; | foreach (i; Iota!(DimensionCount!A)) 0000000| if (sh1[i] != sh2[i]) 0000000| return sh1[i] > sh2[i] ? 1 : -1; 0000000| return 0; | } 0000000| if (b) 0000000| return 1; 0000000| return cmpImpl!pred(lightScope(sl1), lightScope(sl2)); | } | else | alias cmp = .cmp!(naryFun!pred); |} | |/// Ranges and arrays |@safe pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import std.range : iota; | | // 0 1 2 3 4 5 | auto r1 = iota(0, 6); | // 1 2 3 4 5 6 | auto r2 = iota(1, 7); | | assert(cmp(r1, r1) == 0); | assert(cmp(r1, r2) < 0); | assert(cmp!"a >= b"(r1, r2) > 0); |} | |/// |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | | // 0 1 2 | // 3 4 5 | auto sl1 = iota(2, 3); | // 1 2 3 | // 4 5 6 | auto sl2 = iota([2, 3], 1); | | assert(cmp(sl1, sl1) == 0); | assert(cmp(sl1, sl2) < 0); | assert(cmp!"a >= b"(sl1, sl2) > 0); |} | |@safe pure nothrow @nogc |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology : iota; | | auto sl1 = iota(2, 3); | auto sl2 = iota([2, 3], 1); | | assert(cmp(sl1[0 .. $ - 1], sl1) < 0); | assert(cmp(sl1, sl1[0 .. $, 0 .. $ - 1]) > 0); | | assert(cmp(sl1[0 .. $ - 2], sl1) < 0); | assert(cmp(sl1, sl1[0 .. $, 0 .. $ - 3]) > 0); | assert(cmp(sl1[0 .. $, 0 .. $ - 3], sl1[0 .. $, 0 .. $ - 3]) == 0); | assert(cmp(sl1[0 .. $, 0 .. $ - 3], sl1[0 .. $ - 1, 0 .. $ - 3]) > 0); | assert(cmp(sl1[0 .. $ - 1, 0 .. $ - 3], sl1[0 .. $, 0 .. $ - 3]) < 0); |} | |size_t countImpl(alias fun, Slices...)(scope Slices slices) |{ | size_t ret; | alias S = Slices[0]; | import mir.functional: naryFun; | import mir.ndslice.iterator: FieldIterator, RetroIterator; | import mir.ndslice.field: BitField; | static if (__traits(isSame, fun, naryFun!"a") && is(S : Slice!(FieldIterator!(BitField!(Field, I))), Field, I)) | { | ret = BitSliceAccelerator!(Field, I)(slices[0]).ctpop; | } | else | static if (__traits(isSame, fun, naryFun!"a") && is(S : Slice!(RetroIterator!(FieldIterator!(BitField!(Field, I)))), Field, I)) | { | // pragma(msg, S); | import mir.ndslice.topology: retro; | ret = .countImpl!fun(lightScope(slices[0]).retro); | } | else | do | { | static if (DimensionCount!(Slices[0]) == 1) | { | if(fun(frontOf!slices)) | ret++; | } | else | ret += .countImpl!fun(frontOf!slices); | foreach_reverse(ref slice; slices) | slice.popFront; | } | while(!slices[0].empty); | return ret; |} | |/++ |Returns: max length across all dimensions. |+/ |size_t maxLength(S)(auto ref scope S s) | if (hasShape!S) |{ | auto shape = s.shape; | size_t length = 0; | foreach(i; Iota!(shape.length)) | if (shape[i] > length) | length = shape[i]; | return length; |} | |/++ |The call `eachLower!(fun)(slice1, ..., sliceN)` evaluates `fun` on the lower |triangle in `slice1, ..., sliceN` respectively. | |`eachLower` allows iterating multiple slices in the lockstep. | |Params: | fun = A function |See_Also: | This is functionally similar to $(LREF each). |+/ |template eachLower(alias fun) |{ | import mir.functional : naryFun; | | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!fun, fun)) | { | /++ | Params: | inputs = One or more two-dimensional slices and an optional | integer, `k`. | | The value `k` determines which diagonals will have the function | applied: | For k = 0, the function is also applied to the main diagonal | For k = 1 (default), only the non-main diagonals below the main | diagonal will have the function applied. | For k > 1, fewer diagonals below the main diagonal will have the | function applied. | For k < 0, more diagonals above the main diagonal will have the | function applied. | +/ | void eachLower(Inputs...)(scope Inputs inputs) | if (((Inputs.length > 1) && | (isIntegral!(Inputs[$ - 1]))) || | (Inputs.length)) | { | import mir.ndslice.traits : isMatrix; | | size_t val; | | static if ((Inputs.length > 1) && (isIntegral!(Inputs[$ - 1]))) | { | immutable(sizediff_t) k = inputs[$ - 1]; | alias Slices = Inputs[0..($ - 1)]; | alias slices = inputs[0..($ - 1)]; | } | else | { | enum sizediff_t k = 1; | alias Slices = Inputs; | alias slices = inputs; | } | | static assert (allSatisfy!(isMatrix, Slices), | "eachLower: Every slice input must be a two-dimensional slice"); | static if (Slices.length > 1) | slices.checkShapesMatch; | if (slices[0].anyEmpty) | return; | | foreach(ref slice; slices) | assert(!slice.empty); | | immutable(size_t) m = slices[0].length!0; | immutable(size_t) n = slices[0].length!1; | | if ((n + k) < m) | { | val = m - (n + k); | .eachImpl!fun(selectBackOf!(val, slices)); | } | | size_t i; | | if (k > 0) | { | foreach(ref slice; slices) | slice.popFrontExactly!0(k); | i = k; | } | | do | { | val = i - k + 1; | .eachImpl!fun(frontSelectFrontOf!(val, slices)); | | foreach(ref slice; slices) | slice.popFront!0; | i++; | } while ((i < (n + k)) && (i < m)); | } | } | else | { | alias eachLower = .eachLower!(naryFun!fun); | } |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, canonical, universal; | alias AliasSeq(T...) = T; | | pure nothrow | void test(alias func)() | { | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | auto m = func(iota([3, 3], 1).slice); | m.eachLower!"a = 0"(0); | assert(m == [ | [0, 2, 3], | [0, 0, 6], | [0, 0, 0]]); | } | | @safe pure nothrow @nogc | T identity(T)(T x) | { | return x; | } | | alias kinds = AliasSeq!(identity, canonical, universal); | test!(kinds[0]); | test!(kinds[1]); | test!(kinds[2]); |} | |/// |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | auto m = iota([3, 3], 1).slice; | m.eachLower!"a = 0"; | assert(m == [ | [1, 2, 3], | [0, 5, 6], | [0, 0, 9]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | auto m = iota([3, 3], 1).slice; | m.eachLower!"a = 0"(-1); | assert(m == [ | [0, 0, 3], | [0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | auto m = iota([3, 3], 1).slice; | m.eachLower!"a = 0"(2); | assert(m == [ | [1, 2, 3], | [4, 5, 6], | [0, 8, 9]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | auto m = iota([3, 3], 1).slice; | m.eachLower!"a = 0"(-2); | assert(m == [ | [0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 4 | | //| 5 6 7 8 | | //| 9 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([3, 4], 1).slice; | m.eachLower!"a = 0"(0); | assert(m == [ | [0, 2, 3, 4], | [0, 0, 7, 8], | [0, 0, 0, 12]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 4 | | //| 5 6 7 8 | | //| 9 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([3, 4], 1).slice; | m.eachLower!"a = 0"; | assert(m == [ | [1, 2, 3, 4], | [0, 6, 7, 8], | [0, 0, 11, 12]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 4 | | //| 5 6 7 8 | | //| 9 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([3, 4], 1).slice; | m.eachLower!"a = 0"(-1); | assert(m == [ | [0, 0, 3, 4], | [0, 0, 0, 8], | [0, 0, 0, 0]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 4 | | //| 5 6 7 8 | | //| 9 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([3, 4], 1).slice; | m.eachLower!"a = 0"(2); | assert(m == [ | [1, 2, 3, 4], | [5, 6, 7, 8], | [0, 10, 11, 12]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 4 | | //| 5 6 7 8 | | //| 9 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([3, 4], 1).slice; | m.eachLower!"a = 0"(-2); | assert(m == [ | [0, 0, 0, 4], | [0, 0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0, 0]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | //| 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([4, 3], 1).slice; | m.eachLower!"a = 0"(0); | assert(m == [ | [0, 2, 3], | [0, 0, 6], | [0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | //| 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([4, 3], 1).slice; | m.eachLower!"a = 0"; | assert(m == [ | [1, 2, 3], | [0, 5, 6], | [0, 0, 9], | [0, 0, 0]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | //| 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([4, 3], 1).slice; | m.eachLower!"a = 0"(-1); | assert(m == [ | [0, 0, 3], | [0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | //| 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([4, 3], 1).slice; | m.eachLower!"a = 0"(2); | assert(m == [ | [1, 2, 3], | [4, 5, 6], | [0, 8, 9], | [0, 0, 12]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | //| 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([4, 3], 1).slice; | m.eachLower!"a = 0"(-2); | assert(m == [ | [0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0]]); |} | |/// Swap two slices |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.utility : swap; | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : as, iota; | | //| 0 1 2 | | //| 3 4 5 | | //| 6 7 8 | | auto a = iota([3, 3]).as!double.slice; | //| 10 11 12 | | //| 13 14 15 | | //| 16 17 18 | | auto b = iota([3, 3], 10).as!double.slice; | | eachLower!swap(a, b); | | assert(a == [ | [ 0, 1, 2], | [13, 4, 5], | [16, 17, 8]]); | assert(b == [ | [10, 11, 12], | [ 3, 14, 15], | [ 6, 7, 18]]); |} | |/// Swap two zipped slices |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.utility : swap; | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : as, zip, iota; | | //| 0 1 2 | | //| 3 4 5 | | //| 6 7 8 | | auto a = iota([3, 3]).as!double.slice; | //| 10 11 12 | | //| 13 14 15 | | //| 16 17 18 | | auto b = iota([3, 3], 10).as!double.slice; | | auto z = zip(a, b); | | z.eachLower!(z => swap(z.a, z.b)); | | assert(a == [ | [ 0, 1, 2], | [13, 4, 5], | [16, 17, 8]]); | assert(b == [ | [10, 11, 12], | [ 3, 14, 15], | [ 6, 7, 18]]); |} | |/++ |The call `eachUpper!(fun)(slice1, ..., sliceN)` evaluates `fun` on the upper |triangle in `slice1, ..., sliceN`, respectively. | |`eachUpper` allows iterating multiple slices in the lockstep. | |Params: | fun = A function |See_Also: | This is functionally similar to $(LREF each). |+/ |template eachUpper(alias fun) |{ | import mir.functional: naryFun; | | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!fun, fun)) | { | /++ | Params: | inputs = One or more two-dimensional slices and an optional | integer, `k`. | | The value `k` determines which diagonals will have the function | applied: | For k = 0, the function is also applied to the main diagonal | For k = 1 (default), only the non-main diagonals above the main | diagonal will have the function applied. | For k > 1, fewer diagonals below the main diagonal will have the | function applied. | For k < 0, more diagonals above the main diagonal will have the | function applied. | +/ | void eachUpper(Inputs...)(scope Inputs inputs) | if (((Inputs.length > 1) && | (isIntegral!(Inputs[$ - 1]))) || | (Inputs.length)) | { | import mir.ndslice.traits : isMatrix; | | size_t val; | | static if ((Inputs.length > 1) && (isIntegral!(Inputs[$ - 1]))) | { | immutable(sizediff_t) k = inputs[$ - 1]; | alias Slices = Inputs[0..($ - 1)]; | alias slices = inputs[0..($ - 1)]; | } | else | { | enum sizediff_t k = 1; | alias Slices = Inputs; | alias slices = inputs; | } | | static assert (allSatisfy!(isMatrix, Slices), | "eachUpper: Every slice input must be a two-dimensional slice"); | static if (Slices.length > 1) | slices.checkShapesMatch; | if (slices[0].anyEmpty) | return; | | foreach(ref slice; slices) | assert(!slice.empty); | | immutable(size_t) m = slices[0].length!0; | immutable(size_t) n = slices[0].length!1; | | size_t i; | | if (k < 0) | { | val = -k; | .eachImpl!fun(selectFrontOf!(val, slices)); | | foreach(ref slice; slices) | slice.popFrontExactly!0(-k); | i = -k; | } | | do | { | val = (n - k) - i; | .eachImpl!fun(frontSelectBackOf!(val, slices)); | | foreach(ref slice; slices) | slice.popFront; | i++; | } while ((i < (n - k)) && (i < m)); | } | } | else | { | alias eachUpper = .eachUpper!(naryFun!fun); | } |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, canonical, universal; | | pure nothrow | void test(alias func)() | { | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | auto m = func(iota([3, 3], 1).slice); | m.eachUpper!"a = 0"(0); | assert(m == [ | [0, 0, 0], | [4, 0, 0], | [7, 8, 0]]); | } | | @safe pure nothrow @nogc | T identity(T)(T x) | { | return x; | } | | alias kinds = AliasSeq!(identity, canonical, universal); | test!(kinds[0]); | test!(kinds[1]); | test!(kinds[2]); |} | |/// |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | auto m = iota([3, 3], 1).slice; | m.eachUpper!"a = 0"; | assert(m == [ | [1, 0, 0], | [4, 5, 0], | [7, 8, 9]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | auto m = iota([3, 3], 1).slice; | m.eachUpper!"a = 0"(-1); | assert(m == [ | [0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0], | [7, 0, 0]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | auto m = iota([3, 3], 1).slice; | m.eachUpper!"a = 0"(2); | assert(m == [ | [1, 2, 0], | [4, 5, 6], | [7, 8, 9]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | auto m = iota([3, 3], 1).slice; | m.eachUpper!"a = 0"(-2); | assert(m == [ | [0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 4 | | //| 5 6 7 8 | | //| 9 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([3, 4], 1).slice; | m.eachUpper!"a = 0"(0); | assert(m == [ | [0, 0, 0, 0], | [5, 0, 0, 0], | [9, 10, 0, 0]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 4 | | //| 5 6 7 8 | | //| 9 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([3, 4], 1).slice; | m.eachUpper!"a = 0"; | assert(m == [ | [1, 0, 0, 0], | [5, 6, 0, 0], | [9, 10, 11, 0]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 4 | | //| 5 6 7 8 | | //| 9 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([3, 4], 1).slice; | m.eachUpper!"a = 0"(-1); | assert(m == [ | [0, 0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0, 0], | [9, 0, 0, 0]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 4 | | //| 5 6 7 8 | | //| 9 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([3, 4], 1).slice; | m.eachUpper!"a = 0"(2); | assert(m == [ | [1, 2, 0, 0], | [5, 6, 7, 0], | [9, 10, 11, 12]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 4 | | //| 5 6 7 8 | | //| 9 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([3, 4], 1).slice; | m.eachUpper!"a = 0"(-2); | assert(m == [ | [0, 0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0, 0]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | //| 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([4, 3], 1).slice; | m.eachUpper!"a = 0"(0); | assert(m == [ | [0, 0, 0], | [4, 0, 0], | [7, 8, 0], | [10, 11, 12]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | //| 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([4, 3], 1).slice; | m.eachUpper!"a = 0"; | assert(m == [ | [1, 0, 0], | [4, 5, 0], | [7, 8, 9], | [10, 11, 12]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | //| 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([4, 3], 1).slice; | m.eachUpper!"a = 0"(-1); | assert(m == [ | [0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0], | [7, 0, 0], | [10, 11, 0]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | //| 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([4, 3], 1).slice; | m.eachUpper!"a = 0"(2); | assert(m == [ | [1, 2, 0], | [4, 5, 6], | [7, 8, 9], | [10, 11, 12]]); |} | |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.allocation: slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology: iota; | | //| 1 2 3 | | //| 4 5 6 | | //| 7 8 9 | | //| 10 11 12 | | auto m = iota([4, 3], 1).slice; | m.eachUpper!"a = 0"(-2); | assert(m == [ | [0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0], | [0, 0, 0], | [10, 0, 0]]); |} | |/// Swap two slices |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.utility : swap; | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : as, iota; | | //| 0 1 2 | | //| 3 4 5 | | //| 6 7 8 | | auto a = iota([3, 3]).as!double.slice; | //| 10 11 12 | | //| 13 14 15 | | //| 16 17 18 | | auto b = iota([3, 3], 10).as!double.slice; | | eachUpper!swap(a, b); | | assert(a == [ | [0, 11, 12], | [3, 4, 15], | [6, 7, 8]]); | assert(b == [ | [10, 1, 2], | [13, 14, 5], | [16, 17, 18]]); |} | |/// Swap two zipped slices |pure nothrow |version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import mir.utility : swap; | import mir.ndslice.allocation : slice; | import mir.ndslice.topology : as, zip, iota; | | //| 0 1 2 | | //| 3 4 5 | | //| 6 7 8 | | auto a = iota([3, 3]).as!double.slice; | //| 10 11 12 | | //| 13 14 15 | | //| 16 17 18 | | auto b = iota([3, 3], 10).as!double.slice; | | auto z = zip(a, b); | | z.eachUpper!(z => swap(z.a, z.b)); | | assert(a == [ | [0, 11, 12], | [3, 4, 15], | [6, 7, 8]]); | assert(b == [ | [10, 1, 2], | [13, 14, 5], | [16, 17, 18]]); |} | |// uniq |/** |Lazily iterates unique consecutive elements of the given range (functionality |akin to the $(HTTP, _uniq) system |utility). Equivalence of elements is assessed by using the predicate |$(D pred), by default $(D "a == b"). The predicate is passed to |$(REF nary, mir,functional), and can either accept a string, or any callable |that can be executed via $(D pred(element, element)). If the given range is |bidirectional, $(D uniq) also yields a |`std,range,primitives`. |Params: | pred = Predicate for determining equivalence between range elements. |*/ |template uniq(alias pred = "a == b") |{ | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!pred, pred)) | { | /++ | Params: | r = An input range of elements to filter. | Returns: | An input range of | consecutively unique elements in the original range. If `r` is also a | forward range or bidirectional range, the returned range will be likewise. | +/ | Uniq!(naryFun!pred, Range) uniq(Range)(Range r) | if (isInputRange!Range && !isSlice!Range) | { | import core.lifetime: move; | return typeof(return)(r.move); | } | | /// ditto | auto uniq(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: flattened; | import core.lifetime: move; | auto r = slice.move.flattened; | return Uniq!(pred, typeof(r))(move(r)); | } | } | else | alias uniq = .uniq!(naryFun!pred); |} | |/// |@safe version(mir_test) unittest |{ | int[] arr = [ 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5 ]; | assert(equal(uniq(arr), [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ])); | | import std.algorithm.mutation : copy; | // Filter duplicates in-place using copy | arr.length -= arr.uniq.copy(arr).length; | assert(arr == [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]); | | // Note that uniqueness is only determined consecutively; duplicated | // elements separated by an intervening different element will not be | // eliminated: | assert(equal(uniq([ 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1]), [1, 2, 1, 3, 1])); |} | |/// N-dimensional case |version(mir_test) |@safe pure unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.fuse; | import mir.ndslice.topology: byDim, map, iota; | | auto matrix = [ [1, 2, 2], [2, 2, 3], [4, 4, 4] ].fuse; | | assert(matrix.uniq.equal([ 1, 2, 3, 4 ])); | | // unique elements for each row | assert(matrix.byDim!!uniq.equal!equal([ [1, 2], [2, 3], [4] ])); |} | |/++ |Authros: $(HTTP, Andrei Alexandrescu) (original Phobos code), Ilya Yaroshenko (betterC rework) |+/ |struct Uniq(alias pred, Range) |{ | Range _input; | | ref opSlice() inout | { | return this; | } | | void popFront() scope | { | assert(!empty, "Attempting to popFront an empty uniq."); | auto last = _input.front; | do | { | _input.popFront(); | } | while (!_input.empty && pred(last, _input.front)); | } | | auto ref front() @property | { | assert(!empty, "Attempting to fetch the front of an empty uniq."); | return _input.front; | } | | static if (isBidirectionalRange!Range) | { | void popBack() scope | { | assert(!empty, "Attempting to popBack an empty uniq."); | auto last = _input.back; | do | { | _input.popBack(); | } | while (!_input.empty && pred(last, _input.back)); | } | | auto ref back() scope return @property | { | assert(!empty, "Attempting to fetch the back of an empty uniq."); | return _input.back; | } | } | | static if (isInfinite!Range) | { | enum bool empty = false; // Propagate infiniteness. | } | else | { | @property bool empty() const { return _input.empty; } | } | | static if (isForwardRange!Range) | { | @property typeof(this) save() scope return | { | return typeof(this)(; | } | } |} | |version(none) |@safe version(mir_test) unittest |{ | import std.internal.test.dummyrange; | import std.range; | | int[] arr = [ 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5 ]; | auto r = uniq(arr); | static assert(isForwardRange!(typeof(r))); | | assert(equal(r, [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ][])); | assert(equal(retro(r), retro([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ][]))); | | foreach (DummyType; AllDummyRanges) | { | DummyType d; | auto u = uniq(d); | assert(equal(u, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])); | | static assert(d.rt == RangeType.Input || isForwardRange!(typeof(u))); | | static if (d.rt >= RangeType.Bidirectional) | { | assert(equal(retro(u), [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1])); | } | } |} | |@safe version(mir_test) unittest // |{ | const(int)[] var = [0, 1, 1, 2]; | assert(var.uniq.equal([0, 1, 2])); |} | |@safe version(mir_test) unittest { | import mir.ndslice.allocation; | import mir.math.common: approxEqual; | auto x = rcslice!double(2); | auto y = rcslice!double(2); | x[] = [2, 3]; | y[] = [2, 3]; | assert(equal!approxEqual(x,y)); |} | |/++ |Implements the higher order filter function. The predicate is passed to |`mir.functional.naryFun`, and can either accept a string, or any callable |that can be executed via `pred(element)`. |Params: | pred = Function to apply to each element of range |Returns: | `filter!(pred)(range)` returns a new range containing only elements `x` in `range` for | which `pred(x)` returns `true`. |See_Also: | $(HTTP, Filter (higher-order function)) |Note: | $(RED User and library code MUST call `empty` method ahead each call of pair or one of `front` and `popFront` methods.) |+/ |template filter(alias pred = "a") |{ | static if (__traits(isSame, naryFun!pred, pred)) | { | /++ | Params: | r = An input range of elements to filter. | Returns: | A new range containing only elements `x` in `range` for which `predicate(x)` returns `true`. | +/ | Filter!(naryFun!pred, Range) filter(Range)(Range r) | if (isInputRange!Range && !isSlice!Range) | { | import core.lifetime: move; | return typeof(return)(r.move); | } | | /// ditto | auto filter(Iterator, size_t N, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(Iterator, N, kind) slice) | { | import mir.ndslice.topology: flattened; | import core.lifetime: move; | auto r = slice.move.flattened; | return Filter!(pred, typeof(r))(move(r)); | } | } | else | alias filter = .filter!(naryFun!pred); |} | |/// ditto |struct Filter(alias pred, Range) |{ | Range _input; | version(assert) bool _freshEmpty; | | ref opSlice() inout | { | return this; | } | | void popFront() scope | { | assert(!_input.empty, "Attempting to popFront an empty Filter."); | version(assert) assert(_freshEmpty, "Attempting to pop the front of a Filter without calling '.empty' method ahead."); | version(assert) _freshEmpty = false; | _input.popFront; | } | | auto ref front() @property | { | assert(!_input.empty, "Attempting to fetch the front of an empty Filter."); | version(assert) assert(_freshEmpty, "Attempting to fetch the front of a Filter without calling '.empty' method ahead."); | return _input.front; | } | | bool empty() @property | { | version(assert) _freshEmpty = true; | for (;;) | { | if (auto r = _input.empty) | return true; | if (pred(_input.front)) | return false; | _input.popFront; | } | } | | static if (isForwardRange!Range) | { | @property typeof(this) save() scope return | { | return typeof(this)(; | } | } |} | |/// |version(mir_test) |@safe pure nothrow unittest |{ | int[] arr = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]; | | // Filter below 3 | auto small = filter!(a => a < 3)(arr); | assert(equal(small, [ 0, 1, 2 ])); | | // Filter again, but with Uniform Function Call Syntax (UFCS) | auto sum = arr.filter!(a => a < 3); | assert(equal(sum, [ 0, 1, 2 ])); | | // Filter with the default predicate | auto nonZeros = arr.filter; | assert(equal(nonZeros, [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ])); | | // In combination with concatenation() to span multiple ranges | import mir.ndslice.concatenation; | | int[] a = [ 3, -2, 400 ]; | int[] b = [ 100, -101, 102 ]; | auto r = concatenation(a, b).filter!(a => a > 0); | assert(equal(r, [ 3, 400, 100, 102 ])); | | // Mixing convertible types is fair game, too | double[] c = [ 2.5, 3.0 ]; | auto r1 = concatenation(c, a, b).filter!(a => cast(int) a != a); | assert(equal(r1, [ 2.5 ])); |} | |/// N-dimensional filtering |version(mir_test) |@safe pure unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.fuse; | import mir.ndslice.topology: byDim, map; | | auto matrix = | [[ 3, -2, 400 ], | [ 100, -101, 102 ]].fuse; | | alias filterPositive = filter!"a > 0"; | | // filter all elements in the matrix | auto r = filterPositive(matrix); | assert(equal(r, [ 3, 400, 100, 102 ])); | | // filter all elements for each row | auto rr = matrix.byDim!!filterPositive; | assert(equal!equal(rr, [ [3, 400], [100, 102] ])); | | // filter all elements for each column | auto rc = matrix.byDim!!filterPositive; | assert(equal!equal(rc, [ [3, 100], [], [400, 102] ])); |} | |/++ |Implements the homonym function (also known as `accumulate`, $(D |compress), `inject`, or `foldl`) present in various programming |languages of functional flavor. The call `fold!(fun)(slice, seed)` |first assigns `seed` to an internal variable `result`, |also called the accumulator. Then, for each element `x` in $(D |slice), `result = fun(result, x)` gets evaluated. Finally, $(D |result) is returned. | |Params: | fun = the predicate function to apply to the elements | |See_Also: | $(HTTP, Fold (higher-order function)) | $(LREF sum) is similar to `fold!((a, b) => a + b)` that offers | precise summing of floating point numbers. | This is functionally equivalent to $(LREF reduce) with the argument order | reversed. |+/ |template fold(alias fun) |{ | /++ | Params: | slice = A slice, range, and array. | seed = An initial accumulation value. | Returns: | the accumulated result | +/ | @optmath auto fold(Slice, S)(scope Slice slice, S seed) | { | import core.lifetime: move; | return reduce!fun(seed, slice.move); | } |} | |/// |version(mir_test) |@safe pure nothrow |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.slice: sliced; | import mir.ndslice.topology: map; | | auto arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].sliced; | | // Sum all elements | assert(arr.fold!((a, b) => a + b)(0) == 15); | assert(arr.fold!((a, b) => a + b)(6) == 21); | | // Can be used in a UFCS chain | assert(!(a => a + 1).fold!((a, b) => a + b)(0) == 20); | | // Return the last element of any range | assert(arr.fold!((a, b) => b)(0) == 5); |} | |/// Works for matrices |version(mir_test) |@safe pure |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.fuse: fuse; | | auto arr = [ | [1, 2, 3], | [4, 5, 6] | ].fuse; | | assert(arr.fold!((a, b) => a + b)(0) == 21); |} | |version(mir_test) |@safe pure nothrow |unittest |{ | import mir.ndslice.topology: map; | | int[] arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; | | // Sum all elements | assert(arr.fold!((a, b) => a + b)(0) == 15); | assert(arr.fold!((a, b) => a + b)(6) == 21); | | // Can be used in a UFCS chain | assert(!(a => a + 1).fold!((a, b) => a + b)(0) == 20); | | // Return the last element of any range | assert(arr.fold!((a, b) => b)(0) == 5); |} | |version(mir_test) |@safe pure nothrow |unittest |{ | int[] arr = [1]; | static assert(!is(typeof(arr.fold!()(0)))); | static assert(!is(typeof(arr.fold!(a => a)(0)))); | static assert(is(typeof(arr.fold!((a, b) => a)(0)))); | assert(arr.length == 1); |} | |unittest |{ | import mir.rc.array: RCArray; | import mir.algorithm.iteration: minmaxPos, minPos, maxPos, minmaxIndex, minIndex, maxIndex; | | static immutable a = [0.0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]; | | auto x = RCArray!double(12); | foreach(i, ref e; x) | e = a[i]; | auto y = x.asSlice; | auto z0 = y.minmaxPos; | auto z1 = y.minPos; | auto z2 = y.maxPos; | auto z3 = y.minmaxIndex; | auto z4 = y.minIndex; | auto z5 = y.maxIndex; |} ../../../.dub/packages/mir-algorithm-3.10.60/mir-algorithm/source/mir/algorithm/iteration.d is 0% covered <<<<<< EOF